Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay of Nottinghamshire

Newark Castle, Hercules Clay was Mayor here during the siege of 1643.

The surname of Clay is documented in the archives from as far back as the 1200s - below are some of the references I have found during my studies.

1222. Clay holds one bovate of land and one messuage in Hodsock and renders 6s.8d a year and gives Suit of Court  for 3 weeks. (Book - English Rural Society 1200 - 1350).

1244. Roger del Clay was Rector of Selston Church. (Ref.- Church History Notts. List of Incumbents).

c1250s. Robert del Clay mentioned in various Nottinghamshire records. (Ref.- PC2023).

1270. Amongst persons named in a Torworth document are Robert del Clay of Blith and Rose his wife. (Book.- Report on Manuscripts in Early Collections. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts).

1292. Thomas le Clay and 2 others granted a messuage and land at Teversall to the prior and convent of Felley Priory. (TNA Ref.- C143/32/16).

1297- 98. Grant by Thomas le Peyntour of Nottingham to William de la Clay of Nottingham and Matlida his wife of a messuage lying in Koulane.- (Cow Lane ?) - (Ref.- Book - "Records of the Borough of Nottingham" Volume 1. page 368. Calendar of Charters number XX1).

1300s. Sir William del Clay chaplain listed as a witness in a Nottinghamshire document. (Ref.- Notts Archives Ref.- DD/FJ/1/114/5 and -  DD/FJ/1/H/1 (1) 1V.8).

1304. William de Thurveton transferred lands in Newton to Ralph del Clay of Bingham. Nottinghamshire for 12 years. (Ref.- Thoroton).

1307. Grant by William del Clay of Darlton to Robert Nethland of Wimpton all the commons and meadows in Wimpton. (Ref.- History of Dunham on Trent with Ragnall, Darlton and Wimpton etc).

1311. Nov. 3rd. Richard del Clay concerning  a messuage and lands in Elksley, Drayton and Gamston. Notts. (TNA Ref.- CP25/1/184/21 number 54).

1313 to 1320. Robert del Clay mentioned at Blyth in various Nottinghamshire documents. (Ref.- Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts).

1314. April 25th. Robert del Clay of Blith (Blyth) concerning an event in Holme. Notts. (Ref.- Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts page 253).

1315. John de Clay and 2 others delivered to the men in the King's pay in garrison in the town victuals by false measures which they had made. (Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls Edw. 11 membrane 29d)

1317. Robert del Clay de Blida.- Deed for Messuage of land in Blyth. (Ref.- Notts University Library - Me D 2/3).

1317. Robert del Clay named at Ranskil. (Ref.- PC2023).

1318. Robert Clay de Dunham mentioned in a long list of names. (The Feudal History of the County of Derby vol. 2).

1318. Feb. 3rd.  Robert de Clay  of Blida concerning a messuage and land in Holm by Blidam, Robert  has given them 100 shillings in silver.  (TNA Ref.- CP25/1/184/23 number 151).

1323.  June. Robert Cley of Blyth  acknowledges that he owes  Gilbert de Rysshton £10 to be levied in default  of his lands and chattels  in Nottingham. (TNA - Calendar of Close Rolls).

1326. April 13th. Robert del Clay of Blida  a messuage and 2 acres of land in Blida to be the right of the said Robert for which he has paid 10 marks of silver. (TNA.- Ref.- CP25/1/184/25 number 279).

1327. May 15th. Robert de Clay of Blyth witness to a land transfer. (Calendar of Close Rolls Edw.111).

1327. Willo de Clay.  Subsidy Roll. East Markham. (Ref.- Oxford Dictionary of Family Names).

1327-30. Nottingham. Complaint by the Abbot of St Edmund's that a great number of men including Richard de Cleye besieged the abbey and the monks and servants therein, broke the gates of the abbey, doors and windows of the houses and entering therein assaulted the abbot's servants, broke the chests, coffers and closets, books, vestmants, ornemants and other household utensils. (TNA Ref.-   -- Calendar of Patent Rolls. Edw. 111).

1329. Robert del Cley of Blyth witness at a case in Chancery. (Calendar of Close Rolls. Edw. 111).

1330. Oct. 20th. Mandate to the Dean of Retford to enforce William del Clay of Markham  payments to Beatrice daughter of John le Spenser of Upton for the sustenance of his illegitimate children. (Ref.-  - Archdeaconry of Nottingham. Register 9B f. 452 entry 4).

1333. George de Clay mentioned in various Nottinghamshire records. (Ref.- PC2023).

1334. June 20th.  Complaint by Hugh del Clay of Blyth the King's bailiff that he had been charged to provide carriage of victuals and other things to be taken to the King at York and had come to the town of Doncaster and that Thomas de Furneux of Carlton in Lindrick and others assaulted him at that town killed his horse worth 20 marks under him, prevented him providing the carriage required and assaulted his servant. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls Edw.111).

1334. Robert del Clay de Blida. The lease of 1 bovate of land in Holme from Constancia de Greadon for 1 red rose to be rendered annually. (Ref.- Nottingham University Library - Me D 2/5).

1334-35. Richard del Clay of Egmanton concerning land. (Ref.- Newstead Priory Cartulary).

1335. Sept. 8th. Inquisition. Thomas del Clay and Agnes his wife complain of Roger le Sawyer and Matilda his wife that on Friday last in the Woman Market Matilda made assault on Agnes, beat and made her bloody aganst the peace. Damages 100 shillings. (Ref.- University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections. CA1262 number 42).

1336. Hugo de la Clay of Bled. - Witness to a Deed of Title. - Osberton. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DD/FJ/1/24/15). - Also - 1350,1354 and 1355.

1341. June 30th. Order for induction of Adam del Clay chaplain to the vicarage of Clarborough following an exchange with John David for the church of Colchester. (AB. Reg. 5 A f. 112 verso, entry 1).

1341. June 30th. John David of London chaplain of Colchester following an exchange with Adam del Clay fot the vicarage of Clarborough. (Archbishops Register 5 A f. 112  verso, entry 3).

1341-49. Adam del Clay. Vicar of Clarborough -1349 Vicar of Walesby and in 1355 had a third part of the Manor of West Markham. (Church History of Notts.).

1343. Quitclaim by James de Spyney to Hugh del Clay of Blyth of his right in certain lands in the town of Everton and Skafworth. Nottinghamshire. (Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper Public Records).

1343. Hugh del Clay, Richard del Clay and others complaint by men of Blyth concerning  a Bill of ecess these parties were indicted by various inquisitions the said persons made assault at Blyth on those that made the inquisition and some of them were  imprisoned in the prison at Tykhull Castle. (Calendar of Patent Rolls vol 6 membrane 30d).

1343-46. John Clay mentioned in a Nottinghamshire document. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DDSR(3)209 and 312 and 326).

1346. Hugh de Clay of Blythe. Nottinghamshire is mentioned in book - Crecy and Calais by George Wrottesley.

1347. Hugo de la Clay of Bled witness to a land grant in Osberton. Notts. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DD/FJ/1/1).

1347. Nottinghamshire. Complaint by William Deyncourt that Ralph de Clay and others had done damage. (Ref.- PC2022).

1349. Adam de Clay. Chaplain at Haughton Chapel. (Church History of Notts).

1349. Oct. 28th. Induction of Adam del Clay chaplain to the vicarage  of Walesby. Notts. (Ref.- Archbishops Register 10 f. 136 recto, entry 4).

1349. Nov. 16th. New vicar for the church of Clarborough vacant by the resignation of Adam del Clay the previous vicar. (Ref.- Archbishops Register 10 f. 137 recto, entry 3).

1350. Commission to Hugh del Clay at Nottingham to collect the tax at Christmas and Easter. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Fine Rolls membrane 9 page 268).

1350. Oct. 20th. Complaint against Hugh de la Clay of Finningley and some 40 others broke the close of Geoffrey de Moubray at Wrote co Lincs drove away 5 horses, 10 oxen worth £20 carried away some of his goods and burned others, assaulted his men and servants. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls 24 Edw. 111 membrane 16d).

1351. Oct. 8th. Hugh del Claye witness to a land grant at Everton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/MG/1/6).

1353. Hugh de Clay of Blyth. Notts. Collector of Subsidy. (TNA Ref.- E179 and Calendar of Fine Rolls  membrane 10 page 375).

1354. Jan. 27th. Hugh del Clay of Blida concerning  a messuage and land in Everton. Warranty Hugh has given 10 marks of silver and the lands are the right of Hugh. (TNA.- CP25/1/185/32 . No 311).

1354. Hugh del Clay of Blith. Nottinghamshire. The King has given grants to people in various counties including the said Hugh. (TNA.- Calendar of Fine Rolls).

1354. Nov. 23rd. Release by Hugh del Clay to Sir John Hert chaplain the manor of Addewyk. (Ref.- Notts Archives. DD/FJ/1/194/16).

1355. April 19th. Release of premises at Staunton. Witness Hugh del Clay and 3 others. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/FJ/1/274/12).

1356. John Fawne of Little Markham in Tuxford  gave the manor to Adam de Clay then vicar of Walesby. (Ref.- PC2022).

1358. July 19th. An annual pension of 12 marks for Adam del Clay alias Adam de Sutton formely vicar of Walesby now losing his sight and becoming infirm. (Ref.- Archbishop  Reg. 11 f. 244 recto, entry 5).

1368. Edmund del Clay to Ellis de Blacbourn a messuage in Everton and Harwell in Nottinghamshire for 10 years.  (TNA Ref.- DL25/1103).

1368. Oct. 22nd. Alice de Pereres had the manor of Fyllyngley by the grant of Edmund del Clay. (Inquisitions Post Mortem relating to Notts vol. 4. C145/212/5).

1370. July 4th. Commission to Roger Beler. Sheriff of Nottingham held at Bingham by the oath of Ralph de Cley and 8 others who say that  Geoffrey de Staunton held the manor of Staunton by knights service. (Inquisition Post Mortem Notts vol. 4).

1372. Inquisition of all the Chantries belonging to Southwell. Rents and tenements of the Chantry. Richard de Clay of Southwell. 10 shillings. (Antiquities Historical etc in Nottinghamshire).

1374. June 15th.  Edmund de Clay of Fynynglay (Finingley)  concerning the manor of Staynton co. York by Tickhill.  (Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls vol. 14 membrane 23d).

1377. July 2nd. Commission of the Peace in the county of Nottingham. Edmund de Clay is listed with 8 others. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls. 1377 - 81).

1378. Alice Perrers had an estate for 3 years in the Manor of  Fyningley by Grant of Edmund del Clay. (Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous  vol. 4).

1378. Inquisition. The said Alice had an estate for 3 years in the manor of Fyningley by grant of Adam del Clay. (Ref.- TNA Inquisition).

1378. Edmund Clay of Nottingham. (Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls. Rich. 11. Vol. 1). BHO.

1378. July 18th. Close Roll. A  Writ by Edmund Clay of Nottinghamshire and 3 others to the Sheriff of Bedford  in favour of Wm Bromesford  and  Isobell his wife for alleged trespass. (Ref.-PC22).

1380. April 16th. Licence for Henry Marchant of Retford to load hides to the ports. Edmund del Clay and Robert Mason of Retford having become his main pernors in £40. (Cal. Pat. Rolls 1380 mem. 18).

1380. Dec. 24th. Edmund del Clay and others concerning the commission of the peace in the county of Nottingham in the place in the place of Elias de Thoresby. (Cal. Pat. Rolls. 4 Rich.11 memb. 4d).

1381. Dec. 28th. Robert de Eure going to Ireland in the King's service has letters nominating Edmund del Clay his attorney in England for 1 year. (Calendar of Patent Rolls. 5 Rich.11 part 1 membrane 4).

1382. Feb. 21st. A Writ by Edmund de Clay of Nottinghamshire and 3 others in favour of  2 men  who were accused of  breaking the law. (Ref.- TNA Close Roll).

1383. Edmund de Clay in a Writ issued by the King summoning him to take upon himself the degree of Sergeant - at - Law. (Ref.- Book.- The Judges of England).

1383. Edmund de Clay is made Sergeant of the Coif - Coif is medieval  headwear worn by all classes. (Ref.- Book - The Order of the Coif page 19).

1383. Nov. 4th. Commission to Edmund Claye and 4 others to investigate a complaint by the Prioress of Brodeholm co. Nottingham  that men broke into her close, felled trees, assaulted her servants and threatend her and her nuns with death. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 18d page 355).

1384. Feb. 16th. Commission of oyer and terminer to Edmund del Claye and 3 others concerning persons who at Semere co York abducted Philippa wife of Ralph de Percy knight. (Cal. Pat. Rolls.1381-85).

1385. Edmund de Clay, Chief Justice of the Common Bench - his descendant George Clay (Died 1458) was taxed £16 in 1451 and had a son George Clay of Finningley.

1385. Edmund de Clay an English born lawyer served as Lord Chief Justice in Ireland in 1385 and 1386 and reappears back in Nottinghamshire by 1389. (Ref.- Book entitled - The Judges in Ireland 1221 - 1901).

1388. Clay involved in several court cases representing various people Christian name not given but most likely is Edmund Clay who was the lawyer at that time. (Year Books of Rich.11).

1389. Edward del Clay and 6 others listed in the county of Nottinghamshire. (TNA. Calendar of  Patent Rolls. 1388 - 1392 vol. 4).

1390. March 1st. Commission to Edmund del Clay and 8 others to enquire about repair to the metes and bounds of Holland and Kesteven co Lincs. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls 13 Rich.11 part 2).

1391. Jan. 26th.  To the Sheriffs of London. A Writ and Order of Edmund Clay of Nottingham and 2 others of Yorkshire. (Calendar of Close Rolls vol 4).

1391. April 25th. John de Clay witness to a property transfer in Appulknoll. (Ref.- Nottinghamshire Archives Office.- DD/P/CD/77).

1394. Appointment of Attorney to deliver seizen of lands etc of Edmund del Clay in Alkelay and Fynyngley to Edwards son. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SR/209/18).

1395. May 3rd. William of Bridgford complains of Nicholas Clay. Plea detention of bark he unjustly detains 3 carts of bark worth 6 shillings which he bought from him, he refuses to render and still detains. - Nicholas Clay says he detains nothing. Damages 40d. (Nottingham Court Roll CA 1296/1 number 89).

1396. To this court came John Herle bowyer, Nicholas Clay and 4 others who swore upon their oaths 34 arrows at 6s.8d from the bows of John Jeorce taken for amercement and execution concerning of - - the court v Roger de Tapton. (Nottingham Court Roll. CA1296/1 number 49).

1396. Oct. 3rd. Release and quitclaim of a messuage on the pavement. Nottingham between the tenement of Thomas Clay of Nottingham on the eastern part and the tenement of John Salmon on the ------- west. (Nottingham Court Roll CA1296 number 22).

1405. Grant by Nicholas de Lynton of Nottigham cartwright and Margaret his wife of cottages in Castle Gate and Hounds Gate. Witness Thomas Clay mayor and others. (Nottingham Court Roll. CA1303).

1406. Adam de Clay of Sutton. Notts.- Land Transfer. (Ref.- TNA Inquisition Post Mortem Vol.19. Hen.1V).

1409. Robert Clay. Rector of Finningley Church. Holy Trinity and St Oswald. (Ref. - Church History List of Incumbents).

1412. Sept. 27th. John Cley of Egmanton juror at an inquest held at Sutton on Trent. (TNA. Inquisition).

1413. Adam de Clay vicar at Walesby. (Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls vol 1) BHO.

1414. The manor of Little Markham in Tuxford, Mylton and Bevercotes was given to Adam de Clay the then vicar of Walesby. (TNA. Calendar of Close Rolls. vol. 1 membrane 5).

1428. June 16th.  Commission to the Sheriff of Nottingham to arrest a number of men (named) including George de Clay and to bring them before the King's Council. (Cal. Pat. Rolls. 1422-29 vol. 1).

1430 and 1435. George Clay. (Ref.- MS305 and DDMG (1) 22-23).

1434. George Clay took the oath with around 100 others at Nottingham. (Calendar of Patent Rolls 1429 - 1436 Hen. V1 vol. 2).

1435. Dec.13th. Grant. Robert del Claye and 2 others witness to land transfer in Stubbin. (Notts Archives Ref.-  DD/FJ/1/101/1).

1440. Grant of Land at Treswell near the land of Richard Clay. (Ref.- Nottinghamshire University Library MD417).

1458. Jan. 25th. George Clay esq of Nottingham. (Calendar of Fine Rolls membrane 27).

1458. Easter. George Clay of Finningley. Notts. Esq. Sued two men for a debt of £6-13-4. (Ref.- Book - Baildon and Baildons by Francis J. Baildon page 166).

1458. George Clay of Finningley. Notts. - Will at York.

1460-80. George of Clay v William Aldeburgh and 2 others complaining that they have deprived him of the presentation to the church of Finningley  co. Notts. (TNA. Calendar Patent Rolls).

1475. Court Case.  Clay v Aldeburgh. Complaint that Aldeburgh conspired to deprive George Clay of his presentation to the church of Finningley. Notts. (TNA Ref.- C1/2/99).

1476. Jan. 25th.  Court. William Kirkeham of Finingley for not appearing before the Justices of the Bench to answer George Cley esq touching a trespass. (Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 26).

1489. George Clay. Feoffment of land in Norney and Blyth - 2 furlongs of arable land called Les Sufcote Flattes. (Ref.- Nottingham University Library Me D/3/2).

1490. John Clay of Newark shoemaker and Jenet his wife shall provide John and Margerie Thornton for life meat and drink, house rent and a pair of hose for John each year. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- HOTCHKIN 2/1/8).

1497 - 1508. John Clay and Agnes his wife land transfer to John Cost land in Bancroft butting the Westfield hedge in Mansfield. (Ref.- Mansfield Court Roll. - Page 157. - Notts Archives - DDP/17/2).

1497 - 1508. Transfer to John Clay and Agnes his wife land in the Northfield and Ladyate in Mansfield. (Ref.- Mansfield Court Roll - Page - 154. - Notts Archives - DDP/17/2.).

1499 - 1500. Chamberlains Accounts. Nottingham. Willemi Clay paid a yearly rent for a house in Nottingham. (Latin). - (Book - Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Volume 3. page 62).

1500s. Catherine Claye of noble family was married to Robert Whitmore of Caunton. Nottinghamshire and had 12 children. Robert died 1540. (Ref.- Worcester Society of Antiquity page 26).

1501. John Plumpton of Nottingham esq had 2 sons and 1 daughter Beatrix the wife of Adley Clay esq. (Ref.- Burkes Landed Gentry).

1504. John Clay aged 28 and more son and heir of George Clay who died in 1502 entered his late fathers messuage, premises and lands 580 acres  (at Finningley) without licence. (Ref.- Calendars of Inquisition Post Mortem series 2 Vol 3).- BHO.

1504 - 1505. Aug. 22nd. Inquisition Post Mortem. Nottingham. George Clay. Landed Estates.  (TNA Ref.- E150/730/15).

1505. Oct. 30th. Nottingham Inquisition. George Clay died in 1502  in possession of a number of messuages in Finningley and district and John Clay aged 28 is his son and heir who entered the premises without the King's Licence. (TNA.- Inquisition Post Mortem).

1506. Thomas Darcy knight and 3 others claimed against John Cley the manor of Blythe and 10 messuages and 300 acres of land in Blythe, Ranskyll, Torworth, Norney and Sterap also the advowson of the church of Fynnyngley. (Ref.- Thoroton's History of Notts vol. 3 page 315).

1507. John Clay esq and Margaret his wife had 1 acre of land in Finningley. (TNA Ref.- Feet of Fines CP25/1/186/42 no 28).

1507. John Clay was called to warrant lands in Everton, Harewell, Sturton, Clayworth and Finningley. (Thoroton's History of Notts. vol. 3 page 321).

1507. John Clay suffered a recovery of 200 acres of land 10 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture 10 acres of wood with appurtenances in Hayton and Clarburgh. (Thoroton's History of Notts vol. 3). 

1526. John Clay witness / warranty - Finningley land dispute in Everton. (Ref.- Throsby 1796). - BHO.

1538. Nov. 29th. Nicholas Strelley of Strelley co. Notts knight  to deliver seizen of the house and site of the late Abbey of Beauchyff to Ralph Clay yeoman. (Catalogue of Ancient Deeds Vol. 6).

1541. John Cley and Margaret his wife called to warrant regarding the advowson of the church of Finningley. (Ref.- Thoroton).

1543. Margaret who had been the wife of John Clay claimed against Thomas Fayrfax the manor of Fynnyngley. (Ref.-Throsby 1796).- BHO.

1549. John Clay and wife Agnes.- Messuage in Mansfield. (Ref.- Notts Archives DD/P17/2).-- See website "Clay of Derbyshire" - Mansfield section for more on this parish.

1557. May 10th. Will of Edmunde Claye of Egmonton. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1558. Dec. 3rd. Will of William Clay of Hicklyng. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1559. Thomas Clay one of the parishioners of Adbolton was appointed administrator. (Ref.- Church History Notts).

1559. Robert Clay having children baptised at Mansfield - Joan 1559, George 1560, Dorothy 1563, Katherine 1565, John 1568. (Ref.- Mansfield Parish Register).

1563. Pedigree of Blyton. Robert Whytmore son of Ales Blyton married Kateren daughter of George Clay of Finningley. Notts. (Ref.- Visitation of Yorkshire 1563 -64 )

1564. Oct. 5th. Surrender by John Clay to Robert Lovet mssuage, close and toft in Woodborough. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/87/48).

1576. Sept. 3rd. Letter to all clerics to summon the following people to appear on Sept. 25th. Radulph Cley of Haloughton and 30 others. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/2436/4/11).

1578. Thomas de Clay of Teversall mentioned in connection to Roger Grenhalge of Teversall Esq. (Ref.- Thoroton. History of Nottinghamshire. Vol.2).

1580. Sept. 19th.  Joan Farmer of Widmerpool married Richard Clay of Gotham. She had been contracted to marry Laurence Banks of Dronfield but married Clay and she was cited  to appear in court to answer  for having disobeyed and committed adultry  with Richard Clay. They were both absolved from sentence and were released by the judge. (Ref.- Act Book of the Church Deacons).

1586. Will of Adam Clay of Mansfield - wife Alice, sons Thomas and Francis.

1589. Will of Thomas Clay of Caunton.

1589. Lease to Thomas Clay of Maplebeck tailor - Cottage, buildings, orchards, gardens and commons - rent 3 shillings. (Ref.- Nottingham University Library).

1589. Lands in Newton transferred to Ralph de Clay of Bingham. (Ref.- Thoroton History of Notts Vol.1).

1592. Will of Robert Clay of Mansfield blacksmith - son William and 7 daughters.

1596. William Clay witness concerning a messuage in Stockwell Gate Mansfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157 DD/P/17/95.).

1600. Oct. 9th. Will of William Claye of Thoroton. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1602. May. 29th. Margaret Clay of Nottingham  married Thomas Wilson of Nottingham at Stoke near Newark.

1603. Aug. 8th. Will of Agnes Clay of Thoroton. Widow. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1603 - 25. Court Case. Plaintiffs Edmund Clay and Dionis his wife concerning messuages and lands in Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- C2/Jas1/C18/42).

1604. Lease for 21 years by Mary Claye of Teversall. Notts spinster to John Mollineux. (Derbyshire Record Office Ref.- D37/MR/T/128).

1608. Jan. 10th. Letter from Alderman Richard Huett from Nottingham enclosing 2 orders in Chancery about a suit brought by Anne Claye widow. (Shrewsbury Papers fol. 70. Lambeth Palace Library).

1614. Claye v Collier. Edmund Claye and Dionise his wife Plaintiffs concerning property in Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- C8/14/20).

1604. Nov. 27th. Richard Clay of Mansfield Woodhouse joiner married Margerie Wright of Mansfield at Mansfield Woodhouse.

1610. Henry Clay and John Clay with others concerning a common called Basford Lings in Basford. Notts. (TNA Ref.-  E134/8jas1/Hi12).

1615. Jan. 18th.  Will of Oliver Clay.  Sutton super Lounde. Retford. (Index of Wills at York).

1617. Court of Chancery. Clay v Wylde. Plaintiff Edmund Clay concerning property in Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- C3/304/34).

1618. Oct.16th. Witness gives evidence against Edward Claye of Nottingham. Mercer for the theft of one nagge and Mare. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- GBQS/10/21).

1619. Claye v Ballard. Edmund Claye and Dionise his wife Plaintiffs concerning property in Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- C3/305/14).

1619. The paving of the market place at Newark was begun for there was no more than a causeway 6 feet broad from the house of Hercules Clay at the west corner of the market place to the south porch of the church. (Ref.- Antiquities Historical etc in Nottinghamshire). -- (Possibly earliest reference to Hercules being at Newark).

1620. William Clay of Ordsall labourer in list of Popish Recusants. (Nottinghamshire County Records by H. H. Copnall. 1915).

1621 - 25. Claye v Sutton. John Claye, plaintiff concerning property in Kelham. Litigation. (TNA Ref.- C3/342/31).

1627. Court Case - Plaintiffs. - Edmund Clay and Dionis his wife concerning property in Edwinstowe, Kirkby and Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- C3/398/164 and 165).

1628. Mathew Clay of Nottinghamshire. Matric sizar at Corpus Christi College Cambridge in 1628.

1630. Hercules Clay signature to a Deed of Covenant.- Newark Treasures. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DD/1440/94).

1630. Edmund Clay and Dionis his wife  and 2 others Plaintiffs against William and Thomas Greaves concerning messuages and lands in Nottingham. (Chancery Proceedings Series 1 - 11).

1633. July 2nd. Land Transfer being in the meadows of Nottingham to John Gregory of Nottingham near to the land of Edmund Clay gentleman. ( Ref.- Book- Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol. 5 page 411).

1636. May 27th. William Clay of Nottinghamshire gentleman acquires a messuage and garden in St Peter's Gate for £122.10s. (Notts Archives Ref. - DD/BS/4/14).

1637. Daniel Clay of Nottinghamshire admitted to Cambridge University in 1637.

1638 / 39. Writs of Dedimus Potestation. The Oath on behalf on behalf of the heirs of John Clay and a large number of knights - allegience from the sons of deceased persons. (TNA Ref.- C202/21/2).

1639. Feb. 25th. Deed Poll. William Pondlake of South Muskham gent appoints Thomas Atkinson and John Claye his attornies to receive  all monies of William Pondlake. (Nottingham University Library Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections Ref.- HnW4/1).

1640. Feb.17th. Will of Anne Claye of Warsop. Widow. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1640. Captain Clay alluded to as a conspirator to betray Newark. (Book. - Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliars vol. 3).

1640s. Newark. There was very lately a damnable plot for the betraying of this garrison, Captain Clay the chief conspiritor was apprehended. (Ref.- Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliars vol.3).

1640 - 1896. Account Book of William Clay and his son Joseph Clay. William was Steward to the Archbishop of Yorks estates at Southwell, Registrar at Southwell and Admin in Mansfield and areas. ---------- (N otts Archives Ref.- DD/1646/1).

1641. Protestation Oath Roll. Southwell - William Clay, John Clay, William Clay. - Stoke. John Clay. - Warsop. Richard Clay, John Clay. (Parliamentary Archives.- HL/PO/JO/10/1/100/ 53 + 101/109+110).

1642. John Clay in a list of Nottingham residents. (Ref.- History of Nottingham).

1642. July 1st. Deed concerning property in Epperston. Witness William Clay. - Seals. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/PF/84).

1643. July 28th. Friday Afternoon. That Maister Clarke and Maister Clay are nominated by the Committee to account for monies recieved and paid for the satisfaction of soldiers and others. (Ref.- Book- Records of the Borough of Nottingham Vol. 5 page 218).

1643. July 28th. Villa Nottingham. The names of them that lent money for Coronell Cromwell's Captains and Soldiers. Maister Clay of St Peter's Lane. £3.  (Ref.- Book - Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol. 5 page 218.). Volumes at Mansfield Library.

1643. July 28th.  As above - Villa Nottingham. Mistress Clay of Bridlesmith Gate. 10 shillings.   (Ref.- Book - Rercords of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol.5  page 216.).   Volumes at Mansfield Library.     

1644. Hercules Clay was the Mayor of Newark when the Royalist town was under siege by the Parliamentarian army during the Civil War. (Ref.- History of Newark).

1644. Dec.11th. Will of Hercules Clay of Newark. Mercer  and Mayor of Newark upon Trent proved 1646/47. His mother Mistress Anne Herrin. His second wife Elizabeth. His sons - John, Hercules, William, Timothy.  His daughters  - Frances, Mary, Elizabeth. His brothers William, John, Thomas. His sisters Dorothy Saunders, Anne Motheram. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1644. Hercules Clay - Mayor of Newark buried 1st January. (Ref.- Newark Parish Register).

1646. Edmund Cley land in Cleyfield on the highway from Carter Gate to Lenton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/VC/30/4).

1646. Oct. 4th. Sale of a messuage and land in Carburton. William Clay and 3 others witnesses. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157DD/P/5/49/1).

1647. Court of Chancery. Clay v Clarke. Edmund Clay Plaintiff concerning property in Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- C8/95/116).

1647. Bill of Complaint of Elizabeth Claye widow of Hercules Claye of Newark says his sons from a previous marriage defrauding her of her husbands estate. (TNA Ref.- C10/1/30).

1647. The Answers of John Clay gent and William Clay gent defendants to the Bill of Complaint of Elizabeth Clay. (TNA Ref.- C10/1/30).

1647. Feoffment from Thomas Fox gent to John Clay of Kelham gent for £700 the Manor of Carlton on Trent with the Manor House and close adjoining 13 acres and 63 other acres and messuage, ferry and ferry boat. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/T/45/6).

1647. Sept. 28th. Bond / Inventory of Thomas Clay of Sutton in Ashfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/3/5).

1648. John Clay of Kelham witness to seison delivery for Lord Lexington. - John Clay's signature an seal. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/T/70/40).

1649 - 50. Survey of Lands of Southwell Chapter. Parcel of ground called the Vicarage Orchard at Southwell in the hands of William Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/7/5/1 - t wo folios).

1650. Southwell Court Roll. William Clay. Steward. (Notts Record Office Ref.- DD/SK/122/67).

1650. Sept. 3rd. Conveyance by the Mayor of Nottingham to John Fillingham of a parcel of ground on the backside of Nottingham near the Malt Mill at Chapel Bar lying near the several lands of Edmund Clay gentleman. (Ref.- Book - Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol. 5).

1651. Court Case Bill and Answer. Saunders v Clay. Dorothy Saunders, plaintiff. William and John Clay defendants concerning money matters. (TNA Ref.- C10/9/77).

1651. Indenture of Recovery to be made by John Clay of Kelham gent for the Manor of Hawton and property in Cottam, Balderton and Farndon. (Ref.- Notts Archives - HnD8/2/7 + 8).

1652. Aug. 6th. Admin / Bond of William Clay of Winthorpe. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1653. William Clay and some others bought the manor of Hawksworth in Notts. Benjamin Clay is mentioned.  (Ref.- PC2023).

1653. Sale by William Clay of Southwell for £1,169 Manor and all property at Hawksworth. (Notts Archives office Ref.- DD/12/2).

1653-4. Will of John Clay of East Stoke husbandman - mother Joane Clay - brother Thomas Clay sisters Elizabeth Clay and Alice Wilson - East Stoke is 4 miles from Farndon. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/239).

1654. Will of Hercules Clay.- Mercer of Newark. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/234).

1654. Oct. 28th. Mortgage £1,000 Manor of Grindon Staffs. Charles Cavendish and William Clay of Southwell. Notts. (Staffordshire Record Office Ref.- SD Pearson/330a - William Salt Library).

1654. Dec. 6th. William Clay witness with 5 others concerning property in Newton, Gunthorpe and Bingham. - Seals. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157DD/P/29/13).

1655. William Clay of Southwell. Gent. Transfer of land in Easthorpe. Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- FH1570).

1655. Aug. 21st. Bond of William Clay gent of  Sutton in Ashfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/9/2).

1660. William Clay of Southwell. Gent. Power of Attorney. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157/DD/P/8/134).

1661. Feb. 3rd. Indenture. Gleadthorpe Grange and premises in occupation of Robert Clay from John Rolleston of Sookholme gent to Wm. Maquis of Newcastle. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/4P/22/18).

1661. Feb.14th. A Bill to enable John Clay executor of Hercules Clay to raise and levy the sum of two thousand six hundred and ninety pounds and damages out of the manors of Colonel John Hutchinson Esq. (House of Commons Journal 8).

1661. July 20th. Admission of William Clay as a Singing Man for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/56).

1662. John Clay claimed Lowdham Mill and this claim was allowed by the Court. (Notts Archives Office Ref.- DD/SK/229/8).

1662. Jan. 10th. Indenture concerning lands in Sandfield near Chappell Bar and lands of Edmund Clay gent on both sides of the highway from Chappell Bar to Lenton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/VC/30/6).

1662. William Clay. Clerk of Office at Welbeck for keeping records of Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SK/229

1662 - 63. Feb. 25th. Endorsement by William Clay. Clerk of the Eyre for Sherwood Forest for inhabitants of Walesby to have common for their cattle in Birkland. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157DD/P/27/22).

1663. The Forest Book of Mr Clay of Burridge Hill. Southwell who is descended from William Clay of Southwell appointed Clerk of the Forest Court in 1663. (Ref.- History of Notts.).

1663. Oct. 21st. Will of John Clay of Nottingham. Mercer. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1663. Oct. 28th. Thomas Truman was elected in place of John Clay deceased. (Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 434).

1663.  Dec. 22nd. Will of John Clay of Nottingham. Mercer. (Ref.- Wills at York Registry).

1664. Jan.1st. Barbara Clay of Nottingham widow of John Clay quitclaims all title to a messuage in St Peter's Gate. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/BS/4/17).

1664. April 18th. Radus Fretchville transfers his estate in the manor of Bolsover to his children "and in token thereof I have and hereby do give unto William Clay gent (of Southwell) and Steward of the said manor a pair of gloves which he do hereby accept of witnessed by setting his hand unto this. Signed and sealed in the presence of William Clay. Steward. (Nottingham Record Office. DD/P/50/6).

1665. Sept. 23rd. Citation  to appear before Southwell Chapter. Samuel Clay of Norwell Woodhouse and 33 others. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/173).

1666. April 28th. Citation  to appear before Southwell Chapter. Samuel Clay of Norwell and 25 other. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/177).

1666. Joseph Clay is Chamberlain. (Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 435).

1667. John Clay yeoman of Westhorpe in Southwell Parish with several others concerning a messuage, malthouse, garden and toft in Westgate. Mansfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- C/QDS/3/6).

1668. June 4th. William Clay of Southwell concerning  a lease of property in Overhall. Notts. (West Yorkshire Archives Ref.- WYL5013/2057(5/5/17).

1668. Indenture of a cottage lately built in Mansfield by William Clay of Southwell in occupation of Richard Porter at 50 shillings per annum. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157DD/2P/28/283).

1669. Letter from Duke of Newcastle to William Clay of Southwell instructing him not to hold court at Bolsover until further notice. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157DD/P/50/14).

1669. Nov. 3rd. Admission of Benjamin son of William Clay of Southwell as a chorister for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/112).

1670. July 3rd. Mariage Bond of Richard Wood and Flower Clay daughter of John Clay of Southwell. Labourer. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/5/82).

1670. Nathaniel Clay of Sutton in Ashfield fined £1-6-8d for religious assembly. (History of Sutton in Ashfield by G .G. Bonser. 1948).

1671. Jan. 19th. Appointment by Southwell Chapter of William Clay gent as Receiver General. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/6/7).

1671. March 6th. Indenture. Messuage, cottage, barn and close on Timberhill. Houndgate in occupation of Joseph Clay and Mary (Jepson) his wife. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/VC/31/3).

1672. Feb. 17th. Sarah Clay married John Hallowell at Skegby Quakers Meeting. Witness William Clay and Francis Clay. (TNA Ref.- RG6).

1672. Sarah Clay married to John Hallowell she died the same year with her child. (The Hallowell Family History).

1673. William Clay of Southwell concerning tax. (Ref.- Calendar of Treasury Books Vol. 4.1672 - 75).

1674. May 22nd. William Clay of Hucknall under Huthwaite married Mary Cockeram of Skegby at Skegby Quakers Meeting. Winess Francis Clay and George Cockeram. (TNA Ref. RG6).

1675. Francis Clay of Bullwell acquires a messuage etc in Bullwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LM/30/6/15).

1675. The Forest Books  are in possession of Mr Clay of Burridge  Hill who is descended from William Clay of Southwell appointed Clerk of the Forest in 1662. (Antiquities Historical etc in Notts). 

1675/6. Feb. 24th. William Clay of Nottinghamshire. Sizar at Emmanuel College Cambridge and Matric in 1675. - BA in 1679 / 80.

1676. Samuel son of William and Mary Clay of Hucknall. Huthwaite.Notts was born 21st March and registered at a Quakers Meeting. (TNA Ref.- RG6).

1676. Quakers. Sutton in Ashfield.- William Clay fined £10 -10s and Elizabeth Clay fined 10 shillings and 10 shillings for her daughter. (History of Sutton in Ashfield by G. G. Bonser. 1948).

1676. Letter to the Constables,Churchwardens and Overseers of Sutton in Ashfield and Ault Hucknall that Sarah Clay, Francis Clay (and others) of your town are lawfully convicted before me for unlawful religious assembly at Mansfield on Sunday 9th July and fined £2 each by distress and sale of goods of which the said sums are to be delivered to me. Signed. Robert Thoroton. July 28th. 1676. Mansfield. (History of Nottinghamshire).

1676. Benjamin Clay age 18 born Southwell son of William Clay of Southwell admitted to Cambridge University in 1676.

1677. John Clay age 15 school Kelham son of Robert Clay admitted to Christs College Cambridge in Sept.1677.

1677. Feb. 3rd. Sarah Clay of Sutton in Ashfield married William Day at the house of Elizabeth Clay at a Quakers Meeting. Witness Francis Clay. Nathaniel Clay and Hannah Clay. (TNA Ref.- RG6).

1677. Fri. May 25th. Schoolhouse.- It is this day ordered  that Maister Joseph Clay and Maister Gervas Wylde together with 20 school wardens shall view the Free School House in order to ye pulling down the West End. (Book- Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol 5 page 320).

1677. Dec.17th. Admission of William Clay Singing Man as a chorister for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/128).

1678. Will of Robert Arthur of Thoresby gent proved before William Clay gent Steward of the Manor of Edwinstowe. (Sheffield City Archives Ref.- MarD/63).

1678. Nov.18th. Will and Inventory of Samuel Clay of Norwell Woodhouse. Husbandman. (Notts Archives Ref.- GB0157  PR/SW/92/6).

1678. Joseph Clay of Nottinghamshire admitted to Corpus Christi College Cambridge in 1678.

1679. Information of Mathew Claye of Desborough. Co. Notts. (DRO Ref.- D239M/01653).

1679/80. Jan. 2nd. Theodosia Clay of Westhorpe married William Wright of Westhorpe yeoman. 

1680. March 12th. David son of William and Mary Clay of Hucknall Huthwaite was born and registered in the Quakers Register. (TNA Ref.- RG6).

1680. September. Will of William Clay of Mansfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/25/4).

1681. July 26th. Marriage Licence issued to Samuel Clay of Norwell Woodhouse and Anne Snoden of Mansfield Woodhouse to be married at Kirklington. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/5/2766).

1682.  Admin / Inventory of Robert Clay of Nettleworth. Warsop. Yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/27/7).

1682. Jan.10th.  Will / Bond of William Clay of Southwell. Cordwainer. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/95/14).

1682. Letter to John Clay of Southwell - Dispute concerning land in Clowne. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157DD/P/50/28).

1683. Cottage built by William Clay of Southwell. Gent. - rented out. (Notts Archives Ref.- 157/DD/2P/28/286).

1684. April 29th. Citation  to appear at Southwell  Chapter Samuel Clay of Norwell and others for not coming to church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/199 +200).

1684. Oct. 14th. Citation to appear at Southwell  Chapter Anne Clay wife of Samuel  Clay of Norwell for not coming to church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/199 +200).

1684. Nov. 25th. Mandate of ex communciation for 9 people for contumcy in not appearing before Southwell Chapter. Samuel Clay and Anne his wife. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/422).

1684. Dec.16th. Mandate of absolution of Samuel Clay from sentence of excommuncication. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/440).

1685. Jan. 15th. Mandate of absolution of Anne Clay wife of Samuel Clay from sentence of excommuncication. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8.2/441).

1685. April 7th. Identure of Lease  between Southwell Chapter, Vicar of Mansfield, Church Wardens of Mansfield, Governers of Mansfield Grammer School and William Clay of Southwell gent of a    ---------  messuage in Kirkgate Mansfield with buildings, lands, gardens etc at an annual rent of 17 shillings. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/7/3/116).

1686. Southwell. Nottinghamshire. Benjamin Clay. M. A. Vicar. Holder of the Sacrist's Prebend 1686 to 1690. (Ref.- Book - Fasti  Ecclesine  Anglicariae vol. 3.).

1688. June 10th. Marriage Licence. John Clay of Kelham gent bachelor age 25 and Dorothy Twentyman of Roilleston spinster age 18 married at Rolleston. (Ref.- Notts Marriage Licences vol 1).

1690. Sept. 12th.  Will of William Clay of Southwell Esq. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SR/7P159-163).

1690. Metcalfe Clay daughter of Robert Clay of Kelham. Notts. Gent.Bound to Henry Joyce for 7 years. (Ref.- Company of Carpenters Apprentices).

1690. Court of Chancery. Heron v Clay. Defendants John Clay and Barbara Clay widow concerning property in Newark. (TNA Ref.- C5/611/85).

1690. William Clay was presented at Hawksworth Church. Nottinghamshire. (Ref.- Thoroton's Nottinghamshire page 260).

1692. March 21st. Bond of Francis Clay of Chicka Homene. Virginia. USA.  - Formely of Mansfield. Notts. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/36/4).

1693. Release by Katherine Clay of Newark widow of a messuage in the pavement. Market Place.Newark. (Northants Record Office Ref.-fh1222).

1697. Release to Richard Clay of Westhorpe parish of Southwell land in Woodhouse by Westhorpe. (Northants Record Office Ref.- FH2984).

1698. Nov. 3rd. Admission of William Clay as a Singing Man for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/48).

1701. Nov. 8th. Admission in Southwell Manor Court. Richard Clay to have 3 roods in West Field and 1 rood in Long Hallow in Northfield. Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/100/70).

1702. Jan. 29th. Admission of William Clay of Southwell, Singing Man as a chorister for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/153).

1702 - 1714. Bond of Jonathan Smith of Selston. Farmer. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/TB/8/26).

1703. March 9th. Messuage in Barnby Gate. Newark occupied by Francis Clay.  (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/25/41).

1704. Lease by Robert Clay of Hecksgreave Hall. Southwell yeoman to his son John Clay premises in Palterton. Derbyshire. (Derbyshire Record Office Ref.- D239M/T1/28-29).

1706. Sept. 26th. Admission of Robert Clay son of William Clay of Southwell Singing Man as chorister for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/161).

1708. Dec. 6th. Deed of Appointment. John Clay of Nottingham gent is Under Sheriff to the High Sheriff. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/E/42/8).

1709. Sept. 19th. Will of John Clay of Kirkby in Ashfield. FWK. (Staffordshire and Stoke Archives Ref.- D538/A/3/4).  - also  (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/52/2)

1709 - 49. Benjamin Clay Vicar of Egmanton. Notts. ( Ref.- C of E Database - B1 Inst. AB10 +13. Act Book).

1710. Jan. 24th. Samuel Clay of Norwell Woodhouse yeoman paid £130 for lands in Caunton. (Notts Achives Ref.- DD/SP/61/10-11).

1710. Dec. 20th. Indenture. Silley Close in Cromwell and lands in Bathley in occupation of John Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/QBW/10/22).

1711. Indenture. Samuel Clay concerning  cottages and land in Caunton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/HC/9).

1713. March 24th. Indenture. Joseph Clay of Southwell gent and 4 others concerning 1 cottage and 4 fields in Norwell rent 4 shillings per annum. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/WM/1/140).

1713. Nov. 20th. Ralph Woodhouse alias Clay married Mary Chambers. (Ref.- Publication - Nottinghamshire Parish Registers page 16).

1714. April 22nd. Mortgage of a messuage in St Peters Gate. Nottingham next to the messuage of William Clay on the east. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/TS/6/1/10).

1714. Nov. 3rd. Will / Inventory of Thomas Clay of Worksop. Surgeon. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1716. Court Case. Jenison v Borough of Newark. Plaintiffs Mathew Jenison and Francis Clay yeoman of Newark and others. (TNA Ref.- C11/987/21).

1716. April 19th. Admission of Francis Clay son of William Clay Singing Man  of Southwell as chorister for Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/173).

1717. Jan. 14th. Will and Inventory of Samuel Clay of Norwell Woodhouse yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- GBO57  PR/SW/117/18).

1717. July 17th. Joseph Clay gentleman of Southwell mentioned in a document concerning lands,  rents and a trust of Rowland Belasyse - original signiture of Joseph Clay. (Ref.- Parker 22).

1718. Oct. 21st. Benjamin Clay. B. A.  Vicar at Egmanton. Notts. (Ref.- Induction Mandate Archdeaconry of Nottingham).

1720. John Clay musician of Nottingham published "The Psalm Singers Delightful Companion".

1720. Oct. 3rd. Indenture. Messuage in Timberhill. Houndgate to Elizabeth Metcalfe heir of Mary Clay Witness John Clay gent of Nottingham  - Seal. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/VC/31/8-9).

1720 Nov. 28th. Recovery of 4 messuages, 4 gardens and 1 acre of land in Nottingham. John Clay gent demandant John Launder tenant. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/VC/31/10).

1721. Court Case. Jenison v Clay. Defendant John Clay gent. Plaintiff  Sir Mathew Jenison knight of Newark. (TNA Ref.- C11/1186/24).

1721. March 11th.  Richard Clay of Westhorpe yeoman and son John are not to set up a brick kiln nearer than the 3rd selion from the north east hedge in Buckhill nor dig clay within 1 yard of the hedge.  ---- (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/71/7).

1721. Mortgage by John Clay to Joseph Clay of Nottingham gent. Land in Warsop mentioned. (Derbyshire Record Office Ref.- D239M/1133).

1721. Nov. 12th. To be Let. The Manor House at Boothby near Lincoln. Enquire of Mr John Clay of Kelham near Newark. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1722. The School Warden's Rental. Mr Joseph Clay a tenement on the Long Row called the Castle and Feather. Mr Joseph Allen tenant £8. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 88).

1722./23. Will of Robert Lord Lexington to be interred at Kelham - To Steward John Clay and his wife Dorothy the farm which his father and grandfather held for a peppercorn rent. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/H/45/7A).

1723.  To be Let.  A gentlemans house near Doncaster. Inquire Mr Benjamin Clay. Attorney in Southwell. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1723. July 1st. Notts Marriage Licences. Thomas Clay of Newark upon Trent soldier age 24 and Mary Gilbert age 22 of parish of St Martin's Lincoln at Newark Bond by John Clay of Newark soldier. ----------- (Abstracts of Notts Marriage Licences vol.2 page 209)

1724. Aug. 7th. Bond of Jonathan Clay of Mansfield. Gentleman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/65/2).

1725. Nov. 6th. Property to be let. Inquire of Mr Benjamin Clay. Attorney in Southwell. Notts. (London Gazette page 1).

1725. Nov. 17th. Thomas Clay of Rolleston yeoman concerning a messuage and orchard in Rolleston. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/3).

1726. John Clay of Kelham letter to Sir R. Sutton concerning ownership of the Manor of Selston. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DD/LM/208/2/6).

1726. March 13th. Marrige Bond of John Clay of Westhorpe. Gent and Katherine Andrews of Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/5/457).

1726. Oct. 20th. Admission of Francis Clay as a Singing Man for Southwell Collegiate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/61).

1726. Dec. 27th. Bond. Edward Teather of Bilsthorpe farmer bound to John Clay for £40 condition not to poach in Oxton. ( Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SK/189/8).

1727. March 18th. John Clay of Kirkby yeoman and 2 others transfer land and windmill in East Bridgeford to Willam Parkinson of Rufford. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/BL/211).

1727. March 23rd. Mortgage. Robert Harrison to John Clay the Elder of Kelham, property in Brant Broughton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/128/25-26).

1727.  May. 24th. Will / Bond of John Clay of Oxton Grange. Yeoman /  Warriner. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/125/12).

1727. Oct.10th. Will / Bond of Richard Clay of Westhorpe. Gent. (Notts Archives Ref. PR/SW/126/6).

1727. Nov. 25th.  Court roll copy Manor of Woodborough. Joseph Clay. Steward concerning land in Halam and Edingley. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/476/42).

1727. Lease to John Clay a messuage in Smithy Row and a stable in Back Lane. (Notts Archives Ref.- M/4591).

1727. Lease to John Clay of a messuage on the south side of Smithy Row bounded on the south by Womans Lane or Back Lane. (Notts Archives Ref.- M/21803).

1727. Dec.14th. Will / Inventory / Bond of Francis Clay of Newark. Butcher.  (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1728. July 16th. To be sold or let. The George an Dragon Inn at Carlton upon Trent. Enquire Mr Clay of Kelham. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1728. Lease to John Clay gent 12 messuages and cottages in Backside. Nottingham. (Notts Archives Ref.- M20).

1728. Dec. 23rd. Lease to Clay location Lenton. Notts. (Notts University Library Ref.- Mi1/26/11.).

1730. August.  James Clay convicted at Nottingham sentenced to be transported to America. Ship. Summer.

1730. Indenture. Thomas Clay of Norwell Woodhouse yeoman and Susannah his wife for £200 transfers land in Caunton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/61/12-13).

1731. To Let. The Manor House at Boothby near Lincoln at a rent of £70 per year.  Enquire Mr John Clay of Kelham. Notts. (Stamford Mercury).

1731. Sept. 30th. To Let. Farm at Marber Fenn with 300 acres. Enquire of Mr Clay of Kelham. (Stamford Mercury).

1732. Nov. 28th. Benjamin Clay of Egmanton. Clerk concerning a messuage, kilnhouse and malt rooms in Ollerton. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/T/75/1).

1733. May 28th. Citation to appear before Southwell Chapter on June 5th Francis Clay and his wife Katherine for premarital fornication and a clandestine marriage. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/207).

1734. July 1st. Lease Book. Paid to Nottingham Corporation by John Clay. £10. (Ref.- Book.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol. 7 page 385).

1734. Will of John Clay. Gentleman of Mansfield. Son Cecil Clay, daughter Elizabeth Clay. " I have already given my son a plentiful fortune".  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/664/462).

1735. March 29th. Indenture. Benjamin Clay bought the manor of Caunton. Signiture and Seal. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/HC/47).

1735. April 22nd. Marriage Bond  of John Clay of Southwell. Shoemaker and Margaret Brumby of Upton.  (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/5/588).

1735. July 15th. Commission of Bankrupt against George Kent late of Worksop all persons indebted give notice to Mr Benjamin Clay. Attorney in Southwell. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1737. Jan. 10th. At the Court of St James. London. The Sheriff appointed for Nottingham by His Majesty for the year ensuing. - Joseph Clay of Nottingham. (London Gazette page 1).

1737. Feb. 10th. A new built house near the church in Southwell. Enquire of Mr John Clay of Westhorpe. (Stamford Mercury).

1737. March 20th. Bond of Samuel Clay of Sutton in Ashfield. FWK. (Notts Archives Ref.- GB0157  PR/MW/72/4).

1737.  April 21st.  Admission of Robert Clay as a Singing Man for Southwell Collegiate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/63).

1737. Lease fror 21 years to John Clay of a messuage in High Street and a messuage in Shoemakers Booths. (Notts Archives Ref.- M/18874).

1737. Nov.10th. The Lord Chancellor nominated Joseph Clay of Nottingham to be Sheriff of the County for the ensuing year. (Ref.- The Derby Mercury Nov. 10th page 2).

1737. Joseph Clay esq appointed Sheriff of Nottingham. (Ref.- The Cronological Historian).

1738. Joseph Clay esq of Lambley. Sheriff of Nottingham. (Ref.- History of Nottingham by John Blackner).

1738. June 29th. Joseph Clay Sheriff of Nottingham - £80 pound reward paid for arrest of Richard Woodward and James Giddins. (Ref.- Money Book XXXIXp16. - Calendar of Treasury Books Vol 3. 1735 - 38).- BHO.

1739. Joseph Clay of Nottingham. Warrant for payment of Money. (Ref.- Calendar of Treasury Books Vol 4. 1739 - 41). - BHO.

1739. April. Survey of Closes in Hawton. Notts in occupation of Henry Clay. (Notts University Library. Ref.- HnS2/6/7).

1739. Dec.13th. To be sold at Westhorpe in the parish of Southwell.  A good convenient brick house, orchard and tanyard. Enquire Mr Clay. Attorney at Southwell. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1739 - 40. List of Tradesmen. Samuel Clay. Ironmonger. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 339).

1740. Dorothy Milnes (nee Clay) died this year she was the daughter of John Clay of Kelham she had married Thomas Milnes Esq. (Ref.- Genealogical Dictionary of the Landed Gentry vol. 2)

1740. April 3rd. To be let at Ollerton a large brick house and dye house. Inquire Mr Clay. Attorney at Southwell. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1740. Land in Winkburn passed to Benjamin Clay gentleman in trust for finding a schoolmaster to teach 12 poor boys and girls at Winkburn. (The Nottinghamshire Magazine Vol.1. no 4. Feb. 1933).

1741. April 9th. Warrant for Removal of Margaret Clay single woman age 19 daughter of William Clay.  Apprehended in Newport Pagnell and returned to St Mary's Nottingham. (Buckinghamshire Archives Ref.- Q/RSv/4/67).

1741. July 16th. The creditors of Mr Benjamin Clay of Southwell. Attorney at Law deceased are desired to send  their respective demands to Mrs Anne Clay of Southwell. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1742. Feb.10th. Will of John Clay of Kelham. Gentleman a messuage and lands in Farndon to his son John then to his son John and in default to his brother Robert James Clay . To his daughters Katherine and Elizabeth  a messuage, garden, homestead, dovecote and 5 closes in Barnby and a close in Easthorpe. - Copy Nov. 27th. 1815. - ( Notts Archives Ref.- DD/WJ/32).

1742. Jury Presentments. - Top St James Lane. Mr John Clay at the Castle for stopping Mickleturn Walk under the arch. 6d. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 183).

1743. Feb.10th. Will / Bond of John Clay of Kelham. Gent. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR / NW).

1743. April. Bridgford Lordship. Mr Clay for stopping the Midelturns Walk 6d. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 184).

1743. Sept. 26th. Resolved that Mr John Clay and 2 others be admitted Burgesses of this Corporation. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham membrane 3502 folio 44).

1743. Dec. 26th. Indenture. £122 to be paid to Joseph Clay of Nottingham gent by Edward Moore of Chilwell towards a debt. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/CH/9/28 - 29).

1744. John Clay listed amongst others at Laxton Manorial Court. (Ref.- University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections. Documet 5. TL2/1).

1744. April 23rd. Martha Clay of Oxton Grange widow transfers land in Caunton 15 acres for £160 to Samuel Newham. Seal and signiture of Martha. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/61/18).

1744. July 19th. Indenture. Southwell Chapter to John Clay of Westhorpe gent . A cottage in Finkel Street in Southwell, a cottage and croft in Westhorpe and 6 acres called The Lady Land in Southwell, Westhorpe, Hallam and Morton for 21 years for 11s.8p and 2 hens. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/28/51 + 54).

1744. Oct. 13th. Discharged by Brown and Clarkson to Clay. Location Lenton. Radford. Notts. (Notts University Library Ref.- Mi1/26/17).

1744. Dec. 12th. Bond / Inventory of John Clay of Kimberley. Yeoman.  (Notts Archives Ref.-  PR/NW).

1745. Oct. 1st.  Allegience to His Majesty from the Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergy, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Nottingham - List includes John Clay. (London Gazette page 7).

1745. Nov. 20th. J. Clay argument with Lord Marquis of Grandby at Nottingham Castle. Clay refused to let him exercise troops in the dining room. Grandby verbally abused him. (TNA Ref.- SP36/74/1/95).

1745. Nov. 27th. Letter from J. Clay to George Gregory MP at London . He fears the rebels (Jacobites) may seize the arms in Nottingham Castle and asks for the opinion of Gregory and the Board of Ordnance on this matter. (TNA Ref.- SP36/75/1/62  Folios 74-75).

1745. Dec. 3rd. Duke of Newcastle concerning rebels (jacobites) regarding arms at Nottingham Castle Mr Clay the Castle Steward should secure them. (TNA Ref.- SP36/76/1/87).

1745. Dec. 7th. Nottingham Castle. J. Clay  sends letter to Peter Forbes. - Duke of Devonshire's Regiment arrived Wednesday morning December 4th. Removed arms from Nottingham Castle at Devonshire's request. Jacobite rebels retreating from Derby to Ashbourne.- Gave gunpowder in castle to Devonshire's troops. (TNA Ref.- SP36/76/2/78).

1746. May 8th. Lost between Grantham and Balderton a silver watch with the makers name Clay on the inside and a silver chain. Reward from William Darwin Esq in Newark. (Stamford Mercury News).   

1747. March 26th.  Martha Clay of Oxton Grange widow and her son Thomas Clay of Haywood Oaks in Blidworth. Warrener and his wife Elizabeth concerning lands in Caunton.  Signatures and seals  of Martha and Thomas Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/61/19-20).

1747. April 9th. To be Let. - A handsome brick house with a dove house, coach house, barns, gardens and stabling for six or more horses situate at Bleasby. Notts together with as much ground as required.  -- Enquire of Mrs Elizabeth Clay at Southwell. (Stamford Mercury).

1747. June 1st. Admon / Bond / Inventory of Henry Clay of Newark. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1747. Oct.17th. Letter from Commissioner William Leviner describing a pro Jacobite climate of opinion at Newark where one Clay had his arm broken for refusing to drink to the Pretenders health. -- (TNA -- Ref.- SP36/102/1/82).

1748. Robert Lord Lexington appoints John Clay of Kelham to deliver seison to Thomas Somers of Newark. - Signature and seal of John Clay. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DD/T/70/40).

1748. Lease of a messuage and closes in Roadnook. Derbyshire by John Clay of Nottingham gent and Robert Musters of Nottingham esq for£200 to Edward Wilmot. (DRO Ref.- D37/MT/126-227).

1748. Lease  from the Earl of Stamford to John Clay of Kimberley in the parish of Greasley of a field in New Awsworth at a rent of £5.5s. (University of Manchester Library Ref.- GB133EGR12/7/17).

1748. Sept. 29th. Conveyance John Clay of Westhorpe. Southwell sells lands to William Bilby of Mansfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/1737/2).

1748. Egmanton Church. Slate Floor Slab  to the memory of Rev. Benjamin Clay vicar of Egmanton died 28th Dec. age 62 also Elizabeth his wife died 13th Jan. 1759 aged 60 daughter of Digby Dakeyne.

1749. Will of Benjamin Clay. Clerk of Egmanton. Notts.  Wife Elizabeth Clay, his mother Elizabeth Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/770).

1749. Robert James Clay of Nottinghamshire. Sizar at Jesus College Cambridge in Oct. 1749..

1749. Final Concord. Clay v Wood. Location Lenton. Notts. (Notts University Library Ref.- Mi1/26/20/2).

1749. Nov. 25th. Marriage Bond of John Clay of Westhorpe in Southwell. Gent and Mary Dickinson of Southwell widow. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/5/775).

1749. Marriage Licence not granted, James Green brother of Mary Green and Mr John Clay Attorney at Law appeared and alleged that Mary Green is not attained the age of 17 years and that her relations were not consenting to the marriage. (Notts Marriage Licences).

1749. Nov. 25th. Marriage Licence. John Clay of Westhorpe parish of Southwell gent and Mary Dickinson of Southwell widow. (Ref.- Notts Marriage Licences vol. 1).

1749. This Hall doth agree to let the Stulp and Rail lately erected by Mr John Clay before the new building of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle in Castlegate continue upon the tenants pay yearly for the same to the Chamberlain's Sixpence on demand. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 225).

1750. John Clay of Southwell. Gent. - Land Transfer. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/T/73/15).

1750. April 3rd. Will of Rev. James Naish of Kelham bequests to his son in law John Clay with sons Richard and James Clay and daughters Ann and Elizabeth Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/112/17). 

1750. Aug. 27th. Bond. Martha Clay of Oxton Grange widow and John Clay of Oxton warrener bound in £500 to Henry Sherbrooke of Oxton esq for tenancy of Iversagh Grange and warren in Oxton. Signatures and seals of Martha and John Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SK/189/12).

1700s. Agreement. John Clay of Oxton Grange concerning messuage with pasture and arable land in Oxton. Signature and seal of John Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SK/41/20).

1751. Laxton. The Jury present John Clay for his non appearance at Laxton Manorial Court. (Ref.- University of Nottingham Manuscripts and Special Collections. Document 6.  Ma B 168/173).

1752. Will of Joseph Clay of Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/793).

1752. Will of Joseph Clay of Nottingham Esq - to his niece Mary Clay of Warsop spinster all his lands in Warsop. Notts. (Derbyshire Record Office Ref.- D239M/T1137).

1752. Oct. 4th. Messuage in Rolleston to Thomas Clay weaver for £11.11s. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/44-45).

1752. John Clay witness foir the parish of St Mary concerning a Settlement Indenture. (Ref.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham page 249).

1753. Feb. 25th. Will / Bond of John Clay of Warsop.  FWK. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR / NW).

1754-57. Will of Martha Clay of Nottingham widow bequesting a messuage on High Pavement to son George and a messuage in Bottle Lane to daughter Martha Eld.(Notts Archives Ref.- GB057 M/4396).

1754. Will of Hannah Clay. Widow of Nottingham.- No Clay's mentioned in her Will. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/807/432).

1755. Dec.16th. The Creditors of Benjamin Clay late of Southwell. Notts. Attorney at Law deceased are herewith to come and prove their debts. (London Gazette page 5).

1755-56. Robert James Clay. Curate of Caunton. Notts. (Ref.- C of E Database B1.Inst. AB13. Act Book).

1757. May - October. - Southwell Churchwardens present John Clay and Elizabeth Alcock for fornication. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/259).

1757. Nov. 3rd. Hercules Clay of Sloswicks Farm. Worksop. Farmer involved in a Tithe Dispute against Rev. John Ward. (Ref.- University of Nottingham Library - AN/LB240/1/1/12 - 33). -- (Note - Sloswicks Farm. Broad Lane. Worksop. Notts. S80 3NJ.

1758. April 22nd. Licence. Catherine Clay of Westhorpe. Southwell spinster age about 30 and William. Wilson of Mansfield gent. John Clay of Westhorpe gent is Bondsman. (Notts Marriage Licences).

1758. June 19th. Richard Augustus Clay of Westhorpe gent married Susannah Tomlin of Hexgrave Park. John Clay of Westhorpe gent is Bondsman. (Ref.- Notts  Marriage Licences vol 11).

1760. Jan. 26th. Will of Ann Naish of Newark widow bequests to John and Elizabeth Clay and grandson Robert James Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/112/23).

1760. April 30th. John Clay of Nottingham gentleman purchases for£400 a cottage and orchard Netherfield Wong 14 acres and other named fields total 144 acres. (Notts Archives  Ref.-DD/240/5-6)

1760. April 30th. Conveyance by John Clay of Nottingham gent. Premises in Lambley to Edward Lelland. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/240/6).

1760. Dec.1st. Will / Bond of John Clay of Westhorpe. Gent. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/160/1).

1761. Jan. 20th.The Creditors of Hannah Clay late of Nottingham. Widow deceased are to come and prove their debts. (London Gazette page 8).

1761. March 26th. Will of John Clay of Kirkby yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/78/12).

1761. Dec. 31st. Release by John Clay gent to his son John both of Westhorpe 3 miln closes in Oxton, Prebend House in Southwell and all lands in Southwell, Oxton, Cropwell, Blidworth, Calverton, Woodborough and Hickling. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/109/3).

1762. Ann daughter of Benjamin Clay married Edmund Ayrton he was the organist at Southwell Minster and they had 14 children she died on May 14th 1800. (Dictionary National Biography vol. 2).

1762. Dec. 24th. Lease to William Clay of Southwell gent son of Benjamin Clay of Southwell gent deceased  45 acres in Halam, 63 acres in Edingley, 191 in Westgate Westhorpe, 69 Acres in Upton, two Southwell Water Mills and 3 acres in Easthorpe. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/89/17).

1763. Feb. 3rd. Thomas Clay of Bedford Row. London. Serving Man and John Clay of Norwell Woodhouse Yeoman concerning land in Caunton. Notts. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/61/23).

1763. July 19th. Surrender by John Clay to the Chapter messuages and lands in Westhorpe and Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/28/87).

1765. Oct. 24th. Lease to Elizabeth Clay  of Southwell widow 4 cottages. crofts and meadows etc at £2.4s and 2 capons per Annum. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/28/100).

1765. Oct. 28th. Interrogatories, Depositions taken at Southwell. Richard Augustus Clay and Susannah his wife, Catherine Clay, Mary Clay and Richard Clay their children. (TNA Ref.- E134/6Geo3/Mich4).

1765. Dec.11th. Richard Augustus Clay of Oxton gent and William Clay of Southwell concerning lease of a house and croft in Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/T/73/34).

1766. June 25th. Will of John Clay of the capital messuage called Thurland Hall in the parish of St Mary in the county of Nottingham bequests the same to his kinswoman Elizabeth Mason who resides with him also bequests to his nieces Elizabeth Brown and Margaret  Grant. Requests his body to be interred in the church of North Wingfield. Derbyshire. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/919/332).

1766. Dec. 17th. Chamberlains Accounts. Nottingham. Paid to Dr John Clay £1-1-0 to the cure of a gunshot wound on the thigh. (Ref.- Book- Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol.7 page 68).

1766. Manors of Beauvale and Selston. Green Colliery is on a Close called The Green in Mrs Clay's farm. (Ref.- Notts Archives - DD/LM/208/2/26).

1766. Will / Bond of Elizabeth Clay spinster of Kelham. Leaves everything to her sister Katherine. (Ref.- Notts Archives PRNW.1766).

1767. Sept. 5th. Warrant from John Clay Clerk of the Swanimott - Freeholders to appear at the next Swanimott Court at Mansfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/ST/5/12).

1768. Admon / Bond of Katherine Clay spinster of Kelham leaves her goods to her brother John Clay of Kelham gentleman and next of kin. (Ref.- Notts Archives PRNW 1768).

1768. Sept. 10th.  Edward Sneyd Clay son of Mr William Clay gentleman and  Attorney at Law and Jemima his wife baptised at Southwell. Notts.

1768. Sept. 23rd. Declaration of Penance by Sarah Maltby of Burgage  declared in church in white sheet with wand certified by the vicar and Henry Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/2/371).

1768. Nov. 7th. Indenture. Rev. Richard Naish of Nottingham mentions John Clay of Newark gent (Seal) and wife Elizabeth (nee Naish) and their son Robert James Clay of Ossington. (Notts University Library  Ref.- HnDs4/2).

1768. Declaration of Penance by Ann Parr of Southwell for fornication with William Clay. Declared in church during service in a white sheet with white wand. (Notts Archives Ref. -SC/8/2/369).

1769. Jan. 27th.  To be sold  due to bankruptcy stocking frames in possession of a number of persons including Gervis Clay of Fishergate. (Ref.- Derby Mercury Jan. 27th. page 1).

1769. May 15th. Agreement between Rev. Robert James Clay of Ossington and John Clay of Newark and his wife Elizabeth to convey Farthingworth Farm in Navemby to Richard Thompson. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/141/11).

1769. May 25th. William Clay of Notts gent and Waldegrave Pelham Clay son of William Clay on committee of Barnards  Charirty at Sible Hedingham in Essex. (Essex Archives . T/A225/19).

1769. Letter from Benjamin Wilcocks at Welbeck Abbey informs the Duke of Portland that the value of wood required for making a fold fence for Hercules Clay's Barn would be £3-10s. (Ref.- Notts Uni. ---- PWF9451.).

1770.  Aug. 4th.  Bond of Samuel Clay of Arnold. Farmer. (Notts Archives Ref.- GBO157  PR/NW).

1771. Will of Thomas Allen of Ollerton mention s £100 in hands of John Clay of Kettlethorpe. Lincs (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/1461/91).

1771. Feb. 9th. To be Sold. A leasehold estate in Cropwell Bishop with animals and stock. Enquire Mr Clay. Attorney at Southwell. ( Ref.- Leicester and Nottingham Journal Feb. 9th page 4).

1771. Feb. 14th. William Clay of Westhorpe parish of Southwell gent conveys to Samuel Singleton land used as a brickyard in Buckhill Field for £50. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/71/23).

1772. Jan. 29th. Indenture. William Clay of Rolleston son of Thomas Clay transfers to Richard Olive a messuage and orchard. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/19).

1772. Oct. 16th. Gilbert Hall of Kettlethorpe conveys to John Clay of Kettlethorpe premises in Laneham. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/NK/16).

1773. March 6th.  Died on Wednesday Mr Rousby esq a gentleman of considerable fortune the bulk of which devolves on the Rev. Mr James Clay of Ossington. Notts. (Lecester Nottingham Journal p 3).

1773. Oct. 21st. Admission of William Clay as a chorister for Southwell Collegate  Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/243).

1673. Memorandum. William Clay gent of Southwell has been the Steward of Bolsover Manor Court for 31 years and has land there. (Notts Record Office. DD/P/50/6). - Coat of Arms at end of Book.

1684. Bolsover Court Book. William Clay gent (of Southwell) All those Closes of land, meadow, pasture and all arable lands of the said William Clay lying and being within the fields of Bolsover and all the ways and commons and all oak, ash and elm trees growing upon the premises and all quarries of stone and all mines of coal of the said closes leased to other tenants at a yearly rent of £5. If it shall happen the rent be behind or unpaid then it shall be lawful for William Clay to reposess his former estate. (Nottingham Record Office Ref.- DD/P/50/7).

1774. April 12th. Lease to Robert Clay of Newark. Butcher. (Notts Archives Ref.- DC/NK/1/4/8/2).

1774. July 12th. Prisoners in His Majesty's Gaol at Nottingham includes Benjamin Clay late of Kimberley in the parish of Greasley. Notts. Labourer. (London Gazette page 14).

1774. Oct. 1st. Indenture / Conveyance from William Clay of Rolleston yeoman to Richard Ollive of Rolleston. Signiture and Seals. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/21).

1774.  Oct. 22nd. William Clay of Rolleston yeoman and wife Mary conveys land in Rolleston for £60. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/22).

1775. July 8th. Indenture. William Clay of Rolleston yeoman and wife Mary concerning transfer of premises. Signiture, mark and seal. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/23).

1776. July 16th - 17th. Indenture. William Clay of Rolleston yeoman and wife Mary transfers messuage, orchard, Forth Close + 2 acres in Rolleston. Signiture and seal. (Notts Archives. DD/LK/20/25 - 26).

1776. Aug. 29th. Indenture. William Clay of Rolleston farmer son of Thomas Clay conveys part of a cottage, orchard, Mill Close and Forth Close  to John Hall. ( Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/9-10).

1777. May 30th. Will of John Clay of Mansfield. Hatter and Haberdasher. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/81/11).

1777. June 7th. War Office. Regiment of Foot. Waldgave Pelham Clay to be Ensign. (London Gazette page 1). - Born at Southwell.

1777. Oct.11th. Will of John Clay of Arnold. (Staffordshire and Stoke Archives Ref.- D538/A/3/10).

1777. Nov. 17th. Marriage Bond of Richard Clay of Norwell yeoman widower aged over 40 and Anne Stevenson of Sutton on Trent age 36 and upwards to be married at Norwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/8/5/1156).

1779. June 29th.- 30th.  William Clay of Rolleston yeoman lease to George Hardy of Rolleston  labourer part of a cottage in Rolleston. Witness Benjamin Clay of Rolleston labourer and Ann Clay of Screveton  spinster. Signiture and seal.  (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/LK/20/48-49).

1779. July 22nd. Admission of William Clay as chorister of Southwell Collegate Church. (Notts Archives Ref.- SC/4/5/256).

1779. Oct. 15th. Bond of John Clay of Newark. Gent. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR / NW).

1779. Nov.10th. War Office Promotions. 40th Regiment of Foot. Ensign Waldgrave Pelham Clay to be Lieutenant. (Kentish Gazette).

1779. Kelham Church Floor Slab. South Aisle. In memory of Mr John Clay who died 24th Sept. 1779 aged 78 years and in memory of Elizabeth the wife of John Clay who died Dec.19th 1797 aged 92. 

1762. Nov.16th. Will / Bond of John Clay of Thurland Hall. Nottingham. Gent. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR / NW).

1765. April 17th. Lease. William Clay transfers messuages and lands in Easthorpe and Westhorpe. - His Seal. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/28/94).

1777. Oct.10th. Will of John Clay of Arnold. Yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR / NW).

1780. Benjamin Clay age 16 born Southwell son of William Clay Attorney at Law admitted to Cambridge University in 1780.

1780. Nov. 22nd. Marriage Bond of Thomas Scrope esq aged 40 and upwards and Eliza Mary Clay of Southwell age 19 and upwards daughter of William Clay of Southwell gent. (Notts Ref.- SC/8/5/1214).

1780. Nov. 24th. On Thursday was married at Southwell Miss Clay eldest daughter of William Clay Esq of Burgage Hill in Southwell and grandaughter of the late Waldgrave Pelham Esq of Henningham   ------  Syble in Essex to Thomas Scrope Esq of Coleby. Lincs.(Derby Mercury).

1781. Jan. 4th. Mary daughter of Richard Augustus Clay of Westhorpe. Notts married to George Gretton who became Rector of Dartmouth, later moved to Hitcham. Bucks. (Records of Upton Bishop). 

1781. April 6th. Thomas Clay now of St Andrews Holborn Middlesex and Elizabeth his wife has lands in Caunton from Mary Clay widow of Norwell Woodhouse for £300. (Notts.Ref.- DD/SP/61/25-26).

1782. April 22nd. To be Sold before William Clay of Southwell gentleman at the Reindeer Inn. Lincoln the estate of Darcy Burnell late of Winkburn esq. Paticulars may be had at Mr Clay's. (Gazette).

1783. April 3rd. By Order of the High Court of Chancery before William Clay of Southwell gent. Sale of the estate of Darcy Burnell late of Winkbourne. Particulars from Mr Clay's at Southwell. (Stamford - -- Mercury Newspaper).

1783. William Clay age 17 son of Richard Clay of Oxton admitted to Cambridge University in 1783. (Later a magistrate for Notts and lived at Westhorpe, married Lady Burrell).

1783. July 10th. War Office. 40th Regiment of Foot. Lieutenant Waldegrave Pelham Clay to be Captain. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1784. William Clay. Attorney at Law. Southwell. (Ref.- Bailey's Western and Midlands Directory).

1784. Robert Clay. Grocer at Southwell. (Ref.- Bailey's Western and Midlands Directory).

1784. April 15th. Assignment Mary Clay of Southwell deceased to Henry Clay of Southwell Stocking Framework Knitter a cottage in Farthing Street. Southwell.  (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/71/139).

1785. Feb. 23rd.  45th Foot. John Granby Clay from  the late Major Fisher's Corps to be Ensign. (Ref.- The Times. Feb. 23rd. page 1).

1786. Aug.15th. At Nottingham Assizes Mathew Clay of Mansfield being convicted of a burglary in the house of Ann Yates of Mansfield Woodhouse received sentence of death but was respited till next Assize on account it is said of some marks of insanity. (Kentish Gazette).

1786. Aug. 17th. At Nottingham Assizes. William Clay convicted of a burglary and robbery received sentence of death but Sir Henry Gould who tried him supposing the prisoner from evidence produced to be insane respited his sentence till next assize. (Ref.- The Bath Chronicle Aug. 17th page 2).

1786. Benjamin Clay. Vicar of Hockerton. Notts. (Ref.- C of E Database. B1.Inst.AB16. Act Book).

1786. June 5th. Anne Clay of Mansfield widow of John Clay of Kettlethorpe gent and daughter of Rev. Gilbert Hall of Kettlethorpe mentions her daughter Ann spinster, mentions lands in Southwell and Blidworth etc on marriage of Ann Clay to Rev. Henry Houson of Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/109/5).

1786. William Clay age 15 born Nottinghamshire  c1771. Military Service - (Ref.- War Office Register).

1787. Jan. 26th. Report of Henry Gould on Mathew Clay convicted at the last Nottinghamshire Assizes for burglary. Grounds for clemency. Insane. Initial sentence respited. Recommendation free pardon  -- on condition the prisoners father takes care of him in recognizance of £20 that care will be taken to prevent him committing any further offence. (TNA Ref.- HO47/5/10 Folio 38).

1787. Feb. 28th. Will / Inventory of John Clay of Woodborough. Yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/170/13).

1787. Sept. 20th. John Clay of Nottingham. Victualler paid £200 for a messuage with garden on the north side of Castle Gate.- Boundries given. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/216/2-3).

1787. Oct. 16th. War Office. 40th Regiment of Foot. Captain Lieutenant Waldegrave Pelham Clay to be Captain of the Company. (London Gazette page 485).

1788. Jan. 29th. Bond of John Clay of Oxton farmer bound in £50 to Margaret Sherbrooke. Condition not to trespass or poach on her estate. Sig and seal of JC. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SK/189/21).

1788. April 30th. John Grandy Clay. Captain 45th Notts Regiment of Foot. (Book. - List of Officers of the Army).

1788. July 3rd. Certificate of Health. Thomas Clay of Laxton. Servant. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/54/123/1-2).

1789. Warsop Parish Register. Baptised Elizabeth daughter of William Herringshaw of Sookholme miller who succeeded Hercules Clay at the old Sookholme Mill. Herringshaw died in 1820 and it passed to James Johnson. (Warsop Parish Register).

1789. Nov. 18th. Jonathan Clay. Framework knitter of Greyhound Yard. Nottingham concerning insurance. (London Metropolitan Archives Ref.- MS11936/364/563255).

1790. Jan. 20th. Admon / Bond / Affidavit of Henry Clay of Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/171/26).

1790. May 28th. Will / Bond of William Clay of Norwell yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/190/19).

1791. April 5th. Rev. Henry Houson, Ann Clay widow, John Hall Clay gent all of Southwell assigns Brackenhurst Close in Southwell to William Clay of Trinity College. Cambs. (Notts Ref.- DD/M/71/461).

1791. April 6th. Will and Inventory of Thomas Clay of Sutton on Trent. Yeoman (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1791. April 9th. Will and Inventory of Samuel Clay of Arnold. Farmer. (Notts Archives Ref.- GBO157  PR/NW).

1791. Robert Clay. Grocer. Nottingham. (Post Office Directory).

1791. Mrs Clay of Newark. Gentry. Traders Directory. 

1791. Oct. 6th. Rev. Benjamin Clay of Hockerton concerning land in Barrow Mills and Hermers in Suffolk. (Suffolk Archives Ref.- HD1253/2).

1792. July 15th. Will of William Buck of Farndon mentions a cottage in Woodborough in occupation of John Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/H/49/17).

1792. John Hall Clay. Curate of St Mary's. Nottingham. (Ref.C of E.Database - B1.Inst.AB16. Act Book).

1793. March.1st. Corporation of Nottingham. Copy of Subpoena for Elizabeth Clay and Subpoening her and gave 1 shilling therewith. (Ref.- Book.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham. 294).

1793. March 27th.  William Clay of St John's College. Cambridge to Robert Adams of Southwell. Park Close in Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/71/149).

1794. John Hall Clay. Vicar of Blidworth. (Ref.- Cof E. Database NA.SC/01/13. Southwell Decree Act Book).

1794. Jan. 28th. The Creditors of William Clay late of Westhorpe in the parish of Southwell. Notts. Esq, deceased are forthwith to come and prove their debts. (London Gazette page number 101).

1794. April. 17th. War Office to the Town Clerks Office. Nottingham. An Order for the Removal of William Clay (Deserter) The Coldstream Guards having claimed him. (Ref.- Book.- Records of the Borough of Nottingham. Vol. 7 page 310).

1794. Will of Lionella Clay. Widow of Nottingham. No Clay's mentioned in Will. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1241).

1794. May 1st. Albemarle 9th Earl of Lindsey was twice married first to Eliza Marie daughter of William Clay esq of Burridge Hill. Southwell on 1st May 1794. (Peerage and Baronage of British Empire).

1794. Sept. 27th. War Office. Wadgrave Pelham Clay of the 40th Foot to be Captain. (London Gazette page 6).

1794. Sept. 27th. War Office. Lieutenant John Granby Clay from the 45th Foot to be Captain. (London Gazette page 986). - Born in Southwell.

1794. Oct. 29th. William Clay of Southwell gent sold to Robert Smith 50 acres in the West Field for £1,200. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/82/63).

1795. Sept.19th. War Office. Brevet Major W. P. Clay to be Major. 40th Regiment of Foot. (London Gazette page 970). -- Born Southwell.

1795. Sept. 22nd. War Office. Captain J. G. Clay to be Major in the 105th Foot. (London Gazette page 984).

1795.  John Hall Clay. Vicar of Cropwell Bishop. Notts. (Ref.- C of E. Database. NA.SC/01/13. Southwell Decree Act Book).

1795. Westhorpe. The Rev. William Clay is owner of a very extensive tract of land of which he is also the occupier. (The History of Southwell page 149).

1796. Dec. 24th.  War Office. Major John Granby Clay of the late 105th Foot to be Major of Brigade to the Forces in South Britain. (London Gazette page 1245).

1797. May 23rd. Rev. William Clay son of Richard Augustus Clay of Southwell was married to Lady Sophia Burrell. Lady Burrell and Mr Clay retired to West Cowes. Isle of Wight where she died 20th June 1802 aged 52. (Ref.- Dictionary of National Biography vol. 7 page 442).

1797. June 5th. Newspaper Report. Married - The Rev. William Clay second son of the late Richard Augustus Clay Esq of Southwell to Lady Burrell. (Reading Mercury Newspaper).

1797. June 20th. The late Lionell Clay late of Nottingham, mention of estates set out in the Will of William Clay in 1787 mentions Rev. John Hall Clay of Barnborough. Yorkshire clerk and nephew of William Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WEBB/2/9).

1797. Apprentice Indenture. William Clay son of Francis Clay of Ankerbold in North Wingfield. Derbyshire. Apprentice to John Heath of Nottingham. Tallow Chandler and Grocer for 7 years. Witness. Richard Clay. (Ref.- Clay Family Papers).

1797. Aug.14th. Will of John Clay of Oxton. Yeoman. Messuages and lands in Norwell Woodhouse to his wife Elizabeth. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/42/65). 

1798. Will of Elizabeth Clay widow of Newark upon Trent. Notts. No Clay's mentioned in Will. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1306).

1798. May 21st. Letter from W.Watson of Farnsfield recommending Richard Clay Lieutenant of Grenadiers in the Nottingham Militia for a Company in the Militia of that Regiment.- Clay is a relative of Watson. (TNA Ref.- HO42/43/6).

1798. Nov.11th. Birth of Samuel Clay at Sneinton near Nottingham son of Joseph and Ann Clay. Samuel married Alice Kirk and raised a family at Carlton near Nottingham. He was a Framework Knitter and became so good at his work that he was commissioned to make stockings for Queen Victoria and his daughter Ann Marie Clay embroidered the Royal Monogram on the stocking tops. He later became the Postmaster at Carlrton Post Office. (Ref.- Gedling Eye / Keyworth).

1799. Militia of Nottinghamshire. R. Clay. Captain. (Magazine. Monthly Army List).

1800. Bills of the Marquis of Tichfield for household goods and groceries bought from Thomas Clay of Worksop. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/P/6/7/10/100).

1800.  April 21st. Richard Clay concerning two Wood Closes 7 acres part of Upper Cow Close in Norwell. (Ref.- Notts Archives DD/T/73/47,48.).

1801. Nottingham Assizes. John Clay sentenced to 7 years transportation to New South Wales. Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1802. Feb. 8th. Bond / Inventory of John Clay of Mansfield. Gardener.. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/MW/98/13).

1802. Oct. 20th. Lease for 11 years to Thomas Clay of Worksop - Property in Worksop Field. (Sheffield City Archives Ref.- ACM/WD/177).

1802. Oct. 20th. Lease for 11 years to Phillip Hutchinson Clay of property in Worksop - Nether Cowmoor Close. (Sheffield City Archives Ref.- ACM/WD/359).

1803. The Commission of Bankrupts issued against John Dane, Wm. Williamson and Robert Clay of Arnold. Hosiers, Dealers and Chapmen. Robert Clay conformed  to the rules. (Gazette Newspaper).

1803.  Jan. 5th. Will / Bond of Richard Clay of Norwell Woodhouse. Yeoman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/182/4).

1803. Feb.25th. Records of the Sun Fire Office. - Insured - Joseph Clay. Grocer of Worksop. Notts. (London Metropoliton Archives Ref.- MS11936/427/745250).

1803. May 14th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Wm. Hornby, Sir Joseph Esdaile and Thomas Clay at Worksop under the name  of Worksop Bank is dissolved. (Gazatte Newspaper).

1803. May 31st. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Thomas Clay and two others at Worksop under the name of Worksop Bank was by mutual consent dissolved and that all concerns will be settled by Thomas Clay. (London Gazette page 657).

1803. July 9th. War Office. John Granby Clay to be Major in the 54th Foot. (London Gazette page 829).

1803. Oct. 6th. Worksop Volunteer Infantry. Francis Clay Esq to be Captain. (London Gazette page 1365).

1804. April. Muster Roll. Thomas Clay. Corporal. Loyal Southwell Volunteer Infantry. (History of Southwell in the County of Notts).

1804. William Claye and William Wylde. Return of Writs, Oaths of Justices of Peace for the Liberty of Southwell and Scrooby. (TNA Ref.- C202/196/2).

1804. Dec. 22nd. The Commissioner of Bankrupts has issued against Robert Clay of Arnold and others of Notts. Hosiers, Dealers and Chapmen. (London Gazette page 1554).

1805. Halam Church. Stone plaque in the chancel east wall on north side of window to Sarah wife of William Claye died 1805 and on south side of window a plaque to Rev. William Claye died 1856.  

1805. Sept. 23rd. Southwell Assembly Rooms. A sum was advanced and land conveyed in a Trust to William Claye clerk and 4 others. (The History of Southwell in the County of Nottingham page 164).

1806. Jan. 27th. William Clay age 25 Born Nottingham registered for Military Service.

1806. August. Vauation of Leasehold Estates of Rev. William Claye in Farnsfield, Normanton, Bleasby, Halam, Edingley and the tithes in Southwell, Easthorpe, Halloughton and Kirklington. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/54/133).

1806. November 18th. Certificate.- William Clay. Whipmaker Sworn in as a Burgess of the Town of Nottingham. (Ref.- Clay Family Papers).

1806. John Hall Clay. Vicar of Oxton. Notts. (Ref.- C of E Database. LPL.VB1/13. Act Book).

1808. Dec. 24th. At Westhorpe  in the County of Notts. The Lady of the Rev. William Claye died in the 31st year of her age. (Ref.- Jackson's Oxford Journal page 4).

1809. Aug.16th. Abstract Will of William Clay. Tailor of Carlton in Gedling parish. Brothers. John Clay, Samuel Clay. Sister Mary Gretton. (TNA Ref.- IR26/432/139).

1810. April 2nd. Samuel Clay age 14 born Nottingham c1796. Military Service registered at Maldon. Essex. (Ref.- War Office Register).

1810. April 10th. Southwell Regiment of Local Militia . Frank Clay Esq to be Captain. (London Gazette page 544).

1810. April 20th.  Will of Richard Clay of Southwell esq. Major Nottingham Militia. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/184/5).

1810. May 14th. Captain Edward Sneyd Clay took command of the ship "Nymphe". On November 26th he captured the 2 gun Danish privateer "Norwegian Girl". (Wikipedia).

1810. May 30th. The Nottinghamshire Militia marched from Salisbury to Plymouth. On the march the senior major of the regiment Major Richard Clay caught a severe cold which necessitated his remaining at Wellington in Somerset when the regiment marched through that place. Inflammation of the lungs set in and after 6 days illness Major Clay died on May 22nd in the 46th year of his age. (Ref.- Book.- Historical Records of the Royal Sherwood Foresters).

1810. Dec. 18th.  Captain Edward Sneyd Clay in the ship HMS Nymphe is shipwrecked off the coast of Scotland. All the crew were saved by lifeboat. Court Martial cleared him of blame. (Ref.- PC2023).

1812. Jan. 28th. Will of William Clay of Burgage Hill. Southwell esq. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/186/6).

1812. April 6th. London. Notice is hereby given that an account of sales of the Danish vessel "Firi Skadskenore" and her cargo captured by his Majesty's ship "Nymphe" Edward Sneyd Clay Esq. Captain on Nov. 25th 1810 will be registered in the High Court of Admiralty. (London Gazette page 644). -  Edward Sneyd Clay son of William and Jemima Clay was baptised at Southwell Sept.10th 1768 at Southwell. Notts. He was later promoted to Rear Admiral. His tomb is at the side of Southwell Minster.

1812. Jan. 28th. Will of William Clay of Burgage Hill Southwell esq bequests to wife Jemma and children William Waldegrave Pelham Clay and others.  (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/112/78).

1812. Will of John Clay. Gentleman of Keham. Notts. Son John Clay, daughters Catherine, Elizabeth, Brother Robert James Clay, grandsons John Clay, George Milnes. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1532).

1812. Rev. John Hall Clay of Calverton son of John Clay of Westhorpe admitted to the Manor of Oxton. Overhall  for 6 pennies. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/EM/13/13).

1812. Benjamin Clay son of Benjamin Clay clerk of Southwell admitted to Cambridge University in 1812.

1812. Longevity. William Clay Esq of Southwell  is aged 80. (History of Southwell page 289).

1813. Feb. 1st. All persons who have any demands upon the estate of the late William Clay esq of Burgage Hill. Southwell are desired to send them to Wm. Wylde esq of Southwell. (Gazette Newspaper).

1813. February. Longevity. Mrs Clay of Southwell is aged 79. (History of Southwell page 289).

1813. March 9th.  Captain Edward Sneyd Clay was on board the ship "Nymphe" at the capture of the Danish Privateer "Norske Jos" on 25th Oct 1810.  and the capture of the Danish Schooner "Fire Shadskenore" on the 25th Nov. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1813. July 1st. William Waldegrave Pelham Clay age 17 born  c1796. Registered for Military Service. (Ref.- War Office Register).

1813. Dec. 31st. Indenture / Lease. Major General William Waldegrave Pelham Clay now serving in the West Indies concerning 3 cottages with gardens  in Pettecote Lane and Back Lane in Burgage in Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/479/20/1-2).

1813 -33. Pocket Book of Sergeant Major Mathew Clay. 3rd Foot Guards born Bilidworth. Notts. (Bedfordshire Archives Ref.- Z1081).

1813 -52. Mathew Clay born Blidworth served in 3rd Foot Guards. Bedfordshire Militia. Discharged age 57. (TNA Ref.- WO97/162/53).

1815. Mathew Clay born at Blidworth in 1796 was a soldier at the Battle of Watrerloo. (Ref.- Narrative of the Battles by Mathew Clay).

1815. Jan. 2nd. Thomas Clay of Whatton. Notts yeoman concerning conveyance of land for £628. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/BW/76,77).

1815. May 20th. Samuel Clay age 19 Born Papplewick registered at Nottingham for Military Service.

1815. John Clay. Setterup. Gibralter Straits. (Ref.-Glover's Nottingham Directory).

1815. John Clay. Butcher. Platt Street and 1825. (Glover's Nottingham Directory)

1815. Robert Clay. Tallow Chandler. Hounds Gate. (Ref.- Glover's Nottingham Directory).

1815. St Peter's Church. Derby. Erection of a new gallery. Principle people Joshua Smith Clay of Mansfield Churchwarden and others. (Staffordshire Record Office Ref.- B/C/5/1815/122).

1815. Nov. 23rd. Copy Will of John Clay of Kelham gent. Messuages and lands in Farndon to his son John for life then to his son John, if in default to his brother Robert James Clay. Messuage, garden,        ------- homestead, dovecote and 5 Closes in Barnby and a Close in Easthorpe to his daughters Katherine and Elizabeth. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/WJ/32).

1816. March 6th. The Rev. John Hall Clay. Vicar of Blidworth. A Petition concerning lands in Blidworth. (Ref.- House of Lords Journal. Vol. 50).

1816. July 18th. Indenture. Anna Charlotte Clay, Evelyn Clayand Jemima Clay all of Southwell spinsters. Signiture and seal of Anna. (Notts Archives  Ref.- DD/270/8).

1816. Aug.17th. Commissioners of Bankrupts issued against Robert Hall and Joseph Clay of Sutton-in-Ashfield. Starch Makers, Tallow Chandlers, Dealers and Chapmen. (London Gazette page 1611).

1816. Oct.10th. Edward Clay age 17 born Nottingham c1799. Registered at Nottingham. (Ref.- War Office Register).

1817. Jan. 15th. Quarterly Meeting of the Naval Charitable Society held at the Thatched House Tavern. St James St amongst members  present was Captain Clay. (The Morning Post Jan.15th page 2).

1817. July 5th. Bond. Job Clay of Basford. Labourer. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW).

1817. John Clay born 1799 son of John Hall Clay clerk of Calverton admitted to Cambridge University in 1817.

1817. List of aged persons resident in Southwell Ann Clay age 85. (Longevity page 291).

1818. April 28th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Benjamin Nicholson and Dalton Parr Clay of Newark-upon-Trent. Notts. Silversmiths and Jewellers was dissolved by mutual consent and the business is to be carried on by Dalton Parr Clay. (London Gazette).

1818. Nottingham Quarter Sessions. Thomas Clay sentenced to 7 years transportation to New South Wales. Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1818. George Bertie Clay son of William Waldegrave Pelham Clay. Lieutenant General of Burridge Hall. Southwell admitted to Cambridge University in 1818.

1818.  April 27th. Dalton Parr Clay married Eliza Haywood of Newark  at Newark. - (Dalton was the son of Bennett Clay and Elizabeth born 1790 at West Allington. Lincsolnshire).

1818-20. Robert Clay. Tallow Chandler. Houndsgate. (Pigot's Directory).

1819. General Bertie of the 89th Foot married Elizabeth widow of Thomas Scrope esq daughter of William Clay esq of Burridge - Hill . Nottinghamshire. (Debretts Peerage of England vol 1).

1820. June 15th. John Clay aged 20 of Trinity Hall Cambridge son of Rev. John Hall Clay of Calverton. Notts. Clerk. (Ref.- Lincoln's Inn Admission Register folio 37).

1820. John Grandby Clay to be Lieutenant General in the army. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1821. April 19th. War Office. Ensign. William Waldegrave Pelham Clay to be Lieutenant. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1821. March 17th.  Annual General Meeting of the Association for the Prosecution of Felons held at Easthorpe. Members present included Rev. William Claye. (Ref.- Nottingham Journal page 2).

1821. Aug.14th. Bankrupt. T. Clay. Worksop. Notts. Grocer. (Kentish Weekly Post).

1822. Alehouse Keepers Bond. Thomas Clay of Worksop. (Notts Archives Ref.- C/QD/LV/3/1/127).

1822. Jan.16th. James Clay age 17 convicted at Nottingham for Grand Larceny. Sentence to 7 years in the General Penitentiary. (TNA Ref.- UK Prison Registers).

1822. Will of Robert Clay. Yeoman of Newark upon Trent. Daughter Rosamond wife of Thomas Stanhope of Newark. Daughter Elizabeth wife of John Groves of Newark. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1655/354).

1822. Calverton St Wilfred Church. Monument to John Hall Clay. M.A.  of Queens College Cambridge. Vicar of Oxton and Blidworth and for some years resident of this parish who died Sept. 6th 1822 aged 53. His only son John Clay esq late of Trinity College. Cambridge died 1 month later Oct.9th 1822  in the 23rd year of his age at Malling Deanery in Sussex  and was conveyed here to be interred by the side of his father. Also a floor brass to the same. (Ref.- Church History).

1822. Oct. 10th. War Office.  William Waldegrave Pelham Clay is in the 5th Regiment of Foot. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1823. Will of William Waldegrave Pelham Clay.Lieutenant General in His Majesty's Service of Southwell. Wife Catherine Charlotte Clay. Sons William Waldegrave Pelham Clay and Herbert Pelham Clay. Daughter Charlotte Joanna Clay. - His late father and mother  William  Clay and Joanna his wife. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1667).

1823. Jan. 18th. The Farnsfield Association for Prosecuting Felons.  Rev. William Clay of Farnsfield amongst the list of subscribers. (Ref.- Nottingham Journal Jan. 18th. page 2).

1823. Jan. 25th. The Commission of Bankrupts is issued against Thomas Clay of Worksop. Notts. Grocer, Dealer and Chapman. (London Gazette page 147).

1823.  April 21st. Admon / Bond of John Clay of Calverton esq. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/195/7).

1823.  April 21st.  Letters of Admin of the estate of John Cley late of Calverton esq. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/112/106).

1824. Jan. 30th. John Clay of Lexington Lodge farmer Admin for goods of his mother Mary Clay of Norwell Woodhouse in parish of Southwell. (Notts Archives Office - DD/SP/61/33).

1825. Feb. 8th. Isaac Alvey Clay son of Isaac Clay. Malster of Nottingham apprenticed to Roderick Clark of Nottingham. Whip Thong Maker for 7 years. (Notts Archives Ref.- M/103/82).

1825. May 28th. War Office. John Granby Clay to be Lieutenant General in the Army. (London Gazette page 924). - Born Southwell.

1825. August 29th. Commission of Bankrupt is issued against Thomas Clay of Worksop. Grocer, Dealer and Chapman being declared bankrupt is to make discosure of his estate. (Gazette Newspaper).

1826. Feb.25th. Died on the 16th at Westhorpe.  Julianna Elizabeth Emma Claye wife of Rev. William Claye  and the eldest daughter of J. J. Bullock esq of Faulkbourn Hall. Essex. (Morning Post p 4).

1826. Nottingham Quarter Sessions. Maria Clay sentenced to 7 years transportation to New South Wales. Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1826. Borough of Newark Poll Book.  Dalton Parr Clay.  Silversmith. Market Place. Newark.

1826. Nov. 16th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Charles Beastall and George Clay of Sutton in Ashfield. Bobbin and Carriage Manufacturers is dissolved. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1827. Apr. 12th. Will of Juliana Elizabeth Emma Claye. Wife of  Reverend William Clay of Westhorpe. Notts. To her husband  she gives eleven hundred pounds. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1727/99).

1827 Jan. 14th. William Clay son of Samuel and Lucy Clay was baptised at Strelley he moved to Long Eaton and was founder of the Long Eaton Methodist Church and was a member for 60 years. He was married to Zillah Whittaker in 1844, he died in 1905.

1827. Aug. 1st. Conviction of Joseph Lowe of Newark for intent to break into the house of Dalton Parr Clay. Silversmith of Newark. (Notts Archives Ref.- C/QS/NK/5/3).

1827. Aug. 30th. Will of Richard Clay of Woodborough. Farmer. Bequests to my son John Clay to my daughter Elizabeth Wylde wife of William Wylde to daughter Ann wife of Wm Johnson.  (PC2023).

William Clay. Methodist. Born 1827.

1827. Oct. 3rd. Newspaper Report. James Clay age 21 was indicted for assaulting Samuel Spencer and William Street two Watchmen in execution of their duty in Coalpit Lane. Nottingham. (Nottingham Journal).

1828. June 4th. Indenture. William Waldegrave Pelham Clay esq of Southwell concerning a dwelling house with garden  adjoining the Burgage. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/479/22/1-2).

1828. John Clay. Butcher. Platt Street. Nottingham. (Pigot's Directory).

1828. Sept.11th. Declaration of Trust.  Thomas Clay of Grantham Mercer and Draper and Hannah his wife left his property in Farndon to his niece Hannah Clay then to Thomas Clay then £3,000 to their  --- children . Witness  Dalton Parr Clay. Silversmith of Newark. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/T/118/24/1).

1829. Newark Poll Book. Dalton Parr Clay.  Silversmith. Market Place. Newark.

1829. William Waldegrave Pelham Clay of Southwell esq concerning 3 messuages and gardens, 1 acre of land and common pasture in Southwell. (Notts Archive Ref.- DD/479/22/3).

1830. Sept. 21st. Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras. A True and Perfect Schedule of sums of money belonging to the undermentioned estates. - Intestates name - Ensign Herbert Pelham Clay - Amount of the estate in cash £811-8-6d. Paid to the Attorney of William Waldgrave Pelham Clay Esq the brother of the deceased.- Southwell. (London Gazette page 2001).

1831. Aug. 19th. Will of William Clay of Woodborough tailor. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/SW/214/7).

1832. Joseph Clay. Schoolmaster. Sutton on Trent. (Whites Directory).

1832.  Edward Sneyd Clay and his wife were defendants among others in a Chancery court case. Knight v Knight. (TNA Ref.- C13/1504/27).

1832. April 6th. William Clay age 24 pleaded not guilty to stealing a hat. Thomas Rutland left the Bell Inn on Long Row followed by the accused and he heard someone say trip him up and pinch his tile, someone knocked his hat off, Clay was there, Clay struck him. The  Watchman saw Clay and others running away in Carlton Street and saw Clay again in Beck Lane and stopped him, Clay said it was only fun.  Clay had previous convictions.  He was sentenced to 14 years transportation. (Nottingham Review and General Advertiser).

1832. Nottingham Quarter Sessions. William Clay age 29 brickmaker sentenced to 14 years to New South Wales.  Australia for stealing. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1833. March 28th.  At Notts Assizes. William Clayton jnr age 18 was found guilty of and sentenced to death for the murder of Samuel Clay at Sutton cum Lound on 27th December. The deceased who was a butcher was in the habit of attending neighbourhood markets from which it appeared he generally returned home in his cart intoxicated. The prisoner who had been brought up as a butcher frequently attended him home, Samuel Clay had attended the Bawtry market and was returning on the night in the company of the prisoner who took him in a field and murdered him. The unfortunate  mans horse and cart having returned without their master a search was instituted and he was found in a field murdered in a dreadful manner. His pockets had been rifled and his watch taken. Circumstances having given rise to suspicion against the prisoner his house was searched and he was found with more money than he could account for. Footmarks in the field corresponded with the size and nails in a pair of boots worn by the prisoner. He was committed for Trial. (Worcester Journal).

1833. Dec. 10th. Letter from William Claye to Lord Williiam Bentinck. (Nottingham  University Library Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections. Ref.- Pwjf785)

1834. Feb. 21st. Obituary of Dalton Parr Clay age 44. (Lincoln Rutland and Stamford Mercury Newspaper page 3).

1834. Will of Dalton Parr Clay. Silversmith of Newark upon Trent. Wife Eliza Clay, Brother in Law  William Thomas Newham of Stamford. Lincs.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1832/243.).

1834. June 19th. Mansfield Manor Court. Surrender to William Waldegrave Pelham Clay and William Wyld both of Southwell Esqs 3 tenements and gardens previously part of Pale Close 864 sq yds in Sutton in Ashfield. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/S/10/1).

1834-37. Copy Will of John Clay snr of Nottingham butcher bequesting property in Millstone Lane  and other parts of Nottingham. (Notts Archives Ref.- M/4810).

1835. March 14th. George Clay age 26 unmarried born Nottingham sentenced at Stafford Assizes for Burglary to Transportation for Life  departing 1836 on ship Lord Lyndoch.

1835, April 13th. William Clay age 22 unmarried  born Nottingham sentenced at York Assizes for Street Robbery to Transportation  for 7 years  departing 1836 on ship Lord  Lyndoch.

1835. Oct.10th. Certificate and Discharge of Charles Clay of Newark drummer in the Royal Nottinghamshire Militia. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/1440/51).

1835. Nottingham Quarter Sessions. William Clay sentenced to 7 years transportation to New South Wales. Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1836. Court Case. Samuel Clay sentenced to 3 calendar months for using snares in the night and to find sureties. (Ref.- Parliamentary Papers vol. 41).

1836. Will of Reverend William Claye. Clerk of Southwell. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1870).

1837. May 5th. J. Herbert Clay. Ensign 59th Regiment of Foot. 2nd Nottinghamshire. 1841. April 9th. Captain on full pay. (Ref.- Annual Militia List).

1838. Will of John Clay of Hickling. Notts. Leaves everything to wife Jane Clay. (Ref.- Leicestershire Archives PR/T/1838/40).

1839. April 2nd. Messuage and homestead in Woodborough conveyed to William Clay of Woodborough farmer. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/PF/156/143).

1840. Aug. 17th. Admiralty. - Edward Sneyd Clay esq to be Rear Admiral of the White. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1841. John Granby Clay. List of Army Generals. (Book.- Beatson's Political Index).

1842. Aug.18th. Guardians of the Basford Poor Law Union approval for relief given to able bodied unemployed.Large number of people including Mary Clay. FWK. (TNA Ref.- MH12/923/2/296).

1845. John Clay. Vagrant age 28 born Costock. Prisoner in Dunfries Gaol. Scotland. (NRS Ref.- HH21/49/2 page 40).

1846. Feb. 23rd. Rear Admiral Edward S. Clay died at Southwell his native place. Admiral Clay assisted in the defeat of the Dutch off Camperdown and commanded the Zebra at the defeat of the Danish fleet at Copenhagen. (Ref.- Book.- "Lives of Nottinghamshire Worthies").

1846. February. Newspaper Report. - Death of Edward S. Clay Flag Officer he entered the navy in 1783 having served 63 years he died at Southwell age 78. (Hertford Mercury).

1846. Will of Edward Sneyd Clay. Rear Admiral of Her Majesty's Fleet of Southwell. Notts. Bequests to his son William Noble Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/2032).

1846. April 6th. The late Rear Admiral E. S. Clay has left his son William Noble Clay of the Royal Navy the whole of his property both real and personal. The latter estimated at £8,900. The gallant Admiral entered the service at the age of 15 and was severely wounded in an engagement in 1797 and received a pension of £300 a year. He died on Feb. 3rd at the age of 78 at his residence in Southwell. Nottinghamshire. (Morning Post Newspaper). He had a brother William Waldgrave Pelham Clay who was a General in the army.

1848. George Clay. Shoemaker. Tradesman Mart. Lower Parliament Street. (Ref.- Lascelles and Hagars Commercial Directory of Nottingham).

1848. James Clay. Victualler. Huntsman Inn. St Ann's Street. (Ref.- Lascelles and Hagars Commercial Directory of Nottingham).

1848. John Clay. Blacksmith and Farrier. Butcher Street. (Ref.- Lascelles and Hagars Commercial Directory of Nottingham).

1850. Doncaster Court Session. Death Blow in Prize Fighting.  John Handley. Inn keeper of Nottingham and Patsy Clay of Nottingham and 7 others on trial with being involved in a prize fight which took place on Lindrick Common in Yorkshire. Patsy Clay and Nick Hannigan were the bare knuckle  fighters the others acting as seconds, referee aiding and abetting in the blackguard encounter. Patsy Clay and the others  sentenced to one months imprisonment with hard labour. (Newspaper Report).

1851. Census. Louth House of Correction. Lincolnshire. John Clay age 34 Prisoner. Ag lab umarried born Costock. Nottingamshire. (Census Return).

1851. Newark Census. Eliza Clay age 59 Widow Jeweller and Silversmith born Newark and daughter Marrianne Frances Clay age 21. Single and 3 Servants. (Widow of Dalton Parr Clay).- Photograph  below of Eliza Clay of Newark  born 1792  photograph  dated 1875 taken 2 years before she died.

1851, Nov.30th. Thomas Clay married Sarah Ogle. Castle Gate Congregational Church. Nottingham. (Register).

1852. June 7th.  Will of Jemima  Clay of  Southwell . Spinster bequests to William Waldegrave Pelham Clay,  great nephew Castle Pelham Clay,  nephews Pelham Fellows Clay,  John Sherard Clay, Edward Caryer Clay,  William Clay,  James Herbert Clay,  William Noble Clay and neice Charlotte Jemima Dawson. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/112/178).

1852. Oct.18th. Will of Evelyn Clay. Spinster of Southwell. Mentions sister Jemima also Edward Caryer Clay of East Worlington. Devon. Gent also neices Jenetta,  Jemima,  Anne Mary Cecil Clay and Castle William Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/2159). Also Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/112/160.

1854. Nottingham Assizes. John Clay sentenced to 15 years transportation to Western Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1854. March 24th. Will of James Clay of Nottingham. Gentleman. (Notts Archives Ref.- PR/NW - GB 0157).

1855. Will of Jemima Clay. Spinster of Southwell. Notts. Nephews William Wadegrave Pelham Clay, Pelham Fallowes Clay, Edward Caryer Clay, James Herbert Clay, William Noble Clay, John Shorard Clay, Great nephew Castel Pelham Clay son of Benjamin Clay deceased, nieces Charlotte Frances Brown, Charlotte Jemima Dawson,  Bequest to William Clay, her sister Mary Kirk her late sister Evelyn Clay. mentions 4 brothers not named, witness H. J. Clay. - Large amount of silverware with crests left in her Will.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/2222).

1857. Nottingham Quarter Sessions. Robert Clay sentenced to 7 years transportation to Western Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1858. Jan.14th. Mary Ann Clay was born and baptised  on May 9th daughter of Henry Clay joiner of Mount Street and Clara Anne his wife. (Friar Lane Chapel. Nottingham).

1858. William Clay. Coal Merchant and Victualler. Rose and Thistle. Wollaton Street. Nottingham. (Ref. Wright's Nottingham Directory).

1858. Nov. 14th. Thomas Clay married Eliza Thorpe at Castle Gate Congregational Church. Nottingham. (Register).

1859. Nov. 24th. Will and Administration of Evelyn Clay late of Southwell spinster who died 18th Oct. 1859 left unadministrated by Edward Caryer Clay was granted to John Sherard Clay of Barnstaple in the County of Devon gentleman and nephew of the deceased. (Ref.- National Probate Calendar).

1860. Jan.11th. Isaac Clay son of John Clay of Nottingham Shopkeeper apprenticed to Thomas Fish of Nottingham joiner and builder. (Notts Archives Ref.- M/10384).

1861. W. W. Clay of Nottingham. Improvement in knitting machinery. (Ref.- The Draper and Clothier Directory vol.1 page 227).

1861. William Clay. Labourer of Cinder Hill. Basford. (Ref.- The Draper and Clothier Directory vol.1 page 144).

1862. W. W. P. Clay. Esq. Magistrate. Southwell. (Ref.- Wrights Nottingham Directory).

1863. June 13th. Request by Samuel Clay overseer of Carlton and John Jagger churchwarden of Carlton concerning rateable value of properties in Carlton. (TNA Ref.- MH12/9248/444).

1864. William Clay son of Samuel and Alice Clay born 1831 in Carlton. Nottingham died of wounds received in the American Civil War 50th New York Regiment of Engineers at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. His brother reclaimed his body and he'se buried at Carlton.

1867. Death of a Veteran. Henry Clay alias Patsy Clay died Thursday last. He was born in 1819 and was in his 48th year. During his career he proved a wonder, out of 26 battles he fought only 3 came off adversely 2 off which in turn he defeated. He had indubitable pluck and stamia for a man but 8 stone 6 pounds in weight and 5 foot 3 inches in height, his last battle with Nick Hannigan on Lindrick Common will not readily be forgotten. (Newspaper Report). -- One of his fights is given in great detail with sketches in the magazine "Famous Fights Past and Present" page 44-46. published 1901.

1868.  Feb.18th.  Conveyance by William Waldegrave Pelham Clay jnr son of William Waldegrave Pelham snr of Southwell to Elizabeth Glaister widow for £400  six cottages with gardens and yards bounded on the south east by Back Lane.  Burgage. Plan of premises, signiture and seal. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/479/23).

1870. Mr George Clay of Front Street. Secretary of Arnold Sick and Funeral Society. (History of Arnold by Rev. R. W. King and Rev. J. Russell. 1913).

1872. Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary Magdalene. Hucknall Torkard Mary Ann Clay died 26th Aug. age 26,  Eliza Clay mother died 22nd Oct. age 50 . John Clay died 3rd Dec.  1874 age 56.

1874. April 1st. Will of John Millington Clay late of Kimberley. Notts. Farmer who died 27th Nov. 1873 proved by John Clay book keeper and Isaac Clay butcher both his sons of Kimberley. (Probate Cal).

1874. April 25th. Will of Charles Clay late of Newark upon Trent tinman who died 21st March 1874 proved by Phoebe Clay his widow. (National Probate Calendar).

1876. Will of William  Waldegrave Pelham Clay of Southwell leaves lands, house and yard to his wife Henrietta Jane Clay. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/479/24-25).

1880. Oct. 24th. Birth of Ada Clay daughter of John Clay iron moulder and Annie Clay formely Smedley of 27 Ristes Place. Nottingham. (Ref.- Birth Certificate).

1881 Census. Chapel Yard. North Muskham. Notts. Hall Clay age 84 widower ag lab servant born Southwell. Living with John and Ann  Bourne. Farmers 70 acres. (Ann is daughter of Hall Clay).

1881 Census. Mansfield Workhouse. William Clay widower age 79 Cotton Stocking Knitter. Born Nottingham.

1883. Dec.18th. Will of Harriett Clay of Newark widow leaves furniture and carpets to Hannah Clay and residue to Henry Clay and 3 others. ( Notts Archives Ref.- DD/H/172/40).

1887. Feb. 25th. The Admin of Mary Ann Clay late of Kimberly co. Notts spinster who died 28th April 1886 was granted to Mary Ann Clay of Kimberley widow and the mother. (Probate Calendar).

1888. Aug. 11th.  Henry Clay a Twisthand of 5 Mann Street. Nottingham had applied to be landlord of the Clarence Inn at Loughborough and had paid £10 deposit and it was arranged he be accepted and date of admittance agreed but was later refused admission by a former tenant and is in dispute. ( Leicester Chronicle).

1891 Census. Albany Rd. Basford. James Smedley widower, Daughter Annie Smedley age 33 single, his grandaughter Ada L. Clay age 10 born Notts.

1892. Sept. 29th. Mr P. S. Clay has been appointed to be Chief Constable of Nottingham at the annual salary of £450 and a horse. Mr Clay who is 33 years of age joined the force when he was 18 he was formely a constable at Swansea and was for 4 years in the clerk's office. From Swansea Mr Clay went to Brecon to become head constable and later was chief constable at Southampton. (Newspaper).

1893. Probate of John Clay of 10 Chard St. New Basford. Nottingham labourer who died 6th Nov. 1893 probate granted to Alice Clay widow. (Probate Calendar).

1894. Nov. 17th. Two Lads, James Clay of Nottingham and George Wyer of Leeds who were acting suspiciously were arrested by Liverpool detectives on Saturday when about to embark on the Cunarder Aurania. Both were armed with Bowie knives and revolvers and had about 80 dollars between them. They said they were going to the far west to seek their fortunes but as their explanations were not satisfactory they were detained. (Leicester Chronicle).

1898. John Clay late of 26 Claredon St. Nottingham carver and gilder who died 17th Jan. 1898 probate was granted to John Gddfrey and Samuel Shelton. (Ref.- The National Probate Calendar).

1899.  Benjamin Clay of 15 Betts St. Hucknall Torkard brickmaker who died 28th Oct. 1899 at 14 Shakespeare St. Nottingham probate  was granted to Albert Clay butcher and Henry Clay brickmaker. (Ref.- The National Probate Calendar).

1900. May 8th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership of George Clay and John Clay at Arnold. Notts. Hosiery Manufacturers has been dissolved and will be carried on by John Clay. (London Gazette page 2954).

1914-1918.  Memorial on the Victoria Embankment Nottingham listing 13,435 names of Nottinghamshire fatalities known to have lost their lives in the Great War. The monument was unveiled in June 2019.

1914 -18. War Memorial at Bramcote  - men who gave their lives includes  Leit. C. G. Claye. (Ref.- PC2023).

1915. Gedling Church War Memorial. - Frank Henry Clay. DCM.  7th Battallion Kings Rifle Corps born Winchester (Carlton) killed in action. Flanders 8th July 1915. (Ref. - PC2023).

1917. Kimberley Church. Memorial plaque to Lance Corp. Frederick Shaw Clay. Coldstream Guards. Killed at Langemark  Sept. 24th 1917 age 20 years. (Ref.- PC2023).

1920.  Harry Clay joined the South Notts Hussars Aug. 5th 1920 at Nottingham. Wife Mrs Jessie Liliam Clay of 12 Trafalgar Terrace. Long Eaton. Children. Dorothy, George and Frank. (Ref.- Militia List).

1952. The Robin Hood Statue at Nottingham Castle was unveiled being donated to the City by Nottingham Industrialist Phillip. E. F. Clay of Radclife on Trent with a gift of £5,000.

No Date. 1200 - 1350, Robert dyl Clay holds 1 bovate of land and 1 messuage in Hodsock by homage etc and he renders 6s.8d a year. (Ref.- Book. English Rural Society).

Rear Admiral Edward Sneyd Clay of Southwell. 1768 - 1846.

Edward was born at Southwell in Nottinghamshire in September 1768 the son of William Clay gent. Attorney at Law and Jemima his wife. He joined the Royal Navy and rose through the ranks to become Rear Admiral and fought in many sea battles and was wounded in heavy fighting. He was in command of several ships and fought against the Danes and also in the Napolean wars. He was commanding officer of the 98 gun HMS St George and he captured the Danish ship Norwegian Girl. He was at the battle of Camperdown near Copenhagen where he commanded the ship HMS Zebra as part of Lord Nelsons fleet of 30 ships. He was later in command of the 64 gun HMS Raisonable in 1812 to 1814. He was married to Elizabeth Knight in 1797 and they had a son William Noble Clay and Edward eventually retired on a naval pension to his home town of Southwell. Notts where he died in 1846 and in his Will left bequests to his son. The tomb of Edward Sneyd Clay. Rear Admiral can be seen at the side of Southwell Minster.

The Following transcripts should be checked with the original registers.

1568. John son of Robert Clay buried at Mansfield.

1575. Richard Clay married Agnes Buttry at Skegby. Nov. 20th.

1578 / 79. John Clay buried at Bothamsall.

1579. Reinold Clay married Alice Giles at Teversall.

1579. Maria Clay baptised at Askham

1583. Adam Clay married Alice Dickinson at Mansfield.

1587. Margery Clay buried at Askham.

1587. Edward Clay married Joan at Askham.

1587 / 88. John Clay married Elizabeth Cantrell at Teversal.

1589. Agnes Clay married Thomas Lacie at Bramcote.

1592. Oliver Clay married Agnes Atkinson at Sutton cum Lound.

1593 / 94. Katheryn Clay married John Cullandes at North Collingham.

1593 / 94. Jenette Clay buried at Headon.

1595. Jane Clay baptised at Askham.

1596. John son of Hercules Clay baptised at Sutton in Ashfield.

1598. Edmund Clay married Alice Wright at Averham.

1602. Anne Clay married Richard Bowlswer at Sutton in Ashfield.

1605. Elizabeth Clay married Thomas Hallworthe at Selston.

1605. Jane daughter of Richard Clay baptised at Headon.

1607. Thomas Clay married Elizabeth Stanley at Mansfield.

1607. Alice Clay married William Marriot at Teversall.

1608. Katherine Clay married William Langford at Mansfield.

1608. Anne Clay married Thomas Mottram at Sutton in Ashfield.

1608 / 09. Elizabeth Clay married John Johnson at Skegby.

1610. Edward Clay married Helen Alcocke at Rolleston.

1611 / 12. Oliver Clay married Mary Taylour at Sutton cum Lound.

1613. Anne Clay married Richard Richardson at Teversall.

1620. Thomas Clay married Anne Withers at Shelford.

1620. Alice Clay married Roger Brightman at Bramcote.

1621. Gregory son of William Clay baptised at Southwell.

1627 / 28. William son of William Clay baptised at Southwell.

1708. March 21st. Ralph son of Ralph and Mary Clay baptised at st Helen's. Trowell.

1753. Hercules Clay of Pleasley age 32 Farmer married Ann Bullock age 24 at Worksop Priory.

1754. John son of Hercules and Ann Clay baptised at Worksop.

1755. Hannah daughter of Hercules and Ann Clay baptised at Worksop.

1758. William son of Hercules and Ann Clay baptised at Worksop.

1763. Ann Clay buried 5th June at Worksop.

1764. Jane daughter of Hercules and Mary Clay baptised at Worksop.

1766. George son of Hercules and Mary Clay baptised at Worksop.

1767. Mathew son of Hercules and Mary Clay baptised at Worksop.

1787. Henry Clay married Hannah Lacy. 9th July at Arnold.

1787. Ann daughter of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1789. Thomas son of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1798. Edward son of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1800. Henry son of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1802. James son of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1807. Ann daughter of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1808.  Samuel son of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.

1810. Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Hannah Clay baptised at Arnold.


1561. Hellen Claye married Thomas Myntall at Selston.

1574. Elizabeth Claye married John Cappron at Mansfield.

1577. Parcivall  ? Claye married John Millner at Balderton.

1579. Joane Claye married Thomas Childs at Mansfield.

1581. William Claye married Frances Girllie ? at Worksop.

1587. Agnes Claye married Henry Normanbee at Mansfield.

1587 / 88.  Alice Claye married John Reason at Mansfield.

1591 / 92.  Katherine Claye married Edmund Stockley at Sutton Bonington.

1592. Dorothy Clay married Robert Hill at Mansfield.

1592 / 93. Isabell Claye married William Brooke at Mansfield.

1593. Margery Claye married Francis Swinscoe at Mansfield.

1594. Edmond Claye married Elizabeth Stafford at Mansfield.

1599. Elizabeth Claye married Thomas Spoulton at Mansfield.

1610 / 11. Elizabeth Claye married Thomas Watkin at Winkburn.

1610 / 11. Mary daughter of William Claye baptised at Worksop.

1611. Mary daughter of William Claye buried at Worksop.

1613 / 14. Frances wife of William Claye buried at Worksop.

1613 / 14. William Claye buried at Worksop.

1613 / 14. Helen Claye buried at Worksop.

1616 / 17. William Claye  buried at Worksop.

1617. Joan Claye married Richard Alsoppe at Worksop.

1618. Isabell Claye married James Edenbrough at Orston.

1625. Margaret Claye married Edward Blithman at Mansfield.

1626. George Claye married Mabel Morre at Worksop.

1631. John Claye married Anne Baguley at Colwick.

1641. Marie Claye married Thomas Frost at Mansfield.

1642. Margaret Claye married William Hynde at Fledborough.

1652. Margaret Claye maried Christopher Burton at Balderton.


1568. Margaret Cley married Nicholas Begyley at Nottingham.

1582. Elizabeth daughter of William Cley baptised at Worksop.

1586 / 87. William son of William Cley baptised at Worksop.

1591. Eline daughter of William Cley baptised at Worksop.

1621. William Cley married Susan Gervase at Southwell.

1630. Elizabeth daughter of William Cley baptised at Southwell.

1631. Isabell Cley married Robert Eyre at Mansfield.

1632. Frances daughter of William and Susan Cley baptised at Southwell.

1632. Isabell daughter of William and Susan Cley baptised at Southwell.

1642. Margaret Cley married Isaac Whittaker at Mansfield.

1641 Protestation Oath Roll. Nottinghamshire. (Parliamentary Archives Ref.- HL/PO/JO/10/1/100-101).

Mansfield. Charles Clay. John Clay. Samuel Clay. Thomas Clay. Thomas Clay.

Sutton in Ashfield.. Francis Clay. Thomas Clay. William Clay.

Warsop. John Clay. Richard Clay

Nottingham. William Clay. Gent.

Eakring. Thomas Clay. Overseer.

Perlethorpe. George Clay.

Ordsall. William Clay.

Rampton. Peter Clae.

Saunby. Thomas Clay.

Wollaton. Francis Clay.

Farndon. Laurence Clay.

Sibthorpe. Robert Clay.

Caunton. Samuel Clay.

Kelham. John Clay.

Southwell. John Clay. William Clay. William Clay.

Rolleston. William Clay. William Clay. Churchwarden and Overseer.

Stoke. Jo: Clay.

1664 Nottinghamshire Hearth Tax.                         Number of Hearths.      (TNA Ref.- E179/254/30). - Also published by W. F. Webster. 1988.

Robert Clay. Kirkgate. Newark.-------------------------------------3.

John Clay. Newark (No charge)------------------------------------- 1.

John Clay. Kelham.-----------------------------------------------------6.

Elizabeth Clay. Winthorpe. ------------------------------------------1.

Thomas Clay. East Stoke. ---------------------------------------------1.

Samuel Clay. Mansfield.-----------------------------------------------2.

Robert Clay. Warsop.--------------------------------------------------2.

William Clay. Sutton in Ashfield.-------------------------------------3.

Edward Clay. Sutton in Ashfield.-------------------------------------1.

Francis Clay. Sutton in Ashfield.----------------------------------- --1.

George Clay. Budby.-----------------------------(Not Chargeable).

Oliver Clay. Budby.-------------------------------(Not chargeable).

Mr Clay. East Retford.-------------------------------------------------2.

Samuel Clay. Norwell.-------------------------------------------------1.

Peter Clay. Fledborough.---------------------------------------------1.

1674 Nottinghamshire Hearth Tax.                         Number of Hearths.      (TNA Ref.- E179/160/320. and E179/160/322 and E179/254/28 + 30). -- Also published by W.F.Webster.1988.

Mr Clay. Fincall Street. Southwell.----------------------------------9.

William Clay. Farthing Street. Southwell.--------------------------4.

Mr Clay of Barr Lane. Wesgate. Southwell.------------------------3

Mr John Clay of Westroope.Southwell.----------------------------4.

Daniel Clay. Church Gate. Mansfield.-------------------------------2.

Daniel Clay. Church Gate. Mansfield.-------------------------------1.

Thomas Clay. Church Gate. Mansfield.----------------------------- 3.

Joseph Clay. Westgate. Mansfield.-----------------------------------3.

Mr Clay's House. (Empty) Stockwell Gate. Mansfield .-----------7.

Samuel Clay. Littleworth. Mansfield. --------------------------------1.

John Clay. Cockpit. Mansfield .----------------------------------------1.

Mr Clay. Sutton in Ashfield.--------------------------------------------3.

Edward Clay. Sutton in Ashfield.--------------------------------------1.

William Clay. Sutton in Ashfield.--------------------------------------3.

Francis Clay. Bulwell.--------------------------------------------------- 1.

Thomas Clay. Basford.--------------------------------------------------2.

Francis Clay. Hucknall in Sutton.--------------------------------------2.

Nicholas Clay. Ollerton.-------------------------------------------------2.

George Clay. Budby. ---------------------------------------------------- 1.

Oliver Clay. Budby.-------------------------------------------------------1.

Robert Clay. Sookholme.------------------------------------------------4.

Samuel Clay. Norwell.----------------------------------------------------1.

1873 Returns of Owners of Land.

William Clay of Woodborough. 30 acres.

Mr W. W. P. Clay of Southwell. 5 acres.

John Clay of Norwell. 2 acres.

Southwell Minster Parish Register.

George ? son of William Clay baptised 15th July 1621.

William son of William Clay baptised 18th March 1627.

Elizabeth daughter of William Clay baptised 10th Oct. 1630.

Isobell and Frances daughters of William Clay baptised 9th Dec. 1631.

Robert  son of William and Susanna Clay baptised June 1636.

Isobell daughter of William Clay buried 1st Feb.1638.

Richard son of William and Susanna Clay baptised 7th April 1639.

John Clay and Mary Astlie married 5th Nov. 1639.

William Clay and Joan Williamson married 28th Aug. 1641.

Flora daughter of John and Elizabeth Clay baptised 8th Feb. 1650.

Barbara daughter of William Clay. Gent baptised 12th Oct. 1651.

John son of John and Elizabeth Clay born 30th Oct. 1653.

Bridget daughter of Mr William Clay and Bridget born 17th May 1654.

William son of Mr William Clay and Bridget born 10th July 1655.

Richard Clay buried 9th Nov. 1655.

Benjamin son of Mr William Clay and Bridget born 27th Jan. 1656.

John Clay buried 21st July 1656.

William son of John and Elizabeth Clay born 15th Oct 1656.

John son of John and Elizabeth Clay born 21st Jan. 1658.

Joseph son of Mr William Clay and Bridget born 9th April 1659.

Mary daughter of John Clay baptised 22nd Sept.1661.

Charles son of John and Elizabeth Clay baptised 20th Aug.1662.

Mansfield daughter of Mr William Clay and Bridget baptised 2nd Feb.1664.

Charles son of John Clay buried 12th May.1664.

Robert son of John Clay baptised 18th March 1665.

William son of William Clay baptised 18th June 1667.

Barbara daughter of William and Barbara Clay baptised 31st July 1672.

Elizabeth Clay buried 5th Feb. 1672.

Elizabeth wife of John Clay of Hesthorpe buried 7th Oct. 1679.

Mary daughter of William and Joyce Clay baptised 20th Aug.1680.

Richard son of Richard and Isobell Clay baptised 30th Dec.1680.

William son of William and Joyce Clay baptised 2nd Dec.1683.

A still born child of John Clay buried 6th Dec. 1683.

William Clay malster buried 24th Jan. 1684.

John son of Richard and Isobell Clay baptised 8th June.1684.

John son of John and Bridget Clay baptised 19th June. 1684.

Mary daughter of Richard and Isobell Clay baptised 25th March 1686.

Joyce Clay married John Savage 11th July 1686.

Anne daughter of Richard and Isobell Clay baptised 2nd Feb.1687.

Frances daughter of John and Bridget Clay baptised 28th Dec. 1688.

Elizabeth daughter of Richard and Isobell Clay baptised 6th June 1689.

Mr Benjamin Clay son of Mr William Clay buried  17th July 1690.

William Clay a child buried 5th April 1691.

Bridget daughter of Richard and Isobell Clay baptised 16th April 1691.

Mary daughter of William and Mary Clay baptised 18th Feb.1692.

Bridget daughter of Richard and Isobell Clay buried 5th April 1692.

Mr William Clay. Register and Auditor of the Register buried 6th June 1692.

Mrs Bridget Clay widow of Mr Clay buried 15th Sept.1693.

Ralph Clay buried 2nd Nov. 1693.

Flower daughter of John and Bridget Clay baptised 7th Jan. 1694.

Bridget wife of John Clay buried 4th Jan. 1695.

John Clay and Ann Newton married 1st Sept. 1695.

William son of John and Ann Clay baptised 24th May. 1696.

Robert son of William and Mary Clay baptised 24th Jan. 1696.

John Clay of Kersey buried August. 1697.

Mary daughter of John and Ann Clay baptised 29th Dec. 1697.

John Clay buried 14th May 1698.

Barbara daughter of William Clay baptised 13th Aug. 1699.

Benjamin son of Joseph Clay. Gent and Mary Baptised 31st March 1700.

Thomas son of William and Mary Clay baptised 1st Oct.1703.

---------? daughter of Joseph Clay. Gent and Mary baptised 9th Jan.1703.

Cudworth son of Mr Clay and Mary baptised 19th Aug. 1705.

Cudworth son of Mr Clay buried 30th Aug.1705.

Stenton illegitimate child of Anne Clay baptised 27th Sept.1705.

Stenton base son of Anne Clay buried 13th Nov.1705.

Thomas ? son of William Clay baptised 29th Jan.1705.

Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Mary Clay baptised 30th June.1706.

Henry son of William and Mary Clay baptised 7th April.1708.

Henry illegitimate son of Ann Clay baptised 21st March 1708.

Henry base son of Ann Clay buried 27th June 1708.

Richard son of Mr Clay buried July 1711.

William Clay of Hexgrave buried 11th Oct.1711.

Bridget Clay married Samuel Singleton 14th Nov.1715.

William Clay married Alice Denman 19th May.1720

William son of William and Alice Clay baptised 1st March 1721.

Mr Clay of Westhorpe buried 9th March 1723.

John son of William and Alice Clay baptised 26th April 1724.

Mary daughter of William and Alice Clay baptised 12th June 1726.

Katherine daughter of Mr John Clay and Katherine baptised 20th Jan.1726.

Thomas Clay married Rosamond Holland 17th. Nov. 1726.

------ (Blank) - of William and Alice Clay baptised 22nd May 1727.

John son of William and Alice Clay baptised 18th Sept.1727.

Mr Clay buried 27th Oct. 1727.

Mary daughter of Thomas and Rosamond Clay baptised 6th Feb.1727.

Sarah daughter of Edward and Esther Clay baptised 3rd Oct.1728.

Robert son of William and Alice Clay baptised 5th Feb.1729.

Ellen daughter of John and Katherine Clay baptised 1730.

Mr Joseph Clay jnr buried 19th March 1731.

Robert son of William and Alice Clay buried 15th Jan. 1732.

Sarah Clay married William Statham 8th April 1732.

Jane daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Clay baptised May. 1732.

Mary daughter of William and Alice Clay baptised 8th Nov.1732.

Mary daughter of William and Alice Clay buried 9th Nov. 1732.

William son of Mr Benjamin and Elizabeth Clay baptised 13th Dec.1732.

William son of Samuel Clay baptised 23rd Jan.1732.

John son of Mr John Clay and Catherine baptised 17th Feb.1732.

Frances daughter of Francis and Catherine Clay baptised 2nd April 1733.

Sarah daughter of John and Ann Clay baptised 19th Nov.1733.

Samuel son of Samuel and Mary Clay baptised 14th Jan.1733.

Alice daughter of William and Alice Clay baptised 6th Feb.1733.

Elizabeth daughter of Mr Benjamin and Mrs Elizabeth Clay baptised 11th Feb. 1733.

Rosamunfd wife of Thomas Clay buried 27th Feb. 1733.

Ann wife of John Clay buried 13th Sept. 1733.

Elizabeth daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Clay buried 18th Aug. 1734.

John son of John and Ann Clay baptised 25th Aug.1734.

Samuel son of John Clay buried 1734.

Rosamund daughter of Thomas Clay buried 13th Aug. 1735.

Mrs Mary Clay buried 8th Sept. 1735.

William son of John and Catherine Clay baptised 26th Oct.1735.

Mary daughter of Francis and Catherine Clay buried 19th Nov. 1735.

Alice daughter of William and Alice Clay buried 10th Jan. 1736.

William Clay buried 11th March 1736.

Ellen daughter of Mr John  Clay and Mrs Catherine Clay buried 26th Nov. 1736.

Frances and Catherine daughters of Francis and Catherine Clay buried 5th Dec. 1736.

Benjamin son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Clay buried 15th Dec. 1736.

Elizabeth daughter of John and Catherine Clay baptised 6th Oct. 1738.

Elizabeth daughter of Mr Benjamin Clay and Elizabeth baptised 17th Dec. 1738.

Ann daughter of Mr Benjamin Clay and Elizabeth baptised 28th Dec.1739.

Hollis son of John and Catherine Clay baptised 29th April 1740.

William Clay buried 18th Jan. 1742.

Margaretta wife of John Clay buried 15th Feb. 1742.

Isabella daughter of Mr John Clay and Catherine baptised July 1742.

Sarah daughter of Samuel and Ann Clay baptised 8th August 1742.

Thomas base son of Alice Clay baptised 1744.

John Clay buried 4th July 1744.

Bridget daughter of Samuel and Ann Clay buried 11th Feb. 1745.

Mary wife of William Clay buried 1st May 1745.

William son of William Clay buried  21st May 1745.

William Clay married Phebe Lawton 12th Aug.1745.

Bridget daughter of Samuel and Ann Clay baptised 29th August 1745.

William son of William and Phebe Clay baptised 1745.

Catherine wife of Mr John Clay buried 11th Feb. 1746.

Ann Clay buried 5th May 1746.

Mary daughter of Mr John Clay and Catherine baptised 1746.

------ ? daughter of William and Phebe Clay baptised 1747.

Isabella daughter of Mr John Clay buried 26th Sept. 1747.

Joseph son of Samuel and Ann Clay baptised 1748.

Joseph son of Samuel and Ann Clay buried June 1749.

------- ? son of William and Phebe Clay baptised 1750.

Francis son of John and Mary Clay baptised 1750.

Thomas son of William and Phebe Clay baptised Oct.1751.

Samuel Clay buried 19th April 1753.

Elizabeth base daughter of Elizabeth Clay buried 1755.

Jane wife of Thomas Clay buried 1758.

Mary daughter of Mr Richard Clay and Susanna his wife baptised 18th March 1760.

William Waldgrave Pelham Clay son of William and Jemima Clay. Gent. Attorney at Law baptised Oct. 25th 1760.

Maria daughter of William Clay. Attorney at Law and Jemima baptised 26th Oct. 1761.

Richard son of Richard and Susanna Clay baptised 1762.

Benjamin son William Clay. Gent. Attorney at Law and Jemima baptised 29th July 1763.

William Clay buried 21st Aug. 1763.

Sarah daughter of William and Ellen Clay baptised 31st Aug.1764.

Mary base daughter of Elizabeth Clay baptised 5th Nov. 1764.

John Clay of Westhorpe esq buried 11th Dec. 1764.

Ellen wife of William Clay buried 15th Sept. 1766.

Mrs Ann Clay buried 25th Dec. 1766.

John Grundy Clay son of Mr William Clay. Attorney at Law and Jemima baptised 20th Jan.1767.

Mary base daughter of Elizabeth Clay baptised 1767.

Edward Sneyd Clay son of William Clay.Gent. Attorney at Law and Jemima baptised 10th Sept.1768.

John Clay of Westhorpe buried 4th Feb. 1769.

Anna Charlotte daughter of William Clay. Gent.  Attorney and Jemima baptised 11th Feb.1770.

Mrs Mary Clay widow of the late John Clay of Westhorpe buried 25th June 1770.

Gilbert son of Richard Augustus Clay and Susanna his wife baptised 21st Aug.1770.

James Henry Clay son of Mr William Clay. Attorney and Jemima buried 3rd April 1772.

Mr Richard Augustus Clay buried 27th May 1772.

Gilbert son of the late Richard Augustus Clay and Susanna buried 8th May 1773.

Evelyn daughter of William Clay. Gent Attorney at Law and Jemima baptised 17th May 1773.

Thomas Clay buried June 1773.

William Clay buried 1775.

Elizabeth Clay buried 21st Jan. 1776.

- - - - -  ?  the wife of John Clay buried 1779.

John Clay buried 1779.

Isaac son of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised 12th Oct.1779.

Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised June 1780.

Phebe Clay widow buried 1783.

Mary Clay widow buried 1783.

John son of Francis and Ann Clay baptised 25th May 1784.

William son of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised 20th Feb.1785.

John son of Francis and Ann Clay buried 23rd Sept. 1785.

William son of Francis and Ann Clay baptised 5th March 1786.

John son of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised 5th May 1787.

Mary daughter of John and Martha Clay baptised 6th Jan. 1788.

Mary daughter of Francis and Ann Clay baptised 18th Jan.1788.

Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary Clay buried 9th April 1788.

Thomas son of William and Hannah Clay baptised 21st Aug.1788.

Henry Clay buried 27th Oct. 1789.

Diana Clay buried 13th June 1790.

Richard son of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised 6th July 1790.

Phebe daughter of John and Martha Clay baptised 9th Aug.1790.

W. W. Pelham Clay son of Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife baptised 13th June 1791.

Elizabeth daughter of William and Hannah Clay baptised 8th Nov. 1791.

Eliza Marie daughter of Capt. William Wadgrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife buried 16th June 1792.

William base son of Mary Clay baptised 3rd Nov. 1792.

Hannah daughter of Francis and Ann Clay baptised 9th June 1794.

William son of Mary Clay buried 13 Aug. 1794.

Phebe daughter of John and Martha Clay buried 25th Sept. 1794.

Samuel son of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised 26th Nov. 1794.

Thomas Rudall ? son of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 31st Aug. 1795.

Ann widow of John Clay esq late of Mansfield buried Sept. 1796.

Martha daughter of John and Martha Clay baptised 25th Oct.1796.

Henry son of Francis and Ann Clay baptised 2nd March 1797.

Susanna daughter of Richard Augustus Clay buried 9th Feb. 1798.

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 21st Feb.1799.

John son of John and Martha Clay baptised 17th Jan.1800.

Abraham son of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 29th Jan.1800.

George Bertie son of Captain Edward Saxby Clay and Elizabeth Mary baptised 14th June 1800.

William Clay buried 16th July 1801.

John son of John and Martha Clay buried 28th Feb. 1802.

Mary daughter of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 29th March 1802.

Charlotte Spencer Clay daughter of Col. William Waldgrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte Clay his wife baptised 27th Sept. 1803.

Charles son of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 12th June 1804.

William son of John and Martha Clay baptised 12th June 1804.

Eliza daughter of John and Jane Clay baptised 30th May 1805.

Sarah wife of William Clay buried 18th March 1806.

Elizabeth Clay buried 5th Jan. 1808.

Jemima daughter of Lt. Col. John Grundy Clay and Charlotte his wife born Feb. 28th 1807 baptised 9th Jan. 1808.

Phebe daughter of John and Martha Clay baptised 21st July 1808.

Sarah daughter of Rev. William Claye and his wife Sarah baptised 1st Jan. 1809.

William son of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 17th Feb. 1809.

Ann daughter of Thomas and Mary Clay buried 5th March 1810

Martha daughter of John and Martha Clay buried 5th April 1810.

William son of John and Sarah Clay baptised 24th Oct. 1810.

Joseph son of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 23rd May 1811.

Jemima Clay age 79 of Southwell buried 4th March 1813.

John Clay age 20  of Southwell buried 14th Feb. 1815.

George son of Richard and Francis Clay of Southwell blacksmith baptised February 1815.

John Clay age 68 of Southwell buried 30th Aug. 1815.

Ann daughter of Thomas and Catherine Clay baptised 8th Jan. 1816.

John Clay age 17 of Southwell buried 10th April 1818.

Samuel Arthur illegitimate son of Ann Clay of Southwell baptised 8th March 1821.

Francis Clay age 75 buried 1st Oct. 1821.

Harriet Clay age 9 months buried 9th Feb. 1823.

John son of John and Elizabeth Clay blacksmith of Southwell baptised  18th Feb. 1823.

Ann Clay age 67 buried 4th Dec. 1823.

Ann Clay age 92 buried 21st May 1824.

Hannah daughter of Henry and Sarah Clay labourer of Southwell baptised 21st Feb. 1825.

Thomas Clay age 76 buried 6th March 1826.

Jane Pelham Clay age 27 buried 19th May 1826.

Thomas Clay age 86 buried 10th Aug. 1826.

William Clay age 17 buried 8th Jan. 1827.

Eunice Mary illegitimate daughter of Mary Clay of Southwell baptised 12th April 1827.

Mary daughter of Henry and Sarah Clay of Southwell brickmaker baptised 16th May 1827.

John illegitimate son of Phebe Clay of Southwell baptised 14th Jan.1828.

Sophia daughter of Thomas Clay jnr weaver and Mary Ann baptised 28th May 1828.

Mary Clay buried 30th May 1828.

Catherine Charlotte Clay age 60 buried 15th Aug. 1828.

William Clay of this parish and Hannah Heaton of this parish married 26th May 1829.

Thomas Clay age 4 buried 8th Dec. 1829.

Ann Charlotte Clay age 61 buried 15th April 1831.

Sarah daughter of William Clay labourer and Ann Clay baptised 3rd April 1833.

William Clay age 22 buried 3rd April 1833.

William Clay age 90 buried 9th Nov. 1835.

Martha Clay age 73 buried 29th Dec. 1836.

Elizabeth daughter of William Clay labourer and Ann Clay of Back Lane baptised 21st Dec. 1838.

Elizabeth Clay age 1 buried 26th Jan. 1839.

Mary Ann Clay of Westgate age 34 buried 17th Feb. 1840.

John son of William Clay labourer and Hannah Clay of Back Lane baptised 12th Jan.1842.

Ann daughter of William Clay labourer and Hannah Clay of Bargye baptised 15th Dec. 1843.

Eliza daughter of William and Hannah Clay of Southwell baptised  17th Oct. 1845.

Henry Clay of King Street age 48 buried 14th Dec. 1845.

Edward Sneyd Clay of Westgate age 77 buried 7th Feb. 1846.

William son of William Clay labourer and Hannah Clay of Southwell baptised 7th July 1850.

Sarah daughter of Hannah Clay of Southwell single woman baptised 14th Sept. 1851.

Ann Elizabeth daughter of Eliza Clay servant single woman baptised 16th Aug. 1863.

Checked baptisms to 1883 no further male Clay baptisms. Checked burials to 1851.

Notts Marriage Licences. (Southwell).

Robert Clay of Southwell cordwainer married Mary Roberts of Newark widow 6th July 1663.

Flower Clay daughter of John Clay of Southwell. Labourer and Richard Wood of Winkburn. 3rd July.1670.

Richard Clay of Westhorpe. Southwell gent married Isabel West daughter of Richard West. 26th May 1677.

Theodosia Clay and William Wright yeoman both of Westhorpe.Southwell Parish married 2nd Jan. 1679.

William Clay of Southwell taylor age 23 married Mary Newton age 24 of Newthorpe 30th July 1690.

John Clay of Westhorpe. Gent and Katherine Andrews of Southwell . 13th March 1725.

John Clay of Southwell shoemaker married Margaret Brumby of Upton 22nd April 1735.

Southwell Cathedral Brass Floor Plaques.

Southwell Cathedral Grave Plaques on floor slabs inside the church all in one section.

Waldegrave Pelham Esq son of Waldegrave Pelham Esq and Elizabeth his Wife of Hedingham Syble. Essex Died 17th Oct. 1763 Aged 28 years.

In memory of Ann Clay who died greatly lamented 22nd Dec. 1766 in her 65th year of her age.

Benjamin Clay Esq. Elizabeth his wife daughter of John Grundy Esq of Bleasby died 1781.

Elizabeth wife of Nicholas Hutchinson daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Clay Died May 9th 1790 aged 52.

Jemima Evelyn daughter of William Waldegrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife born 15th May died 24th Nov.1790.

Eliza Maria Clay daughter of Mr Wm Waldegrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife died June 13th 1791 aged 1 day.

W. W. Pelham Clay son of W. Waldegrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife died Feb.16th 1793 age 2 years.

Charlotte Spencer daughter of W. Waldegrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife died Dec.14th 1803 age 11 weeks.

Bertie Pelham son of W. Waldegrave Pelham Clay and Catherine Charlotte his wife died Dec.21st 1810 aged 10 years..

William Clay died Dec.23rd 1812 age 80 years (next to) - Jemima Clay the wife of William Clay Died Feb.22nd 1813 age 79.

Jemima Clay the wife of William Clay died Feb.22nd 1813 aged 79.

Lieutenant General W. W. Pelham Clay died Sept.27th 1822 age 61 years.

Catherine Charlotte Clay relict of the late Lieut. Gen. W. W. P. Clay died 9th Aug. 1828. age 60 years.

Forlorn Hope.

1788. Lieutenant John Granby Clay of the 2nd Battalion Light Infantry led a Forlorn Hope with 12 men in an attack at Morne du Penn

and reached the summit gaining the upper hand against the French capturing their field gun. He took part in many battles. In 1794 he

became Captain and in 1797 became Brigade Major, in 1813 he was promoted to Major General and was awarded medals for distinguished 

service. He was born in 1766 at Southwell the son of Mr William Clay. Attorney at Law and Jemima his wife. John was married to Charlotte

and they had a son Henry Cecil Bishop Clay born in 1808. John died in 1846 aged 80 at his home in Exeter.

Newark Parish Register. St Mary. (Transcribed by David Clay).


Thomas Clay married Elizabeth Bacon. 17th Aug. 1617.

William Clay married Elizabeth Key. 4th March. 1621.

John Clay married Elizabeth Hobman. 24th Oct. 1624.

Elizabeth Clay married William Leake. 14th Oct.1628.

Hercules Clay married Mary Lante. 17th April.1631.

Elizabeth Clay married Anthony Stokes. 26th Nov. 1655.

Mary Clay married Henry Renard. 4th April. 1683.

Francis Clay married Rosamond Wilson.15th Feb. 1693.

Bullard Clay married Frances Whitton. 8th May. 1701.

Anne Clay married William Hawden. 3rd Nov. 1706.

Alice Clay married William Hoyes. 2nd May. 1717.

Thomas Clay Married Mary Gilbert. 1st July. 1723.

Francis Clay married Catherine Camm. 12th Sept. 1732.

Jane Clay married Alexander Bremar. 23rd April. 1739.

Elizabeth Clay married John Morris. 8th Oct. 1739.

Francis Clay married Ann Smith. 31st Aug. 1743.

Henry Clay married Jane Pollard. 18th Nov. 1743.

Thomas Clay married Anne Goodworth 13th October. 1747.

Esther Clay married Edward Smith. 1st Feb.1726. (Both of Southwell).

Newark Parish Register. St Mary. (Transcribed by David Clay).


Richard son of William Clay baptised 18th Jan.1630.

Elizabeth daughter of Hercules Clay baptised 28th Oct.1631.

John son of Hercules Clay baptised 26th Nov.1632.

Hercules son of Hercules Clay baptised 19th Nov.1633.

Frances daughter of Hercules Clay baptised 21st Nov.1634.

William son of Hercules Clay baptised 14th Nov. 1635.

Thomas son of Hercules Clay and Mary his wife baptised 11th July. 1637.

Timothy son of Hercules Clay and Mary his wife baptised 23rd Aug.1638.

Marie daughter of Hercules Clay and Mary his wife baptised 22nd Nov.1639.

Mary daughter of Mr John Clay baptised 18th Nov.1658.

John son of Mr John Clay baptised 11th March.1659.

William son of John Clay baptised 20th April 1662.

Rebecca daughter of John Clay baptised 25th March 1664.

William son of Richard Clay baptised 23rd Aug.1664.

Francis son of William Clay baptised 24th Oct.1665.

Frances daughter of John Clay baptised 5th April 1666.

Mary daughter of John Clay baptised 25th July 1668.

Hercules son of John Clay baptised 3rd June 1670.

Wondell daughter of William Clay baptised 2nd Dec. 1670.

Hugh and Bullard sons of Robert Clay baptised 14th Feb.1671.

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Clay baptised 23rd July 1674.

Ann daughter of Robert Clay baptised 23rd Oct.1675.

Robert son of Robert Clay baptised 28th Aug.1678.

Alice daughter of Francis Clay baptised 2nd April 1696.

Henry son of Francis Clay baptised 30th April 1698.

Robert son of Francis Clay baptised 2nd Aug.1700.

Mary daughter of Bullard Clay baptised 17th Jan.1701.

Hugh son of Bullard Clay baptised 16th Sept.1703.

Elizabeth daughter of Francis Clay baptised 22nd Feb.1704.

Ann daughter of Bullard Clay baptised 3rd Jan.1705.

Francis son of Bullard Clay baptised 6th Aug.1708.

Jane daughter of Bullard Clay baptised 4th Aug.1711.

Robert son of Bullard Clay baptised 19th March 1713.

John son of Bullard Clay baptised 27th Dec.1716.

Francis son of Henry Clay baptised 28th March.1727.

John son of Hugh Clay baptised 19th Sept. 1728.

Henry son of Henry Clay baptised 7th Nov.1728.

Mary daughter of Hugh Clay baptised 27th April 1730.

John son of Mr John Clay baptised 4th March 1730.

Robert son of Henry Clay baptised 1st March 1730.

Francis son of Hugh Clay baptised 17th Feb.1731.

Robert James son of Mr John Clay baptised 5th May 1732.

Ann daughter of Hugh Clay baptised 7th Jan.1733.

Jane daughter of Hugh Clay baptised 1st July 1736.

John son of Henry Clay baptised 22nd Nov.1744.

Margaret daughter of Henry Clay baptised 30th March 1752.

Henry son of Henry Clay baptised 26th July 1754.

Mary daughter of Henry Clay baptised 22nd Nov.1756.

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Clay baptised 7th Jan.1757.

Dorothy daughter of Robert Clay baptised 10th Nov.1758.

Robert son of Robert Clay baptised 25th July 1755.

Ann daughter of Robert Clay baptised 17th April 1760.

Rosamond daughter of Henry and Mary Clay baptised 12th Feb.1762 being 2 years and 6 months old.

Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Mary Clay baptised 12th Feb.1762.

Samuel son of Robert Clay baptised 18th Feb.1762.

Francis reputed son of Francis Clay and Mary Speed baptised 25th Dec.1762.

Rosamond daughter of Robert and Ann Clay baptised 5th Feb.1764.

Ann daughter of Henry and Mary Clay baptised 13th April 1765.

Sarah daughter of Francis and Jane Clay baptised 19th June 1767.

Francis son of Francis and Jane Clay baptised 7th Feb.1769.

James son of Francis and Jane Clay baptised 28th Dec.1770.

Elizabeth daughter of Francis and Jane Clay baptised 17th Oct.1773.

Francis son of Francis and Jane Clay baptised 27th Dec.1776.

John son of Henry and Mary Clay baptised 27th Dec. 1776 age 7.

Dorothy and Ann daughters of Henry and Mary Clay baptised 27th Dec.1776.

Charles illegitimate son of Dorothy Clay baptised 13th Oct.1789.

Henry illegitimate son of Dorothy Clay baptised 29th June 1792.

John illegitimate son of Dorothy Clay baptised 6th June 1794.

John son of William and Elizabeth Clay baptised 20th December 1797.

Sarah daughter of William and Elizabeth Clay baptised 11th March 1800.

John son of William and Elizabeth Clay baptised 8th October 1802.

Robert son of William and Anne baptised 23rd October 1806.

(Memorandum 1783 - Tax for baptisms and burials 3 pence each).

Newark Parish Register. St Mary. (Transcribed by David Clay)


Elizabeth Clay buried 12th Nov.1631.

Elizabeth daughter of John Clay buried 19th April 1633.

John son of John Clay buried 11th July 1637.

Barbara daughter of John Clay buried 5th Jan.1637.

Thomas son of Hercules Clay buried 3rd Feb.1638.

Mary wife of Hercules Clay buried 2nd Oct.1640.

William son of Hercules Clay buried 24th March 1642.

Hercules Clay. Mayor buried 1st Jan. 1644.

Mary daughter of John Clay buried 25th Aug.1666.

Frances daughter of John Clay buried 19th April 1669.

John Clay buried 5th Oct. 1670.

Wondell daughter of Robert Clay buried 7th March 1670.

William son of Robert Clay buried 15th March 1671.

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Clay buried 31st March 1672.

Hercules son of John Clay buried 15th Jan.1678.

Robert Clay buried 10th July 1682.

Francis and Frances twins of Francis Clay buried 1694.

James son of Bullard Clay buried 3rd Nov..1702.

Elizabeth Clay a child buried 22nd Nov.1715.

Robert a child of Bullard Clay buried 29th April 1718.

Bullard Clay buried 7th July 1731.

Hercules son of Mr John Clay buried 20th March 1734.

A child of John Clay buried 31st Oct.1740.

John son of Henry Clay buried 22nd November 1744.

Robert Clay buried 15th May 1746.

Henry Clay buried 9th Jan. 1746.

A child of Hugh Clay buried 21st Jan.1750.

Widow Clay buried 24th May 1757.

A child of Robert Clay buried 2nd Nov.1759.

Jane daughter of Hugh Clay buried 4th Jan.1762.

Ann wife of Robert Clay buried 5th Feb. 1764.

Thomas Clay buried 21st June 1765.

Ann Clay buried 10th Nov.1766.

Francis Clay buried 22nd May 1775

Francis Clay buried 17th Jan.1778.

Jane wife of John Clay buried 1st March 1782.

Jane Clay. Widow buried 16th June 1783. Pauper.

Mary wife of Henry Clay buried 19th Jan. 1786. Pauper.

Hugh Clay. Shoemaker buried 19th April 1788.

Anne widow of Hugh Clay buried 25th May 1788.

James Clay buried 9th March 1789. Pauper.

Francis Clay buried 14th May 1789. Pauper.

Jane Clay buried 31st May 1789. Pauper.

Elizabeth Clay buried 27th Sept. 1789. Pauper.

Henry son of Dorothy buried April 1st 1793. Illegitimate.

Henry Clay. Almsman buried 28th June 1796.

Mary wife of Robert Clay buried 18th January 1800..

John son of William and Elizabeth buried 15th April 1801.

Robert son of William and Anne Clay buried 3rd June 1809.

Kelham Parish Register.

1664. Robert son of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara his wife baptised. Feb.17th.

1665. Robert son of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara his wife buried March 26th.

1666. Francis son of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara his wife baptised April 22nd.

1668. Laurence Clay buried March 26th.

1669. Bridget daughter of Mr Robert Clay and Barabara his wife baptised.

1669. Mr John Clay buried August 12th.

1670. Dallison daughter of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara buried.

1671. Mrs Elizabeth Clay widow buried Nov.14th.

1671. Robert son of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara baptised.

1673. Anne daughter of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara baptised.

1676. Mary daughter of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara baptised.

1680. Bridget daughter of Mr Robert Clay and Barbara buried.

1684. Mr Robert Clay buried.Oct.25th.

1690. John son of Mr John Clay baptised November.

1690. John son of Mr John Clay and Dorothy his wife buried Jan.15th.

1693. Elizabeth daughter of Mr John Clay and Dorothy baptised.

1693. Elizabeth daughter of Mr John Clay and Dorothy buried.

1697. Anne daughter of Mr John Clay and Dorothy baptised.

1699. Elizabeth daughter of Mr John Clay and Dorothy baptised.

1701. John son of Mr John Clay baptised March 19th.

1724. Mrs Dorothy Clay of Kelham married Thomas Noolney ?of Newark.

1733. Anne daughter of Mr John Clay and Dorothy his wife buried.

1734. Hercules son of Mr John Clay and Elizabeth buried Dec.20th.

1742. Dorothy wife of Mr John Clay buried Feb.7th.

1743. Mr John Clay buried April 19th.

1766. Mrs Elizabeth Clay buried May 3rd.

1768. Mrs Catherine Clay buried in May.

1797. Mrs Elizabeth Clay of Newark buried Dec.26th age 92.

Checked to 1900 no more entries for Clay.

Blidworth Parish Register.

Samuel Clay married Frances Taylor 29th April 1645.

Thomas Clay and Elizabeth Johnson both of Heywood in this parish married 27th Jan. 1746.

Alice Clay and Timothey Coleman married 17th Nov. 1747.

Mary Clay married William Barrowcliffe 25th Nov. 1773.

Mary daughter of George and Mary Clay baptised 21st Dec. 1790.

Mathew Clay married Sarah Gilbert 5th Jan.1791.

John son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 21st March 1792.

George son of George and Mary Clay baptised 31st Jan. 1793.

Mary wife of George Clay buried 8th Feb. 1793.

George son of George Clay buried 15th Feb.1793.

Mary daughter of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 4th March 1794.

Mathew son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 6th March 1796.

Thomas son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised. 1797.

Ann daughter of George and Mary Clay baptised 30th Dec.1798.

Charles son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 13th April 1800.

Hannah daughter of George and Mary Clay baptised 1st Nov.1801.

Hannah Clay buried 4th Dec. 1801.

Mathew Clay buried 10th May 1803 age 8.

William son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 9th May 1802.

William son of George and Mary Clay baptised 22nd May. 1803.

Thomas son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 3rd July 1803.

John son of George and Mary Clay baptised 29th Dec.1805.

Hannah daughter of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 26th Jan.1806.

Joseph son of Mathew and Sarah Clay baptised 5th June 1808.

Thomas son of George and Mary Clay baptised 12th June. 1808.

Joseph Clay buried 21st Aug. 1808. Infant.

Sarah Clay buried 11th Dec. 1808. Infant.

James son of George and Mary Clay baptised 23rd June 1810.

Sarah daughter of George and Mary Clay baptised 8th March 1812.

Sarah Clay buried 29th April 1812. Infant.

J. H. Clay is the Vicar. 1813.

Luke son of George and Mary Clay labourer baptised 2nd March 1813.

Sarah daughter of George and Mary Clay baptised 21st Sept. 1814.

Elizabeth daughter of George and Mary Clay baptised 28th July 1816.

Mathew son of John and Hannah Clay. Stockinger baptised 8th Feb.1818.

Esther daughter of John and Hannah Clay Stockinger baptised 9th Jan. 1820.

Robert son of Charles and Hannah labourer baptised 13th June 1824.

Harriet daughter of John and Hannah Clay Stocking Maker baptised 29th Jan.1826.

Joseph son of Charles and Hannah Clay labourer baptised 13th May 1826.

John son of John and Hannah Clay Stocking Maker baptised 9th March 1828.

Mathew son of Charles and Hannah Clay labourer baptised 16th Nov. 1828.

William son of Charles and Hannah Clay labourer baptised 24th May 1830.

Mathew son of Thomas and Ann Clay labourer baptised 12th Dec. 1830.

Elizabeth daughter of Charles and Hannah Clay labourer baptised 12th Aug. 1832.

Hannah daughter of Thomas and Ann Clay labourer baptised 30th Sept. 1832.

Sarah daughter of Charles and Hannah Clay labourer baptised 26th Oct. 1834.

Henry base born son of Ann Clay widow baptised 6th April 1835.

(1861 Census. West Street. New Whittington. Derbys. Mathew Clay age 30. Iron Labourer. Lodger. Born Blidworth. Notts.).

(1881 Census. Mansfield Workhouse.William Clay widower age 78 Ag. Lab.  Born Blidworth. Notts.

1851 Census. Blidworth. Nottinghamshire.

Charles Clay age 50 Ag Lab  Born  Blidworth. Notts.

Hannah Clay age  54  Wife  Charwoman  Born  Swanwick. Derbyshire.

William Clay age  20  Son  Cripple  Born  Blidworth.

George Clay age 9   Son   Scholar   Born  Blidworth

Mary Clay age  57  Sister. Cripple.  unmarried  Born Blidworth.

1851 Census. Blidworth. Notts.

Mary Clay age 36  Dressmaker. Visitor Born Worksop. Notts.

Staying with North Family.

1851 Census. Farnsfield. Notts.

Mathew Clay age 19 Farm Servant Born Fishpool. Notts.

Living with Carding Family.

1841 Census. Southwell. Notts.


Evelyn Clay age 65  Unmarried  Independant    Born Notts.

Jemima Clay age  65  Unmarried  Independant  Born Notts.

Edward Clay age 70  Navy  HP.                                     Born Notts.

1851 Census. Southwell. Notts.

William Waldegrave Pelham Clay age 54 Magistrate Born Southwell. Notts.

Henrietta Jane Clay age 40 Wife Born South Wales.

Elizabeth Charlotte Vernon age 39 unmarried Wife's sister. Fund and Railway Shareholder Born Hawkshead. Lancashire.

4 Servants.

1851 Census. Southwell. Notts.


Evelyn Clay age 77 unmarried Proprietor of Land. Born Southwell.

Jemima Clay age  75 Sister unmarried Proprietor of Land. Born Soutrhwell.

Jemima Clay age   44  Niece  unmarried   Born Pendleton. Lancashire.

Mary Clay age  35  Niece  unmarried  Born Pendleton.  Lancashire.      

2 Servants.

1851 Census. Southwell. Notts.


Thomas Clay age 55 Master Turner  Born Southwell.

Hannah Clay age  54 Wife  Farm Labourer  Born Edingley. Notts.

1851 Census. Southwell. Notts.

King Street.

Sarah Clay age 63 Laundress married Born Southwell.

1851 Census. Gedling. (Carlton).

Samuel Clay age 52 Shopkeeper and FWK. Born Sneinton. Notts.

Alice Clay age  51 Wife. Shopkeeper              Born  Carlton. Notts.

A. M. Clay age  24 Daughter. Dressmaker    Born  Carlton.

Samuel Clay age  22 Son.  FWK.                         Born  Carlto.

Alice Clay age 17 Daughter.  FWK                    Born Carlton.

1851 Census. Gedling.

Thomas Clay age 34  FWK  Born Arnold.

Ann Clay age   33  Wife         Born  Arnold.

Thomas Clay age 13  Son     Born Arnold.

Henry Clay age  11   Son       Born  Arnold.

George Clay age  4   Son       Born  Arnold.

John Clay age   1    Son           Born Arnold.

1851 Census. Nottingham. 

21 Lees's Yard.

Henry Clay age 32 Journeyman Dyer Born Nottingham.

Elizabeth Clay age 32 Wife Born Ashby de la Zoch. Leics.

Henry Clay age 10 Son Scholar Born Nottingham.

Elizabeth Clay age 9 Daughter Scholar Born Nottingham.

Mary Ann Clay age 7 Daughter Scholar Born Nottingham.

John Clay age 4 Son  Scholar Born Nottingham. ?

Emma Clay age 2 Daughter Born Nottingham. ?

James Clay age 5 months Son Born Nottingham.

1851 Census. Arnold.

Church Street.

William Clay age 37  FWK  Born  Arnold.

Susannah Clay age 29  Wife   Born Arnold.

Henry Clay age  7  Son  Born Arnold.

John Clay age  6    Son    Born Arnold.

1861 Census. Snenton. Nottingham.

Pembroke Place.

Henry Clay age 42 Widower Dyer Born St Mary's Nottingham.

Elizabeth Clay age 19 Daughter Silk Hand Born St Mary's Nottingham.

Mary Ann Clay age 16 Daughter Factory Hand Born St Mary's Nottingham.

John Clay age 14 Son Factory Hand Born Sheffield. Yorkshire.

Emma Clay age 13 Daughter Born Hull Yorkshire.

James Clay age 10 Son Born St Mary's Nottingham.

Sarah Clay age 9 Daughter Born St Mary's Nottingham.

Mary Ann Porter age 42 Lodger Lace Mender Born St Martins. Lincoln.

1871 Census. Arnold.

Henry Clay age 26  FWK    Born Arnold.

Eliza Clay age  28  Wife      Born Arnold.

Ann Clay age  6   Daughter  Born Arnold.

Susannah Clay age  3  Daughter  Born Arnold.

1881 Census. Basford.

Duke Street.

John Clay age 68  Night Watchman. Born Arnold.

Hannah Clay age  68  Wife  Toy Dealer.   Born Arnold.

Henry Johnson Clay age 39  Son. Widower. Tailor.  Born Arnold.

Sarah Johnson Clay  age  37  Daughter. Lace Mender.   Born  Arnold.                          

1911 Census. Arnold.

Henry Clay age  66  FWK  Born Arnold.

Eliza Clay age 68  Wife       Born Arnold.

Edward Clay age  38  Son   Born Arnold.

Henry Clay age  25  Son   Hosiery Trimer. Born Arnold.

1911 Census. Beeston. (Basford Registration District).

Thomas Clay age 33  Carter Grocer  Born Beeston.

Mary. E. H. Clay age 32  Wife                 Born Beeston.

Emily Clay age  8   Daughter                   Born Beeston.

Albert Edward Clay age 7 Son               Born Beeston.

Gladys Clay age 4 Daughter                   Born Beeston. 

Albert William Clay age 24  Boarder  Born Beeston.

1911 Census. Beeston.

Henry Clay age 51 Warper Lewer Lane Trade  Born Basford.

Catherine Clay age 50 Wife                                         Born  Lenton.

Eider B. Smith age 21 Daughter of wife's 1st marriage. Born St Mary's. Nottingham.

Mary Smith  age  15  Daughter of wife's 1st marriage. Born St  Mary's. Nottingham.

For Mansfield see my other website - Clay of Derbyshire.

1873. Return of Owners of Land. ( Ref.- Publication by John Lambert 1875).


John Clay. Norwell. 2 acres.

William Clay. Woodborough. 30 acres.

Mr W. W. P. Clay. Southwell. 5 acres.

List of Enrolled Nottingham Burgesses. (Ref.- Book - Records of the Borough of Nottingham . Vol.7).

1762. May 28th. John Clay. Linnendraper. Page 421.

1764. Dec.11th. Thomas Clay. Framework Knitter. Page 423.

1767. Aug.20th. Francis Clay. Baker. Page 426.

1775. Sept.26th. Joseph Clay. Framework Knitter. Page 437.

1776. April 16th. William Clay. Framework Knitter. Page 436.

1788. Feb.10th. John Clay. Framework Knitter. Page 452.  

1853. Whites Directory.

John Clay. Hosiery Agent. Arnold.

William Clay. Hosiery Manufacturer. Arnold.

William Clay. Hairdresser. Arnold

1869. Morris and Co. Traders Directory. Nottinghamshire. 


Frederick Clay. Tinman, Brazier and Cylinder Maker. Gregory Street.

George Clay. Boot and Shoemaker. 32 Broad Street.

Henry Clay. Hairdresser. 7 North Street.

James Clay. Beer Retailer. Mapperley Plains Road.

John Clay. Smith, Engineer and Machinist. Red Lion Square.

Oliver Clay. Horse Clipper and Singer. Plough and Harrow Yard.

William Clay. Beer Retailer. 144 Kirke White Street.


Mrs Sarah Clay. Hosiery Manufacturer.

William Clay. Hairdresser. High Street.


Samuel Clay. Shopkeeper and Sub Postmaster.

Whatton in Bingham.

John William Clay. National School Master.


William Clay. Cottager.


J. Clay. Blacksmith. White Hart Yard.

William Clay. Crown and Anchor. Market Street.

Sutton in Ashfield.

George Clay. Sinkmaker. High Street.

William Clay Station Master.

Hucknall under Huthwaite.

Joseph Clay. Butcher. "Shoulder of Mutton".


Charles Clay. Brazier and Malt Shovel Maker. 5 Chain Lane.

Henry Clay. Barge Owner. 9 Parliament Street.


William Waldegrave Pelham Clay. JP. DL. Burgage Hill.


Mr John Clay. Clergy and Gentry..


Mrs Clay. Private Resident. 9 Spittlegate.Terrace.


Edwin C. Clay. Painter and Gilder. Lord Street.

Henry Clay. Watch, Clockmaker and Jeweller. Silver Street.

Samuel William Clay. Watchmaker and Silversmith. Bridge Street.

This site is copyrighted by the Clay of England Society. All rights reserved. 2018.