Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay of Suffolk

Clay Hall House. Sudbury in Suffolk built in 1520.

1121 - 1148. Robertus de la Cleue and his elder brother Richard mentioned as witnesses in the Charter of the Abbots. (Ref.- Feudal Documents from the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds page 117 + 120).

1172. Ralphe de Clai listed in a Suffolk Pipe Roll. (Ref.- Suffolk Record Office. Bury St Edmunds Branch. Ref.- 449/5/26 - also in Oxford Dictionary of Family Names)

1200s. Thurston del Cley. Bailiff of Ipswich witness to the transfer of a messuage in St Nicholas's parish. Ipswich. (TNA Ref.- E40/3637).

1242. Thursttano al Cley witness with several others to a Deed relating to Coddenham in Suffolk. (Ref.- Cartulary of the Knights of St John. Jerusalem.).

1255 - 56. Thurston dil Cley. Bailiff. - Portman mote Rolls. Ipswich. (Ref.- Suffolk Record Office. Ipswich Branch. Ref.- C/2/1/1/1).

1265. March 11th. Geoffrey son of Thurston de Clay gives one mark for taking an assize of mort regarding his ancestor before Gilbert of Preston in Suffolk - Order to the Sheriff of Suffolk. (TNA Ref.-    -----  C60/62).

1282. Aug. 20th. Treasury Receipt by Geoffrey son of Thurston del Cley of Ipswich. Suffolk. (TNA Ref.- E40/6349).

1284. Nicholas Reynor was indicted to appear at the Assizes in Bury St Edmunds to answer serious charges. One morning  in the autumn of 1283 in the village of Witnesham William de Clay the King's Bailiff and some persons who had been appointed to assist him in the collection of the tax went into the field where the cattle were grazing and proceeded to seize four bullocks when Nicholas Reynor the owner came galloping up on his horse and asked what they were about. William de Clay the Bailiff answered he was making seizure of the cattle on account of his arrears. Nicholas was incensed at losing his bullocks then trouble began and swords flew out one of the Bailiffs men got a wound to his head and William de Clay was knocked down and Nicholas Reynor on his horse brandishing his sword endeavoured to ride the Bailiff down but William de Clay managed to deal his assailants horse a cut on the nose and in doing so managed to get up and fled into the village and rushed into a cottage and barred the doors and windows. Nicholas and his followers came to the cottage smashed the window then Nicholas lunged his sword at the Bailiff through the opening but not being able to get him ordered  his men to break down the door and Nicholas dragged William de Clay the Bailiff away as his prisoner but the Bailiff's assistants managed to free him. At the trial Nicholas Reynor said he had no objection to paying the tax but the collectors did their work so badly but it was found that Nicholas was guilty of the charges laid against him. (Ref.- Book - A Suffolk Hundred in the Year 1283).

1295-96. Release by Richard Fader of Ipswich of all his rights in 30 pence yearly rent that Thurstan Cley used to pay his father for a messuage in St Peters parish. Ipswich. Suffolk. (TNA Ref.- E40/3314).

No Date. Grant to Denis le Cley of Ipswich for 15s  of land in St Nicholas's parish. Ipswich to pay 20d yearly. (TNA Ref.- E40/3393).

1315. July 10th. Complaint by J. Bishop of Norwich whereas he might receive all profits from his manor of Wykes by Ipswich from a large number of persons there who with John del Cley chaplain  went to the manor and assaulted the Bishop's steward and his clerk and broke his park and carried away a horse. (Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls vol. 2 membrane 29d).

1323. Richard de Cleye. Rector of All Saints. South Elmham. (Ref.- The History and Atiquities of the County of Suffolk).

1327. Richard de Cley with a great multitude of other persons besieged the abbey and the monks and servants therein. broke the gates of the abbey and the doors and windows of the houses and entering therein assaulted the abbots servants, broke the chests, coffers and closets of the abbey and carried away gold and silver chalices, books, vestments and ornements of the church, vessels, gold and silver spoons, cups and other household utensils, goods and divers writings. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls vol. 16).

1336. Complaint that John de Halteby chaplain and Albred de Cley had broken into the Debenham property of the Archdeacon of Suffolk assaulted his steward and carried off his goods. (Ref.- PC2022).

1341. Ipswich. Grant to Denis del Cley of land that Christiana late wife of Wakelin Mauclerch held of the Priory of St Peters in Ipswich. (County of Suffolk History page 317).

1371. Willingham  - a messuage by the tenement of William Cley. (Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous vol 3).

1382. In 1382  Lord Bardolf  appears to have settled the Manor of Clopton to John de Cleye parson of Ravenham. (Ref.- PC2023).

1383 - 84. Receipt by Robert Houl of Wyverstone. Knight to Richard Cley and 5 others. (TNA Ref.- C146/9937).

1386.July 16th. John Cley clerk concerning the manors of Crowborough and Watton in Norfolk  and concerning the manor of Clopton  called Kyngshall in Suffolk and Burgh in Suffolk and Groundesburgh in Suffolk with warranty for life by the name of John de Cleye parson of Rowenhale in Essex. (Ref.- De antiquis liber, cronica maiorum et vicecomitum) also Calendar of Close Rolls vol. 3 membrane 43.

1391 and 1396. May.  John de Cley. Clerk in Suffolk. (Ref.- Close Roll. Rich.11. Vol. 4).

1400. June 20th. John Clay clerk in Suffolk. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Fine Rolls. membrane 11).

1402-03. Inquisition - William Bardolph knight  by his charter of 1380-81 granted to  John Cley clerk , the Manor of Kings Hall in Clopton in Suffolk. (TNA Ref.- C137/36 no 32 and E152/388 no 2).

1403. Inquisition Suffolk. -  John Clay. Clerk of the Manor of Kings Hall in Clopton - John died April 22nd last, Thomas his brother and next heir was aged 40 and more when John died. (Ref.- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem. Vol.18. Hen.1V.) - BHO.

1442. Hugo Cley. Incumbent of Little Redisham. (Ref.- History of Suffolk. Vol. 1).

1446. Hugo Cley. Rector of Rushmere. Suffolk.  (Ref.- The History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk).

1461. John Clay of Nedham next to Harleston concerning land in Sterston. (Sheffield Archives Office Ref.- BFM/1100).

1463. Will of John Baret of Bury. - Item to Sir John Cley my cousin and priest with my mais Prisote, my book with the siege of Thebes in English. (Wills and Inventories no 49).

1467. Thomas Westwode of Bury St Edmunds draper indicted for not appearing before the Justices of the Bench to answer William Clay of Owtwell touching a debt of 10 marks.(Ref.- Cal. Patent Rolls).

1520. Clay Hall built at Sudbury on Clay Hall Lane. Suffolk.

1524. Aug. 16th. Will of Henry Kymbolde of Hitchan. co Suffolk. Witness Sir John Claye. (Ancestry of Trelfall Family vol. 3).

1524. Edmund Cley taxed in goods £1. Ilketsale St John and St Lawrence. (Suffolk Lay Subsidy 1524 page 366).

1524. Thomas Cley taxed 4d. Suffolk. (Suffolk Lay Subsidy 1524 page 156).

1524. John Cley taxed 1 shilling. Wenham Parva. Suffolk. (Suffolk Lay Subsidy 1524 page 300).

1536. John Claye was instituted Rector of Whatfield church in Suffolk and was there until 1564. (Ref.- Norfolk Record Office).

1538. The Priory of Thetford was destroyed in 1538. The Deed of Surrender was signed by Richard Cley the Prior. (Ref.- The Reliquary vol. 1 page 204).

1547. William Clay defendant in a court case of assault charge. (TNE Ref.- STAC2/23/129).

1555. Admin. Thomas Claye of Ipswich. Suffolk. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- NCC admin act book 1555-58 folio 38).

1562. Admin. William Claye of Southwold. Suffolk. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- NCC admin act book 1560-63 folio 287).

1564. Admin. Richard Claye of Shotley. Suffolk. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- NCC admin act book 1563-70 folio 75).

1565. May 20th. Margerye Cley married William Bielles at Campsea Ashe. Suffoilk.

1568. Sept. 16th. Grant by John Claye of East Bergholt. Suffolk  yeoman  to John Swayne a messuage in Polstead. Suffolk and a piece of land called Sprott and another piece of land with gardens, orchards and pasture. (Document has the seal of John Claye). -- (TNA Ref.- WARD2/57A/205/8).

1568. William Cley taxed in goods £5 at Southwold. Suffolk. (Suffolk Lay Subsidy 1568 page 63).

1571. Admin. John Claye of East Bergholt. Suffolk. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- NCC admin act book 1570-79 folio 45).

1578. June 12th. Quarter Sessions. Thomas Claye of Toddeston. Suffolk shipwright to keep the peace towards Edward Ayre husbandman. (Essex Archives. Q/SR67/37).

1578. Chelmsford Sessions.  Thomas Claye of Toddeston (Tattingstone) Suffolk shipwright for keeping the peace towards Edward Ayre of North Fambridge.Discharged by the Court. (Essex. Q/SR67/2).

1582. July 30th. Court Case . John Goodwin plaintiff against Edward Morse defendant. - Nicholas Claye of Tattingston county Suffolk shipwryte age 64 has known the plaintiff since birth and the defendant since he came to dwell in Tattingston about 11 years ago but says John should inherit as custom of the manor. (Ref.- Goodwin Family Papers page 1050).

1587. John son of Henry Clay baptised at Sudbury.

1591. William Cley and others verses the Burgess and Bailiffs of the town of Dunwich in Suffolk concerning customs of the town. (TNA Ref.- E134/34Eliz/East32).

1601. John son of Henry Clay baptised at Tuddenham.

1603-25. Henry Cley and Alice his wife concerning a messuage and land in Tuddenham. Suffolk. - Cley v Pleasaunce. (TNA Ref.- C2/Jas1/C16/17).

1610. John son of Samuel and Agnes Clay baptised at Assington.

1610. Will of John Claye of Assington. Suffolk. (Ref.- Suffolk Record Office Bury St Edmunds Branch).

1613. John son of Thomas and Rose Clay baptised at Assington. Suffolk.

1618.  Will of Thomas Claye of Tuddenham. Suffolk carpenter. (Ref.- Suffolk Record Office Bury St Edmunds Branch. IC/500/1/75/5).

1638 Muster Roll. Jos. Clay listed under Wetheringsett cum Bockford. Hundred of Hartismere. (Publication. Able Men of Suffolk 1638 by Charles Edward Banks page 75).

1638. Muster Roll. Jonas Clay listed under Debenham. (Publication. Able Men of Suffolk by Charles Edward Banks).

1671. The Treasury at Lords to John Clay Receiver for the District of Ipswich require his accounts. (Ref.- Clalendar of Tresury Books Vol. 3.) - British History Online.

1731. Midsummer. Removal of James Clay and 4 others from the parish of St Andrew's. Cambridge to the parish of Mildenhall. Suffolk. (Cambridgeshire Archives Ref.- KQ/SO/4/a437).

1740. Dec. 9th. Marriage Licence Bond. Mary Clay widow age 43 and Thomas Garnham age 24 woolcomber both of Bury St Edmunds. (Suffolk Record Office St Edmunds Branch.  E14/8/1/7/707).

1761. April 1st.  A messuage in Mettingham wherein James Clay doth dwell with outhouses, barns, stables, yards and 20 acres. (Suffolk Archives Ref.- 1039/7/1).

1765. April 15th. Kirtlington. Cambridgeshire. Removal Order of John Clay sawyer and his wife Ann and daughter Elizabeth  to Beccles in Suffolk. (Cambs. Archives Ref.- P101/13/2/3  + 3/4).

1770. Jan. 12th. Yesterday was married at St Martin's Church  Mr Clay an eminent wealthy farmer of Bury St Edmunds to Mrs Skeilde of Whitehall. (The Public  Advertiser Newspaper page 3).

1807. May 27th. Thomas Clay. Liquor Merchant of Bury St Edmunds. Bondsman to a marriage licence. (Ref.- Suffolk Record Office Bury St Edmunds Branch. E14/8/1/33/204).

1809. May 2nd. Commissions in the Suffolk Militia. Babergh Battalion. Captain Thomas Clay Esq to be Quarter Master. (London Gazette page 626).

1810. Book. History of Framlingham by Edward Clay.

1820. Bury St Edmunds. The election presided over by Thomas Clay as Alderman was conducted in the Guildhall in the presence of burgesses and councillors. (Ref.- PC2023)

1828. April 12th. Removal Order. John Clay from Mile End. Middlesex to Clare Parish in Suffolk. (Suffolk Archives Ref.- FL501/7/16/1/77).

1831. May 6th. Bury St Edmunds. The candidate proposed for election was seconded by Mr Clay. (Cambridge Chronicle and Journal).

1834. Aug. 30th. War Office. List of Deserters from His Majesties Service. Chatham Division. William Clay. Origin Halesworth Parish. Suffolk age 26 Labourer. Height 5 foot 7 inches. Eyes grey, Hair brown. Second time of desertion on August. 22nd from Chatham.

1836. Nov. 25th. Will of Thomas Clay merchant of Bury Saint Edmunds. Suffolk.  Wife Elizabeth Clay.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1868/458).

1839. Clay and Baldero. Wine and Spirit Merchants. Westgate. Bury St Edmunds. Suffolk. (Robsons Directory).

1843. July 7th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Elizabeth Clay and Robert Thomas Clay of Bury St Edmunds in County of Suffolk  as Wine and Spirit Merchants was dissolved and the business will be carried on by Elizabeth Clay of Bury St Edmunds. - (London Gazette page 2320).

1859. Aug. 8th. Letter from George T. Clay member of the Local Commision for Bury St Edmunds to the Home Secretary concerning Local Government. (TNA Ref.- MH13/42/12).

1888. December. Two meadows and a Cowhouse  in Ditchingham. Norfolk leased by Mary Ann Wales to Edward Clay of Bungay. Suffolk butcher. (Suffolk Record Office Lowestoft. 880/D/2/12/19).

1889. Sept.5th. William D. Clay of Bungay. Suffolk. Printer regarding the re-siting of a gate and fence on Webster Lane. (Suffolk Record Office Ref.- 186/A3/10).

Extracts from Woodbridge Parish Register. Co. Suffolk.

Rychard son of Robert Cleye baptised 29th Jan. 1546.

Nycholas son of Nycholas Claye baptised 24th Jan. 1549.

William Claye  married Margerye Levet 21st June 1562.

Elizabeth Claye married  William Robertsonne  3rd Oct. 1563.

Katherine daughter of Robert and Bridgette Claye baptised 17th Oct. 1573. 

Ales daughter of Robert and Bridgette Claye baptised 11th Dec. 1575.

Kattherine daughter of Robert and Bridgette Claye baptised 21st Feb. 1576.

George son of Robert and Bridget Claye baptised 23rd March 1577.

John son of Robert and Bridgette Claye baptised 28th Feb. 1579.

Clary daughter of Robert and Bridget Claye baptised 14th Feb. 1581.

Margaret daughter of Robert and Bridget Claye baptised 9th June 1583.

Richard Claye married Margaret Warner 24th Jan. 1593.

Alis daughter of Alles Clay baptised 8th Jan. 1598.

Alles Claye married Thomas Swayne 5th Sept. 1608.

Margaret daughter of Katryn Claye baptised 26th March 1609.

Extracts ferom Great Bealing Parish Register. Co. Suffolk.

Robert son of Richard Clay baptised 26th July 1551.

Ann daughter of Richard Clay baptised 19th July 1554.

Robert son of Richard Clay buried 31st March 1555.

Robert son of Richard Clay baptised 6th June 1557.

Thomas son of Richard and Elizabeth Clay baptised 9th August 1562.

Documents at Suffolk Record Office. Ipswich Branch.

1255-56. Thurston dil Cley. Bailiff. Portman mote Rolls. Ipswich.- (Ref.- C/2/1/1/1).

1258. Sept. Thorston del Cley witness concerning land in the township of Sproutone. (HD1047/2/26).

1567 / 68. Elizabeth Claye married John Thomas at Lowestoft Jan.12th.

1568. Will of Richard Clay of Shotley.- (Ref.- IC/AA1/20/2236).

1571. Will of Elizabeth Clay widow of Shotley.- (Ref.- IC/AA1/21/272).

1575. Dorothy Claye widow buried at Lowestoft. April 26th.

1584. Will of Leonard Clay of Walberswick  mercer. - (Ref.- IC/AA1/28/100).

1584. Will of Nicholas Clay of Tattingstone shipwright.- (Ref.- IC/AA1/28/117).

1621. Will of Margery Clay widow of Ipswich.- (Ref.- IC/AA1/57/107).

1660. Jonas Clay buried at Debenham May 6th.

1671. Will of Edmund Clay the elder.- (Ref.- IC/AA1/101/126).

1684. Will of Samuel Clay of Metfield yeoman.- (Ref.- IC/AA1/114/54).

1740. Settlement Certificate of Nicholas Clay and wife Frances, children Frances, Mary and Martha.- St Cuthbert. Thetford.- (Ref.- FL536/7/3/1/45). - Bury St Edmunds Branch.

1743. Removal Order. Thomas Clay and Mary his wife to Diss. Norfolk.- (Ref.- EG4/G/4/26).

1744. Marriage Licence Bond of Sarah Clay and Samuel Young married at Stratford. St Mary.- (Ref.- FAA/23/9/381).

1748. Dec. 10th.  James Clay of Mettingham to indemnify the parish from maintenance concerning the base child of Mary Webber of Mettingham single woman begotten by Robert Ferrier.- (Ref.- Suffolk   - Record Office. Lowestoft Branch. 136/G/6/7).

1773. Messuage and lands at Oxmear Slades conveyed to Francis Clay of Newmarket. 61 acres. (Ref.- E18/452/68/8).

1773-80. Francis Clay of Newmarket concerning a mortgage.- (Ref.- E18/400/3/68/8).

1810. Book by Edmund Clay. The History and Description of Framlingham. (Ref.- Catologue of Books vol 7).

1832. July 14th. Marriage Licence Bond. Maria Clay of Thwaite. Suffolk and Benjamin Ellis widower of Woodbridge married at Thwaite. (Ref.- FAA/23/46/126).

1836. Will of Thomas Clay.Merchant of Bury Saint Edmunds. Suffolk. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1868).

1638. Muster Roll. Suffolk. (TNA Ref.- Calendar State Papers Domestic.Charles 1. Vol. 411).

Thomas  Claye. - Thwaite.

John  Clay. - Wetheringsett cum Brockford.

Edmond Claye. - Rushangles.

Thomas Claye. - Conyngham.

Jonas  Clay. - Debenham.

1841 Census. Bury St Edmunds. Suffolk.

Guildhall Street.

William Clay age 38  Born Suffolk.

Jane Clay age 35 

Robert Clay age 24  Born Suffolk.

Mary Clay age 21 Born Suffolk.

George Clay age 19 Born Suffolk.

Elizabeth Clay age 60 Born Suffolk.

1841 Census. Gorleston. Suffolk.

Back Lane.

Thomas Clay age 56 Born Suffolk.

Sarah Clay age 67 Born Suffolk.

Ann Ely age 20 Born Suffolk.

Robina Elwin age 4 Born Suffolk.

1841 Census. Copduck. Suffolk.

Charles Clay age 33.

Elizabeth Clay age 35 Born Suffolk.

Charles Clay age 8.

John Clay age 7.

Edward Clay age 5.

Anna Clay age 4.

Samuel Clay age 2.

1841 Census. Stoke Ash. Suffolk.

Hill Farm.

Agatha Clay age 70 Born Suffolk.

Thomas Clay age 40 Born Suffolk.

Eliza Clay age 25 Born Suffolk.

1841 Census. St Margaret. Ipswich. Suffolk.

Woodbridge Road.

Charles Clay age 15 Living with Norcutt Family.

1851 Census. St Mary. Bury St Edmunds. Suffolk.

Westgate Road.

John Clay age 33  Brewers  Porter  Born  Chevington. Suffolk.

Elizabeth Clay 35  Wife                         Born  Earle Colne. Essex.

Emma Clay age  6   Daughter             Born  Bury. Suffolk.

Elizabeth Clay age   3  Daughter      Born Bury.

Ebenezer Clay age 1   Son                    Born Bury

1851 Census. Stoke Ash. Suffolk.

Tinkey Hill.

Thomas Clay age 55  unmarried Dealer and Fowl Man  Born  Stoke Ash. Suffolk.

Susan Smith  age  42  Widow  Housekeeper                          Born  Thornham Parva. Suffolk.

1851 Census. St Marys. Bury St Edmunds. Suffolk.

Guildhall Street.

George P. Clay age 28  Wine Merchant  Born  Bury  St Edmunds. Suffolk.

2  Female  Servants.

1851 Census.  St Margarets. Ipswich. Suffolk.

St Margarets Green.

Frederick Clay age 69 Widower Visitor. Cordwainer.  Born  Ipswich. Suffolk.

Staying with Elizabeth Offord  Widow age 50  Born  Ipswich. Suffolk.

1851 Census. Gorlestone. Suffolk.

Back Lane.

Thomas Clay age 55 Bricklayer  Born Shipmeadow. Suffolk.

1851 Census. Wangford. Suffolk.

Suttons Lane.

Charles Clay age 45  Railway Agent  Born  Braintree. Essex.

Elizabeth Clay age 45  Wife                    Born  Copdock. Suffolk.

Sarah Clay 19 age Daughter                   Born  Alresford. Essex.

Edward Clay age  15  Son                         Born St Osyth. Essex.

Susanna Clay age  13  Daughter           Born St Osyth.

Samuel  W. Clay  age 11  Son                  Born St Osyth.

Frederick Clay age  9  Son                        Born  Copdock. Suffolk. 

George A. Clay age  6  Son                        Born  Copdock.

1851 Census. Camberwell. Surrey.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       William Spencer Clay age 48 Wine Merchant  Born Bury. Suffolk.

Mary Clay age 49. Wife Born London.

1911 Census, Ipswich. Suffolk.

Thomas Clay age 38 Storekeeper Born Millwall. London.

Margaret Clay age 30 Wife Born Cotton. Suffolk.

Dorothy  Margaret Clay age 8 Daughter Born Greenwich. London.

Cecil Thomas Clay age 6 Son Born Ipswich. Suffolk.

Sheila Flora Clay age 4 Daughter Born Ipswich. Suffolk.

Doris Emily Clay age 2 Daughter Born Ipswich. Suffolk.

                         Clay age 0 Son Born Ipswich. Suffolk.

1873. Return of Owners of Land. (Ref.- Publication by John Lambert 1875).


Rev. E. Clay. Barrow. 68 acres.

John Clay. Bury St Edmunds. 48 acres.

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