Research by David Clay       Email:

Coins of John Clay of Kings Lynn. Norfolk 1664.

Clay of Norfolk

Clay's in the County of Norfolk are documented from the 1100s. The village of Cley next the Sea on the east coast of England had a population of 437 people in the 2011 census.

1121 - 1135. Petrus de Cleie mentioned in a latin document with a long list of names. (Book - Cartulary of Norwich 1070 - 1214 vol. 6).

1146. William de Albim Earl of Sussex gave Peter de Cley the advowson of St Peter's. Cleythorpe. (The Victoria  History of Norfolk vol.2).

c1150. Peter de Cley son of Sir Ralph de Cley held the Lordship of East Hall Manor and gave part of it to the Church of St Peter belonging to Buckenham Priory in Norfolk - 51 acres of profitable land in the fields of Cley. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 6). - BHO.

1174. Rad de Clai mentioned in a latin document. (Ref.- Publications of the Pipe Roll Society vol. 21 page 44).

1175. Rad de Clay mentioned in a list with others in Norfolk. (Publications of the Pipe Roll Society vol. 22 page 116).

1194. Steph de Clai mentioned in a latin document. (Ref.- Rotuli Curiae Regis Rolls and Records page 333).

1199. Ralph de Clay and Agnes his wife at Witton and Warham in Norfolk. (TNA Ref.- Feet of Fines).

1199. Feet of Fines. Peter de Claye v Geoffry Tercel in Claye. (TNA  Ref.- Norfolk Feet of Fines).

1202. Ricardum de Claie and Agnet his wife holding 15 acres of land with appurtenances in Caldecote. (TNA - Feet of Fines County Norfolk. Case 153. f.16).

1203. Peter de Clay had a legal suit with Thomas de Ingaidsthorpe and in the same year a Fine levied between Peter de Clay and Adam de Hakebech at Santon in Norfolk. (Ref. - History of the County of Norfolk. Vol. 2.1805). - British History Online.

1204. May 9th. To Waltero de Creping justic and other barons to the Kings lordship then present there between Peter de Claie petitioner and Alanum de Hakebethe held of the advocacy of the church of Santon namely that the aforesaid Peter remitted and cried quiet to the aforesaid - and for this quiet the said Alanus gave to Peter a hundred solids of sterling, (Feet of Fines 1201 - 1215  case 154 / 23).

1200s. Reign of Hen.111. - Amabilla wife of William de Claye gives to the Church of St Mary of Walsingham. Norfolk the tenement in Ryburg for the souls of herself, William de Claye and Ralph de Munpinchun her brother. (Ref.- Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations Part 1V.) - BHO.

1207. In the 5th year of King John Peter de Clay had suit with Thomas de Ingaldesthorp about  the rights  of the church. (Ref. - Book.  History of the County of Norfolk).

1209. Court Case. Peter de Claye v Geoffrey Tercel in Claye. Norfolk. (TNA. Feet of Fines vol. 1).

1209. Ralph de Clay and Agnes his wife at Witton and Warham in Norfolk. (TNA Ref.- Feet of Fines).

1216. Sir Robert de Valeyns gave the right of servitude which he had in Richard son of Robert son of Hamon de Cley to Robert son of Ralph de Langwade. (Ref.- History of the County of Norfolk).

1231. Document mentions the Assize of Norwich and the church of Hermann de Clay. (Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls Hen. 111 Vol.. 2 membrane 6d ).

1236. January. Radulfus de Gateley and Petrum son of Ricardi versus Willelmum de Claye and Willelmum de Boton tenants in Gateley. Norfolk. (TNA  Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls membrane 20d).

1240. William of Cley about to embark for the Holy Land leased out some land for 3 years in return for 6 marks for his crusade expenses. (Book. England and the Crusades 1095 - 1588).

1240. John de Cley son of Peter de Cley released to the Prior of Buckenham 50 acres of land also from about this time the Prior had 23 acres of glebe land which Sir Peter de Cley had granted. (Ref. -History of Norfolk Vol. 6 page 40.). - BHO.

1244. Simon son of Peter de Cley confirmed his fathers gift of a mill and a third share of his tithes. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 9.). - BHO.

1258. Oct. 16th. Norfolk.  Richard Clay and over 20 others including knights and parsons are indicted before the Keepers of the Peace. (TNA. - Calendar of Fine Rolls). 

1260. Willielmo de Claie witness in a latin document concerning Fransham in Norfolk. (Ref.- The Hundred of Launditch and Deanery of Brisley in Norfolk).

1268. Feet of Fines. Thomas de Cleye of Hildeburewith. (TNA. Norfolk Feet of Fines).

1270c.  Ryburgh Magna. Norfolk. Sir Fulke and Agnes his wife left 2 sons and a daughter Amabilla who married William de Cley. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. BHO).

1277. March 1st.  Simon  de Cley son of Thomas de Cleye. Plea of land in a place called Cley in Norfolk.  (Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls. Edw. 1. Vol 1 membrane 9d).

1200s. Deed of Quitclaim. Adam son of Philip de Cley to Adam Wytherpyn of Rudham. Lands and tenement in Bukton alias Boughton. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Hare 469 187 x 3).

1270 - 1330. Matilda  de Cleye transfers land in Buketon (alias Boughton) at Guntonesdele to Adam Whythepin of Rudham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Hare 470 187 x 3).

c1275. Simon de Clay listed as a teacher at Norwich. (Ref.- Medieval Anglia - Occupations of Norwich Clerica 1275 - 1348).

1279. Assise arraigned by Geoffrey de Cleye and Matilda his wife against William Gerberge touching  a tenement in Great Yarmouth. (Ref.- Annual Report  of the Deputy Keeper of Public Records).

1284. Feet of Fines. Simon de Cleye v Stephen Eagles of Wyrham and Isabella his wife in Cranewig. (TNA. Norfolk Feet of Fines).

1285. Court Case. Beatrix de Alkeburgh by Simon de Cley v Thomas de Alkeburg and Agnes his wife in Linn. Norfolk. (TNA. Feet of Fines).

1291. Court Case. Simon de Cleye v Thomas Alkebergh and Agnes his wife in Linn. Norfolk. (12 Edward 1.  - PC2023).

1291. Court Case. Simon de Cleye v Stephen le Engleis of Wyrham. (Feet of Fines for Norfolk).

1298. May 17th. Robert Clay and a large number of others regarding a complaint at Harleston. Norfolk. (Calendar of Patent Rolls. 26 Edw. 1 membrane15d).

1300. Master Simon de Clay clerk at Norwich is almost certainly the Simon  de Clay who became Dean of the Chapel of St Mary in the  Fields. Norwich. (Book. Medieval Anglia. page 84).

1300. John de Cley was a Rector in Norfolk. (Ref. - History of Norfolk. Vol.6.). - Brirish History Online.

1301. Nov. 5th. Sir John de Cley. Rector of the church of Cley in Norfolk. Creditor of 100 shillings to John de Rudham. (TNA Ref.- C241/35/12).

1301. Deed. John de Cleye to Nicholas de Costes in St Simon and St Jude. (Calendar of Deeds. Norwich membrane 5).

1303. June 10th. Cambuskenneth. Complaint that a number of men including Roger de Cleye entered the ship of Adam Silke laden with fish  which he had from the sea  between Bromholm and Brunham.  County Norfolk and they carried away the fish and goods and assaulted his servants in the ship. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls vol. 4).

1304. Edmund fil Radulphus le Leche of Beston v Walter de Cleye capellanus in parva Fransham and Neketon. (TNA Ref.- Feet of Fines. Norfolk part 1).

1305. Jan. 2nd. Licence concerning parcels of land in Swafham. Norfolk. Owen de Cleye is a witness with a number of others. (TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls vol. 4).

1306. Walter de Cleye chaplain in Little Fransham and Neketon. (TNA. Norfolk Feet of Fines).

1308. July 7th. Peter de Cley elected  Prior to the Priory of Mountjoy in the parish of Heveringland. Norfolk. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 2).

1311. Norwich Clerica.  Master Simon de Clay clerk  who became Dean of the Chapel of St Mary in the Fields. Norwich, a college of priests. (TNA.- Calendar of Assize Rolls).

1314. John de Cleye instituted rector at Sculthorp in Norfolk. (History of the County of Norfolk page 177).

1317. A charter whereby William Earl of Sussex gave by gift to Peter de Claie the right of Patronage of the church of St Peter. Cleythorpe. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Charters membrane 10).

1317. The gift of Peter de Claie son of Ralph Claie knight of 51 acres and half of the profits in the fields of Claie.  (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Charter Rolls).

1317. Complaint by Robert de Walkedare that John de Claye and 2 others (named) carried away 6 brood swans of his price of 12 shillings in Ryburgh in Norfolk. (Ref.- Cal of Patent Rolls Edw. 11 p 690).

1317. May 18th. Complaint by John the Bishop of Ely that Henry Cley and a number of others cut his grass at Brigham co. Norfolk and carried it away. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls Edw.11 memb.13d).

1317. May 18th. Westminster. Complaint by John Buteturte and Matilda his wife that Richard the Abbot of St Edmunds, William de Cley and 7 other fellow monks of the Abbot and a number of others came to Tiveteshale co. Norfolk where the said Matilda and servants were lodged and maliciously raised a hue and cry against them, expelled the said Matilda and the servants from the inn and carried away goods from the inn and assaulted the servants. (TNA.- Calendar of Close Rolls).

1319. May 18th. Complaint by the Bishop that Henry Cley and 14 others cut his grass at Brigham county Norfolk and carried it away. (Calendar of Patent Rolls vol. 3 memb. 13d)

1322. Edmund de Belawe. Physician to Master Simon de Clay clerk in St Mary de Coselanye. (Calendar of Norwich Deeds page 113).

1326. Simon de Cley. Dean of the Chapel of St Mary in the Fields. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 3. chapter 40). - BHO.

1330. Simon son of Peter de Cley confirmed his fathers gift of a mill with a third of his tithe.  (Ref.- History of Norfolk page 398).

1330 - 1340. Land in Thursford (Thyrsford) Norfolk enfeoffed by Thomas Cley. (TNA. Early Chancery Proceedings).

1333. Mr John Cley. Rector of Fishley. Norfolk. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 11).

1334. Stephus de Cley and priors and convent de Westacre. (Calendar Inquisitions Post Mortem Sive Escaetarum vol. 2).

1336. Robert de Cleye mentioned in a Deed. (PC2023).

1336. William atte Cleye listed as a tenant in Halnaker near Chichester in the Honor of Arundel. Norfolk. (Ref.- Honors and Knights Fees page 60).

1337. Book of Pleas.  Folio 85d. A Plea by John de Cleye v Richard de Catefield a claim of Jurisdiction. (Records of he City of Norwich).

1338. Executors of Robert de Sempingham  late rector of St Mary Combuste in Norwich to Master Simon de Cleye. (Calendar of Norwich Deeds page 213).

1338-40. Oct. 20th. Westminster. Complaint by Simon the Bishop of Ely that his market at the manor of Walpol co. Norfolk  was attacked by Peter Maynor, William de Cleye and others and they broke sheds and stalls of the merchants in the market and assaulted the traders and drove them away and carried away goods. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls EDW.111).

1340. Simon de Cley. Dean of Norwich. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 4. chapter 42).- BHO.

1342. Dec. 20th. Simon de Cley exchanged with John Breydesto as Dean for Thorp by Norwich. (Ref.- History County of Norfolk).

1344. Stephen de Cleye to grant a messuage in South Lynn to the prior and convent of Westacre. (TNA Ref.- C143/266/18).

1345. Nov. 25th. Complaint by John fitz Wauter chivaler that John atte Cley and 40 others (named) did at Pulham by Dukelchurch co. Norfolk drove away 3 horses of his worth £10 carried away his goods - and assaulted his men and servants. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls. membrane 9d).

1346. Dec. 6th. Complaint by Richard Spynk citizen of Norwich  whereas the King took him and his men under special protection but around 30 men including John Cley the younger besieged him at         ---- Norwich while so under the King's protection threatening him with loss of life. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 11d).

1346. Thomas Claye and 11 others jurors in the Hundred of Gildecross. Norfolk. (Inquisitions and Assesments volume 3).

1355. Matilda relict of John Clay.- Knight of Norwich. (Ref.- Calendar of Papal Registers Vol. 3. 1342 - 1362. Regesta Vol. CCXX1X). - BHO. = British History Online.

1358. Sept. 8th. Complaint by John Postle that over 20 men including knights, parsons and Richard Clay of Wodebrigg  who at Coutessale. co. Norfolk besieged him in his house, broke his doors, houses,   ---  windows and hays carried away his goods assaulted  his men and servants by night as they lay in their beds and imprisoned them. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls 32 Edw. 111 membrane 26d).

1366. Amabilia sister of Fulco son of Ralph de Monpinzum and wife of William de Clay concerning lands in Ryburgh. (History of the County of Norfolk page 166).

1373. John de Cleye clerk with others concerning a number of manors in Norfolk. (TNA-  Calendar of Close Rolls. Edw.111).

1377. John Cley. Rector of Clenchwarton. (Ref.- History of Norfolk Vol. 8).

1381. Sept. 16th. To the Sheriff of Norfolk. Writ  of supersedeas by mainprise of William de Cleye sherman and 3 others in favour of Wm Pereson for trespass. (Cal.of Close Rolls Rich 11 vol 2 memb. 34d).

1382. June. Roger de Scales . Lord of Newsell to John de Cley. Norfolk and John de Cley the younger, Parson of Ruskington. (Ref.- Close Roll Rich.11. Vol 2).

1391. Will of Nicholas Drayton  he left to Richard Cley and his wife Katherine of Yarmouth  a fish house and a curing house in Yarmouth. (Ref.- Biography of Norfolk).

1394. Jan. 22nd. Member of Parliament for Yarmouth. Norfolk. Ricardus Cleye. (Norfolk Officials List page 177).

1395. John Cley of Harleston in the hamlet of Redenhale - Land transfer 14th April. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- 5897 226 x 6).

1395 to 1414. Richard Clay in the list of Bailiffs and Mayors of Yarmouth. (Ref.- History of Norfolk Vol.11.) - BHO. - British History online.

1395. January. Richard Cley of Yarmouth  was the Bailiff of that town for a number of years and in 1398 he was commissiond to assemble shipping for action against pirates he was engaged in trade, shipping cloth to the low countries and importing grain, wine and salt. He sometimes made use of a vessel owned by his kinsman Robert Cley (d 1416). His main trade was the fish industry dealing in Herrings and he sold to markets throughout the kingdom. Richard Cley had a fish house, a curing house, a salt house lands tenements and a mill in Yarmouth and in the 1390s he joined a consortium of merchants from Yarmouth and Norwich who together purchased a number of properties in Norwich. He was first married to his wife Katherine and later to second wife Petronilla . In 1420  Richard Cley arranged for the disposal of his property making provision for his widow and children. His executors sold his fish house, curing house and salt house to Thomas  Covehathe. (Ref.- Biography of Norfolk Vol.- - 1386-1421).

1398. May 15th. Richard Cley of Norwich friar and preacher of the same town. (Ref.- PC2022).

1398. May 30th. Richard Cleye documented as being in Great Yarmouth. Norfolk. (TNA. - Calendar of Patent Rolls 21 Rich. 11 membrane 19d).

1398. Aug.10th. Appointment of the King's master carpenter and 5 others including John de Cleye to take carpenters and labourers  for the construction of the new harbour at Great Yarmouth. ( TNA.    ----- Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 15).

1403. Norfolk. John Bacon sued Robt White for land in Cleye, Bayfield and Glaunford which William de Cleye gave to Roger de Antyngham in marriage to Alice his sister. (Plea Rolls membrane 395).

1403. Thomas Clay - Master of the ship "La Katerine" of Yarmouth.

1407. August. Richard Cley of Yarmouth and John de Cley mentioned  in Close Roll Hen. 1V. Vol. 3.

1415. Nov. 4th. Ricus Cleye and 3 others testify in a document relating to Great Yarmouth. (Ref.- Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva).

1416. Robert Cupper bailiff of Yarmouth was executor of the Will of Robert Cley. (Norfolk Biography vol 1386 - 1421).

1418. John Clay. Clerk in Norfolk granted land to a widow. (Ref.- Inquisition Post Mortem. Vol.20. Hen.V. no 163).- British History Online.

1419. At the Parliamentary Elections  Richard Cley of Yarmouth stood surety for William Colkirk. (Ref.- Biography of Norfolk).

1420s. Thomas Covenhithe purchased from Richard Cleys a fish house, curing house and salt house. (Norfolk Biography vol. 1386 - 1421).

1421. Hugh Clay was Rector of Langley Abbey in Norfolk. (Ref.- History of the County of Norfolk Vol. 9).- BHO.

1422. Court of Common Pleas. London.  John Cleye. Citizen and Draper of London claims that Robert Osbern of Great Yarmoth. Norfolk and Thomas Walsham of Brumstead. Norfolk administrators of the goods and chattels of Richard Cleye of Yarmouth who died intestate unjustly detain £20 and a certain chest containing charters, writings and other muniments . John Cleye says that on the 10th of May 1422. Thomas Wolrich was apprenticed to John Cleye for 7 years  by which Richard Cleye  borrowed £20 from John Cleye as Bond and Surety  for the apprentice however Thomas Wolrich withdrew from John Cleye's service on 27th April 1403 and the late Richard Cleye did not pay back the aforesaid Bond of  £20 and nor have his administrators. Further John Cleye says that on 1st. November 1403 he gave the late Richard Cleye for safe keeping a chest containing a certain charter granting  to the father of John Cleye whose heir is John  Cleye one messuage and 28 acres of land in Cley-next-the-Sea in Norfolk as well as 2 acres of meadow in Bayfield. Norfolk.  A fine concerning the  property was paid by the Cleye's  in 1361. John Cleye says that the defendants refuse to return this chest  or the £20 and seeks licence to bring a new writ concerning the detention of the aforesaid chest with charters.  (TNA Ref.- CP 40/646, rot. 301).

1424. Court Case. Norfolk. John Cley chaplain and 3 others v Margaret who was wife of Thomas Munk. (TNA. Feet of Fines).

1425. John Cley of Harleston. Land Transfer 26th July. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- 5900 226x6).

1425. Norwich. Archbishops list of names. Robertus Cleye to title Home of the Canons Saint the Grave. Thetford. (Ref.- Register of the Archbishop of Canterbury volume 46)

1431-1443 and 1467-1473. Thomas Cley concerning land in Thursford - Chancery Records. (Ref.- The National Archives. Kew - C1/10/193).

1431. Will of John Cley of Northwolde. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Surflete 70).

1434. Will of John Cley of Brygham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Surflete 160).

1435. Will of Robert Cley of Brygham. (Norfolk Rcord Office Ref.- Surflete 166).

1436. Hugh Cley vicar of Felmingham. Norfolk. (History of the County of Norfolk page 38).

1436. Oct. 18th. Robert Cleye priest at Winfarthing. Norfolk. (History of the County of Norfolk page 182).

1441. Thomas Cley of Harleston seison delivery. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Hare 5905 226 x 6).

1445. Nicholas Cleye of Lenne (Lynn ?)  in a list  Calendar of Deeds relating to Norwich. 

1450. Parish of Antingham to John Cley a mediety by Joan relict of Nicholas Wychingham. (Ref.- History of Norfolk vol. 8 page 77).

1450. Sept. 2nd. John Cleye of Noth Cipingham mentioned in book.- History of the Hundred of North Cipingham part 3.

1450. John Cley. Rector of St Mary's Church. Norfolk. (Ref.- The History of the County of Norfolk page 44).

1453. Will of John Clay of Pulham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Aleyn 175).

1457. William Clay. Rector Ecclesiae de Outwell executor with others of Christopher Chapple in Outwell. (Norfolk Miscellaneous volume 2).

1459-1466. William Cley of Norfolk. (Chancery Records TNA.Ref.- C1/28/301).

1459-1466. Robert Clay of Norfolk. (Chancery Records. TNA. Ref.- C1/29/354).

1460. Court Case. Cley v Shereve. Plaintiff  William Cley of Pulham concerning land in Pulham. (TNA Ref.- C1/28/542).

1460. William Cley in a list of rectors at Upwell and Outwell. (History of the County of Norfolk page 475).

1460. Will of Thomas Cley of Cantelee. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Brosyard 212).

1461. John Clay of Nedham next to Harleston. - Deed / Quitclaim of land. (Sheffield Archives Office Ref.- BFM/1100).

1462. Robert Clay.- Clerk of the Kitchen for the Duke of Norfolk - Payments made to Robert Clay. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- Phi/606/8 578x6).

1463. A messuage and 4 acres of land and pasture in tenure of Simon Cley in Moundford. Norfolk. (Calendar of Patent Rolls Edw. V1 vol. 2 ).

1466. Thomas Cley vicar of Didlington. Co. Norfolk.  (Ref.- PC2022).

1467. June 14th. Thomas Westwode of Suffolk for not appearing before the Justices  to answer William Clay of Owtwell clerk touching a debt of 10 marks.  (Court Case 7 Edw. 1V part 1 membrane 24).

1473 - 1475. Thomas Cleye of Norfolk. Chancery Records. (TNA Ref.- C2/48/158).

1479 and 1480. Richard Cley was a Canon at Buckenham Priory. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 2 no 24). - BHO.

1485. Thomas Tower was the executor for Thomas Cley of Norfolk. (TNA Ref.- Chancery Proceedings).

1492. Ricardus Cley. Prior of Hickling Priory. Norfolk. (Camden Society Publications. New Series number 43).

1493-1500. John Clay of Norfolk defendant and his daughter Alice wife of Geoffrey Broke relating to a messuage and  lands in Needham. Norfolk. (Chancery Records. TNA Ref.- C1/187/32).

1496. Fulcher parson of the church of Great Grillowe v Thomas de Claye in Hildeburewrth. (TNA. Feet of Fines. Norfolk part 1).

1514. Will of Thomas Clay of Thetford. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- MF36).

1515 - 29. Richard Cley son of Margaret concerning Detention of Deeds to Messuages and land in Outwell and Upwell in Norfolk and March and Benwick in Cambs'. (TNA.- Chancery Proceedings).

1529-36. Will of William Claye of Guestwick. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW will register Bakon folio 318).

1534. Jan. 29th. Muster Roll. Anthony Cley. Billeman. Midilwymer Hundred. (Norfolk Archaeology Miscellaneous vol. 1 page 31).

1534. June 16th. Netlestede. Mandate to John Claye priest and Robert Cowper of Besmere and Cleydon to induct Christopher Lamhed capm on presn of  LordThomas Wentworth. (Notes + Queries).

1534. Aug. 31st. The signitures of Edmund Cley and 10 others at Buckham Priory. Norfolk. (Ref.- Deputy Keeper of the Public Records page 281).

1535. Richard Cley was the Prior at Thetford. (Ref.- History of Norfolk. Vol. 2. no 60). - British History Online.

1536-45. Will of Nicholas Claye of Thetford. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW will register Athowe folio 173).

1538. Will of John Cley of Upwell. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF Liber 9 Gillior folio 183).

1539. William Clay baptised at West Harling All Saints. Aug. 3rd.

1539. Anne Clay baptised at West Harling All Saints. Aug. 3rd.

1539 / 40. William Clay buried at West Harling All Saints. Jan. 26th.

1539 / 40. Anne Clay buried at West Harling All Saints. Feb.1st.

1540. Will of Peter Cley of Wilton. (Ref.- Norfolk Record Office ANF Will Register. Liber 10 (Dowsyng) fo.104 and microfilm MF178).

1540 / 41. William Clay baptised at West Harling All Saints. Jan. 23rd.

1540. April 28th. Nettlestede. Mandate to John Cley rector of Whatfield to induct William Heckersall capm on presn of Thomas Wentworth. (Notes and Queries of the Counties).

1546. Will of Roger Cley of Beechamwell. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF.Liber 12 Hynde folio 28.).

1548. Messuage and 4 acres of land and pasture in tenure of Simon Cley in Moundford. Norfolk, (Calendar of Patent Rolls. vol. 2 membrane  23).

1551-53. Will of John Claye of Holt. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW will register Woodcocke folio 210).

1552. Will of John Claye proved at Stoke Ferry. Norfolk. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF Liber 13.Craneforth folio 361).

1552. Will of Simon Claye of Mundford. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF Liber 13 Craneforth folio 399).

1553. Johane son of Edmund Cley baptised at Attleborough. Norfolk. 26th November.

1554. Thomas son of Edmund Clay baptised at Attleborough. Norfolk. 17th February.

1555-56. Will of Margaret Claye of Mundford widow. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF Liber 15 Stoorye folio 144).

1556. Will of Richard Claye of Boughton. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF Liber 15 Stoorye folio 166).

1556. Admin. Robert Claye of Boughton. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- NCC admin act book 1555-58 folio 132).

1556. Dorothy daughter of Edmund Clay baptised at Attleborough. Norfolk. 14th April.

1557-58. Will of Edmund Cleye grocer of Attleborough. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF Liber 18 Lyncolne folio 7).

1557. Sept. 13th. Grant  to Thomas Guybon of Lyn Regis. Norfolk  of various properties including 1 acre  in Buketon alias Boughton in the tenure of Anne Cley. (TNA.- Calendar of Patent Rolls).

1558. Petrum Claye. Manor de Terrington in Norfolk. (Ref.- Norfolk Records volume 1 - 2).

1559. Margaret Clay married William Swanne at Great Yarmouth June 4th.

1559 / 60. Elizabeth Clay married Richard Tylles at Great Yarmouth. Jan.18th.

1560.Admin. John Claye of Blickling. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- NCC admin act book 1560-63. folio 65)

1562. Elizabeth Claye married Peter Bignye at Fincham. Oct. 24th.

1564. March 8th. Bargain and sale to Walter Cleye of Tilney yeoman of a messuage  called St Willyams and 5 acres of land adjoining and a woodyard containing half an acre in Tilney. (Antiq' of Norfolk).

1565. Elizabeth Clay baptised at Tilney. April 1st.

1565. Son of John Claye buried at Diss St Mary.

1565 / 66. Simond son of Walter Clay baptised at Tilney. Jan. 20th.

1566. Margaret Claye married John Flower at Norwich May 26th.

1570. Feb. 6th. Robert Cley to the Rectory of Tremeley. St Mary Norwich resigned. (Calendar of Patent Rolls vol 5).

1572. / 73. John Clay widower buried at Brockdish. Jan.1st.

1573. Katheryn Clay buried at Great Yarmouth July 6th.

1574. Brydget illigitimate daughter of Anne Claye baptised at South Walsham. Aug. 8th.

1575. Elizabeth Claye married William Watson at Kings Lynn July 25th.

1575 / 76. Rychard Clay married Lucy Dey at Great Yarmouth Feb. 7th.

1577-79. Will of Robert Claye of Thetford. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW Will Register Sellers folio 127).

1578. Thomas son of Peter Clay baptised at Tilney Oct. 19th.

1581. Humpfrey son of Peter Claye baptised at Tilney May 21st.

1581. Robert Clay married Elizabeth Cramp at North Elmham Oct.7th.

1583. Beatrice Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Clay baptised at North Elham. Norfolk. 2nd June.

1583. Admin. Thomas Claye of Wormegay. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF admin act book 1541-1602 folio 83).

1584. Margaret daughter of Edmond Claye baptised at Heydon June 14th.

1584-97. Will of Helen Claye of Tilney. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW will register Glover folio 26).

1584. Admin. William Claye of Sheringham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF admin act book 1541-1602 folio 99).

1585. John son of Thomas and Elizabeth Clay baptised at North Elmham. 21st November.

1587 / 88. Son of George Claye baptised at Moulton Feb. 26th.

1590. Leonard son of Thomas Clay buried at North Runston Dec.2nd.

1590. June 21st. North Elmham Church Wardens Accounts. - Paid to Claye for paving in the church.  (Notes and Queries of the Counties).

1591. North Elmham Church Warden Accounts. Paid to Thomas Claye for making a grave for Margaret Lambard. 4 pennies. (Notes and Queries of the Counties).

1591 / 92. Margery Clay married Thomas Smith at Norwich Jan.18th.

1591 / 92. Edmund Claye buried at Great Snoring March 18th.

1592. Edwardus son of Robert Clay baptised at Reepham April 9th.

1592. Ellyn daughter of Thomas Clay baptised at North Runcton in May.

1592. Thomas Clay (Householder) buried at North Elmham Sept.19th.

1593. Elizabeth Claye married Anthony Britis at North Elmham April 16th.

1593. Edyn Clay buried at North Runcton May 27th.

1593. John Clay married Agnes Halls at North Runcton Aug.30th.

1594. Dorothy Clay baptised at North Runcton Dec.22nd.

1595. Dorothy Clay buried at North Runcton June 27th.

1597. Vertue Clay buried at North Elmham April 2nd.

1597. Beatrice Clay of North Elmham buried at North Elmham. March 11th.

1598. Marie daughter of Henrie Claye baptised at Wareham March 25th.

1598. John son of George Clay baptised at Little Massingham Sept.14th.

1599. Johannes son of Johannes Claye baptised at Helhoughton April 29th.

1599. Peter son of Robert Clay baptised at Tilney Oct.14th.

1600. Nicholas son of George Claye baptised at Congham Dec.14th.

1600 / 01. Peter Claye buried at Wiggenhall Jan.24th.

1601. Frances daughter of John Claye of Dersingham baptised Nov.22nd.

1602. Elizabeth Clay married Robert Claxton at North Elmham Nov.25th.

1605. Will of John Claye of Dersingham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW will register Sawyer folio 305 no 253).

1606. Nicholas Cley acquires a cottage and piece of land called Taylors Rodd in the Manor of Sheringham Morley Hall. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- WKC1/455, 393X9).

1607. John Clay buried at Bodney Oct.13th.

1609. Admin. Peter Claye of Hevingham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANW22/2/313).

1612. Judith daughter of George Claye baptised at Norwich in Norfolk. June.14th.

1612. Judith daughter of George Claye buried at Norwich June 28th.

1612-13. Will of James Clay of Marham. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- ANF. Roe folio 421).

1613. Act Book Administration folio 34. James Clay of Marham. (Norfolk Record Office).

1613. Anthony son of George Clay baptised at Norwich. May.16th.

1613. Robert Clay married Margaret Bullocke at Marham Oct.10th.

1614. Richard son of William Claye baptised at Norwich June 22nd.

1614. Frances daughter of Robert Claye baptised at Marham Oct.12th.

1615. William son of George Clay baptised at Norwich. November. 3rd.

1616. May 1st. Grant by Robert Cley of Reepham husbandman to William Denny of Norwich of a piece of meadow in Reepham. (Miscellaneous Antiquities of Norfolk vol. 13).

1617 / 18. Nicholas Claye buried at Pulham March 16th.

1617 / 18. Allis wife of George Claye of Congham buried March 24th.

1618 .George Claye married Katherine Key at Congham June 26th.

1619. Christian daughter of George Clay baptised at Norwich. February.13th.

1619. Susan wife of Edward Clay her brother John was born in 1619. (Ref.- Debrett's Peerage of England).

1619-20. Will of Edward Clay of Denver. (Norfolk Record Office Ref.- folio 607 no 118).

1620. John Claye married Joan Chad at Congham. Sept.24th.

1620. Christian daughter of George Claye buried at Norwich. Nov. 5th.

1621. Margaret daughter of George Clay baptised at Norwich. January. 27th.

1621. George son of John Claye baptised at Congham. Oct.7th.

1621 / 22. Margaret daughter of George Claye baptised at Norwich. Jan. 27th.

1621 / 22. Cathrin wife of George Claye buried at Congham. March 20th.

1622. Joan wife of John Clay buried at Congham. May 24th.

1623. John Clay married Margery at Congham. Nov. 23rd.

1623. Hannah Clay married Henry Clayburne at Heigham. Nov. 27th.

1623. Sarah daughter of Robert and Catherine Clay baptised at Barton Turf. Norwich. 12th January.

1623. John Claye married Margery Lane ? at Congham. Nov. 23rd.

1623. Will of Robert Woodward Miles Clay is supervisor of his Will. (Book The Goodwins of East Anglia).

1623. Will of Moses Wall bequeaths to Richard Claye 6s.8d. (Book The Goodwins of East Anglia).

1624 .James son of John Claye baptised at Congham Sept.19th.

1624. Thomas son of John Claye buried at Congham Oct.12th.

1624. Margery wife of John Claye buried at Congham Oct. 30th.

1624. Margaret wife of George Claye buried at Norwich Nov. 7th.

1625. Agnes wife of George Clay buried at Congham Oct.15th.

1626. John son of John Claye baptised at Congham Aug. 27th.

1626 / 27. George Claye buried at Norwich Jan. 22nd.

1627 / 28.  Audrye daughter of John Claye baptised at Congham March 2nd.

1628. Agnes wife of George Claye buried at Congham Oct.15th.

1628-29. Inventory of Christopher Clay of Aldeburgh. Sailor. (Ref.- Norfolk Record Office - DN/INV34/31).

1629. Nicholas son of George Claye buried at Congham July 8th.

1629. Richard Clay son of Widow Clay buried at Norwich Dec. 5th.

1629. Will of Robert Claye of Massfenn. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- NCC Originall Will number 108).

1629-30. Inventory of Robert Claye. Diocese of Norwich. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- DN/INV35/149).

1630. Elizabeth daughter of John Clay baptised at Congham April 4th.

1630. Robert son of William and Anne Clay baptised at Great Yarmouth Aug. 1st.

1634. Alice daughter of John and Elizabeth Clay baptised at Repps with Bastwick. Norfolk. 7th November.

1636. Frances daughter of John and Elizabeth Clay baptised at Repps with Bastwick. 10th April.

1639. Frances Clay of Repps with Bastwick buried 2nd October.

1646. John Clay defendant in a Norfolk Court Case over money matters. (Atkinson v Clay. - TNA Ref.- C5/406/47).

1650. Will of William Claye (Cley) mariner of Sheringham Hythe. ( Norfolk Archives Ref.- NCC Will  reg Battelle 43).

1658. John Clay apprentice of Thomas Greene chandler.  (Calendar of Deeds relating to Norwich).

1664. John Clay. Tallow Chandler (Candle Dealer) of Kings Lynn. Merchants Coin.- See Home Page - Clay Currency.

1670. Sept. 29th. Will of Joane Shinfield of Methwold to Ann Clay 10 shillings to my aunt Clay 10 shillings to Demy Clay 10 shillings. (Calendar of Wills).

1672. Jan. 15th. Bond to William Clay of Norwich. Worsted Weaver. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- NRS6106 .20E5).

1672. Jan. 24th. Indenture of Recovery. John Clay of Norwich. Worsted Weaver and William Clay of Norwich. Worsted Weaver. Messuage of 2 low rooms and a buttery in St Edmunds. Norwich with use of the Well there. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- NRS6107. 20E5).

1676. Admin / Act Book. Robert Clay of Great Yarmouth. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW admin / actbook folio 152).

1679. Oct. 8th. Bond to William Clay of Norwich. Worsted Weaver of a tenement in St John. Timberhill. Norwich and All Saints Ber Street. Norwich. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- NRS11223.26A2).

1684.  Aug. 13th. Robert son of John Clay departed from Norwich to Maryland. USA.

1686. Norfolk. Samuel Scott tallowchandler apprentice of John Clay. (Ref.- TNA. Calendar of the ------- ? ).

1686. Oct. 17th. Marriage Licence Bond. John Clay of Thetford. Norfolk tailor and widower and Elizabeth Osborne  single of Brandon. Suffolk. (Suffolk Record Office Bury St Edmunds. E14/8/1/1/295).

1689. Will of William Clay of Norwich. Worsted Weaver. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW Will Register 1689 folio 83. no 38).

1692. Thomas Clay defendant in a courtcase concerning money in Norfolk.(TNA Ref.- C8/347/63).

1694. Feb. 10th. Indenture to John Clay of Norwich. Worsted Weaver. Tenement with buildings and garden in St John. Timberhill. Norwich and All Saints Ber St. Norwich. (Norfolk Ref.- NRS11225.26A2).

1694. Feb. 11th. Discharge of purchase money John Clay of Heigham. Worsted Weaver and Mary his wife to Robert Osborne. Tenement in St John. Timberhill. Norwich and All Saints Beere St. Norwich -----(Norfolk Archives Ref.- NRS11221.262).

1714. John Clay gentleman defendant in court case - plaintiff William Norman of Norwich. (TNA Ref.- C11/1966/34).

1714. July 8th.  Marriage License Bond. George Clay of Kings Lynn to Mary Landidge. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/4/104).

1716. Oct. 25th.  Littleport Parish Church. Indenture apprenticing Thomas Peckitt to Edward Clay of Denver. Norfolk.  (Cambridgeshire Archives Ref.- KP109/14/26).

1721-23. Will of Thomas Clay of Dilham. (Norfolk Archives Ref.-  folio 5 no. 8).

1722-23. Inventory of George Clay of Downham. Norwich.(Ref.- Norfolk Record Office -DN/INV75A/11).

1729.-30. Will of Thomas Clay of Dilham. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- folio 715 no. 73).

1731. George Clay. Freeman of Lynn. (Calendar of Deeds relating to Norwich).

1731. Jan.16th. Marriage License Bond. James Clay of Great Yarmouth to Elizabeth Burrill. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/9/166).

1733. Nov. 22nd. Marriage License Bond. Frances Clay of Great Yarmouth to John Rudrom. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/12/192).

1734. James Cley and Samuel Cley  listed in a Norfolk Poll Book in a long list of people. (Ref.- Norfolk Poll Book page 163).

1739. Debts of several creditors of George Clay late of Kings Lynn. Merchant. Bankrupt. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- BL/CS1/1/1).

1739 to 1747. Sir Henry Bedingfield a Norfolk catholic sponsored 2 boys Master Richard Clay and Master Edward Clay to be educated at the Catholic College of St  Omar in France.  A college established to educate young English catholics.  He paid £50 a year  for their board and lodgings. (Bedingfield Papers vol. 6 by the Catholic Record Society).

1743. Removal Order. Thomas Clay and Mary his wife from Suffolk to Diss. Norfolk.- (Ref.- Suffolk Record Office.Ipswich Branch. EG4/G/4/26).

1748. Nov. 3rd. Norwich Corporation order to pass, James Clay vagrant. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- NCR15c/1/15).

1750. Jan. 3rd. Marriage License Bond.  James Clay of Norwich to Rachael  Edgoose. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/23/150).

1751. July 31st. Marriage License Bond. James Clay of Great Yarmoth to Mary Harrison. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/25/57).

1756. Nov. 20th. All persons shall be prosecuted for poaching in the Manor of Clay Hall in the parish of Witchingham. (Ipswich Journal).

1759. March 12th. Marriage License Bond. James Clay of Aylsham to Anne Flegg. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/33//107).

1768. James Clay listed in Norfolk Poll Book.

1778. Will of Thomas Thompson of Hockwold with Wilton  gent to my niece Mary Clay of Sutton £50 to my kinsman John Clay of Sutton. £20. (Will).

1779. July 5th. Marriage License Bond. Mary Clay of Great Yarmouth  to Joseph Smith. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW24/53/32).

1784. May 24th. Settlement Certificate of Hannah Clay widow and daughter Mary.  Dillham parish - North Walsham. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- PD711/296/1/68)

1784. Will of Richard Clay of Burnham Westgate. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- folio 174 no.47).

1785. May 21st. Bankrupt. David Clay of Friday Street. Norfolk  gauze weaver. (Ref. - Ipswich Journal May 21st page 1).

1786. Will of James Clay of Great Yarmouth. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW will register 1786-87 folio 29 no.16).

1813-15. Correspondence - bankruptcy of Edward Clay. Merchant. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- BL/BG9/2/2).

1818-19. Admin / Bond. James Clay of Great Yarmouth. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW admin /

1824-26. Bond. Samuel Clay of Norwich. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- NCC administration bonds 1824-1826 no.3).

1829. Will of William Clay of Norwich. (Norfolk Archives Ref.- ANW will register 1828-31 folio 116 no.98).

1832. Norfolk Quarter Sessions. John Clay sentenced to 14 years transportation to New South Wales. Australia. (Ref.- British Convicts Transportation Registers).

1842. Dec.16th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Robert Thomas Clay and John Deek under the name of  Clay and Co as Wine and Spirit Merchants at Thetford in County of Norfolk and Suffolk has been dissolved by mutual consent and in future the business will be carried on at Thetford by Robert Thomas Clay. (London Gazette page 3729).

1847. April 29th. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between John Clay and Edward Cooke at the City of Norwich Leather Cutters was dissolved by mutual consent. (Ref.- Gazette Newspaper).

1873. William Clay owner of 10 acres of land at Upwell. Norfolk. (Ref.- Publication.- Return of Owners of Land by John Lambert 1875)

Parish Register Transcripts should be checked with the originals.


1539. Robert Cley buried at Kirby Cane. Aug. 17th.

1540. William Cley buried at Hunstanton. April 26th.

1543 / 44. Rose Cley married William Leeke at Norwich. Jan. 28th.

1549 / 50. William Cley buried at Reepham Feb. 25th.

1552. Elizabeth daughter of Edmond Cley baptised at Attleborough Oct.16th.

1553. Johan daughter of Edmond Cley baptised at Attleborough. Nov. 26th.

1554. Alice Cley buried at Reepham Aug.10th.

1554 / 55. Thomas son of Edmond Cley baptised at Attleborough Feb.17th.

1556. Dorothy daughter of Edmond Cley baptised at Attleborough April 14th.

1557. Roger Cley married Margaret Barker at Reepham Nov. 30th.

1557. Edmond Cley buried at Attleborough Dec.11th.

1558. Margaret Cley buried at Reepham May 11th.

1558. Jone Cley buried at Great Yarmouth Aug. 26th.

1559. Agnes Cley married Robert Makynne at Attleborough May 29th.

1560. Margaret Cley buried at Reepham May 29th.

1560. Roger Cley married Johanna Arnold at Reepham Sept.12th.

1560. Joan Cley married Mark Boyd at Intwood with Keswick Oct.15th.

1561. Robert son of Roger Cley baptised at Reepham June 19th.

1562 / 63. Amia ? daughter of Roger Cley baptised at Reepham Feb. 21st.

1564. Richard Cley married Alice Gaunte at Reepham July 20th.

1564 / 65. William son of Roger Cley baptised at Reepham Feb.15th.

1566. Petrus son of Roger Cley baptised at Reepham Dec. 24th.

1568. Roger son of Roger Cley baptised at Reepham Dec.19th.

1569. Crysten daughter of Rychard Cley baptised at Oxwick with Pattesley. Aug. 28th.

1570. Roger Cley buried at Reepham March 27th.

1571 / 72. Anna Cley buried at Heydon Feb.2nd.

1573. Walter son of Peter Cley baptised at Tilney Aug. 2nd.

1575. Robert son of Peter Cley baptised at Tilney Sept.13th.

1577. William son of Henry Cley baptised at Attleborough. Dec. 8th.

1580. Margaret wife of Edmund Cley buried at Heydon Aug. 6th.

1581. Humfrey son of Peter Cley baptised at Tilney May 21st.

1581. Edmund Cley married at Heydon Oct. 8th.

1582. Johanna daughter of Edmund Cley baptised at Heydon Sept.30th.

1583. Johanna daughter of Edmund Cley buried at Heydon Dec.28th.

1589. Isabell daughter of Simond Cley baptised at Tilney June 8th.

1590. Robert Cley married Agnes Woods at Reepham Oct.28th.

1592. Edward Cley buried at Reepham April 13th.

1593. Roger Cley buried at Reepham Aug.16th.

1593 / 94. Elizabeth daughter of Robert Cley baptised at Reepham Feb.11th.

1600. William son of Robert Cley baptised at Reepham April 8th.

1601. William son of Robert Cley buried ? at Reepham Oct.16th.

1602. Fanstina daughter of Robert Cley at Reepham Oct. 30th.

1614. Elizabeth Cley married William Dacke ? at Reepham Oct. 31st.

1623 / 24. Sara daughter of Robert and Catherine Cley baptised at Barton Turf. Jan.10th.

1624. Robert Cley married Catherine Balls at Barton Turf Oct. 20th.

1626. Richard son of Robert Cley buried at Barton Turf May 2nd.

1630. Ann wife of Robert Cley buried at Reepham May 10th.

1636. Maria daughter of John and Maria Cley baptised at Hindringham May 8th.

1636. Joan Cley married John Rackey ? at Norwich June 3rd.

1636 / 37. Johes son of Johes and Maria Cley buried at Hindringham March 23rd.

1637. Robert Cley buried at Reepham Dec.20th.

1641. Anne Cley married James Woods at Great Yarmouth July 18th.

1647 / 48. George son of Anthony and Mary Cley baptised at Norwich Jan. 26th.

1649 / 50. Winifred Cley widow buried at Reepham Jan. 28th.

1651. Thomas son of John Cley baptised at South Walsham April 10th.

1652 / 53. Elizabeth daughter of John Cley baptised at South Walsham March 8th.

1698. John son of Robert and Elizabeth Clay baptised at St Peter's. Thetford. Norwich. Bishop's Transcript.

1739. Oct.13th. Bankrupt. George Clay of Kings Lynn. Merchant. (Ipswich Journal).

1379 Norfolk Poll tax. (TNA Ref.- E179).

Willemus Cley and Johannes Cley of Northwold taxed 6d each.- (TNA Ref.- E179/149/51d m1 c2).

Johannes son of Walteri Cley of Northwold taxed 4d. - (TNA Ref.- E179/149/51d.m2).

Magota and daughter Isabella of Quidenham taxed 8d. - (TNA Ref.- E179/149/55 m2.c1).

Johannes de Cley and daughter Agnes of Blo. Norton taxed 4d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/149/55d.m3).

Willemus Clay of Bridgham taxed 4d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/242/27/1. c1).

Ricardus in the Cley of Wroxham with Salhouse taxed 4d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/238/112/1d).

Johannes Cley of Redenhall taxed 4d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/149/49/1.c1).

Johannes Cley senior of Pulham taxed 4d.- (TNA Ref.- E179/149/49/1.c2).

1851 Census. Hamlet Pockthorpe. Norfolk.

Barrack Street.

Joseph Clay age 39 Bricklayer  Born  Norwich. Norfolk.

Betty Clay age   33 Wife  Domestic Worker  Born  Seamer. Yorkshire.

Betty Clay age  7  Daughter Scholar                   Born  Norwich. Norfolk.

Mary Clay age  5  Daughter  Scholar                  Born  Norwich.

Joseph Clay age  3  Son   Scholar                          Born  Norwich.                            

Eliza Clay age  1  Daughter                                      Born  Norwich.

1851 Census. St Margarets. Kings Lynn. Norfolk.

Portland Street.

Wentworth Clay age 43  Railways Manager  Born  Huddersfield. Yorkshire.

Mary Ann Clay age  34  Wife                                   Born  Portsmouth. Hampshire.

Wentworth  Finleyson  Clay age 5 Son   Born  Norwich.  Norfolk.

Richard Clay age 3  Son  Born  Norwich.

Francis Clay age  2   Son  Born Lowestoft. Suffolk.

John Clay age  1   Son       Born  West Winch. Norfolk.

1851 Census. St Clement Within. Norwich. Norfolk.

John Clay age 50  Shopman to Leather Cutter  Born  Chelmsford. Essex.

Mary Maria Clay age 51 Wife  Born  Yarmouth. Norfolk.

1851 Census. St Augustine. Norwich. Norfolk.

Middle Street.

Jane Clay age 77  Widow  Pauper  Born Norwich.

Sarah Haynes age 70  Sister  Pauper  Born Norwich.

1851 Census. West Winch. Norfolk.

Thomas Slanner Head of Household.

Mary Ann Clay age 31 Daughter  Coopers Wife   Born  West Winch. Norfolk.

William H. Clay age 33  Son in Law. Cooper at Setch Brewery  Born  Gainsborough Town.

1851 Census. Strumpshaw. Norfolk.

Martha Clay age 27 unmarried  Lodger  Born  Thorpe. Norfolk.

Niece living with Stanford family.

1851 Census. Strumpshaw. Norfolk.

Mary Louisa Clay age 23  Housemaid Servant  Born  Thorpe. Norfolk.

Living with Whitbread Family. Vicar.

1851 Census. St Johns. Timberhill. Norfolk.

Woolpack Yard.

Susanna Clay age 63  Widow  Cake Seller  Born  Norwich. Norfolk.

1861 Census. Cley. Norfolk.

Susanna M. Clay age 41  Mariners Wife.  Born Balla. Norfolk.

Georgina Clay age 16  Daughter  Scholar Born Cley. Norfolk. 

William Clay age 13  Son  Scholar Born Cley. Norfolk.

James Clay age 11 Son  Scholar  Born Cley. Norfolk.

William Clay age 9 Son  Scholar  Born Cley. Norfolk.

Arthur S. Clay age 7 Son  Scholar  Born Cley. Norfolk.

George J. Clay age 4  Son Scholar Born  Cley. Norfolk. 

Walter J. Clay age 2  Son Scholar  Born  Cley. Norfolk.

1871 Census. Lingwood. Norfolk.

Anna Maria Clay age 13  Domestic Servant. Born Norfolk.

Living with Barratt family.

1881 Census. Yarmouth. Norfolk.

Sarah Elizabeth Clay age 34  Fishermans Wife  Born Norwich. Norfolk.

William C. Clay age  0  Son  Born Yarmouth. Norfolk.

1881 Census. Lingwood. Norfolk.

Martha Clay age 53  Single.  Laundry Woman. Inmate.  Born Blofield. Norfolk .

1881 Census. Mileham. Norfolk.

Robert Barber age  54  Ag.Lab.  Born North Pickenham. Norfolk.

Harriett Clay age 24  Daughter  Married.  Born North Pickenham. Norfolk.

James H. Petch. age 3  Grandson. Born  Lancashire.

1881 Census. Norwich. Norfolk.

Harriett Clay age 69  Widow. Charwoman.  Born Florden. Norfolk.

Clay's out of County - 1881 Census. St Pancras. London.

Joseph Clay age 33  Wire Worker.  Born Norwich.  Norfolk..

Emma Clay age 35 Wife  Born Shoreditch. Middlesex.

5 children Born St Pancras.

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