Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay of Surrey

Ford Manor at Lingfield in Surrey. Home of Joseph Spender Clay born 1826 son of Henry and Elizabeth Clay.

1257. Admission of John son of William atte Claye age 12 years to a messuage and serf - land held by the late father. Heriot. A bull value 8s. Wardship to John atte Claye. (Ref.- Surrey Record Society).

1258. Inquest. Adam at Claye juror concerning a tenancy. (Ref.- Surrey Record Society).

1275. Thomas de Cleye and Lora his wife in Chelesham.  (Ref.- Book. Fines Relating to the County of Surrey).

1294. Court Case. November. Lambert Clay of Ipre and his wife Margaret  v  John de Otteford and his wife Julia and Nicholas de Gloucester and wife Matilda. (TNA Ref.- Fines County of Surrey page 63).

1302. Testimony. Wills de Cleye - Latin - tcia prle feodi uni mil in Cleye de eode honore. -  Possible transcript  ? - fees one thousand in Cleye go with honour. (History of Surrey).

1312 - 13. Jan. 25th. Lambert Clay (Musician) who had long served the King and his father was sent to Merton Priory as a Royal Life Pensioner to receive maintenance for life in their house. (Ref.- History of the County of Surrey Vol.2). BHO.

1317,  March 19th. Lambert Clay documented as deceased. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls 1313 - 1318 page 447).

1326. Thomas de Cleye and his wife Lora in Chelsham. Surrey. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Assize Roll number 119).

1339. Manors of Chertsey Abbey. The holding of William atte Cley passed  to his son John and on John's death it passed to the other son William atte Cley a minor aged eight. (TNA.- Cal. of Assize Rolls).

1387. Sept. 29th.  Lease of land in Kyngeston between the land of Robert Clay on the east and William Chesman on the west. (Ref.- Kingston History Centre - KC16/1/44).

1388. August. Robert del Clay concerning land in Kyngeston upon Thames. (TNA. Calendar of Fine Rolls. Edw. 11).

1392. The croft called Spiteland in Kyngeston upon Thames was granted to Robert Clay yeoman of the Spicery at a rent of 10 shillings a year.  (Ref.- Victoria History of Surrey).

1394. Dec. 29th.  Robert Clay witness to a land transfer in Kyngeston upon Thames. (Ref.- Kingston History Centre. KC16/1/98).

1398. April 22nd. Grant for life to the King's sergeant of the Spicery Robert Clay of property in Kyngeston. (TNA. - Calendar of Patent Rolls Rich. 11. membrane 28).

1400. May 8th. Confirmation to Robert de Spicer alias Clay  granting him 10 marks yearly for life and a croft called Spittleland by Kingston on Thames. (Calendar of Patent Rolls Hen. 1V.  Vol. 1.).

1400. Robert Clay. - Bailiff of the Liberty of Kingston on Thames. Surrey in an Inquisition concerning lands in Kingston. (TNA Ref.- C131/218/3.

1405. July 2nd. Robert Clay and 3 others former feoffees of John Lorchon concerning lands in Kyyngeston. (Kingston History Centre. KC16/1/8).

1414. Dec. 15th. Confirmation to Robert Spicer alias Clay of letters Patent so that he not be retained with anyone else. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls. Hen. 1V. 1413-16 membrane 3).

1430. Court. Robert Mildenhale of London v Thomas Clay and Johanna his wife in Kyngeston. (Ref.- Surrey Fines vol.11).

1442. Robert Clay and others v Robt Godeston and others Places mentioned Godiston, Walkenstede, Tanregge, Blechynglegh and Caterham. (Ref.- Pedes Finium County Surrey).

1459. Mention of a croft  called Spitland by Kyngeston upon Thames which King Richard 11 gave to Richard Cleye his yeoman for life  in 1391. (TNA - Calendar of Fine Rolls 37 Hen. V1  membrane 12).

1485. Nov. 22nd. Robert Clay witness to the Will of John Skete of Long Ditton. (History of the Families of Skeet).

1509. Sept. 25th. Robert Clay became vicar on grant of John Mylde and Arthur Pynchebeck chaplains. (Ref.- The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey vol. 2 page 778).

1559. Joanna daughter of Henrie Cley was buried at Croydon in Surrey. Feb.9th.

1559. Bletchingley Church Accounts. Paid to Claye the wages for helping at the day of the funeral of Sir Thomas Cawarden. (Ref.- Surrey Archaeological Collections vol. 5).

1562. Jane Clay buried at Croydon in Surrey. March 8th.

1563. Thomas son of William Clay baptised at Merstham Dec.16th.

1565. Joane daughter of William Claye baptised at Merstham. Sept.10th.

1570. Robert Claye preacher and 14 others petition in favour of the vicar of Battersea who had been purging witches. (Ref.- The Environs of London Vol. 1. The County of Surrey). - British History Online.

1570. William son of William Claye baptised at Bletchingley. Sept. 10th.

1571. William son of William Claye was buried at Bletchingley. Surrey. Nov. 20th.

1573. John son of William Claye baptised at Bletchingley June 21st.

1575 / 76. Henri son of Thomas and Ales baptised Feb. 4th.

1575. John son of Robert Claye baptised at Reigate in Surrey. Aug. 13th.

1576. William son of Robert Claye baptised at Reigate. Oct. 28th.

1578. Elizabeth Mathew Clay daughter of Robert Clay baptised at Reigate. April 22nd.

1580 / 81. William son of William and Joan Cley baptised at Bletchingley. Feb. 20th.

1582. John son of Robert Claye baptised at Reigate in Surrey. Sept.10th.

1582. Thomas Clay of Bletchingley buried at Merstham. Nov. 3rd.

1583. Susan daughter of William Clay baptised at Bletchingley March 30th.

1587. Alexandrus Clay. Vicar of Farnham. Surrey. (Ref.- C of E Database. CRO.EDA1/4. Act Book).

1588. Jane Clay. Widow buried at Bletchingley. May 5th.

1593. Elizabeth daughter of Robert Claye was buried at Reigate in Surrey. Nov. 27th.

1597. Aug. 11th. Will of Thomas Woode of Southwark bequest to my sister Anne Claye. (Surrey Record Society vol. 4 page 57).

1599. Agnes Clay married Richard Farrande at Croydon.Surrey. Feb. 5th.

1600. Sept. 21st. Will of Richard Neede of Rotherhithe. Gunpowder Maker bequests to Prudence wife of Anthony Smith and her sister Joan wife of Nicholas Clay. (Surrey Archaeological Collections).

1602. Joan Clay married William Hygate at Mickleham. July 15th.

1603-25. Nicholas Clay defendant concerning a gunpowder factory in the parish of St Giles in the Fields. Middlesex and lands in Rotherhithe. Surrey. (TNA Ref.- C2/Jas1/M1/61).

1605. Shiprights. Mr Nicholas Clay of Redriff. Shipright and yard keeper nominated in the Charter of 1605 as one of the 12 Assistants of the Shiprights Company. (Charter 1605).

1608. Nicholas Clay of Redriff. Shipright and yard keeper at an Inquisition concerning the Navy. (History).

1608. William Clay married Agnes Symonds at Nutfield  Nov. 6th. (Parish Register).

1611. Sept. 10th. Nicholas Clay. Warden of the Art or Mystery of Shipwrights at Redrith County of Surrey. (Ref.- Book.- The Charter of the  Corporation of Shipwrights of Redrith in the County of Surrey).

1612. Nicholas Clay listed as Shipright of Redrith. (History).

1613.  Thomas Clay of Reigate  granted a coat of arms.  Camden Visitation. (Book.- Grantees of Arms).

1614. Lord Howard appointed Thomas Clay of Reigate as surveyor he produced a map and survey of the manor of Great Bookham which took him 3 years. The original is in custody of The National Trust. 

1617. Document Diocese of Winchester. Robert Clay of Reigate. Surrey is a gardener. (London Metropoliton Archives Ref.- DW/PA/05/1617/018).

1617-23. Thomas Clay of Reigate is a Land Surveyor. (Ref.- Dictionary of Land Surveyors 1530 to 1850 by Sarah Bendall).

1623. Thomas Clay of Reigate. Surrey had same coat of arms as John Clay of Crich in Derbyshire also others were using same. (Visitation of Surrey).

1619. Nicholas Clay defendant concerning the estate of Richard Needs of Surrey.- Mayor v Clay. (TNA Ref.- C3/319/61).

1623. Survey of the Manor of Reigate taken by Thomas Clay. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- 3537/1/21).

1623. Certificate of Residence showing Edmund Clay to be liable for taxation in Surrey and not in the ward of Bridge. London as previous. (The National Archives Ref.- E115/109/56).

1625. Will of Edmond Clay gent of South Lambeth. Surrey. Wife Dionis. Sons Edmond Clay, John Clay, Robert Clay. Daughters Grace, Sarah, Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth, Martha. His brother George Clay. Mentions John Clay citizen and clothmaker. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/147/55).

1625-1714. Robert Clay and Eleanor his wife defendants court case Brakes v Clay concerning the Manors of Lambeth and Kennington. Surrey. (TNA Ref.- C6/60/27+28).

1627. Susanna Clay buried at Long Ditton Nov.25th.

1634. Will of Dionis Clay widow of South Lambeth.Surrey. Sons Edmund Clay, John Clay and Robert Clay. Daughters Grace, Mary and Elizabeth Clay.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/165/589).

1655. Samuel Clay son of Robert Clay yeoman of the Parish of St Mary Maudlin in Southwark in the County of Surrey apprentice to Robert Hogge for 7 years. (Ref.- Records of the Company of Carpenters Vol.1). - British History Online.

1661. Edmund Clay and Jane his wife defendants concerning property in Lambeth.- Pendarves v Clay. (TNA Ref.- C6/151Pt2/48).

1662. Heralds Visitation of Surrey.- John Clay of Derbyshire his son Edmund Clay of Lambeth in Surrey.Gent married Dyonis Woodcock of Nottingham their son Edmund Clay of Lambeth married 1st wife Elizabeth Hawkins of Middlesex  and 2nd wife Jane. (Harlian Society).

1664. Hearth Tax. Brixtoon Hundred. Edmund Clay. Edmund Clay. John Clay. Lewis Clay. (TNA Ref.- E179).

1668. Will of Edmund Clay of Lambeth Marsh. Nephews - Edmund Clay and Robert Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/328/128). and also -

1669. Will of Edmund Clay of Lambeth Marsh. Nephews Edmund Clay and Robert Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/4/16876).

1676. Robert Clay defendant concerning property in Lambeth.- Flintham v Clay. (TNA Ref.- C7/521/81).

1708. Will of George Clay mariner of St Olave. Southwark. Surrey. Wife Margaret. Daughters. Mary Hazard and Anne Meale widow. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/501/363).

1712. Nov.18th. Moses Clay and 29 other prisoners in the klink in the county of Surrey petitioned one of Her Majesties  justices to be discharged pursuant to an Act lately passed for the relief of insolvent debtors. (Ref.- The London Gazette issue 5070 page 2).

1719. Richard Clay the elder and Richard Clay the younger defendants verses Butler of Camberwell. Surrey. Court of Chancery. (TNA Ref.- C11/244/5).

1724. Probate Inventory of Richard Clay of Camberwell. Surrey mentioning a house against the monument in the parish of St Margarets. Fish Street. London. (TNA Ref.- PROB31/22/323).

1730. March 11th. The Commissioners of Bankrupt against Elizabeth Clay of Southwark in County Surrey. Linen Draper intend to make Dividend of the said bankrupts estate. (London Gazette page 2).

1734. Will of Stephen Clay mariner of Lambeth. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/667/311).

1739. Will of Elizabeth Clay widow of St John. Southwark. Surrey. Her children -Thomas, Herbert, Elizabeth, Katherine, Mary and Hannah. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/695/193).

1745. Will of John Clay - Buckeram Stiffener of St Olave. Southwark. Son.- Jeremiah.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/742/307).

1748. Will of Jerimiah Clay - Buckram Stiffener of Southwark. Wife Ann.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/763/339).

1750. Removal Order of William and Eleanor Clay and children Rotherhithe. Surrey  to St Mary at Hill. London. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- QS2/6/1750/Eas/68).

1770. Will of John Kirrich Clay. - Caulker of St Mary. Rotherhith. Surrey. Wife Betty.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/960/338).

1772. Will of Charles Clay - Tailor of St Saviour. Southwark. Surrey. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/976/360).

1778. Will of William Clay - Victualler of St Mary. Lambeth. Surrey. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1040/106).

1794. William Clay. Curate of Dorking. Surrey. (Ref.- C of E Database HRO.21M65 A2/3. Act Book).

1794. July 15th. Quarter Sessions. Martha Smith the younger pleaded guilty for an assault on Elizabeth Clay fined 1 shilling. (Surrey Quarter Sessions 1780 - 1820).

1797. Rev.William Clay and Lady Burrell marriage settlement of property in Dorking. Surrey. (West Sussex Record Office Ref.- Burrell Mss. Dorking).

1798. Will of George Clay gent of Bermondsey. Surrey. Wife Margaret Clay, Son George Clay, Daughter Elizabeth Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1309/107).

1801. April 23rd. Indenture / Lease . - Rev. William Clay of Deepdine. Surrey. (Notts Archives Ref.- DD/SP/28/190).

1801. Will of Elizabeth Clay (nee Batley). widow of Clapham. Surrey. Sons John Clay, Benjamin Clay, Samuel Clay, Thomas Clay, Henry Clay, Daughter Elizabeth Batley Clay,  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1356).

1802. Oct. 30th. Information of James Scott of Long Lane. Bermondsey baker accusing James Clay of stealing 2 wheaten loaves from a delivery basket. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- QS2/6/1803/EP/97).

1805. Oct. 21st. John Clay age 19 on Nelsons Flagship. HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar he was born at Epsom. (TNA Ref.- ADM36/15900).

1808. Will of Mathew Clay. Tailor of Boars Head Court. St Saviour. Southwark. Surrey. Charles son of his brother John Clay, Nephews Mathew, Charles, Thomas, James, William sons of his brother Charles Clay, Thomas son of his brother Thomas Clay, (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1480).

1814. Aug. 6th. Nathan Henry of Southwark.London. List of creditors - John Clay of Camberwell. Surrey. Glue Maker. (London Gazette page 1600).

1814. Will of John Clay. Coal Dealer of Southwark. Surrey. Wife Lucy Ann Clay, daughter Amelia Clay, his brother Richard Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1554).

1819. Will of Thomas Clay. Gentleman of Southwark. Surrey. Son Thomas Clay, grandaughter Mary Ann Lane.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1623/425 ).

1819. Jan.19th. The Petition of John Clay late of Villa Place. Walworth. Surrey. Grocer and Cheesemonger and formely of Lewins Mead. Bristol. Somerset. Victualler and Brewer now a prisoner in the County Gaol will be heard at the Guildhall. (London Gazette page 144).

1822. Will of George Clay of Rockingham Row. New Kent Road. Surrey. Daughters Susannah Clay, Hannah Clay, Sarah Liddard, grandson George Clay, Brother John Clay. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1654).

1824. William Clay. Landlord of the Sword and Buckler pub. Bermondsey Street. Surrey. (Surrey History Centre Ref. - QS5/10/4).

1831. Court of Chancery. Clay v Woodruff. The creditors of George Clay formely of Rotherhithie in County Surrey and later of Rockingham Row in the same County who died about February 1822 are to come in to prove their debts and George Clay the grandson of George Clay formely of Prince's St. Rotherhithie. Timber Merchant if living is to come and make claim to the £1,500 Bank Dividends bequested to him by the Will of his grandfather George Clay deceased. (Newspaper Report).

1832. Surrey Gaol Delivery. Thomas Clay butcher born 1808  sentenced to Life Transportation to Van Diemens Land. Australia for burglary.  (Ref.- British Convicts Transportation Registers).

1839. Will  of Charles Henry Clay of Croydon. Surrey. Wife Jessy.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1912).

1840 to 1842. Electoral Roll. Samuel Clay. Burlington Road. Surrey. (Ref.- Surrey Historical Centre).

1850. Will of Joseph Clay. Grocer of Bermondsey Saint Mary Magdalene. Surrey. Wife Eliza. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/2114).

1862. John Clay buried at Epsom in Surrey. (Registry Ref.- Vol. 2A page 4).

1862. The daughter of Sir Chichester of Arlington - Caroline Elizabeth married 8th March 1862 to Captain George Clay of the 19th Regiment son of Sir William Clay. (Ref.- Dictionary of Peerage).

1864. August 13th. On the 1st the wife of Mr Henry Clay. Station Master of Egham had a son prematurely. (Surrey Mirror).

1868. August 27th. James Clay jnr. age 18 Leather Dresser of 16 Richardson Street admitted to Brookwood Mental Asylum. Woking Surrey. Chargeable to Bermondsey. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- 3043/5/1/1/1).

1869. Nov. 3rd. Ellen Clay age 46 wife of Gilman Clay of 8 Portland Street. Walworth admitted to Brookwood Mental Asylum. Woking. Surrey. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- 3043/5/1/1/1).

1876. August. Surrey Calendar of Prisoners. Jane Clay otherwise Crane. spinster. Stealing 2 aprons. 4 months hard labour at Wandsworth. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- QS3/4/9).

1881. Census. St George Workhouse. Mint Street. Southwark. Surrey. Ann Clay age 65 widow. Born. Middlesex.

1881. Census. Metropoliton District Asylum for Imbeciles. Caterham Surrey. James Clay age 73. Coachman. Lunatic.

1881. June 4th. Godstone Petty Sessions. Robert Arnold a butler in the service of Mr Clay of Ford Manor House. Lingfield  was summoned for assaulting a Police Constable who went to see why the windows had been left open all night. The butler was abusive and struck the Police Constable saying "Take that if you want to see Mr Clay about me". The Police Constable saw Mrs Clay and reported the circumstances to her but she declined to let the butler go as his prisoner after he had been arrested. Mr Clay came in who said the Constable should not let the prisoner go. The Court fined the butler £5 and 19s-6p costs. (Surrey Mirror).

1881. Aug. 27th. James Haynes late butler in the employ of J. Spender Clay Esq of Ford Manor. Dorman's Land. Lingfield was charged with having offered himself as a servant to Mr Clay by means of a false, forged and counterfeited certificate of character. He was fined £20 and 10 shillings costs. (Surrey Mirror).

1882. March 11th. Mr W. H. Clay raised issues and gave his views at a meeting of the Dorking Local Board concerning building regulations. (Surrey Mirror).

1884. June 21st. Surrey Art Loan Exhibition. Sir Arthur Clay of Gomshall is to be congratulated by the arrangements he carried out with considerable labour and sacrifice of time. He was also on the Selection Committee. (Surrey Mirror).

1884. Dec. 27th. Mr J. Spender Clay of Ford Manor was the President of a meeting in the school room at Lingfield. (Surrey Mirror).

1885. Feb. 2nd. The Will of Joseph Clay late of the "Two Brewers" beer and wine house. 75 Albert Embankment. Vauxhall in Surrey beer and wine retailer who died 2nd Jan. 1885 was proved by Charles Clay  of 10 Conduit Road. Plumstead in County Kent carpenter the brother and executor. (Ref.- The National Probate Calendar).

1885. Dec. 30th. The Will of Joseph Spender Clay esq late of Ford Manor. Lingfield in the county of Surrey who died 3rd Nov. 1885 at Ford Manor was proved  at the Principle Registry by Sydney Elizabeth Jane Clay of Ford Manor widow of Charles John Clay esq of Stapenhill House. Stapenhill in the county of Derby. (Ref.- National Probate Calendar).

1887. Aug.13th. Seven Hundred people attended a Fete which was held at Ford Manor. Lingfield in the beautiful grounds of Mrs Spender Clay. A spacious marquee had been erected in the meadow and was filled with ladies and gentlemen. Tea was provided through the kindness of Mrs Clay. (Surrey Mirror).

1888. Nov. 3rd. On Thursday afternoon at St Marks. North Audley Street. London was married Mrs Spender Clay of Ford Manor. Dorman's Land. Surrey to Mr Beresford Melville. The brides dress was extremely beautiful with a tiara of diamonds, a superb bracelet of diamonds and emeralds (a present from the groom). Among the guests were the Duke and Duchess of Westminster, the Marchioness of Ormonde, the Count and Countess of Dudley, the Count and Countess of Annersley, several Lords and Ladies, Mr and Mrs Charles Clay, Mr H. Spender Clay, Miss Violet Clay. The presents were numerous. (Surrey Mirror).

1889. July 13th. Meeting of the County Justices of Surrey on the occasion of presentation of portraits. The Gallery reserved for ladies included Lady Clay and Mrs W. H. Clay. Portraits were unveiled and inspected by Sir Arthur Clay. (Surrey Mirror).

1889. William Temple Clay born 1870 at Hatfield son of Sir Arthur Temple Felix Clay of Burrows Lea. Gomshall. Surrey admitted to Cambridge University in 1889.

1890. Feb.1st. Brockham Glee Society Concert. Part 2 was begun by Clay's "Gipsy John" Which was sung by Mr W. Parsons. Miss Mary Doughty was greeted with an encore for singing Clay's song "She wandered down the mountain side". (Dorking /Leatherhead Advertiser).

1890. George Felix Neville Clay born 1871 at Hatfield son of Sir Arthur Felix Temple Clay of Burrows Lea. Gomshall. Surrey admitted to Cambridge University in 1890.

1891. July 27th. Arthur Claye died aged 37 at 195 Croydon Road. Anerley. Surrey. (Newspaper Report).

1893. Sept.16th. The following gentlemen have been appointed members of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. Mr John Clay of Kirchester near Kelso who had served on the Richmond Commission and is engaged in practical farming. (Surrey Mirror).

1895. Nov. 22nd. Football.- Lingfield Juniors. J. Clay played left wing. (Surrey Mirror).

1898. Feb.1st. Court Case regarding forgery of signatures concerning large sums of money involving victim Herbert Henry Spender Clay of the 2nd Life Guards of Ford Manor. Lingfield. (Leicester Daily Post).

1915 + 1923. Letters from Penelope Spender Clay of Ford Manor. Lingfield. Surrey to Lady Desborough. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies. Ref.- DE/Rv/C524/1-2).

1918. June. Lieutenant Colonel H. H. Spender Clay. M.C. - Hunting and Racing Man formely played for the 2nd Life Guards polo team. Hadicapped at 3 goals. (Ref.- The Polo Monthly).

Surrey Land Tax. (Surrey History Centre).

1780 to 1790. George Clay occupier. Elizabeth Webb owner at Bermondsey. East Brixton. (Ref.- 992292).

1780 to 1791. George Clay occupier. Thomas Catton owner at Rotherhithe. Tax £1-4s. (Ref.- 992367).

1780 to 1800. Mathew Clay occupier. Widow Lawrence owner. High Street. Southwark. Tax £2-16s. (Ref.- 992380).

1781 to 1783. Thomas Clay occupier.Samuel Smith owner at Red Lion Court. Southwark. Tax 18 shillings. (Ref.- 992376).

1782. William Clay occupier George Pope owner at Mitcham. Tax 15s-3d. (Ref.- 992280).

1786 to 1790. John Clay occupier Rev. Blackborne owner at Clapham. Tax £2-12s-6d. (Ref.- 992349).

1790 to 1791 Richard Clay occupier William Gill owner at Southwark. Tax 18 shillings. (Ref.- 992392).

1791. Joseph Clay occupier at Bermondsey. East Brixton. Tax. £1-13s. (Ref.- 992292).

1793. Richard Clay occupier at Clink. East Brixton. (Ref.- 992351).

1796. William Clay occupier John Hedger owner at Southwark. (Ref.- 992371).

1798 to 1799. Elizabeth Clay occupier Edward Neale owner at Clapham. (Ref.- 992349).

1800. Rev. William Clay owner and occupier at Dorking. (Ref.- 992170).

Surrey Freeholders Qualified for Jury Service. (Surrey History Centre Ref.- QS3/10A).

1776 to 1811. George Clay of Rotherhithe.

1801 - 1805. Mathew Clay. Taylor of Boarhead Court. St Savior.

1805. Richard Clay. Farmer of Chessington.

1806. George Clay Esq of Stockwell.

1814 - 1819. George Clay. Gent of Newington.

1814 - 1819. Robert Clay. Gent of Bishops Liberty. South Lambeth.

1820 - 1824. Robert Clay of Windmill Lane. Camberwell.

1820 - 1824. Robert Clay. Gluemaker of Windmill Road. Bermondsey.

1820 - 1824. Thomas Clay of Union Crescent. Southwark.

1820 - 1824. Richard Clay Grocer of 19 Hampton Street. Hill.

1841 Census. Bermondsey. Surrey.

Davidson's Rope  Ground.

Thomas Clay age 35   Born Surrey.

Martha Clay age  25   Born Surrey

William Clay age  7     Born Surrey

Thomas Clay age  5     Born Surrey

Martha Clay age  2      Born Surrey

Henry Clay age    0      Born Surrey

1851 Census. Newington. Surrey.

Kent Street.

John Clay age  63 Widower  Broom Stave Maker  Born  St Georges. Surrey.

1 female servant age 35.

1851 Census. Lambeth. Surrey.


Robert  Richard Clay age 34  General Practitioner  Born Lambeth Surrey.

Harriet Clay age 24 Wife     Born Blenorth. Hampshire.

Harriet G. Clay age 3  Daughter   Born Lambeth. Surrey.

Alice Francis Clay age 2  Daughter  Born Lambeth.

Robert Clay age 73  Father   Surveyor  Born Chesterfield. Derbyshire.

Charlotte G. Clay age  67  Mother  Born Warwickshire.

3 servants.

1851. Census. Lambeth. Surrey.

East Street.

Thomas Clay age 32  Porter  Born  Whiteleaf. Buckinghamshire.

Jane Clay age 50  Wife   Born Launcells. Cornwall.

Thomas Clay age 18  Son  Born Bermondsey. Surrey.

Martha Clay age  14  Daughter Born  Bermondsey. Surrey.

1851 Census. Lambeth. Surrey.

Berkley Street.

GeorgeClay age  44  Railway Porter  Born Fryerning. Essex.

Argentine Clay age  40  Wife                  Born Ronde. Somerset.

William Clay age  13  Son                          Born  Fryerning. Essex.

1851 Census. Lambeth. Surrey.

Royal Street.

Thomas Clay age  53  Compositor  Born Middlesex.

Margaret Clay age 50   Wife               Born   Marleybone. Middlesex.

Henry Clay age 23   Son  Cigar Maker   Born Christchurch. Surrey.

Margaret Clay age 18   Daughter             Born Christchurch.

1851 Census. Newington. Surrey.

Little Park Place.

Samue Clay age 23  Carpenter  Born  Southwark. Surrey.

Eliza Clay age 21   Wife                  Born  Bermondsey. Surrey.

1851 Census. Camberwell. Surrey.

Chepstow Place.

William Spencer Clay age 48  Wine Merchant  Born Bury. Suffolk.

Jane  Clay age 49  Wife  Born London.

1 servant.

1851 Census. Camberwell. Surrey.

Neate Street.

George Clay age 54  Carpenter  Born Totnes. Devon.

Susan Clay age  54   Wife                Born Totnes. Devon.

1851 Census. Camberwell. Surrey.

Neate Street.

James Clay. age 57. Gluemaker .  Born  St Thomas. Surrey.

1851 Census. Camberwell. Surrey.

Bath Place.

James Clay age 38  Messenger  Born. Bath. Somerset.

Mary Clay age  37  Wife                Born Lambeth. Surrey.

1851 Census. Southwark. Surrey.

Great Union Street.

John Clay age 51  Tailor and Draper  Born South Minster. Essex.

Sarah A. Clay age 50  Wife   Born  Great Wigborough. Essex.

Sarah A. Clay age 10  Niece  Born  Burnham. Essex.

1851 Census. Southwark. Surrey.

Mill Lane.

Francis Clay age 33  Cook and Seaman  Born  Hook Norton. Oxfordshire.

Sarah Clay age  33  Wife  Born  St Stephens. Middlesex.

1851 Census. St George the Martyr. Surrey.

William Clay age 34 Confectioner Born Mansfield. Nottinghamshire.

Mary A. Clay age 31 Wife Born Westminster. Middlesex.

Mary A. Clay age  7 Dauughter Scholar Born Southwark. Surrey.

Eliza Clay age 6 Daughter Born Southwark. Surrey.

Emma Clay age 1 Daughter Born Southwark. Surrey.

1851 Census. Rotherhithe. Surrey.

Clare Place Cottages.

Edward Clay age 45   Whitesmith  Born  Lincolnshire.

Elizabeth Clay age  46  Wife  Born  Blackheath. Kent.

Thereza Clay age 12  Daughter  Born Southwark. Surrey.

Edward Clay age  6   Son                  Born  Southwark.

Rebecca Clay age  4   Daughter   Born  Southwark.

Elizabeth Clay age  1  Daughter  Born  Rotherhithe. Surrey.

1881 Census. Croydon. Surrey.

Elizabeth Roberts Schoolmistress. age 47 Widow Born Middlesex.

Margaret Roberts age 23 Daughter Schoolmistress Born Essex.

James G. G. Clay age 10  Scholar Born India.

Katherine G. Clay age  9 Scholar Born India.

Bertie G. Clay age 6 Scholar Born India.

This site is copyrighted by the Clay of England Society. All rights reserved. 2018.