Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay of Shropshire

St. Chad's Church in Prees, dates from the 14 century. Clay's listed here from 1600s.

Clay's are listed in the County of Shropshire from the 1200s.

1126. Radulfus de Cleia and Sibilla his wife offered themselves to William the Bishop of the plea of assise which their ancestors had taken up against 300 acres of wood with appurtenances in Loxford.    ----- (Ref.- The Publications of the Selden Society vol. 59 page 494).

1175. Radulphus de Cleia  is witness with 12 others to a charter relating to the vill of Little Buildwas. (Ref.-  Antiquities of Shropshire page 245 and 321).

1199. Hugh de Lokesford was sued by Ralph de la Cleie and Sibil his wife for some land in Lokesford and on Oct. 29th Hugh acknowledged the premises to be the right of Ralph and Sibil who in turn allowed him to hold the premises and paying 2d rent. (Ref.- Antiquities of Shropshire volume 9 Page 278).

1202. On the death of Hugh de Lokesford Ralph de la Cleie and his wife entered the property on possession. (Ref.- TNA Pipe Roll).

1221. Ralph  de Cley and Sibil committed their interests to their son Robert. It was proved that Sibils mother Swanilda fitz Werrie held the land at Lokesford and that Sibil was her heir. (Antiquities Shrops)

1224. September. The Justice at Shropshire amerced Ralph de Cley and Sibil his wife half a mark concerning some land in Loskesford.  (Ref.- Antiquities of Shropshire. Calendar of Inquisitions).

1240. Richard son of Hugh de Lokesford sued Hugh fitz Ralph the son of Ralph de Cleia with a writ. (Ref.- Antiquities of Shropshire page 279)

1253 -54. Hugh de Clay witness to a Deed relating to the Corser family of Bletchley. (Ref.- Shropshire Archives -2919/2/1+2.).

1255. Hugh de la Clay and 6 others witness to land transfer at Blecheleg and Hermidelegford.  (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 2919/2/2).

1272. Parish of Marchamley. Hugh de Cley had been suceeded by his son Roger whose name is on the Assize Roll and had a messuage and 32 acres of land in Lockesford. (Antiquities of Shropshire Vol.9).

1278. Roger de Clay had a messuage in Shropshire. (Ref.- Deputy Keeper of Public Records).

1280. Oct. 24th. Extent of the manor of Cheswardine in Shropshire before Alexander de Clay and 11 other jurors and that Alexander de Clay holds half a virgate of land there by charter and renders 8d.---- TNA Ref.- Calendar of Inquisitions)

1290.  Robert Cle of Newport in Shropshire was a witness to a Shropshire Charter. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Charter Rolls).

1321. Alano Clay paid 2d in the tithe to the Rector in Marchamley. Shropshire. (Ref.- Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society).

1356.. April. Court of Frank Pledge.  Reginald Clay and a number of others presented at court concerning trespass. (Ref.- TNA.- Book of Entries).

1375. Shrewsbury. Thursday after SS Simon and Jude. William le Clay and John his brother recognise themselves bound to Richard of Pontesbury. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 3365/67/39).

1381. Poll Tax. Johannes Clay and his wife Isabella of Marchamley taxed. - (TNA Ref.- E179/242/34.m5.c2).

1381. Poll Tax. Willemus Clay and his wife Margaret of Lostford taxed. - (TNA Ref.- E179/242/34.m5.c2).

1384. William Clay of Loskesforde - his son John had land in Hodnet. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- Deed - 1514/402).

1400. Dec.13th. Inquisition at Market Drayton. Shropshire. William Clay was a juror. ( TNA  Inquisitions).

1435. Thomas Clay of Wottenhall - Oath / Frankpledge.(Shropshire Archives Ref.- 465/18).

1487. Will of Richard Dodmore of Ludlow draper leaves to Edward Clay his long black furred gown, witness Hugh Clay. (Shropshire Archives Office Ref.-  XOAK/20/14/6/89. Herbert Family).

1515. Richard Cley plaintiff relating to lands in Horton and Woodcote. (TNA Ref.- C1/408/1).

1534. Humphrey Clay  vicar of Loppington had an income of £6.13s.4d. (TNA. Calendar of Inquisions).

1557. Will of Thomas Clay of Peplowe. Hodnet parish  wife Agnes. Son George.

1562. Court Case between Geoffrey Cley painter Plaintiff and William Lyngham. Defendant. Cley claims 8 shillings as damages allegeing  that on 1st June 1562 at the High Cross the Defendant asked him to paint on a piece of linen cloth for total fee of 3s.1d and also to paint certain scutches and badges and other work for the play for 4s.11d. - Lyngham had failed to pay. (Records of Early English Drama).

1565. Will of William Clee of Hodnet . Sons John and William. brother John Clee. Witness George Clee.

1576. Court fine for non appearance. Geoffrey Cley fined 6d because he did not come to the presentment with his neighbours. (SRO Ref.- 3365/1076).

1578. Will of John Clee of Hodnet. Wife Ellyn. Sons Richard and William, - grandfather was Richard Clee of Hodnet.

1578. Defamation case against Edward Phillips by Anne Cley at St Chad's. Shrewsbury. Edward is reported to say "Thowe arte a whore and I might have occupyed thee at my pleasure". Edward found guilty and to pay expenses. (Stafford Record Office - B/C/5/1578/3).

1582. Court of Chancery. John Clay and Anne his wife v Richard Fox - Recovery of Deeds in Shropshire. (TNA Ref.-C8/35/196).

1588. Court of Chancery. John Clay defendant v Thomas Manering plaintiff  concerning property in Whitchurch. Shropshire.- (TNA Ref.- Manering v Clay. C3/227/12).

1595. Jan. 29th.  Session held at the town of Shrewsbury concerning the murder at which was condemned Humfrey Cley of Shrewsbury painter and had judgement to go to the place of execution but was kept for a time and great friendship of Mr Thomas Leighton being captain of the trained men of which Cley was a member seeking with others to save him if they can. (Transactions Shropshire  Archives).

1600. Oct. 29th. Will / Inventory of Richard Cleye of Wollerton in Hodnet. Yeoman.  Mentioned are Rowland Cleye, Richard Cleye, George Cleye. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1601. March 31st. Court Baron Whitchurch. George Cley was in attendance with over 60 others. (Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society vol. 7).

1602. Thomas Clay son of Richard Clay late of Fauls left £20 for maintenance of poor inhabitants of Prees. (Ref.- Shropshire Parish Documents page 263).

1606. July 29th. Will / Inventory of William Cley of Loppington. Wife Anne. - Kinsman George Cley with brother Thomas Cley. Andrew son of George Cley. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office)

1607. March 17th. Will / Inventory of Anne Cleye of Loppington. Widow. Daughters Anne and Roose. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office.

1608. Jan. 10th. Richard Huett. Alderman to the Earl of Shrewsbury from Nottingham concerning a suit in Chancery brought by Anne Claye widow. (Ref.- The Shrewsbury Papers Folio 70/71).

1614. August. George and Richard Clay of Fauls. Shropshire gave 13s.4d towards the making of the church bell. Andrew son of George Clay gave towards the making of the same bell. Also Thomas Clay. (Ref.- Transactions of the Shropshire  Archaeological Society).

1615. Inquisition. George Clay. (TNA Ref.- C142/353/26),

1616. George Clay and several others defendants - Shropshire Court Case Daveport v Hanmer concerning  tampering of the Jury of the Manor of Prees. (TNA Ref.- STAC8/115/19).

1616. Nov. 22nd. Will / Inventory of George Cleye of Woollerton. Hodnet. Yeoman. Wife Margery. Sons Randle, John, Edward, Regynald. Daughters Margaret and Joan.  Bequests to John Cleye son of Randle and to Elizabeth  daughter of Randle. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1617. June 28th.  Admon / Inventory of Francis Cley of Cound. (Staffordshire Record Office).

1617. Will of Margery Cley widow of Whitchurch. Shropshire. Son John Clay, daughters, Anne, Rebecca and Sarah, her brother Ottiwell Bostock.   (TNA Ref.- PROB11/130/572).

1618. George Cley married Ann Growme ? at Lee Brockhurst. Nov. 22nd.

1621.Jan. 23rd. Letter of Andrew Clay. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/3719).

1623. Heralds Visitation. Descent of Clay of Fells 5 generations from Robert Clay de la Fells in parish of Prees. Son Humfrus Clay married Elizabeth Brown. Son of Humfrus, Richard Clay married Margery Newton. (Ref.- Harlian Society 1396 folio 81b S68b).

1623. Heralds Visitation. George Clay married twice first to Katherine Dod second to Jane Lastley. - sons of George and Katherine, Andreas Clay and Thomas Clay. - Children of George and Jane, Richard Clay goldsmith of London, George Clay, Margaretta Clay, Jane Clay, Franciscus Clay, Maria Clay, Katherine Clay, Johannes Clay, Dorothea Clay. (Visitation of Shropshire 1623)

1625-30. Tithe Case.  Roland Cley.  Rector of Stoke upon Terne. (Staffordshire Record Office Ref.- BC/5/1630/59).

1628. Francis Cley married Ellen Barton at Lee Brockhurst. May 6th.

1629. Jan. 16th. Will / Inventory of Richard Cley of Shrewsbury. Painter.  Leaves everthing to Edward Hussey. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1632. Martha Clay his niece receives  a sum of money in a Will at Selattyn. (Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society vol. 7).

1634. Heralds Visitation of London. Thomas Clee of London. Brewer gives his grandparents descent as of Ludlow. Shropshire and same Coat of Arms as Clay of Shropshire.

1635. March 20th. Will / Inventory of Richard Clay of Marchamley parish of Hodnet. Yeoman.  Wife Elizabeth. His brothers Robert Clay, Francis Clay and Thomas Clay. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1638. Nov. 16th.  Will /Inventory of Richard Cley of Hodnet. Yeoman.  Wife Ales (Alice)  Sons Richard, Ambrose, George. Daughter Martha. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1638. The examination of Hugh Cley may point to a suspicion that musicians from Shrewsbury were implicated. Cley is examined although he was not involved with or in attendance at the play at all. One encounters him in other records in court on cases of affray where his profession of musician was confirmed. (Shropshire Records of Early English Drama).

1638. Shrewsbury. In the town records named musicians or minstrels appear. Identification of Hugh Cley one of the examinants after a burglary as a musician. (Shropshire Records of Early English Drama).

1639./ 40. Jan. 8th. Will of  John Clay of Marchamley in Hodnet. Yeoman. Wife Gwen. Daughters Elinor, Alice, Sarah. Executor his brother George Clay. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1640. Will of Elizabeth Clay of Marchamley in Hodnet. Widow. To Richard son of Robert Clay 2s. 6d. To Allis Clay of the Wood. 2s. 6d.  (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1641. Will of John Cley yeoman of Peplow.Shropshire. (TNA PROB11/187/167).

1641. Jan. 24th. Good news from Ireland in a letter sent to Mr Francis Clay in Lumber Street relating late exploits of the English forces there. (Ref.- PC2023).

1645. June 18th. Will of Margery Dickin of Wollerton parish of Hodnet. Shrops. Widow proved by her daughters Anne Clay and Joan Slater. (Prerogative Court of Canterbury).

1648. Bromley v Claye. Francis Claye defendant concerning a charitable bequest from the deceased Richard Lachard to the poor of Hodnet. (TNA Ref.- C3/435/45).

1654. Admission of Anne Cley. Fauls Green. Fauls Farm. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/352).

1655. Lowrey Cley married John Loyd at Shrewsbury April 17th.

1655. Admin of Andrew Clay of Fawes. Prees in Shropshire. (Admins in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury page 57).

1658. Admission of Margaret Cley. Fauls Green. Fauls farm. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/353).

1664 -5. John Clay of Paplowe co Shropshire is married to Katherine Fyfe. (Ref.- Visitation of Lancashire).

1675. March 29th. Will / Inventory of John Clay of Woollerton in Hodnet. Yeoman.  Sons George Clay, John Clay. Daughters Susan and Jane. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1684. Will / Inventory of John Clay of St Asaph Parish in Owestry. Shropshire. (Ref.- National Library of Wales - SA/1684/223).

1693. Dec. 1st. Will  / Inventory of John Clay of Arcoll Parva. Yeoman.  Sons John, Samuel, Richard, Thomas. Daughters Dorothy, Mary and Hannah. (Ref.- Staffordshire Record Office).

1696. April. Bond. John Clay of St Mary and Margaret Fynch of St Mary. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- XP257/W/18/105).

1699. Sale to John Clay - Marchamley Farm. Hodnet. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/1006.

1710. Will of John Clay of Marchamley Farm proved 1715. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/1008).

1710. July 1st. By an Indenture dated 8th Feb. 1665 John Dodd leased to Thomas Clay then of Helshaw a messuage in Stoke upon Tern and his daughters Anne Clay, Jane Clay and Alice Clay at a yearly ------- rent of £16.3s. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 327/2/4/2/212).

1710. Thomas Heaford of Helshaw apprenticed to Charles Clay sadler of Whitchurch. Shropshire. (TNA Ref.- IR1 Series 41f42).

1711. July 6th.  Walter Clay married Margaret Cureton at Grinshill. Shropshire.

1716. April  Thomas Blakemore apprentice to Andrew Clay yeoman  of Marchamley in Hodnet Parish to learn Husbandry. Shropshire Archives Ref. - XP132/L/5/1/29).

1720. Aug. 20th. Thomas Clay late of Shropshire. Bankrupt. Prisoner in the Gaol of Shropshire. (London Gazette page 2).

1723. George and Mary Clay concerning land in Marchamley. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/985).

1728. Oct.1st. Marriage Settlement.  Thomas Clay of Childs Ercall and Mary his wife . Witness  Walter Clay of Stoake upon Tearne . (Shropshire Archives Ref. - X327/2/2/5/1).

1730. Jan 25th. Survey of Hodnet.- The Parsonage towards Wollerton tenant is Andrew Clay. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 112/6/BOX35B/20).

1733. Aug. 20th. Bond to Andrew Clay mentions farm in Marchamley. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/896).

1733. Copy of the Will of Thomas Clay of Childs Ercall.  (Ref.- Shropshire Archives X327/2/2/5/2).

1735. Tong Church. Shropshire. A slab near the west door inscribed - Here lieth the body of Walter Clay son of Walter and Margaret Clay who departed this life April 1735 age 18. - Also near the west door an alabaster slab to William Clay who died in 1735. (Ref.- Book.  History of Tong its Church and Manors).

1735. November. Work done and paid for by John Clay for stone and flaggs for the porch at Hodnet church. £9.6s.9p. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- P132/Fiche/280-281).

1736. June 1st. Thomas Clay had a messuage in Childs Ercall. (Ref.- Shropshire Archives 587/8).

1742. Nov.12th. Lease between Margaret Clay, Reginald Clay, John Clay and Adam Davies for sale of a messuage in Grinsell where Margaret and John now dwell.  (Shrops Archives. Ref.- X322/2/306/12).

1742. Nov.13th. Mortgage  of £350 for a messuage lying in Grinsell  between Margaret Clay the Elder of  Grinsell widow of Walter Clay late of Nobold Grange deceased. Reginald Clay of Nobold Grange in the parish of Tonge yeoman. Richard Clay of Market Drayton perukmaker. Philip Clay of Nobold Grange yeoman. John Clay yeoman. Anna Clay of the same place single woman. Margaret Clay the Younger of Nobold Grange single woman and Clare Clay of Shrewsbury mantuamaker of the one part and Adam Davies of Merrington - Gerd of the other part. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- X322/2/306/6).

1743. January. Margaret Clay the Elder, Reginald Clay, Richard Clay, Philip Clay, John Clay, Anne Clay, Margaret Clay the younger and Clare Clay. Defendants. Quitclaim of a messuage and 100 acres of land 50 acres of meadow 50 acres of heath several acres of land covered with water in Grinsell for £260.  (Shropshire Archives Ref.- X322/2/306/10).

1743. May 25th. Thomas Clay of Childs Ercoll to Thomas Johnson a messuage and cottage in Childs Ercall for £260. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 327/2/2/27/1).

1744. Nov.13th. Bond. Margaret Clay the Elder, Philip Clay, John Clay, Anne Clay, Margaret Clay the Younger and Clare Clay are firmly bound to Adam Davies in the sum of £232. (Shrops.X322/2/306/11).

1746. Feb. 2nd. Lease of a messuage in Grinsell to Adam Davies  between Margaret Clay widow , Philip Clay, John Clay, Margaret Clay spinster and Clare Merrian for £500. (Shropshire Archives. Ref.- X322/2/306/27).

1747. Dec.18th. Copy of a letter from John Clay to a friend declaring that Jacobite forces are over 9000 strong in Scotland but will not act until the French have landed in England expected within a month. An endorsement says Clay used to keep the White Lion at Whitchurch  in Shropshire now kept by Charles Clay. The original letter is with the Justices for handwriting identification. (TNA Ref.- SP36/90/1/120).

1751. May 14th. Richard Clay deceased of Whitfield. Staffs. John Clay. Executor brother of Richard mentions Hodnet in Shropshire. (Staffordshire Record Office Ref.- B/C/5/1751/103).

1752. Nov.13th. Reginald Clay of Hubbal Grange. Tong yeoman and Margaret of the same widow sold a house or cottage adjoining Stoke Heath. Stoke upon Tern to be held in trust for the benefit of the   ----- poor of Stoke upon Terne. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- P271/B/2/1).

1754. Oct.16th. Conveyance. Thomas Clay of Childs Ercall to Thomas Hatherton a messuage and cottage in Childs Ercall for £350. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 327/2/2/27/3).

1754. Oct. 29th.  Elizabeth Clay of Childs Ercall widow of Thomas Clay concerning their conveyance to Thos' Hatherton of a messuage, cottage etc in Childs Ercall. (Shrops Archives Ref.- X327/2/2/27/5).

No Date.  Statement under Oath by Richard Twisse yeoman and Humphrey Clay labourer on 10th Jan about the slaying of Thos. Evans with a rapier in Wyle Cop in Stone Ward. (Shrops. 3365/2210/28).

1759. March. Richard Prynce Corbett esq to indemnify the parish of Shawbury for the bastard child named Thomas Clay mother Mary Clay spinster. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- P241/Fiche 472).

1759. Nov. 27th. The Commission of Bankrupts issued against Joseph Besicatt late of Whitchurch intend to meet at the house of Mr Charles Clay. The White Lyon in Whitchurch. (London Gazette page 4).

1768. June.  Captain Jonathan Scott married Miss  Elizabeth Cley of Wollerton in Shropshire, a lady who had all the virtues and other assets. (Transactions Congregational Historical Society vol. 3. p 54).

1770. Elizabeth wife of William Clay the younger and Ann Pay - Defamation  Case at Welchampton. Shrops. (Staffordshire Record Office Ref.- B/C/5/1770/87).

1776. William Clay in possession of farm and lands in Rowton and Ellerdine in the parish of High Ercall. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 5183/1-2).

1776. July 4th. To be Sold by Auction at the house of Mr Robert Clay the White Lion in Whitchurch.- Messuages and lands in Loppington occupied by Thomas Kinley. (Ref.- Chester Chronicle page 2).

1778. May12th. John Furnivall of Sedgley. Staffs reputed father of base child 13 years old born of Elizabeth Clay of Wrockwardine to pay £2.10s in 4 six month instalments. (Shrops.Ref.  P316/L/11/56).

1778. Aug. 25th. John Phillips of Whitchurch. Shropshire is required  to surrender himself to the Commissioners of Bankrupts at 11 o'clock at the house of Robert Clay called the White Lion in Whitchurch - and make full disclosure of his estate and effects.(London Gazette P.2).

1778. December. Ann Steventon apprenticed to John Clay yeoman to learn housewifery. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- XP132/L/5/1/91).

1780. April 15th. Quarter Sessions. John Clay of Marchamley to appear as reputed father of Illegitimate child of Martha Smith of Wellington. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- QR/123/58).

1780. August. Copy Will of Robert Clay of Whitchurch innholder. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- X6000/122 13).

1780. December. Andrew Clay farmer indemnifies the parish from Phillis Mede's bastard child. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- P132/L/4/4/58).

1782. Nov.14th. Deed of Recovery. Andrew Clay and Ann his wife. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/10q10-11).

1783. Dec. 3rd. Examination of John Edges about 25 years ago  was hired servant to Richard Clay of Bolas Magna. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- P316/L/8/69).

1786. Nov.15th. Whitchurch Grammar School. New Trust Feoffees includes Robert Clay. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- ED2701/16-17).

1787. Jan. 6th. To be Sold. Part of Drill Farm situate in Sweeney parish of Owestry belonging to Robert Clay esq now in occupation of Ellis Jones.(Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1789. March 3rd. Conveyance  of Trench Farm in Wem. Robert Clay Esq of Doddington in the parish of Whitchurch. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 172/5).

1790. Joseph Clee sentenced at Shropshire for 7 years to Australia. (3rd Feet Records).

1790. June 1st. Will of Andrew Clay wife Ann, mentions premises in Marchamley, Hodnet and Wellington. (Ref.- Shropshire Archives. - 731/2/989).

1791. May 29th. Draft of the Will of John Clay of Whitchurch. Gent. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 6000/11752).

1792. July 28th. The Creditors of Andrew Clay late of Marchamley in the parish of Hodnet in the County Shropshire. Yeoman are to come and prove their debts. (London Gazette page 588).

1792. Dec. 28th. A meeting held in Whitchurch Shropshire committee members were Robert Clay and Charles Clay. (Chester Chronicle).

1793.  Charles Clay of Doddington in the parish of Whitchurch Esq concerning property in Haughton in the parish of West Fenton which was conveyed to Charles Clay for £2,250 and also Robert Clay is conveyed Drill Farm in Sweeney in the parish of Owestry for £2,800.  (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 2313/141-142).

1793. June 13th. To be sold. Certain premises situate at Marchamley in the parish of Hodnet late estate of Andrew Clay deceased. (The Gazette Newspaper).

1794. Jan. 3rd. A freehold estate situate in Marchamley in the parish of Hodnet county Salop belonging to Andrew Clay deceased now in possession of Mrs Mary Clay his widow. 60 acres of land Mrs Clay will show the premises. (Chester Chronicle).

1794. March 13th. Married at Whitchurch Miss Clay daughter of Robert Clay Esq to Mr W. H. Watson. Attorney at Law both of Whitchurch. (Derby Mercury Newspaper).

1794. Oct. 23rd. Deserted from the Munster Regiment at Hereford. Loyde Clay by trade a glazier born in the parish of Warthen in County Salop. 5 foot 6 inches tall, fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair. 5 guineas reward will be paid. (Hereford Journal).

1794. Oct. 28th. On Wednesday was married Charles Clay of Whitchurch Esq to Miss Roberts of St Asaph in Flintshire. (Chester Courant).

1795. June 24th. On Friday 5th died Mrs Clay wife of Mr Clay Horse Surgeon of Wem. Shropshire and on Sunday last was married the said Mr Clay to Miss Tonna. Nine solitary days had scarcely elapsed since the death of his former spouse ere he was so happy as to find himself relieved from the yoke of widowhood owing to the tender operation of drawing his present lady's tooth. (Hereford Journal).

1799. March 19th. On Thursday was married at Whitchurch John Clay Esq to Miss Jane Dodd youngest daughter of R. Dodd. Esq. (Chester Courant).

1799. March 30th. John Clay of Whitchurch married Miss Jane Dodd of the same place. (Oxford Journal).

1802. January. Thomas Clay son of William Clay of Overton Bridge. Shropshire ironmonger admitted to the Company of Wheelwrights. (London Metropoliton Archives Ref.- COL/CHD/FR/02/1258/055).

1802. Conveyance from Robert Clay of Dodington (Whitchurch) and Charles Clay late of Dodington to John Trevor land in Dodington called Scotland Field. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 6000/12199).

1804. Sept. 5th. To be Sold. Part of Drill Farm in Sweeney in parish of Owestry belonging to Robert Clay esq now in occupation of Ellis Jones. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1805. Thomas Clay age 19 born St Mary. Shrewsbury.Shropshire enlisted in the Royal Horse Artillery 7 Battallion in 1805 discharged in 1814. (TNA Ref.- WO69/3/565. Folio 44).

1806. May. 20th. Whitchurch Grammar School. Release of Trust by Robert Clay no longer residing in Whitchurch Parish. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- ED2701/20).

1808. March 5th.  John Clay of Whitchurch esq and his wife Jane (nee Dod) and other Dods of Whitchurch concerning estate of the late John Broughton Whitehall. (Flintshire Archives Ref.- DD /BC/2204).

1808. September. Richard Clay wife Catherine of High Ercall born Shawbury. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- XP241//L/7/73).

1810. Case concerning Clay family in Kenstone. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/3/154).

1810. March 20th. For sale at Mr Clay's stables at Wem. Thoroughbred mares and hunting mares and pedigree racehorses. (Chester Courant).

1811. Richard Clay age 16 born Hampton. Shropshire enlisted in the Royal Horse Artillery 7 Battalion in 1811 deserted in 1814. (TNA Ref.- WO69/2/844. Folio 53).

1813. May 14th. Surrender of land in Stanton upon Hine by Charles and George Clay, Sarah Clay junior and John Clay to Sir John Hill. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 731/2/537).

1814. Will of James Clay. Blacksmith of Ellesmere. Shropshire. Wife Judith, Sons Joseph, Robert, Edward, George, Brother Joseph, Sister Mary.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/ 1553/231).

1817. Aug.12th. All persons having any demand against the estate of John Clay late of Whitchurch Gentleman deceased are requested to contact Mr Watson. Solicitor of Whitchurch. (Chester Courant).

1818. Jan. 29th. Conveyance of property known as Lower Sitch in Cold Hatton regarding Thomas Clay and two others. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- M17190/1-2).

1821 - 58. Admiralty Records. Royal Marines. Portsmouth Division C. Thomas Clay age 18 Born Childs Ercall. Shropshire. (TNA Ref.- ADM158/106/11/6).

1821. Will of Robert Clay. Esquire of Whitchurch. Shropshire. Son the late John Clay, daughter Fanny Watson, grandsons  Charles Clay, Robert Broughton Clay, grandaughters Jane Letitia Clay, Frances Clay.  (TNA Ref.- PROB11/1644/364).

1821. March 10th. Deed. Settlement of coal mines in Oswestry by Robert Clay of Whitchurch esq on his grandchildren Robert Broughton Clay, Charles Clay, Jane Letitia Clay and Frances Clay.        ------------  (Shropshire Archives Ref.- X4899/4/3/71- 126).

1823. Robert Broughton Clay born 1800 at Whitchurch. Shropshire son of John Clay of Whitchurch admitted to Cambridge University.

1826. April 14th. To be Let.- A house late in occupation of Mrs Clay adjoining St Mary's Street in Whitchurch containing 2 parlours, tea room, 6 lodging rooms, kitchen, brewhouse, offices, stables and garden. (Chester Chronicle).

1827. March 14th. The Lord Chancellor has appointed William Clay of Whitchurch gent to be a Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1827. May 4th. The Lord Chancellor has appointed Charles Clay of Whitchurch in the County of Salop. Gent to be Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery. (Chester Chronicle).

1827. November. Commissioners of Stampers. Receipt Stamps may be procured from James Clay of Nuneaton. (Ref.- Coventry Herald Newspaper).

1828. George Clay. Grocer and Tea Dealer. High Street. Wem. (Pigot's Directory).

1828. Joseph Clay. Veterinary Surgeon. High Street. Wem. (Pigot's Directory).

1829. March 3rd. Auction of properties in Whitchurch. Printed particulars may be had from Mr Charles Clay of Whitchurch. (Chester Chronicle).

1832. April 6th. Charles Clay gent to be Coronet in the North Salopian Regiment of Yeoman Cavalry. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1833. Jan. 31st. Indenture, Lease and Release attested by Charles Clay of Whitchurch solicitor. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1837. Land Tax Return sent to George Clay at Wem. (Shropshire  Archives Ref.- 731/11/901).

1837. Shropshire Assizes. George Clay sentenced to 7 years transportation to New South Wales.  Australia. (Ref.- British Convict Transportation Registers).

1837. Sept. 6th. The partnership between George Clay and John Everall of Wem. Bone Dust Manufacturers was dissolved by mutual consent. (Ref.- The Gazette Newspaper).

1849. Will of Reverend Robert Broughton Clay. Clerk of Whitchurch. Shropshire. (TNA Ref.- PROB11/2089).

1849. Oct. 3rd. Mr Clay of Shrewsbury was the judge of the horses at the Ludlow Exhibition which took place in the fields at the bottom of Corve Street. It was followed by a dinner and the chairman proposed a toast to Mr Clay and the other judges.(Hereford Journal).

1850. May 29th. Recital Will of Thomas Clay formely of Ellerdine. Flaxdresser then of  Wellington. Beerseller devising a dwelling house in Cold Hatton to his son Richard Clay. (Shrops Archives. - 4683/3/16)

1851. Joseph Clay. Vetinary Surgeon. Whyle Cop. (Ref.- History, Gazetteer and Directory of Shropshire).

1858. July 16th. Removal Order of James Clay from Wellington to Moreton - Corbet. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- P194/L/8/120.

1865. Poll Book. George Clay. Parish of St Leonard and George Clay of Parish of Stotteden.

1866. James Clay was born at Wellington the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Clay he became an Iron Founder and his firm was called James Clay Ltd and was located at Ketley. There is a street at Ketley named after him called James Clay Court.

1868. Dec.12th. William Clay and Sons. General Engineers and Iron Founders. Bridgewater Iron Foundry and Showrooms. Scotland Street. Ellesmere. Shropshire. (Wrexham Advertiser).

Cheese Press made by Clay and Sons. Ellesmere.

1873. June 29th. Will of Thomas Clay late of Roving Bridge. Whixall in parish of Prees. Shrops. Farmer who died 10th Dec. 1873 proved by George Clay. Canal Agent of Whixhall his son. (Probate Calend).

1885. John Clay died 1885 age 75 Wem Registration District. Shropshire. Birth c1810.

1887. Jan. 29th. The Will of Anne Hughes Harley Clay late of Minton House. Wem in the county  of Shropshire  widow who died 23rd Jan. 1886 was proved by Susan Mary Clay of Minton House spinster daughter of the deceased. (Ref.- National Probate Calendar).

1895. Edward George Harries married secondly 17th Feb. 1895 Susan Mary daughter of George Clay of Wem. Shropshire. (Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion).

1924. Mr Thomas R. Clay of Baschurch in Shropshire stated in his Will that he made no bequests to members of his family as he was profoundly dissatisfied with certain of them. He left £16,000  to his solicitor and £2,500 to the latters wife, £15,000 to a doctor, £11,500 and £10,000 to bank officials and £10.000 to his chauffer. (Ref.- Newspaper Report).

Harlian Society. (Ref.- 1396 folio 81b S68b).

Heralds Visitation of Shropshire in the year 1623. George Clay signed that this was his descent.- Coat of Arms. Lion Rampant between 3 escallops.

Clay of Fells in the parish of Prees.Shropshire.

1. Robertus Clay de le Fells.

2. His son Humfrus Clay de le Fells married Elizabeth Browne of Marchamley.

3. Their sons William and Richardus Clay de le Fells. Richardus married Margery Newton.

4. Children of Richardus and Margery -- Thomas, Margaretta, Dorothy, Elizabeth, George.

5. George Clay married 1st wife Katherina Dod - children Andreas, Thomas, Richard.-- George married 2nd wife Jana Lastley - children Richard Clay (Of London). George, Francis, John, Margaret, Maria, Dorothy, Jana, Katherine.

6. Signed by above George Clay. 1623.

Heralds Visitation of London 1634.

Richard Clay (With brother John) gives his parents as Richard Clay goldsmith of London and Sarah. His grandparents were George and Jane Clay of The Falls. Shropshire. His Great grandparents were Richard and Margery Clay of The Falls. Shropshire. His great great grandfather was Humfery Clay of The Falls in Shropshire.

Parish Register Extracts. (Not full account).

Francis son of George Clay baptised July 1st. 1599. Prees.

Mary daughter of George and Jane Cley baptised Dec. 21st 1600. Prees.

Thomas son of Robert Clay baptised Dec. 26th. 1602. Prees.

Katherine daughter of George Clay baptised July 31st 1609. Prees.

Jane daughter of Robert Clay baptised May 9th 1610. Prees.

John son of Walter and Dorothy Clay baptised March 15th 1627. Childs Ercall.

Anne daughter of Andrew Clay baptised May 27th 1632. Prees.

Elizabeth daughter of Andrewe Clay baptised May 1st 1634. Prees.

Andrew son of Andrew Cley baptised March 5th 1636. Prees.

Anne daughter of Thomas Cley baptised Oct.8th. 1637. Whitchurch.

Dorothy daughter of Thomas Clay baptised Dec.15th. 1639. Whitchurch.

Margaret daughter of Thomas and Dorothy Clay baptised Nov.17th. 1642. Whitchurch.

Jane daughter of Thomas Clay baptised March 25th. 1644. Whitchurch.

Thomas son of Thomas Clay baptised April 9th. 1648. Whitchurch.

Sara daughter of Thomas Clay baptised May 18th.1651. Whitchurch.

Susanna daughter of Thomas Clay baptised Jan. 8th. 1653. Whitchurch.

Martha daughter of John Clay baptised Oct.14th.1655. Whitchurch.

John son of Thomas and Dorothy Clay baptised June 22nd.1656. Whitchurch.

Edward Caye burried  April 24. 1658. Hodnet.

John son of Thomas and Joane Cley baptised Aug. 29. 1661. Hodnet.

Joane Cley buried Jan. 27th. 1661. Hodnet.

Anne Cley buried Jan. 7th. 1662. Hodnet. 

Thomas Cley buried 30th April 1662. Hodnet. 

Anne Cley buried Nov. 18th 1664. Hodnet.

Gwen Cley buried Jan.27th. 1668. Hodnet. 

Sarah Cley married George Downs Nov. 20th 1669.

George Cley a poor man buried March 15th 1673. Hodnet.

John Cley buried March 18th 1674. Hodnet. 

Hannah daughter of Sarah Cley baptised April 21st. 1674. Whitchurch.

Mary daughter of John and Mary Clay baptised Oct.13th. 1667. Childs Ercall.

Jane daughter of John and Mary Clay baptised May 20th. 1669. Childs Ercall.

Thomas son of John and Mary Clay baptised June 9th. 1670. Childs Ercall.

John son of John and Mary Clay baptised April 18th. 1672. Childs Ercall.

Ann Cey buried June 14th 1675. Hodnet.

John son of John and Ann Cley baptised June 21st 1677. Hodnet.

Richard son of John and Mary Clay baptised June 27th. 1678. Childs Ercall.

Clare daughter of Reinold and Clare Clay baptised Oct.10th 1678. Stoke upon Tern.

Richard son of John and Ann Cley 1678.

John Cley an infant buried Dec. 27th. 1678. Hodnet.

Thomas son of Richard and Jane Clay baptised Sept.13th. 1679. Stoke upon Terne.

Richard son of Richard and Jane Clay baptised Nov. 10th. 1681. Stoke upon Tern.

Dorothy daughter of Reinold and Clare Clay baptised Nov. 3rd. 1681. Stoke upon Tern.

Jone Cley buried April 4th 1684. Hodnet. 

Thomas Cley a child buried July 31st 1686. Hodnet.

Dorothy daughter of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised Dec.11th 1687. Hodnet.

Reignold son of Richard and Jane Clay baptised April 8th 1687. Stoke upon Tern.

Walter son of Richard and Jane Clay baptised April 16th.1689. Stoke upon Tern.

Robert son of Elizabeth Clay baptised Feb.16th.1677. Moreton Corbett.

John son of John and Ann Cley baptised June 21st 1677. Hodnet.

John son of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised Dec.25th.1678. Hodnet.

Richard son of John and Ann Cley baptised March 23rd. 1678. Hodnet.

John son of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised  June 26th. 1680. Hodnet.

Ann daughter of John and Ann Cley baptised baptised July 6th.1682. Hodnet.

Sarah daughter of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised Feb. 20th.1683. Hodnet.

Thomas son of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised April 13th. 1686. Hodnet.

Andrew son of John and Ann Cley baptised Oct. 8th. 1687. Hodnet.

Elizabeth daughter of John and Ann Cley baptised Feb. 8th. 1690. Hodnet.

Beniamin son of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised June 26th. 1690. Hodnet.

Beniamin Cley an infant buried Nov. 29th. 1690. Hodnet.

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas and Dortothy Cley baptised Jan 2nd. 1692. Hodnet.

George son of Thomas and Dorothy Cley baptised Dec. 31st. 1694. Hodnet.

George Clay a child buried Feb.1st. 1694. Hodnet.

Ann Cley married John Hues April 10th  1694. Hodnet.

George son of John and Ann Clay baptised Aug. 26th.1695. Hodnet.

Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary Clay baptised Aug. 6th 1697. Childs Ercall.

Richard son of John and Ann Cley buried Oct. 14th. 1697. Hodnet.

Mary daughter of Andrew and Anne Clay baptised Dec.13th. 1708. Hodnet. 

 Ann daughter of Andrew and Anne Clay baptised May 27th 1710. Hodnet.

Walter Clay married Margaret Cureton  July 6th 1711 at Grinshill. 

Reginald son of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised June 14th. 1712. Stoke upon Terne.

Richard son of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised  Dec. 10th. 1713. Stoke upon Terne.

Philip son of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised  June 6th. 1715. Stoke upon Terne.

William son of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised May 22nd 1717. Stoke upon Terne.

John son of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised  Nov. 14th. 1718. Stoke upon Terne.

Anne daughter of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised April 20th 1721. Stoke upon Terne.

Margaret daughter of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised Feb. 14th 1722. Stoke upon Terne.

Clare daughter of Walter and Margaret Clay baptised Oct. 22nd 1724. Stoke upon Terne.     

 Walter Clay. Churchwarden at Tong. Shropshire. 1734.

Clare Clay age 20 and Richard Marrion age 24 Marriage Licence Jan. 8th 1744 both of Tong.

Clare Clay and Richard Marrion married Jan.12th. 1744 at Tong. Shropshire.

Reginald Clay Churchwarden at Tong. Shropshire 1748.

Anne daughter of Anne Clay baptised Feb. 3rd. 1761 at Tong. Shropshire. 

Reginald Clay pauper buried at Tong Feb. 28th. 1788. 

Shropshire Newspaper Reports.

1835. March 11th. To be Sold.- A very superior Waggon Stallion. For further particulars apply to Mr George Clay at Wem where the horse may be seen. (Salopian Journal).

1844. March 1st. Mr Clay is a Veterinary Surgeon on Castle Street in Shrewsbury. (Shrewsbury Chronicle).

1848. Sept. 20th. Charles Clay of Whitchurch on list of those granted Game Certificates at £4-0-10s each. (Eddowes Journal).

1848. Sept. 29th. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the creditors of Thomas Clay lat of Newtown Wellington in County of Shropshire. Butcher and formerley of North Street. Wolverhampton Staffs will be held at the Cock Hotel. Wellington. (London Gazette page 3571).

1857. Dec. 23rd. Charles Clay jnr Esq. Solicitor - Agent for Whitchurch and Prees branch of the Shropshire and North Wales Assurance Company. (Eddowes Journal).

1863. May 15th. North Shropshire Yeoman Cavalry Meeting. The following officers were present. Lieutenant Clay of Whitchurch Rifle Corps. (Shrewsbuery Chronicle).

1866. June 6th. Mr W. Clay was one of the gentlemen of the Jury at the Court Leet Dinner held at the Town Hall. Ellesmere. (Newspaper Report).

1869. May 1st. Charles Humphreys was charged with breaking windows of the New Inn at Prees, he said he had too much beer. A witness named Clay said he was sent for and took Humphreys home. He was sent to the House of Correction for 7 days. (Shrewsbury Chronicle).

1870. June 1st. Mr Clay of Whitchurch acted on behalf of a bankrupt in a Court case. (Owestry Advertiser).

1870. June 29th. William Clay and Sons of Scotland Street. Ellesmere inform their Agricultural friends that they now have a large stock of Harvest Machinery and every implement that a farmer requires can be seen at their showrooms. (Owestry Advertiser).

1871. Sept. 29th. Norwich Union Fire Insurance. The Agent for Ellesmere is Mr Edward Clay. (Shrewsbury Chronicle).

1875. Jan.16th. Whitchurch. The Farmers and Tradesmens Ball was held in the Assembly Rooms at the new Town Hall. Mr C. Clay Esq was in attendance. (Whitchurch Herald).

1875. April 17th. Overton Bridge. Fatal Trap Accident. - An accident of a very frightful nature occurred on Tuesday and 2 well known and respected inhabitants of the place lost their lives. Mr William Clay and his son Richard Clay both of Overton Bridge were returning from a sale at Wynnsty when they overtook the Erbistock Mill Wagon. Mr Richard Clay who was driving tried to pass the wagon but hit a heap of earth and was instantly overturned and he and his father were thrown out with great violence. Death was almost instantaneous in both cases. This sad event has cast a gloom over the neighbourhood, Mr Clay was an old inhabitant of Overton Bridge and his son leaves a widow with 3 children. The inquest declared the road was in a dangerous state due to gross neglect.

1877. Aug.1st. Shropshire and West Midlands Agricultural Show at Whitchurch. Charles Clay of Doddington. Whitchurch took 1st prize £5 and 2nd  prize £2 for best mare for hunting purposes. (Owestry Advertiser).

1879. Jan.18th. Mr E. Clay was at a meeting of the Ellesmere Local Board. (Whitchurch Herald.).

1879. June 14th. Edward Clay on the Local Board at Ellesmere. (Whitchurch Herald).

1879. Aug. 22nd. John Clay was on the Jury at an Inquest of a lady who committed suicide at Prees. The Inquest was held at the New Inn at Prees. (Shrewsbuery Chronicle).

1886. April 3rd. Mr T. Clay of Prees is the Agent for Webbs Cattle Food. (Wellington Journal).

1889. June 8th. Wrexham County Court. Henry Kynaston a Brewer sued his Agent John Clay of Penley for the sum of £50. He accused him of watering his beer which he denied. (Whitchurch Herald).

1889. June 22nd. Wanted. - A  Shawbury new or second hand for a small pony contact Mr Clay. Doddington. Whitchurch. (Whitchurch Herald).

1889. June 22nd. Auction. Properties near the town of Wem. Lot 3. Arable land at the back of Belle Vue Cheese Factory adjoining land belonging to T. Clay. (Whitchurch Herald).

1897. Nov.20th. Josiah Colley a shoemaker residing in Church Street was charged with stealing a pair of boots the property of his employers Plimmer and Clay of Ellesmere. James Clay identified the boots as their property and stated that the prisoner who was their workman and was addicted to drink. The prisoner pleaded guilty and Mr Clay asked the Magistrates to deal leniently with him.  He was bound over in £5 and ordered to pay £1-0-6d costs. (Whitchurch Herald).

1898. Nov. 6th. Mrs Clay of Doddington in Whitchurch widow of the late Mr Charles Clay a well known and widely respected inhabitant of Whitchurch has passed away. The coffin had brass fittings and bore the the inscription - Arabella Frances Clay died Nov.1st 1898 age 68 years. The chief Mourners numbered 50 and included the old servants of the deceased. (Whitchurch Herald).,

1898. Nov.12th. A grand concert was held in the National School at Wem much praise is due to Mrs George Clay the Honorary Secretary of the Seamans Mission for the splendid manner it was carried out. (Whitchurch Herald).

1898. Dec.10th. Gerard Clay won prizes with his dogs at the Whitworth Canine Show. (Whitworth Herald).

1908. July 31st. Shropshire Technical School for Girls. Prize Distribution. Certificate received by S. A. Clay of Prees for butter and cheese making. (Shrewsbury Chronicle).

1910. Oct. 14th. Football Match at Wem. Mr C. B. Clay of Whitchurch was referee. (Shrewsbury Chronicle).

Shrewsbury Chronicle Newspaper November 9th, 1888 - Advertisement for Clay's machinery.

1841 Census. Prees. Shropshire.

Whitchurch Street.

John Clay age 30   Born Shropshire.

Emma Clay age  21    Born Shropshire 

William Clay age  0   Born Shropshire 

1851 Census. Prees. Shropshire.

Church Street.

John Clay age 42  Blacksmith  Born  Worton. Shropshire.

Emma A. Clay age   31  Wife     Born  Preston. Shrpshire.

Robert Clay age  12  Son  Scholar   Born  Prees. Shropshire.

1851 Census. Prees. Shropshire.

William Clay age 31 Agricultural Labourer   Born  St Marys. Shropshire.

Ann Clay age  26  Wife                                               Born   Whitchurch.  Shrops.

Hannah Clay age   3   Daughter                             Born  Prees . Shrops.

Mary Clay age 1   Daughter                                     Born Prees. Shrops.

Richard Austin  age 21 Brother in Law.  Ag Lab. Born Whitchurch. Shrops.

1851 Census. Wem Registration District. Shropshire.

Thomas Clay age 32  Canal Clerk     Born  High Ercall. Shropshire.

Jane Clay age  38  Wife                           Born  Hanmer. Flintshire.

Benjamin Clay age  7   Son  Scholar  Born  Prees.  Shropshire.

George Clay age  6   Son  Scholar       Born  Prees.       

Ann Clay age  3   Daughter                    Born Prees.

William Clay age  1   Son                         Born  Prees.

John Clay age  0   Son                               Born Prees.

1 Servant                                                                

1851 Census. Whitchurch.

Newtown Street.

Charles Clay age 50 Landed Proprietor  Born Whitchurch. Shropshire.

Margaret Clay age  50 Wife                           Born  Whitchurch.

Charles Clay age   25 Son Unmarried.  Solicitor. Born  Whitchurch. Shropshire. 

2 Servants.

1851 Census. Market Drayton. Shropshire.

George Clay age 60 Farmer 100 Acres.  Born  Hodnet. Shropshire.

Catherine Clay age  49 Wife                          Born  Childs Ercall. Shropshire.

George Clay age  17 Son                                  Born  Hodnet. Shropshire.

John Clay age 16   Son                                       Born  Hodnet.

Emma Clay age  13 Daughter                       Born  Hodnet.

Mary Clay age  12   Daughter                       Born  Hodnet.

Jane Clay age  9    Daughter                           Born  Hodnet.

Ann Clay age  5    Daughter                            Born  Hodnet.

1 Servant.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

1861 Census. Prees .Shropshire. Church Street.

John Clay  Age 52 Blacksmith    Born Shawbury. Shropshire

Emma Clay age  42  Wife              Born  Clive. Shropshire.

William Clay age  20  Son   Bricklayer     Born  Prees. Shropshire.

John Clay age  12   Son   Bricklayer           Born Prees.

Emma Clay age  10   Daughter. Scholar  Born Prees.

Thomas Clay age 7   Son  Scholar               Born Prees.

Richard Clay age  5   Son   Scholar             Born Prees.

Sarah E. Clay age  2  Daughter                     Born  Prees.

1871 Census. Prees. Shropshire.

Church Street.

John Clay age 60  Blacksmith  Born  Prees. Shropshire.

Emma Clay age   52  Wife           Born  Hodnet.  Shrops.

Thomas Clay age  17 Son  Blacksmith  Born   Prees. Shrops.

Richard Clay age Son  Engineers Assistant  Born  Prees.

Elizabeth Clay age  10  Daughter  Born  Prees.

1881 Census. Prees. Shropshire.

Church Street.

John Clay age 71  Blacksmith   Born  Prees. Shropshire.

William Clay age  40  Son  Bricklayer   Born Prees.

Sarah E.Clay age 21  Daughter   Born Prees.

1891 Census. Wellington. Shropshire.

Joseph Clay age 55 Provision  Dealers  Assistant       Born Shropshire.

Elizabeth Clay age  39 Wife                                                      Born Shrops.

James Clay age   24 Son Agricultral  Machine  Fitter  Born Shrops.

George Clay age 11   Son     Scholar                                       Born Shrops.

John George Clay age   12  Son  Scholar                             Born Shrops.

Catherine Clay age 8  Daughter Scholar                            Born Shrops.

Elizabeth Clay age   6   Daughter  Scholar                          Born Shrops.

1891 Census. Ellesmere. Shropshire.

John Clay age 51 Farmer and Butcher  Born Ellesmere. Shropshire.

Sarah Clay age  48 Wife                                 Born  Dudleston. Shropshire.

James Clay  22 Son  Farmers Son             Born  Overton. Flintshire. Wales.

Joseph Clay age  17  Farmers Son            Born  Dudleston. Shropshire.

Sarah Clay age    20 Daughter                     Born   Overton. Flintshire. Wales.

Fanny Clay age  19  Daughter                     Born  Overton.

1 Servant.

1901 Census. Ellesmere. Shropshire.

James Clay age 32 Boot Seller  Born Overton. Flintshire. Wales.

Alice Clay age    29 Wife              Born  Ellesmere. Shropshire.

(Living with Alice's father James Griffiths age 62 Widower).

1901 Census. Ellesmere. Shropshire.

Joseph Clay age 27 Farmer  Born Dudleston. Shropshire.

Mary Jane Clay age 28  Wife  Born  Oswestry.  Shropshire.

Doris Clay age 1 month Daughter Born  Dudleston. Shropshire.

2 Servants.

1911 Census. Wellington. Shropshire.

James Clay age 44 Agricultral Engineer  Born  Wellington. Shrops.

Katie Clay age    42 Wife                                  Born  Salford. Lancashire.

Eva Clay age  17 Daughter School Teacher Born Wellington.

Millicent Clay age   16  Daughter   Engineer Clerk   Born Wellington.

Joseph Trevor    12 Son  Scholar   Born Wellington.

Grain Crusher made by James Clay Ltd. Ironfounder.- Born 1866 son of Joseph and Elizabeth Clay.(His family in 1911 Census above).

1911 Census. Ellesmere. Shropshire.

James Clay age 42 Widower.  Farmer and Boot Dealer  Born Overton. Flintshire. Wales.

(Living with Emily Chorley age 57 Widow. Farmer.  Born Wem. Shropshire).

1873. Return of Owners of Land. (Ref.- Publication by John Lambert 1875).


Benjamin Clay. Wem. 61 acres.

George M.Clay. Wem. 28 acres.

Charles Clay. Whitchurch. 13 acres.

George Clay. Whitchurch. 158 acres.

John Clay. Dudleston. 2 acres.

Margaret Clay. Ellesmere 3 acres.

Richard Clay. Cold Hatton. 1 acre.

Thomas Clay. Prees. 36 acres.

Oswestry is 8 miles from Ellesmere. See 1901 Census Ellesmere. James Clay. Boot Seller.

This site is copyrighted by the Clay of England Society. All rights reserved. 2018.