Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay of Lincolnshire

Lincoln Cathedral. Clay's were listed living in Lincoln in the 1200s.

The County of Lincolnshire has the surname of Clay listed in ancient documents from as far back as the 1200s when surnames were first given out to ordinary people. The following are references I have found relating to Clay of Lincolnshire.

1257. John de Clay and Maud his wife had 1 messuage in Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- Feet of Fines).

1272. Michaelmas. - Willelmo del Clay and others witness to a land grant by John Paris citezen of Lincoln parish of St Mary Crackpole and All Saints. Hungate. Lincoln. (Reg. Antiq. Lincoln Cathedral).

1273. September. Willelmo del Clay and 9 others witness to the quitclaim and release of land in Lincolnshire. (Ref.- Registrum Antiqisimum of Lincoln Cathedral number 23 67).

1275. Wilts del Clay listed in a Lincolnshire latin document. (Rotuli Hundredorum page 325).

1276. July 3rd. Romney. Whereas William Fressevede merchant had trespass done against him from the community of Lincoln as having been shown by William du Clay and 10 others citizens of Lincoln so they should pay him £400 and 50 marks. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls. Edw. 1).

1276. Aug. 14th. William fitz Claye - Safe conduct of his servants whom he is to send to Stirling to buy horses and other beasts and drive them to part of Lindsey Selborne. (Cal. of Patent Rolls Edw. 1).

1278. May 17th. William Brand citizen of Lincoln 2 years ago sued in Chancery under his name and the names of William de Clay and several others whose names remain at the exchequer for a fine of £40. William de Clay and the others came to the King and complained that they never consented to the suing. The King caused an Inquisition to be made and learned that William de Clay and the others were totaly ignorant of the suing and did not consent to it and therefore orders that they be discharged. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls. Edw 1).

1278. The Prior of Alvingham. Lincolnshire puts in his place Thomas del Foreste in a suit before the King in the presence of Thomas del Clay and over 60 others. (TNA. Calendar of Close Rolls).

1279. Surfleet.  Disseisin  arranged by Robert de Clay against Cecilia daughter of Gilbert de la Stowe concerning a tenement.  (Ref.- Annual Report Deputy Keeper Public Records. 7 Edw. 1  m 5d).

1284. January. William de Cley acknowledges that he owes to to Alan Stoyl.  (Ref.- Close Roll. Edw.1. Vol. 2).

1294. Robert son of Alan del Clay of Winthorpe and Alan son of Robert del Clay owe a debt of £11. (TNA  Ref.- C241/26/8).

1295. Feb. 9th. Peter de Cleye has acknowledged that the 2 messuages a mill and 14 acres of land in Skirbek. Boston. Lincolnshire to be the right of Nicholas de Bullingbrock. Warranty by Peter for which Nicholas has given him £20 sterling. (TNA Ref.- CP25/1.134/64  number 33).

1308. Aug. 6th. Gilbert de Clay witness concerning  Alice de Neville and tenements in Boston. (Ref.- Lincolnshire Legal Document).

1316. Feb. 2nd. Conveyance of land in Wynthorpe. Witness Robert du Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- MISC DON1739/1/1).

1320. Sept. 20th. Ingoldmells Court. Ralph son of Agnes was summoned to answer William  del Clay of a plea where they unjustly detain froim him 6 shillings which they owe him for half a quarter of rye flour bought from him at the house of the said Agnes in Northolm to be paid next Wednesday on which day they paid nothing. (Court Rolls of the Manor of Ingoldmells).

1320. Ingoldmells Court. Ralph son of Agnes  they were summoned to answer William atte Clay of Wynthorp of a plea where they unjustly detained from him one quarter of malt worth 6 shillings for which they paid nothing. (Court Rolls of the Manor of Ingoldmells).

1322. Oct. 6th. Adam del Clay of Grimsby and Avice his wife concerning 1 messuage, 3 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow in Grimsby. (TNA Ref.- CP25/1/137/92 number12).

1330. Petition of John Baicos  for a discharge of rent of 20 marks out of the manors of Halton and Killinghome. Lincolnshire  granted by his grandfather to Alexander fitz Clay which rent was seized into the Kings hands because Alexander was an adherent of the Scots and Alexander is now dead. (TNA Ref.- C49/45/28).

1332. Lay Subsidy Rolls - Tax Records. (TNA Ref.- E179/133/14). The following Lincolnshire Clay's were taxed in the year 1332.-

Geofrey de Clay of Leake.

Richard del Clay of Leake.

William Clay of Marston.

Peter de Clay of Stainby.

John de Clay of Sutterton.

John de la Clay of Scott Willoughby.

Henry in le Clay of  Scotter / Scotterthorpe.

William in le Clay of Scotter / Scotterthorpe.

1355. June 28th. Inquisition  before the Commissioners  in the presence of John de Clay mound Lincoln concerning the manor of Frauncton not being held by Walter de Bermyngham. (Cal. Inquis. 191).

1359. Thomas Berughdon son of Henry in the Retinue of Thomas de Beauchamp. Earl of Warwick was pardoned for the homicide of John en le  Claye in Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- C66/259. - CPR1358 - 61. page 400).

1381. Poll Tax. Adam Clay of Holbeach taxed.- (The National Archives Ref.- E179/364/2m 5d c1).

1381. Poll Tax. Johannes de Clay of Elloe Wapentake taxed 12d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/135/83 Ad. m 2. c2).

1381. Poll Tax. Johannes Clay of Elloe Wapentake taxed 4d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/135.83 Ad. m 2. c2).

1382. June.  Roger de Scales Lord of Newselle to John de Cley parson of Rewenhalle co. Essex and John de Cleye the younger, parson of Ryskyngton co. Linconshire and their heirs. Charter with warranty of the manor of Wridlyngton co. Suffolk. (TNA Charter 1382 - PC2022).

1386. March 10th. Inquisition concerning the manor of Fillingham witnessed by Johannem de Clay. Clerk and 3 others in the manor of Fillingham. (Book Ancient Laws. Chronicle of the Ancestors).

1386. July 16th. Westminster. To the Justices of the Bench regarding a case between Thomas Mortemer knight plaintiff and John Cley clerk and 3 others defendants concerning the manor of Fillyngham. Lincolnshire . (Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls vol. 3 membrane 43).

1389. March 1st. Edmund de Clay and 4 others concerning the bounds of Kesteven and Holland in Lincs that have been rendered unrecognisable  by floods and deposited sand. (Calendar Patent Rolls).

1396-97. Alice Clay widow of Lincoln. (Ref.- Lateran Register 45) - BHO.

1398. April 22nd. William de Claye is parson of Bluntesham in the diocese of Lincoln. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls).

1421. Wages paid to herdsman Richard Clay 6d in Lincolnshire. (Ref.- TNA - The Stonor Letters and Papers).

1421. Concerning land in Kirton . Lincolnshire that once belonged to John Clay citizen and tailor of Lincolnshire. (Ref.- Hampshire Record Office - 43M48/2354).

1426. Dec. 16th. Inquisition. Thomas Clay juror and 11 others. Spital in the Steet concerning lands in Redbourne. Lincolnshire. (TNA. Inquisition Post Mortem Writ 708).

1431. The Sheriff of Lincolnshire summones Ralph Wryght of Kirkeby and Nicholas de Clay of the same concerning a writ to the manor of Kirkeby upom Bayne and Boston. (Ref.- Calendar Patent Rolls).

1431. Nov. 12th.  George Cley and 3 others have quitclaimed  the tenements in Beltoft, Belwode, Butterwyk and Dodythorp in Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- CP25/1/145/157 number 27).

1435. Oct. 25th. A perambulation of the bounds of Kesteven and Hollan co. Lincoln.  Edmund del Clay and 4 others show the ancient metes between the waters of Woland and Wytham had been rendered unrecognisable by floods. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls. 1429 -1436. vol. 2).

1442. A place in Boston late of Robert Clay. (TNA. Early Chancery Proceedings bundle 9).

1444. Sept. 2nd. Indenture. Grant of land and buildings in Boston to Alice Claye alias Bryceson of Boston for the term of her life. (Lord Boston's Muniments).

1470. Oct. 27th. Presentation of Hugh Cleye chaplain to the vicarage of the church of Chepyng Wycombe in the diocese of Lincoln. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 18).

1480.  Court Case. William Clay v Richard Willingham over a messauage and land in Scawby. Lincolnshire. (Ref. - TNA. Chancery Proceedings).

1485. William Clay with the Grace of God married Tomasina widow of William Guddayle of Grimsby. (Ref.- The Northern Genealogist).

1492. Nov. 30th. Robert Clay vicar of Friskeney surrenders 3 acres in Ingoldmells Ardilthorp. (Court Rolls of Ingoldmells in County of Lincoln).

1494. Jan. 22nd. Resignation of Richard Clay at Kirkby Laythorpe. St Dennis. (Lincolnshie Archives Ref.- DIOC/RES/1494/3).

1495. April. Will of Agnes Linley of Louth. Lincolnshire. Witness Roger Cley and 3 others. (Book.- The Linzee Family page 320.  Lindeses Probates at Somerset House).

1506. William Clay of Scawby Stretton. Quitclaim to John Tirwitt - 3 tofts in Scawby Stretton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL V1/7/I).

1517. Robert Hardy's Will.- Bequests to his servants . I bequeth to Robert Clay a kendall jacket. (Lincoln Diocese Document 1450 - 1544 page 265).

1520. Will of John Thomson of Frieston yeoman leaves to his son a house called Peter Clay House. (Ref.- Lincolnshire Wills Vol.2).- BHO.

1520. William Clay witness to the Will of Richard Nonewyk of Boston. (Ref.- Lincolnshire Wills Vol 2).- BHO.

1526. Lay Subsidy. (Tax) Thomas Cley of Lincoln taxed 17 shillings and 7 pence. (TNA Ref.- Ei79).

1527. April 26th. Will of John Thomson  of Frieston  yeoman leaves to his son George  a house called Peter Clay house. (Ref.- L.C.C.,1520-31, f.71).

1527. William Clay witness to Will of Richard Nunwick of Boston.

1527. The free rents of Elizabeth Claye in Soalbie and one croft and certain lands in Sturton in the county of Lincolnshire in the tenure of William Claye. (Ref.- Monasticon Anglicanum vol. 8).

1527. John Clay witness. Gift to Janet Clay from Thomas Leek of Boston.

1528. John Clay witness to the Will of Thomas Sawander of Stykforth. (Ref.- Lincolnshire Wills Vol. 2. -1505-30. f11bd).

1529. Sept. 10th. Will of John Cley of Spalding - To Thomas my eldest son my house that I now dwell in when he comes of full age and  to my son Henry (aged 7) when he comes of full age the house that was sometime Robert Grinstone. To Catherine my eldest daughter 5 marks sterling when she comes to full age . To Agnes my youngest daughter 5 marks. John Cley is his brother. (Ref.- L.C.C.1520. f.100d).

1530. John Clay witness to the Will of Thomas Butterey of Pynchbeck.

1530. Peter Clay witness to the Will of John Jackson of Freston. (Lincolnshire Wills Vol. 3. 1530 - 32. f201).

1530. Philipp Claye of Trespass Close. Plaintiff in a courtcase against Roger Alger of Swyneshed husbandman. (TNA Ref.- CP40no1064).

1538. March 4th. Inventory of William Clay of High Toynton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/2/136).

1539. Feb. 1st. Peter Freston alias Claie clerk of Fliskney formely a monk of Crowland granted with a pension of £5. 6s. 8d. He is not married. He is curate of Friskney. (Publications Lincs. Rec. Soc vol. 53).

1539. Feb. 2nd. Inventory of John Clay of Kirton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/7/34).

1541. Jan. 16th. Inventory of Philip Clay of Kirton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/11/48).

1543.-45. Inventory of Robert Claye of Hacconby. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/13/210).

1544. June 4th. Inventory of John Cley of Wigtoft. Lincs. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/13/171).

1545. Oct. 8th. Inventory of William Cley of Boston. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/14/432).

1545. Rents ans Services from lands in Sturton of William Claye and Thomas Clay. Rents and Services in Skalbye from lands of Elizabeth Clay. (Ref.- Letters and Papers etc at the Public Records Office).

1546. The rents of Elizabeth Claye lying in Soalbie in Lincolnshire and a croft and lands in Sturton in the tenure of William Claye. (Ref.- Monstican Angliconum. History of the Ancient Abbies).

1547. Sept. 10th. Peter Claie and 2 others swear that Simon Welbie Priest of Thorp is unable to be present because he is too ill to travel. (Publications Lincoln Record Society vol. 53 page 108).

1550. Oct. 23rd. Treasurer's Bill.  Adlard Claye to be Searcher in the Port of Boston. Lincolnshire. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls).

1551. Peter Clay. Curate at Firsby. Lincs. (Ref.- C of E Database LA Visitation Book. Vj13 Liber Cleri).

1556 - 58. Court of Chancery. Willingham v Clay. - William Clay defendant concerning a messuage and lands in Scawby. (TNA Ref.- C1/1480/48-49).

1556-58. Inventory of Richard Clay of Freiston. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/26/7).

1557. Inventory of items in Lincoln Cathedral. Two items of green velvet with angels and flowers imbroidered from the gift of Mr Thomas Clay vicar of the choir. (Ref.- Monasticon Angicanum vol, 8).

1558 -79. Court of Chancery. Sleford v Clay. - John Clay defendant concerning property in Leake and Leverton. (TNA Ref.- C3/160/50).

1558 -79. Court of Chancery. Clay v Mournell. - Plaintiffs William Clay and Margery his wife concerning property in Butterwick. (TNA Ref.- C3/31/111).

1558-59. Inventory of Robert Clay of Halton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/34/219).

1558 - 79. Claye v Bowde. William Claye plaintiff concerning money matters in Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- C3/39/98).

1559. Henry Clay was the first apprentice whose indentures were recorded. (Ref.- Book of Admissions of Freedoms of Lincoln).

1560. Thomas Clay husbandman of Sturton.- Property transfer to Thomas Smith of a Toft called West Close in Sturton fot 7 marks. - Mark and seal of Thomas Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL V1/14/1/2).

1561. Crowland list of monks who have died Peter Claye monk and  was also vicar of Wrangle died in 1561. (Publications. Lincoln Record Society vol. 58 page 129).

1562. June 16th. Sale. Thomas Clay husbandman of Sturton parish of Scawbye and Isabel his wife daughter of John Reinold late of Appulby deceased concerning land and tenament in Appulby. (West Yorkshire Archives. Wakefield. Ref.- WYW1352/3/2/2/2/31)

1564-5. Inventory of Thomas Clay yeoman of Morton. Bourne. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/43/254).

1565. Robert Clay paid 26s. 8d in the Grimsby Burgess Roll.

1566. John Clay. Priest. Chapel of Palace. Lincoln. (Ref.- C of E Database 53330).

1568. Inventory of Thomas Clay of Freiston. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/47/281).

1569-71. Inventory of Henry and Alice Clay of Boston. (Licolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/50/425  + INV/51/266).

1571. Inventory of Robert Clay of Muckton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/50/185).

1571. Inventory of Edward Claye of Hacconby singleman. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/51/152).

1572. Inventory of Robert Clay of Fishtoft. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/53/313).

1573. Inventory of Joan Clay widow late wife of Robert Clay of Hannah. Lincolnshire. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/56/179).

1573. Inventory of Richard Clay of Freiston. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/54/120).

1576. Inventory of Robert Claye of Toynton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/59/110).

1579-80. Inventory of Thomas Clay of Benington. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.-INV/65/157).

1579-80. Inventory of Henry Clay of Sibsey. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/65/39).

1579-80. Inventory of Francis Claye of Sibsey. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/65/177).

1580-81. Inventory of Richard Clay of Toynton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/66/22).

1581. July 1st. Sale. Thomas Clay husbandman of Sturton parish of Scawby and Isabel his wife concerning property in Appleby. (West Yorkshire Archives. Wakefield. Ref.- WYW1352/3/2/2/2/45).

1584-85. Inventory of John Clay of Fishtoft. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- (INV/70/11).

1585. Deed of Sale. Thomas Claye of Sturton in the parish of Scawby. Lincolnshire. Yeoman to Thomas Green. (Ref.- Lincolnshire Archives. NEL/6/14/1/3r)

1585. Final Concord of 1 messuage and 8 acres of land in Sturton by Stow - Thomas Clay and Isabella his wife. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL V1/14/2/1+2).

1585-86. Inventory of Thomas Clay husbandman of Skirbeck. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/73/176.).

1585-86. Inventory of Thomas Clay. Burgess of Great Grimsby - Robert Clay mentioned. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/73/346).

1587. Sale from Thomas Clay to Thomas Green - messuage and lands in Sturton and Scawby for £50. Mark and seal of Thomas Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives NEL/6/14/1/3).

1587. Bond. - Thomas Clay to Thomas Green of Atterby in Bishop Norton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL/6/14/1/4).

1591. Lay Subsidy. William Clay paid £8. Fishtoft. (The History and Antiquities of Boston and District).

1592. Will of Peter Clay of Fishtoft - wife Margaret. (Ref.- AV. 70.B1 314).

1595. May 28th. Bond of William Clay of Scotton labourer. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL/6/14/1/70.

1595. Court of Chancery. William Clay labourer of Scotton property transfer to Thomas Green of a close of land in Scawby - Mark and seal of William Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL /6/14/1/6).

1595. Sept. Grant of William Clay of Scotton. Lincolnshire. Labourer son of Thomas Clay of Sturton in parish of Scawby. Lincolnshire. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL/6/14/1/6r).

1598. Grant.- James Clay of Freiston yeoman - Trustee of Charity for the Poor. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Freiston Parr/15/2/1/1).

1599. James Clay dike reeve concerning sewers. Skirbeck. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Spalding Sewers/474/A/19).

1601. Nov. 17th. Chancery Inquisition Post Mortem. John Clay. Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- C142/267/78 and WARD7/26/205).

1603 -25. Court of Chancery. George Clay defendant and others concerning lands and tenements in Upper Toynton. (TNA Ref.- C2/Jas1/B11 / 7).

1603 -25. Court of Chancery. James Clay defendant - property transfer cottage and land in Bennington. (TNA Ref.- C2/Jas1/G14/28).

1605. Thomas Claye on the Jury of Alford Town in Lincolnshire. (History of Alford page 181).

1605-06. Inventory of James Clay yeoman of Benington - debt owing to John Clay £20-4s-4d. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/101/363).

1605-06. Inventory of Thomas Clay husbandman of Fishtoft. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/101/1).

1606-07. March 24th. Chancery Inquisition Post Mortem. James Clay. Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- C142/291/101 and WARD7/30/59).

1609-10. March 24th. Chancery Inquisition  Post Mortem. John Clay. Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- C142/663/140.).

1610-11. Inventory of Robert Clay of Fishtoft yeoman. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/110/206).

1611-12. Inventory of Mr James Clay schoolmaster of Bourne. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/112B/548).

1616.  Inventory of Thomas Clay of Halton Holegate priced by Nicholas Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/119/384).

1617. Court of Chancery. Clay v Richardson plaintiff William Clay concerning money matters in Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- C3/305/36).

1617-18. Inventory of Richard Clay of Old Leake. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/121/119).

1620. Raphell Clay tenant of a messuage in Barrowby. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- MON/3/30/7).

1622. Inventory of Henry Clay husbandman of Hacconby. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/126/104).

1624-26. Inventory of Edward Clay of Gedney. Yeoman. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/130/1).

1625. Inventory of Henry Cley husbandman of Morton. Lincs. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/131/307).

1625-26. Court of Wards Inquisition Post Mortem. William Clay. Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- WARD7/90/24 and WARD7/72/89 and C142/419/33).

1625-26. Chancery Inquisition Post Mortem. Edward Clay. Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- C142/637/4).

1626. Senior's Survey. - Owsbie near Claxbie. Land between Mr Tanzey and Robert Clay and in the West Field 2 lands next to Robert Clay's Close and Lands between Dandye and Claye. (Ref.- Publication - Senior's Survey).

1627. Bond. Nicholas Clay of Kirton in Lindsey regarding land in Kirton Lindsey. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- MISC DON 1000/15/23).

1629-30. Inventory of Edward Clay of Gedney. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/136/318).

1630. Court Case. James Clay. Defendant v John Greene Plaintiff concerning a cottage and land in Bennington. (Ref.- Index of Chancery Proceedings Series 1 - 11 page 380).

1630. Court Case. George Clay and 5 others Defendants v Richard Boyfield Plaintiff  concerning lands and tenements in Upper Toynton. (Index of Chancery Proceedings Series 1 - 11).

1630. Thomas Clay son of William Clay lands in Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- Privy Seals  number 548).

1630. Thomas Clay of Mamby. Gent. £10 composition paid for not taking order of knighthood. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Hill23/690).

1631-32. Inventory of Thomas Clay yeoman of Old Leake. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/139/274).

1631-32. Inventory of Richard Clay of Frithbank. Sibsey. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/139/359).

1635. March 27th. Chancery Inquisition Post Mortem. Thomas Clay. Lincoln. (TNA Ref.- C142/511/100 and WARD7/86/17).

1637. Leverton Church. W. Clay - A. L. ch W. A. (Antiquities of Boston and villages).

1637. Aug. 4th. Lincolnshire Court. Examination of Margaret Cley. Her uncle Thomas Stennett brought her before the court and said she had undone her aunt  Eilabeth Field and might never look her in the face any more and said he would give her some new clothes if she would deny what she had confessed to Lord Willoughby and deny that her aunt Elizabeth Field had taught her to do any counterfeit tricks. The Earl of Lincoln examined her whether Lord Willoughby or any of his servants had beaten her towards making that confession. She told the Earl her confession was true. The Earl told her she was a naughty girl  and had wronged her aunt and so sent her out of the room. One of the Earl's men brought her in  again and then she denied that her aunt had taught her to counterfeit herself possessed but that she was really possessed and that Janet Home and Edward South had bewitched her. Examination of Ann Coleson and the Earl said she was a naughty girl and was worthy to be sent to the House of Correction for that she had caused Margaret Cley to confess that which was not true. (Lincolnshire Court Case).

1639. April 22nd. Inventory of Robert Clay of Boston. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/149/39).

1640. Thomas Clay of Ulceby contributed £15 to the Royal Loan of Charles 1. (Ref.- The Reiquary vol 25).

1641. March 1st. Protestation Oath Roll. Fishtoft. Robert Clay, James Clay. - Barrowby. George Clay, Thomas Clay. (Parliamentary Archives Ref.- HL/PO/JO/10/1/96/31).

1641. May 13th. Order that Jo. Clay and William Clay and 7 others be sent for by the Gentleman Usher of this House as being rioters in the Fens of Lincolnshire and to answer their disobience to an Order.(Ref.- House of Lords Journal Vol. 4). - BHO.

1641. June 4th. Rioters In Lincolnshire. This day William Clay and 5 others were brought to the Bar as delinquents for disobeying the Order of this House served upon them in Lincolnshire upon complaint of the Right Honourable Earl of Lindsey for disturbing his possessions in the Fens and breaking down his hedges and ditches etc. Upon proof hereof made it is ordered that the aforesaid persons do make their acknowledgements and submission for their said offences here at the Bar upon their knees and then give Bond for their good behavior not to commit the like offence again and upon so doing to be freed and discharged. (Ref. - House of Lords Journal Vol. 4.) - BHO.

1641. June 29th. Earl of Linsey's Fens.- Committee are to consider the case of imprisonment of William Clay and 4 others imprisoned by Order of the Lords and report the state of that business to the House. (Ref.- House of Commons Journal Vol. 2.) - BHO.

1641-42. Inventory of George Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/151/35).

1642. Lay Subsidy. Widow Clay taxed. Bennington. Lincs. (History and Antiquities of Boston and District).

1642. Court of Chancery. Thomas Clay defendant - dispute property in East Kirby.  (TNA Ref.- C8/89/56 and C8/133/105).

1647. Inventory of Thomas Clay of Barrowby. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/154/88).

1647 / 48. Will of John Bourne  of Lincolnshire proved March 10th by John Clay. (PCC Probate Calendar).

1648. Court of Chancery. Clay v Clay. William Clay and John Clay plaintiffs - Elizabeth Clay widow defendant concerning a marriage contract. (TNA Ref.- C9/1/47).

1649. Court of Chancery. Massy v Clay. Anthony Clay defendant property in Leverton. (TNA Ref.- C8/96/95).

1649-50. Inventory of Richard Clay of Leverton. Yeoman. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/155/24).

1653. Sept. 14th. Will of Jane Claye widow of Hacconby. Proved by grandson John Clay of the same.(TNA Ref.- PROB11/230/570).

1654. PCC Will of James Clay husbandman of Fishtoft. Wife Ann. Daughters Sarah Clay, Mary Clay, Frances Clay. His brothers Thomas Clay and Richard Clay. Bequests to John Clay and Thomas Clay the younger. His brothers son Anthony. (TNA Ref.- PROB11.235/624).

1656. Court of Chancery. Clay v Harrison.- James Clay and Frances his wife plaintiffs property in Wainfleet and Leverton. (TNA Ref.- C7/83/33).

1658. PCC Will of William Clay gentleman of Navemby. His brothers - Francis Clay, Edward Clay, John Clay, Ralph Clay. - All my land in Derbyshire to my kinsman Samuel Clay of Navemby. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/273/340).

1659. PCC Will of John Clay of Morton yeoman. Wife Mary. Sons John Clay, William Clay, Daniel Clay, Daughters Anne Clay, Millicent Clay, Elizabeth Clay, Mary Lawrence. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/292/45).

1662. Court of Chancery. Thomas Clay and others defendants property in Pinchbeck. (TNA Ref.- C6/192/16).

1662. Inventory of James Clay yeoman of Benington priced by Abraham Clay and Anthony Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/161/327).

1663. Will of Jane Claye widow of Hacconby. Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/230).

1663. Inventory of Richard Clay of Sibsey. Husbandman. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/162/336).

1663. Court of Chancery. Clay v Clay. - John Clay defendant - John Clay plaintiff dispute property in Hattonby. (TNA Ref.- C6/167/36).

1665. Court of Chancery. Clay v Day - Thomas Clay plaintiff property in Hundleby,Sausthorpe and Asterby. (TNA Ref.- C8/163/20).

1668. Feb. 1st. Will of Sir Robert Christopher of Alford. Lincolnshire I give to Mary Clay my servant £5 a year for life. (History of Alford).

1668. Land transfer to John Clay a Close and meadow in Limehouse. Stepney in Lincolnshire signed and seal of John Clay. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- NEL/3/10/1).

1669. Land transfer - William Clay in Saltfleet. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- 1-NOTT/6/5).

1669. Inventory of Richard Clay of Friskney. (Lincs Archives Ref.- INV/169/476).

1671. Inventory of Robert Clay of Dalby gent. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- D+C/Dj/37/3/72).

1671.Dec.13th. Deeds and Settlement of lands in Redbourne. Lincolnshire now or late of John Claie lands to the south and to the vicarage in the north. (Ref.- Lincolnshire Archives  2RED1/1/1).

1672. Court of Chancery. Browne v Clay - Clay and others defendants concerning property in Boston. (TNA Ref.- C7/506/4).

1674. Court of Chancery. William Clay and others defendants concerning Manor of Gosberton. (TNA Ref.- C6/210/57).

1674. Court of Chancery. William Clay and others plaintiffs concerning the estate of Sir Robert Carr- Manor of Sleaford. (TNA Ref.- C6/211/86).

1675. Andrew Clay of Boston Esq. - Commissioner. (Ref.- Calendar of Treasury Books Vol. 4.). - British History Online.

1676. Court of Chancery. Carr v Clay. - William Clay defendant dispute in Lincolnshire. (TNA Ref.- C5/459/46).

1677. Inventory of Richard Clay. Mariner of Boston. Lincs. (TNA Ref.- PROB4/9426).

1679. William Clay of Benington yeoman, witness to a land transfer in Benington. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- PAR/15/4/1).

1680-81. Inventory of Thomas Clay senior husbandman of Boston witness Thomas Clay junior. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/182/73).

1681. Admon / Inventory of Samuel Clay of Boothby. (Lincs Archives Ref.- LCC ADMONS/1681/51).

1682 . Court of Chancery. Willoughby v Clay. - William Clay defendant concerning property in Stow Bardolph Manor. (TNA Ref.- C8/258/139).

1682-83. Inventory of Thomas Clay gentleman of Ulceby. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- INV/183/177).

1684. Court. Willelmus Clay de Hackonby in £5 for an appearance Marie Clay to give evidence. (The publications of the Lincoln Record Society).

1684.  Court of Chancery Abraham Clay defendant concerning property in Leake and Leverton. (TNA Ref.- C6/283/80).

1685. Property in the Manor of Ashby de la Laund, Lincolnshire. 2 acres of land in the occupation of Richard Clay. Document mention Clay Hill Close. (Lincolnshire Archives Title of Mortgage).

1686. Quarter Session. Maria Clay de Aslackby widow is mentioned. (The Publications of Lincoln Record Society vol 26 page 289).

1687.June 7th. Daniel Clay. Collector of the Hearth Tax concerning a house in Hatherthorpe. (Lincs Archive Ref.- CRAGG/3/37).

1690. Admon / Inventory of Daniel Clay of Lincoln gent. (Lincs Archives Ref.- LCC/ADMONS/1690/24).

1690. PCC Will of William Clay tanner of Bourne. Wife Millicent. Sons William Clay and Mathew Clay. Daughter Elizabeth Clay. Brother John Clay. Sister Millicent Auncell. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/398/468).

1690. Quarter Sessions. Johannes Clay manucaptor (captive). - (Publications of Lincoln Record Society vol. 26).

1691. Quarter Sessions. Jacobus Clay manucaptores (captive) - (Ref.- The Publications of the Lincoln Record Society).

1691. Ordered upon petition that the present overseers of the parish of Bourne should pay William Clay and 2 others £12.12s.6d before February next and to Millicent Clay widow of the said William Clay £12.12s.6d. (The Publications of the Lincoln Record Society).

1701. Sept. 29th. This vestry have ordered the church wardens to  pay Samuel Clay for the clock and other works. £17. (History and Antiquities of Gainsborough 2nd edition).

1715. Oct. 7th. Eckington Manor Court. Surrender by Samuel Clay of Gainsborough. Clockmaker and Ann his wife of a moiety of Plumley Close 18 acres in Mosborough. (Derbyshire Record Office Ref.- D7987/1/47).

1717. Feb. 20th. To be Lett. Nine acres of pasture in Holbeach. Enquire of Mathew Clay at Spalding. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1723. Oct. 5th. Abstract of Title of Mr Henry Clay to an estate in Surfleet. Lincoln  for sale on Ebay 2001 for £10.

1725. Court case. Clay v Cotton. Plaintiffs William Clay tanner of Bourne and Mathew Clay tanner. Defendants Samuel Cotton gent and others. (TNA Ref.- C11/2577/18).

1725. April 29th. A new brick house, stable, granaries, garden and 40 acres in the parish of Wrangle near Boston late the estate of William Clay deceased. (Stamford Mercury).

1727. June 27th. Lincoln.- John Clay sentenced to death for Highway Robbery - Condition of Pardon. - Transportation. (TNA Ref.- SP36/1/54).

1728. Lease. Samuel Clay of Benington yeoman to the guardians of Jacob Conington jnr 3 rood of land in the Seafield. Benington. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- BRA1189/2/11-12).

1732. Nov. 16th. Whereas Mr William Clay of Bourne in the County of Lincoln having left of his trade and let his farm is to have a sale of Horses and Mares of the heavy breed and several young colts and fillies with 3 wagons and 1 cart. Sale on Wednesday. (Stamford Mercury).

1739. Admon of Richard Clay of Digley. (Lincs Archives Ref.- LCC ADMONS/1739/14).

1739. Dec. 6th. Court of Sewers held at the Town Hall at Bourne in Lincs. Mathew Clay gent one of the Commissioners of Sewers concerning the river being silted. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1745. April 18th. Whereas several people have been disappointed in going down the river from Billinghay to Tattershall for want of a constant ferry boat. You may be accommodated with a convenient boat by calling at the Cross Keys in Billinghay where they will meet with good - entertainment and civil usage by their humble servant Francis Clay. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1753. Queen Anne's Bounty. Mrs Elizabeth Clay widow. Annuities £200. (Account of Livings by Christopher Hodgson).

1754. Will of Mathew Clay. Gentleman of Bourne. Lincolnshire. (TNARef.- PROB11/812).

1757. March 29th. Samuel Clay the Elder of Gainsborough clockmaker to Ann Harrison spinster a messuage in Sturton Street. £40. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- BRACE/2/2).

1762. Charles Clay. Gainsborough Clock Maker was born, his son Samuel Clay was also a Clock Maker.

1771. Will of Thomas Allen of Ollerton mentions £100 in the hands of John Clay of Kettlethorpe. Lincs. Gentleman. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/1461/91).

1771. July 27th. At Lincoln Assizes William Draper and William Clay for sheep stealing received the death sentence but were later reprieved and ordered to be transported for 14 years. (Leics.Journal).

1771. Aug. 2nd. Lincoln Assizes. Mathias Clay for stealing 2 lambs received sentence of death later reprieved to 14 years transportation. (Ref.- Derby Mercury. Aug. 2nd page 4).

1772. Oct. 16th. Gilbert Hall of Kettlethorpe conveys to John Clay of Kettlethorpe premises in Laneham. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/NK/16).

1786. June 5th. Anne Clay of Mansfield widow of John Clay of Kettlethorpe gent and daughter of Rev. Gilbert Hall of Kettlethorpe mentions her daughter Ann spinster, mentions lands in Southwell and Blidworth etc on marriage of Ann Clay to Rev. Henry Houson of Southwell. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/M/109/5).

1787. John Hall Clay born 1770 at Kettlethorpe. Lincs' son of John and Ann Clay admitted to Cambridge University in 1787.

1789. Admon of Richard Clay of Sutterton. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- ADMONS/1789/25).

1790.  Nov. 21st. Dalton Parr Clay son of Bennett and Elizabeth Clay born at West Allington became a Silversmith and moved to Newark.  Notts.

1793. Oct. 26th. Married lately in London Mr Clay Attorney of Stamford to Miss Sherwood. (Northampton Mercury).

1793. Debtors and Creditors of James Thompson of Stamford contact Mr Clay Attorney at Law in Stamford. (Stamford Mercury).

1793. Proprietors (sponsors)  of the canal. Joseph Clay and numerous others. ( Book - Isle of Axholme vol. 1).

1794. 10th January Michael Clay age 36 born Hough. Lincolshire c1758 Military Service. (Ref.- War Office Register).

1795. Aug. 25th. Mr Clay. Attorney of Stamford. Lincolnshire. Concerning property. (Stamford Mercury Newspaper).

1798. Jan.18th.  Richard Clay of Stamford gent conveys  3 acres of land and a cottage in Swineshead to Thomas Rayment. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- BRA/1678/1).

1798. Jan.19th. Richard Clay. Hereditaments in Swineshead. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- BRA/1678/2).

1799. April 22nd. Indenture. Messuages in Thorpe, Binbrooke and Thoresby in Lincolnshire purchased by Isle Grant from Hall Clay. (Notts Archives  Ref.- DD/SK/164/12-13).

1802.  March 20th. Bond of Richard Clay of Stamford gent. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Meth/C/Stamford, Barnhill/D/1/5).

1805 - 1807. Richard Clay of Stamford. Attorney. (Holdens Directory).

1808. Will of Samuel Clay of Allington. Son Bennet Clay. - Executor Alice Hell otherwise Clay. (Lincs Archives Ref.- LCC WILLS / 1808/50).

1808. Michael Clay age 30 born Lincolnshire c1778 Military Service. (Ref.- War Office Register)

1809. William Clay age 24 born Londonthorpe. Lincs. Enlisted in the Royal Horse Artillery 1 Battalion in 1809. Transferred to Royal Marines. (TNA Ref.- WO69/2/810. Folio 51)

1810. March 14th. Abstract Will / Admon of John Clay of Kirton.Lincs. Wife Mary Clay. (TNA Ref.- IR26/366/232).

1810. May 30th. Will of Thomas Clay of Scopwick. Lincolnshire. Sons. Thomas Clay, Samuel Clay, John Clay, Daughter Susanna Bottomley. (TNA Ref.- IR26/366/50).

1811. Feb. 14th. Alice Clay buried at Dunholme. Lincolnshire. (Ref.- Parish Register).

1816. Jan. 7th . Birth of Samuel William Clay at Gainsborough son of Charles Clay Clock and Watchmaker and Ann Clay his wife of Gainsborough and baptised June 30th 1816.

1818. Feb. 7th. Thomas Clay and Elizabeth his wife  of Great Gonerby. Lincolnshire regarding property. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Thor1/2/AM38/6).

1819. May 1st. A  Commission of Bankrupt against Richard Clay of Stamford. Lincs. Scrivener, Dealer and Chapman to meet in the Guildhall. London for disclosure of his estate. (The Gazette).

1820. June 17th. Thomas Clay age 38 born Lincoln c1782. Military Service at Templemore.Co.Londonderry. Northern Ireland. (Ref.- War Office Register).

1822. Sept. 20th. On Tuesday the 10th Mr Samuel Clay farmer of Allington. Lincs married Mary Bressit of the same place. (Stamford Mercury).

1822. Benjamin Clay. Vicar of Anderby with Cumberworth. Lincs. (Ref.- C of E Database LA Curates Register 1813-31 Licences).

1826. Charles Clay. Great Church Lane. Gainsborough. Watch and Clock Maker. (Traders Directory County of Lincoln).

1826. William Clay born July 10th 1826 in the parish of Gedney. Lincolnshire is recorded as one of Panama's earliest pioneers. He was the son of George and Catherine Clay of Lincolnshire and in December 1847 at the age of 21 married Maia Huson. (Ref.- Portrait of Lancaster County USA).

1827. April 6th. Indenture of Henry Clay concerning an Estate in Surfleet. (For sale on Ebay March 2021).

1827Ann wife of Francis Clay formally Ann Lait housekeeper to Welbys at Allington Hall. Lincolnshire. (Bedfordshire Archives Ref.- X815/16/3).

1828. Admon of Elizabeth Clay of Allington. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- LCC ADMONS/1828/17).

1828. Sept.11th. Thomas Clay of Grantham mercer and draper and wife Hannah late Hannah Renshaw.- Thomas Renshaw of Farndon farmer deceased left all his property to his niece Hannah Clay.- 2 houses, barn, stable and lands and £3000 to their children. (DD/T/118/24/1).

1828-29. Richard Clay. Attorney. St Martins. Stamford. Lincs. (Pigots Directory).

1828-29. Charles Clay. Watchmaker. Great Church Lane. Gainsborough. Lincs. (Pigots Directory).

1828-29. John Clay. Butcher. York Street. Boston. Lincs. (Pigots Directory).

1830. March 11th. Henry Clay married Elizabeth Cowham at Surfleet. Lincolnshire.

1830. April 13th. George Clay married Hannah Taylor at Quadring. Witness Henry Clay and Elizabeth Clay.

1831. March 22nd. Notice is hereby given that the partnership  between Thomas Clay and George Gibbon both of Grantham. Lincolnshire . Tailors under the name of Clay and Gibbon was dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to contact  Mr Clay. (Londoin Gazette page 551).

1831. Rev. John Wray vicar of Bardney against William Clay of Bardney Dairies  for profaning the church by brawling and quarrelling in the vestry and assaulting the Rev. Wray at a meeting to appoint a vestry. He also seized the parish vestry book. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- FL/MISC/7/6/15).

1833. Oct. 12th.  Conveyance of a messuage  Barnes Farm with a bakehouse and 3 cottages concerning Henry Clay and 5 others. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Thor 1 /2/AW48/17).

1836. June 3rd. Newspaper Report.- Married Yesterday at Swineshead, Edward fourth son of the late James Clay. Esq of Sandsmill. Dewsbury in Yorkshire to Rebecca eldest daughter of Mr Milson. Surgeon. (Stamford Mercury).

1838. Aug. 6th. Indenture. Henry Clay of Barkston shopkeeper and Jane Clay of Barkston spinster and Sarah Clay of Barkston spinster concerning property. (Lincs Archives Ref.- THOR/1/2/AW48/21).

1839. Will of Samuel Clay of Martin. Lincs. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- LCC WILLS/1839/89).

1840. April 28th. Jane Clay of Barkston concerning property. (Lincs Archives Ref.- THOR/1/2/AW48/23).

1840. April 29th. Conveyance of property in Lincolnshire (as in 1833 above) Henry Clay of Barkston father of Jane Clay with 6 others. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- Thor 1 /2/AW48/24).

1842.  Oct. 11th. John Clay age 39. Born St Swithers. Lincoln. Chelsea Pensioner. Rank - Private.  (Ref.- Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioners).

1842. Elizabeth Clay. Granbys Head. 12 Butchery Street. Lincoln. (Whites Directory).

1842. Oct.18th. Elizabeth Clay widow of 12 Butchery Street. Innkeeper of the Marquis of Granby public house witness to theft in the parish of St Swithin in Lincoln. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- BROG/1/4/3/4/11).

1843. June 28th.  Lease. Mrs Thorold to Joseph Clay of Harmston. Shoemaker a piece of land with a dwelling house , cordwainers shop, garden, cowhovels in his occupation.Rent £5.10s. (Lincolnshire    -------- Archives Ref.- THOR HAR/1/8/4).

1843. Oct.13th. Obituary of Joseph Marshall Clay. Esq age 27 of Stamford. (Lincoln Rutland and Stamford Mercury).

1844. March 8th. Wanted - respectable and well educated youth as an apprentice to a Linen and Woollen Draper. - Apply to H. Clay. High Street. Grantham. (Stamford Mercury).

1844.  April 2nd. Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in the cause of Clay against Clay the creditors of Joseph Marshall Clay late of Bardney Dairies in the County of Lincoln. Farmer deceased who died about 29th Sept.1843 are to make their claims before  the Master of the Court. (London Gazette page 1129).

1845. Will of Samuel Clay of East Alington. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- LCC WILLS/1845/59).

1846. Oct. 29th. Richard Clay police sergeant witness to a theft case at Lincoln. (Lincs Archives Ref.- BROG/1/4/3/9/1).

1848 . Pocket watch made by Samuel William Clay of Gainsborough who was born in 1816 son of Charles and Ann Clay.  Photograph of watch in Clay Artefacts.

1851 Census. William H. Clay age 33  born Gainsborough.  Cooper at Setch Brewery at West Winch in Norfolk and wife Mary Ann.

1851 Census. Joseph Clay age 76 Retired Shoemaker born Scottlethorpe. Lincolnshire living at Brixworth in Northants with wife Mary.

1851 Census. Edward Clay age 45  Whitesmith  Born Lincolnshire  living at Rotherhithe in Surrey with wife and 4 children.

1851 Census. Great. Hale. Walton Clay age 39 Ag. Lab. Born Great Hale. Eliza. Wife age 40. Born Wigtofte. Children. William 14. Ann 12, Charles 8, Eliza 6, Emma 3. All born Swineshead.

1852. Poll Book. John Clay of Tumby. Thomas Clay of Little Steeping. Publican. Richard Clay of Lincoln. Richard Clay of Motherby Lane. St Martins. Lincoln. John Clay of Grainthorpe. Farmer. John Clay of --  Gautby Farmer. John Clay of Bardney. Farmer.

1854. Died in St Paul's on Wednesday night aged 102 years Rebecca Clay widow of John Clay who was for many years journeyman to the late Mr Fowler whitesmith. She was in good health up to the day preceeding her death and ate a good breakfast and dinner on Tuesday. Her mother lived to the age of 105 years. (Ref.- Stamford Mercury).

1855. Admon of Edward Clay of Stixwould. Lincs. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- LCC ADMONS/1855/36).

1856. Richard Clay. Victualler. Horse and Jockey. Osbournby. (Traders Directory).

1857. William Clay. Grocer. 28 Newland Street. Lincoln. (Ref.- City of Lincoln Directory).

1857. Oct. 17th. Will of Samuel Clay of Great Ponton. Labourer. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1858/395).

1859. Oct. 10th.  Will of George Clay of Donington. Lincs. Out of Business. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1873/ii/983).

1862. Dreadnought Seamans Hospital. William Clay age 28 born Grainthorpe.Last ship "Vivid" Admitted May 1st. Disease of Kidneys. Discharged May 23rd. (Ref.- National Maritime Museum. -- Greenwich.- DSH/15).

1863. Oct. 29th. Will of Richard Clay of Lincoln.  Gent. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.-  WILLS/1874/i/388).

1864. Will of Henry Clay of Moulton. Gent.  (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1864/579).

1864. Samuel William Clay. Watch Maker. Bridge Street. Gainsborough. (Whites Directory).

1864. Henry Clay. Watch Maker. Silver Street. Gainsborogh. (Whites Directory).

1867. April 2nd. Henry Clay of Jobbers Square accused of stealing a piece of wood in the parish of St Swithin. Lincs. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- BROG/2/1/3/46/8).

1867. Dreadnought Seamans Hospital. William Clay age 34 born Grainsthorpe. Ship "Hercules" Admitted March 23rd. Diphtheria. Discharged April 5th. (Ref.- National Maritime Museum. Greenwich. DSH/17).

1867. Oct. 21st. William Clay born 1840 at Lincoln. Certificate of Competency to fulfill the duties of Mate in the Merchant Service of Shipping. (Ref.- National Maritime Museum. Greenwich. London).

1868. Feb. 24th.  Will of Joseph Clay of Harmston. Shoemaker. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1868/55).

1868. Police Records. Examinations. Book G. - Sworn in 16th March 1868. Charles Clay age 25 Height 5 feet 9 inches.  Fresh complexion, Eyes grey, Hair brown, Scar over lips.  Born. Swineshead near Boston. Lincolnshire, Trade labourer, married, Residence Barton on Humber. (Ref.- Police Records).

1869. An annuity of £30 to Ann Clay housekeeper to Welby of Allington Hall near Grantham. (Bedfordshire Archives Ref.- HF15/4/2).

1869. July 17th. Will of Richard Clay of Sleaford. Farmer. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1874/i/166).

1871. Census. Grimsby. "Warrior" Fishing Smack. Crew. Edwin Clay age 21 Seaman. Born Aldboro. Yorkshire.

1873. Dreadnought Seamans Hospital. William Clay age 41 born Gainsthorpe. Ship "Gelles" Admitted Oct. 23rd. Rheumatism. Discharged  Nov.21st.  (Ref.- National Maritime Museum. Greenwich. DSH/19).

1873. March 18th. Will of Richard Clay formely of Sleaford but late of Roxholme parish of Leasingham farmer who died 3rd April 1873 proved by Eliza Clay of Ropsley his widow. (Probate Calendar).

1873. April 7th. Will of Samuel Clay of Gainsborough. Watchmaker. (Lincolnshire  Archives Ref.- WILLS/1884/ii/539).

1874. April 20th. Will of Richard Clay late of the City of Lincoln gentleman who died April 5th 1874 proved by his widow Sarah Clay of 12 Beaumont Place. Lincoln. (National Probate Calendar).

1875. Nov. 27th. Will of Richard Clay of Osbournby. Farmer. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1884/ii/596).

1875. Dec.16th.  Will of Robert Clay. Cottager of Wellingore. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1888/i/206).

1876. Dreadnought Seamans Hospital. London. W. Clay age 44 born Grainthorpe. Lincolnshire. Ships Mate - Ship Excel from Port of Goole. Admitted Nov.11th. - Diphtheria. Discharged Dec. 5th. (National Maritme Museum DSH/21).

1887. Jan. 25th.  The Admin of Mary Clay late of 65 London Rd in Grantham. Lincs widow who died 22nd Dec. 1886 was granted to Samuel Clay of 65 London Rd, gent and her son. (Probate Calendar).

1888. List of Subscribers. Rev. A. N. Claye. B.A. - 4 Earl Street. Grimsby. (Lincolnshire Notes and Queries vol. 1. ).

1890. Feb.15th. Will of Charles Walter Clay of Moulton. Farmer. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref.- WILLS/1892/ii/591).

1893. Richard Clay of 1 West End Villas. Stamford. Lincolnshire gentleman who died 22nd June 1893 probate granted to Harriet Clay his widow. (National Probate Calendar).

1899. A. M. Clay and Co. Fish Merchants. Fish Docks. Grimsby. Lincs. (Traders Directory).

1902. May16th. Will of Charles Clay of Messingham. Watchmaker. (Lincolnshire Archives Ref. - Charles Clay. Wills/1907/136).

1911. August 24th. Lincoln City Police Fire Brigade. Police Fireman Alfred Clay age 38 was killed when he was buried by a collapsing wall while fighting a fire. (Ref.- National Police Officers Roll of Honour).

2016. Oct. 12th. Clay's Farm at Holbeach near Spalding. Lincolnshire sold for £125,000.

The following transcripts should be checked with the original registers.

1560. June 5th. John Clay buried at Boston.

1560 / 61. Jan. 26th. Symon Clay baptised at Boston.

1561. Dec. 4th. Walter Clay buried at Boston.

1562. June 3rd. Elena Clay buried at Louth.

1562. John Clay baptised at Skirbeck. No Parent given.

1562. Dec.1st. John Cley buried at Boston.

1564. April 19th. Magalyn Cley baptised at Boston.

1565. John Clay baptised at Edenham. No parent given.

1567. May 28th. John Clay buried at Boston.

1567 / 68.  Katheryn Clay baptised at Boston.

1569. Sept.14th. John Clay baptised at Boston.

1570. May 7th. Henry Clay buried at Boston.

1570. May 19th.  Alicia Clay buried at Boston.

1571. April 9th. Madlyn Clay buried at Boston.

1571. Oct. 30th. Henry Clay buried at Boston.

1576. Dec. 2nd. Antonious son of Thomas Clay baptised at Boston.

1576. Dec. 20th. Anthony Clay buried Dec.20th at Boston.

1576 / 67. Sept.18th. Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Clay baptised at Boston.

1579. John son of William Clay baptised at Gainsborough.

1580. Oct.18th. Thomas son of Thomas Cley baptised at Boston.

1580. Oct. 23rd. Alderdus Clay buried at Boston.

1580 / 81. Jan. 1st. Francis Clay buried at Sibsey.

1580. March 8th. John Claye baptised at Ranby.

1581. April 4th. Isabell Clay married John Porter at Sibsey.

1581. July 23rd. Thomas Clay married Isabell Richardson at Boston.

1582. April 17th. John Clay buried at Boston.

1582. Sept. 27th. Katerina daughter of Thomas Clay baptised at Boston.

1582 / 83. March 31st. Agnes Clay married Thomas Serson at Boston.

1584. May 3rd. Alice Clay married Thomas Wyllmson at Trusthorpe.

1585. May 16th. Henry Clay married Isabell Bett at Corby.

1585. May 20th. Agnes Clay married Azarias Bedience at Boston.

1585. May 25th. Susanna Clay married Peter Margery at Boston.

1585. May 25th. John Clay married Elizabeth Daynes at Boston.

1585. John son of Thomas Clay baptised at Skirbeck.

1586. Feb.1st. John Clay buried at Leake.

1587. April 9th. Margareta daughter of Petri Clay baptised at Boston.

1587. Dec. 21st. John Clay married Agnes Wilkinson at Boston.

1587 / 88. March 11th. Isabell Clay buried at Boston.

1588. May 31st. John Clay buried at Boston.

1588. May 31st. Agnes Clay buried at Boston.

1588. Nov. 20th. Margaret Clay married Richard Nowlson at Boston.

1589. June 18th. Eliza daughter of Anthony Clay baptised at Boston.

1589. Aug. 14th. Simon Clay married Katheryn Benton at Boston.

1589. Oct. 14th. Elenor Clay married John Porter at Boston.

1589. John Clay baptised at Leake. No parent given.

1589. John Clay baptised at Ranby. No parent given.

1590. May. 23rd. John son of Simonis Clay baptised at Boston.

1591. July 3rd. Anne Clay married William Johnson at Washington.

1591. Aug. 19th. Thomas Clay married Elizabeth Hawlye at Willoughby.

1591. John Clay baptised at Leake. No parent given.

1591 / 92. March 16th. Christopher Clay buried at Boston.

1592. Aug. 5th. Maria daughter of Simonis Clay baptised at Boston.

1594 / 95. Jan. 16th. Edithe daughter of Simonis Clay baptised at Boston.

1595. Oct.16th. John Clay buried at Boston.

1596. John son of Robert Clay baptised at Skirbeck.

1596. Mary daughter of John Clay baptised at Freiston.

1596. June 13th. Bennett Cley married Jane Lyttlewood at Boston.

1597. Sept. 15th. Cristoferus son of Simonis Clay of Skirbeck baptised at Boston.

1597. Oct.1st. Elizabeth Clay married John Benet at Surfleet.

1599. John son of William Clay baptised and buried at Halton Holegate.

1601. Dec. 22nd. Isabell Clay buried at Long Bennington.

1610. April 16th. Raph Clay married Isabell Morris at Barrowby.

1615. May 7th. Margaret Clay married Samuel Sherwen at Boston.

1615. July 9th.Mary Clay married Nicholas Bunton at Boston.

1615. Oct.19th.Mary Clay married Robert Moraley at Mumby.

1616. June 13th.Eden Clay married Symon Cotnam at Boston.

1616. Sept. 8th.Anne Clay married Roger Unwin at Owston.

1619. Nov. 22nd.George Clay married Mary Holte at Barrowby.

1622. March 6th. John Clay buried at Frampton. 

1623. May 11th. Isabell wife of Robert Clay buried at Boston.

1625 Sept. 22nd. Nicholas Clay married Agnes Gatheson at Friskney.

1625. Oct. 6th. Agnes wife of Nicholas Clay buried at Friskney.

1626. May 8th. Mary Clay married William Ranson at Friskney.

1626. June 29th. Nicholas Clay married Anne Edlingson at Addlethorpe.

1628. Jan. 31st.William Clay married Elizabeth Robinson at Long Bennington.

1628. June 22nd. Christopher Clay married Margaret See ? at Boston.

1628. Sept. 22nd. Thomas Clay married Hester Horner at Barrowby.

1629. April 5th. Marie daughter of Christopher Clay baptised at Boston.

1629. May 17th. Marie Clay buried at Boston.

1629. July 4th. William Clay married Susan Cardon at Addlethorpe.

1631. March 13th. Grace daughter of Christopher baptised at Boston.

1631. June 24th. Catherine Clay widow buried at Boston.

1631. Aug. 3rd. Anne wife of Nicholas Clay buried at Friskney.

1631. Aug. 3rd. Thomas Clay married Elizabeth Smith at Spalding.

1634. July 29th. Jane Clay married John Barnard at Sedgebrook.

1637. Oct. 2nd. Thomas Clay married Mary Willerton at Barrowby.

1637. Oct. 30th. Christopher Clay buried at Boston.

1639. Nov. 7th. Richard Clay married Elizabeth Foster at Friskney.

1642. June 14th. Ellinor Clay married John Bradford at Long Bennington.

1644. May 22nd. Elizabeth wife of Richard Clay buried at Friskney.

1647. Sept. 28th. Mary Clay married John Clarke at Barrowby.

1649. Aug. 20th. Thomas son of Richard Clay baptised at Friskney.

1653 / 54.  March. Robert Clay son of Richard and Isabell baptised at Friskney.

1656. April 9th. Robert Clay married Jane Gath ? at Horbling.

1657. March 31st. Jane Clay married Mathew Jarvice at Barrowby.

1657. Nov. 29th.Richard son of Richard and Isabell Clay baptised at Friskney.

1657. Dec.1st. Richard son of Richard and Isabell Clay buried at Friskney.

1658. Feb.13th. William Clay married Mildred Allin at Barrowby.

1660. Sept. 9th. Isabell daughter of Richard and Isabell Clay baptised at Friskney.

1668. Nov. 30th. Francis Clay married Katherine Buxton at Thornton by Horncastle.


1567 / 68. March 11th. Robert Claye baptised at Sibsey.

1573. May 15th. John Claye Married Isabell Dover at Great Gonerby.

1574. May 13th. Peter Claye married Katheryn Wilson at Boston.

1575 / 76. John Claye baptised at Sibsey.

1580. Aug. 29th. Margaret Claye married Richard Chapman at Spalding.

1600. June 17th. Robert Claye married Agnes Wilkinson at Boston.

1601. March 22nd. Marie daughter of Robert Claye baptised at Boston.

1603. March 14th. Anthony Claye buried at Boston.

1603. Nov. 20th. Edan Claye married William Taylor at Boston.

1604. Oct. 20th. Peter son of Robert Claye baptised at Boston.

1606. Nov. 30th. Agnes Claye married Peter Hedley at Boston.

1607. Jan. 26th. Anne Claye buried at Boston.

1609. Nov. 22nd. Elizabeth Claye buried at Boston.

1611. June 12th. Richard Claye married Agnes Piche ? at Carlton le Moorland.

1613. June 3rd. Mary Claye married Gilbert Ryley at Sibsey.

1613. Aug. 23rd. Katherine Claye buried at Boston.

1614 / 15. Dorothy Claye married George Bavine at Sibsey.

1637. July 23rd. Peter son of Christopher and Mary Claye Baptised at Boston.

Fishtoft. Lincolnshire. (Partial Extracts Only).

1562. Dec.14th. William son of Robert Clay baptised.

1562. Dec.16th. William Clay buried.

1563. April 18th. Petrus son of Robert Clay baptised.

1586. Feb. 28th. Alexandre son of Thomas Claye baptised.

1588. May. Peter Clay married Margaret Wetherost.

1589. May 31st. Lodwicke son of Thomas Clay baptised.

1591. April 12th. Barbary daughter of Thomas Clay baptised.

1591. April 21st. Barbary daughter of Thomas Clay buried.

1591. Dec.12th. Robert son of Peter Clay baptised.

1592. Aug. 21st. Peter Clay buried

1594. Aug 12th. Thomas Clay married Katherine.

1596. May16th. Joan daughter of Thomas Claie baptised.

1599. Jan.1st. Thomas son of Robert Claie baptised.

1601. Oct. 4th. Robert son of Robert Clay baptised.

1602. Nov. 21st. Ellin daughter of Robert Claye baptised.

1605. Feb.17th. Cattrin Claye married Stephen Thornton.

1605. Dec.15th. William son of Robert Claye baptised.

1606. Oct. 21st. William son of Robert Claye buried.

1607. June 28th. Richard son of Robert Clay baptised.

1608. Oct.16th. James son of Robert Clay baptised.

1609. Jan. 28th. Anthony son of Robert Clay baptised.

1611. Nov. 28th. Grace Clay married James Fox.

1611. Dec. 30th. Robert son of Peter Clay. Labourer buried.

1613. May 14th. Lodwicke Clay married Margaret Morris.

1614. Oct.13th. William Clay married Grace Searson.

1614. Nov. 20th. Margaret daughter of Lodwicke Clay baptised.

1616. Dec.12th. John Claye married Collitt Sibsbury.

1616. Dec.19th. Olive daughter of Lodwicke Clay baptised.

1619.  Jan.16th. Elizabeth daughter of John Clay baptised.

1620. March 9th. Ann daughter of Alexander Clay baptised.

1824 Militia Ballot. Lincolnshire.

James Clay born 1770. Gardener of Horbling.

Joseph Clay born 1797. Labourer of Edenham.

Samuel Clay born  1789. Farmer of  Allington.

Samuel Clay born 1798. Labourer of Great Ponton.

Thomas Clay born 1794. Draper of Grantham.

William Clay born 1798. Servant of Ropsley.

William Clay born 1804. Gardener of  Horbling.

William Clay born 1804. Servant  of Barkston.

William Clay born 1803. of Scopwick.


1841 Census. Gainsborough. Lincolnshire.

Back Street. Fosters Yard.

Charles Clay  age  75.  Watchmaker. Born out of County.

Samuel Clay  age  25. Watchmaker. Born Lincolnshire.

Henry Clay  age  25. Assistant Watchmaker. Born Lincolnshire.

John Clay  age 15 . Assistant Watchmaker. Born Lincolnshire.

Rachel Clay age  15. Born Lincolnshire.

1841 Census. Gautby. Gainsborough. Lincolnshire.

John Clay age 60 Farmer Born out of county.

Margaret Clay age 55 Born  Lincolnshire.

John Clay age 25 Born Lincolnshire.

Samuel Clay age 25 Born Lincolnshire.

Sarah Clay age 20  Born Lincolnshire.

1 Servant.

1841 Census. Lincoln.

Jobbers Square.

Henry Clay age 30 Labourer Born Lincolnshire.

Ann Clay age 35 Born Lincolnshire.

Eliza Clay age 3 Born Lincolnshire.

Harriet Clay age 2 Born Lincolnshire.

Francis Clay age 1 month Born Lincolnshire.

1841 Census. Lincoln. St Swithin.

Union Place.

Sarah Clay age 40 Born Lincolnshire.

Mary Clay age 12 Born Lincolnshire.

Sarah Ann Clay age 7 Born Lincolnshire.

Edward Clay age 5 Born Lincolnshire.

William Clay age 2 Born Lincolnshire.

1841 Census. Lincoln. St Swithin.

Danes Gate.

Richard Clay age 40 Police Officer Born Lincolnshire.

Jane Clay age 70 Born Lincolnshire.

1841 Census. Boston.

Pump Square.

John Clay age 45 Butcher Born Lincolnshire.

Ann Clay age 35 Born out of county.

Lincolnshire Census Returns For The Year 1841.

1841 Census. Lincoln St Paul. Westgate. Ann Clay age 50 Dressmaker Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Lincoln St Michael. Mauds Hill. William Clay age 55 Labourer Born Out of County. Mary Clay age 45  Wife Born Lincs. William Clay age 9 Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 5 Lincs.

1841 Census. Lincoln. St Swithins. Butchery Street. Elizabeth Clay age 45 Publican Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Barrowby. Robert Clay age 90 Ag Lab. Born Lincs. Living with Elizabeth Watford age 50 .

1841 Census. South Witham. White Horse. Witham Common. Joseph Clay age 85 Independant Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Fosdyke. Thomas Clay age 70 Farmer Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 85 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Legbourne. Ann Clay age 77 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Washingborough. Thomas Clay age 75 Ag Lab. Born Lincs. Rebecca Clay age 70 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. East Allington. Ann Clay age 75 Born Lincs living with Harrison Family.

1841 Census. East Allington. Francis Clay age 65 Farmer Born Lincs. 2 Servants.

1841 Census  East Allington. Samuel Clay  age 45 Farmer. Born Lincs. Mary Clay age  45 Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay 15  Born Lincs. Mary Clay  Born 14  Lincs. Francis Clay 12  Born Lincs. Ann Clay 9 Born Lincs. Dalton Clay 8 Born Lincs. Henry Clay 6  Born Lincs. Bennett Clay age 3. Born Lincs. Three servants.

1841 Census. Swarby. John Clay age 65 Farmer Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 75 Born out of County.

1841 Census. Barkston. Down St. Henry Clay age 75 Independant Born Lincs. Jane Clay age 25 Born Lincs. Living with T. Smith. Farmer.

1841 Census. Holdingham. Thomas Clay age 70 Farmer Born Lincs. Thomas Clay age 45 Lincs. Richard Clay age 40 Lincs. Rebecca Clay age 35 Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 25. Lincs.

1841 Census. St Mary le Wigford. Snowdon's Yard. John Clay 70  Independant Born Out of County. Elizabeth Clay 40 O. of C. Thomas Clay 11. O. of C. Samuel Clay 8. O. of C. Henry Clay 5. O. of C.

1841 Census. Moulton Village. Sarah Clay age 70 Independant Born Lincs. David Clay age 15 Tailors Apprentice Born Lincs.

1841 Census. School Lane. Henry Clay age 40 Schoolmaster Born Lincs. Sarah Clay age 45 Born Lincs. Henry Clay age 15 Born Lincs. Alfred Clay age 7 Born Lincs. George Clay age 5 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Surfleet. Henry Clay age 70 Farmer Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 50 Born Lincs. Henry Clay age 18 Born Lincs. Martha Clay age 9 Born Lincs. 3 Servants.

1841 Census. Horbling Bridgend. James Clay age 70 Farmer Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 65 Born Lincs Mary Tirrell age 13 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Horbling Bridgend. Elizabeth Clay age 65 Fieldworker Born Lincs. Living with Goodlis Family. Ag Lab.

1841 Census. Grantham. Spittlegate. Thomas Clay age 66 Ag Lab. Born Lincs. Esther Clay age 60 Born Lincs. Living with John and Ann Wright.

1841 Census. New Sleaford. Providence Square. Ann Clay age 65 Widow Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Branston. Edward Clay age 65 Ag Lab. Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Great Gonerby. Thomas Clay age 65 Ag Lab. Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 65 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Quadring. North Drove. George Clay age 55 Farmer Born  Lincs. Hannah Clay age 50 Born  Lincs. Hannah Taylor age 25 Born  Lincs.

1841 Census. Caythorpe West. Michael Clay age 60 Army Private. Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 45. Born Lincs. Sarah Clay age 11 Born Lincs. Alexander Clay age 10 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Heckington. William Clay age 55 Ag Lab Born Lincs. Rebecca Clay age 55 Born Lincs. Jacob Clay age 15 Born Lincs. Thelman Clay age 12  Born Lincs.

1841 Cesus. Easton. Eagle Woodhouse. Richard Clay age 55 Coachman Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 50 Born Lincs. Richard Clay age 20 Servant Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Folkingham. Lenton Rd. Joseph Clay age 55 Ag Lab Born Lincs. Susan Clay age 20 Born Lincs. Ann Clay age 2 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Minting. Bolingbroke. Thomas Clay  age 55 Farmer.  Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 50  Born Lincs. William Clay age 20 Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 20 Born  Lincs. Caroline Clay age 16. Born Lincs. Henry Clay age 15. Born Lincs.  Emily age 9. Born Lincs. Elizabeth age 7. Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Metheringham. Mary Clay age 50 Widow Born Lincs. Robert Clay age 15 Labourer Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Billingborough. Back Lane. Jane Clay age 50 Ag Lab. Born Lincs. John Clay age 25 Ag Lab Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 25 Born Lincs. Ann Clay age 1 month Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Timberland. Aveland Dales. Thomas Clay age 50 Farmer Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 50  Born Lincs. Edward Clay age 9 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Kirton. Kirton End. Elizabeth Clay age 50 Servant living with Westmoland family Bricklayer.

1841 Census. Harmston. Joseph Clay age 50 Shoemaker Born Lincs. Ann Clay age 45 Born Lincs. Charles Clay age 25 Schoolmaster Born Lincs. 4 servants.

1841 Census. Helpringham. John Clay age 45 Ag Lab Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 50 Born Lincs. Jane Clay age 15 Born Lincs. Charles Clay age 20 Born Lincs. Elizabeth Clay age 9 Born Lincs.

1841 Census. Burwell. Thomas Clay age 50 Ag Lab Born Lincs. Mary Robinson age 50 Housekeeper Born Lincs.

1841 Census Waddington. High St. Edward Clay age 40 Blacksmith.  Born Lincs. Mary Clay age 45. Born Lincs. Richard Clay 12 Lincs. Rebecca Clay 9 Lincs. Mary Clay 7 Lincs. Thomas Clay 5 Lincs.

1851 Census. Sleaford. Lincolnshire.

Leicester Street.

Richard Clay age 53  Ag Lab.  Born Holdingham. Lincolnshire.

Eliza Clay age 39 Wife. Milliner.  Born Folkingham. Lincolnshire.

Alice Maud Clay age 1 Daughter  Born Sleaford. Lincolnshire.

1851 Census. Surfleet. Lincolnshire.

Henry Clay age 79 Farmer Born  Quadring. Lincolnshire.

Elizabeth Clay age 62 Wife  Born Whittlesey. Cambridgeshire.

Henry Clay age  20 Son   Born  Surfleet. Lincolnshire.

Martha Clay age   19  Daughter  Born  Surfleet.

1 Servant.

1851 Census. Holbeach Bank. Near Spalding. Lincs.

Charles Clay  age 39  Agricultural Labourer  Born Swineshead.

Eleanor Clay age 32  Wife  Born. Martin.

John Clay age 8 Son  Born  Holbeach.

Charles Clay age 6 Son  Born Holbeach.

3 Lodgers all Agricultural Labourers.

1851 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.

Town Street.                                                                                                                   

Charles Clay age 39 Watch and Clock Maker and Parish Clerk.     Born  Gainsborough.

Ann Clay  age   29  Wife.                                                                                          Born  Langford.

Edwin Clay  age   12  Son.                                                                                        Born   Messingham.

Alice Clay  age   9   Daughter                                                                                 Born  Messingham.  

Mary E. Clay  age   7   Daughter                                                                           Born  Messingham.

Frances Clay   age   2   Daughter                                                                         Born Messingham.

1851 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.

Bridge Street.                                                                                              

Samuel W. Clay age 30  Watch maker  (Master).       Born  Gainsborough.

Maria Clay  age  35     Wife.                                                     Born Gainsborough.

Inside of a pocket watch made by Samuel William Clay of Gainsborough in 1848. (Now in possession of David Clay).

1861 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.

Bridge Street.                                                                                                           

Samuel Clay age 44 Watch and Clock Maker.   Born  Gainsborough. Lincs.

Maria Clay  age  45  Wife                                              Born  Gainsborough.

Thomas Clay  age  9   Son                                              Born  Gainsborough.                                

Charles Clay  age 6    Son                                               Born  Gainsborough.

1871 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.                                                      

Bridge Street.                                                                                                

Samuel Clay age 54  Watch Maker.          Born  Gainsborough. Lincs.

Sarah Clay age  62  Wife                                 Born  South Lincoln.       

Thomas Clay  age  19 Son                               Born  Gainsborough.

1881 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.

Bridge Street.                                                                                                        

Samuel William Clay age 64 Retired Clock Maker.                Born   Gainsborough. Lincs.

Sarah Clay  age 72  Wife                                                                         Born  Gainsborough.    

Thomas Clay age 29 Son Clock Maker.                                          Born  Gainsborough.

Clara Tryphena  Clay age 21 Niece  Domestic Servant.    

1881 Census. Messingham. Lincs.                                                        

Charles Clay age 69 Watchmaker                          Born  Gainsborough. Lincs.

Ann Clay age  59 Wife                                                   Born  Eagle Burnsdale. Lincs.

Charles S. Clay age 24 Son Watchmaker            Born  Messingham.

1891. Census. Gainsborough.Lincs.

14 Wellington Street.                                                                                   

Thomas Clay age 29 Watch and Clock Repairer.               Born   Gainsborough. Lincs.

Clara Clay  age  31  Wife                                                                   Born  Messingham.

Herbert Clay  age 9  Son                                                                    Born  Messingham.

Eveline Clay  age   5  Daughter                                                      Born  Gainsborough.

Arnold Clay  age   1  Son                                                                    Born  Gainsborough.

Charles Clay  age   79  Uncle. Widower. Watch Maker.   Born  Gainsborough.            

1901 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.

1 Ruskin Street                                                                                        

Thomas Clay age 49 Clock and Watch Cleaner.       Born  Gainsborough. Lincs.

Clara Clay age  41  Wife                                                          Born Messingham.

Herbert Clay  age 19  Son  Apprentice                           Born Messingham.

Eveline Clay  age  15  Daughter                                          Born  Gainsborough.    

Arnold Clay  age 11  Son                                                         Born  Gainsborough.

Cyril Clay  age  9  Son                                                                Born  Gainsborough.

Hilda Clay age  6  Daughter                                                   Born  Gainsborough.

Percival Clay  age 4  Son                                                          Born  Gainsborough.

Leslie Clay  age  3                                                                         Born  Gainsborough.                  

Kathleen  Clay age 10 months.  Daughter                    Born  Gainsborough.

1901 Census. Gainsborough. Lincs.

Bridge Street.                                                                                                                                       

Charles Samuel Clay age 45. Watch, Clock, Jeweller, Dealer and Repairer.    Born  Messingham. Lincs.

Elizabeth Clay  age 49  Wife                                                                                                        Born  Messingham. Lincs.

Edith Clay age 12  Daughter                                                                                                        Born   Gainsborough. Lincs.

Florence Clay age  9  Daughter                                                                                                  Born  Gainsborough. Lincs.

1901 Census. Messingham. Lincs.                            

Charles Clay age  89  Watch and Clockmaker.      Born  Gainsborough. Lincs.

Leanoro Clay age  69  Wife                                              Born   Burringham. Lincs.

(May 2021 Grandfather Clock  by  Charles  Clay of Messingham for sale on  Ebay  £450 . He  moved  from  Gainsborough  to  Messingham  in 1851 after the Census.).


1911 Census. Gainsborogh. Lincs.

Thomas and Clara same family  as previous year except 1 more son Wilfred Clay age 9 and Thomas is a retired  Watch Maker age 59.    

1911 Census. Messingham. Lincs.                                  

Charles Samuel Clay age 55 Clock Repairer         Born  Messingham. Lincs.

Elizabeth Clay age  58 Wife                                             Born  Messingham.

Edith Clay age  22 Daughter                                           Born  Gainsborough.

Florence Clay age   19  Daughter                                 Born Gainsborough.

1873. Return of Owners of Land. (Publication by John Lambert 1875).


Clay and Saming. Kirton. 7 acres.

George Clay. Skidbrooke. 12 acres.

Henry Clay. Surfleet. 50 acres.

Executors of Henry  Clay. Moulton. 8 acres.

Sarah Clay. Moulton. 2 acres.

Thomas Clay. Holdingham. 10 acres.

John Clay. Tumby. 22 acres.

Executors of William Clay. Sleaford. 11 acres.

Wallington House. Northumberland. (National Trust).

A Longcase Clock with brass dial signed by Samuel Clay of Gainsborough. c1700s. (Ref.- NT583037)

This site is copyrighted by the Clay of England Society. All rights reserved. 2018.