Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay Miscellaneous

A miscellaneous section regarding English Clay's who appear to have served as soldiers in the north and in Scotland but can't be clearly connected to any counties of England.

1298 Jan. 12th.  Willelmus de Cleye with a number of others have Letters of Protection. Witnessed at Langele. (Ref.- Book - Scotland in 1298 Documents relating to the campaign of King Edward page 17)

1298. Nicholas del Clay with a number of others have Letters of Protection. (Ref.- Book - Scotland in 1298. Documents relating to the campaign of King Edward page 13).

1298. Aug. 8th. Stirling. Pardon by Robert de Ver. Earl of Oxford to John de Rameseye  son of William de Cley for the death of John Elene of Hadestok by reason of his service in Scotland. (Calendar of     --  - Patent Rolls  Edw 1. 1292 - 1301 vol. 3 membrane 8).

1303 - 04. March 1st. John earl of Warenne acknowledges to Richard Bremesgrave that he has taken this day from the store of wine at Edinborough 5 iron hooped barrels by the hand of Jalke Cley. (Ref.- -- Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 2 page 382).

1303. Nov.10th. Dunfermline. William son of Elias the clerk of Belton. Scotland for the death of William de Claie. (Calendar of Patent Rolls Edw. 1. vol. 4 membrane 1).

1304. March 5th. Sir Robert Hastings received at Berwick upon Tweed from John de Cley valet of Sir Richard Bremesgrave  20 quarters of salt. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 2 p. 444).

1307.  Oct. 28th. Linlithgot. Scotland. Pardon of Robert de Blakewell for the death of John son of Simon del Cley and for other felonies. (Calendar of Patent Rolls. King Edward 1).

1311 - 12. April last. Johannis del Cley - Latin - Nigrum Almond translate "Black Diamond". (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 3 page 422).

1311 - 12. Johannis del Clay. - Latin - scutiferorum translates "Shield with wild animals" also Latin - hominum ad arma translates "Man at arms" - he was paid for 365 days. (Cal. Docs. Scotland vol. 3 p 410).

1311 - 12. Willemus de Clays. nigrum. Large list of names. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 3 page 428).

1312. May 1st. Wm. de Bevercote, Wm. son of Hugh de Hawyk both listed with John de Clay esq at Christmas. Listed under Protections. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 5 page 459).

1312. John del Clay esq at Edinburgh Castle. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 3 page 473).

1314. Sept. 25th. John de Clay and 2 others listed under Protections going to Scotland to free Walter de Bello imprisoned there. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 5).

1316. Sept. 28th. John atte Clay listed as being under Protection along with 80 others. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland. TNA Ref.- C71/9 membrane 8).

1316. Nov. 20th. William de Claye and a number of others listed as defending Alnwick Castle. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 5).

1319. Aug. 4th. Letters of Protection for Nicholas del Clay and a number of others. (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 5 page 486).

1464. April 19th. To Sir John Clay knight attending the Kings person by his command in his expedition against the rebels in the north from the Feast of All Saints 1462 to january following for his costs  -----  £40.  (Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland vol. 4 page 273).


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The items below are credited to - AHRC - Funded. 'The Soldier in Later Medieval Database'

                          Soldiers of Medieval England. (Their counties are unknown).

    Name                Rank         Service         Captain            Lieutenant     Commander   Service Date.

Thomas Clay.   Archer     France     Lord Robt. Willoughby            King Edward   1370. July 8th                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

John Clay.  Man at Arms.  France.  Sir Robt. Knolles.                       King Edward   1370. July 8th.

Cifriet Clay esq . Man at Arms. France Lord Edw. Despencer.   King Edward  1372. Aug.15th.

John Clay esq.  Man at Arms. France. Lord Edw. Despencer.      King Edward   1372. Aug. 15th.

John Clay.  Man at Arms. Navy. Sir William Neville. Sir Clanevowe. John of Gaunt. 1378. June  1st..

Nicholas Clay. Man at Arms. Navy. Sir Wm Neville. Sir Clanevowe. John of Gaunt. 1378. June 1st.

John de Clay. Man at Arms. Scotish March. Sir Wm. Fulthorpe.         Earl Henry Percy. 1383 – 1385.

John Clay. Man at Arms. Berwick Garrison. Sir Degary Seys.             Sir Degary Seys.  1384. Jan. 24th.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Nicholas Clay. Man at Arms. Berwick Garrison. Sir Degary Seys.     Sir Degary Seys. 1384. Jan. 24th.

Richard Clay. Archer. Berwick Garrison. Sir Degary Seys.                     Sir Degary Seys.  1384. Jan. 24th.

John de Clay. Man at Arms. Scottish March. Earl Hen. Percy. Sir Fulthorpe. John of Gaunt. 1384. Feb. 1st.

John Clay. Man at Arms. Berwick Garrison. Sir Degary Seys.             Sir Degary Seys. 1384. March 1st

Nicholas Clay. Man at Arms. Berwick Garrison. Sir Degary Seys.     Sir Degary Seys.  1384. March 1st.

Richard Clay. Archer. Berwick Garrison.  Sir Degary Seys.                   Sir Degary Seys. 1384. March 1st.

Edmund Clay. Chief Justice. Ireland.                                                                                                      1381 – 1389.

John Clay esq. Man at Arms. Navy. Sir Thomas Poynings.                     Earl fitz Alan.    1388. May.

Richard Clay esq. Man at Arms. Navy. Sir Thomas Poynings.               Earl fitz Alan.    1388. May.

Nicholas Clay esq. Man at Arms. Navy. Sir Thomas Poynings.             Earl fitz Alan.    1388. May.

William Clay. Archer. Naval Expedition. Sir Ralph Vernon.                   Earl fitz Alan.     1388. May.

John Clay.Yeoman Valet. Archer. France. Lord Roos of Helmsley.     King Henry V.   1415.

John Clay. Yeoman. Valet. Sick List. France. Lord Roos of Helmsley. King Henry V.  1415

Robert Clay. Archer. Expedition France. Sir Hugh Luterell.                    King Henry V.  1417.

John de Clay. Archer. Expedition France. Earl John Holland.                 King Henry V.  1417.

John Clay. Man at Arms. Expidition France. Earl Henry Percy.             King Henry V.  1417.

Roger Clay. Yeoman Valet. Archer. France. Nicholas Bolde.                   Duke of Bedford. 1420.

John Clay. Man at Arms. Expedition France.                                                                               1421.May.

John Clay. Man at Arms. Garrison of Rouen.                                                                               1422.

John Clay. Official Retinue, Bailli of Rouen. Sir John Salvayn.                                           1423. Nov.10.

Lawrence Clay. Garrison of Tombelaine. Laurence Halden.                                                1424.

John Clay. Archer. Siege of Oricans. Sir Nichols Burdet.                                                       1429. Jan. 4th.

John de Clay. Garrison of Rouen. John Clay. (Captain).                                                         1429. Dec.18th.

John de Clay. Garrison of Rouen. John Clay. (Captain).                                                         1430. Apr. 26th.

Laurence Clay. Archer. Siege of Louviers. Sir Richard Lowick.                                          1430. Oct. 17th.

Robert Clay. Retinue in the Field. Thierry Robessart.                                                            1432. July 31st.

Robert Clay. Siege of St Denis. Sir Andrew Ogard.                                 Lord Thomas Scales. 1435. 

John de Clay esq. Man at Arms. Garrison Rouen. Duke Bedford. Liet/Captain. John Clay. 1435. Aug. 4th..

Peter de Clay. Man at Arms. Garrison Rouen. Duke of Bedford. Liet/Captain. John Clay. 1435. Aug. 4th.

Robert Clay. Man at Arms. Garrison of Vire. Sir Andrew Ogard. Thos Ellingham.  1435. Nov. 28th.

Pierre Clay. Man at Arms. Garrison of Rouen. John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury.      1436 .Sep. 29th.

Nicholas Clay. German. Archer. Garrison Vire. Lord Thos.Scales. Ellis Longworth. 1437. July 2nd.

John de Clay. Man at Arms. Rouen Castle. Earl John Talbot. John Clay.                         1437. July. 27th.

Nicholas Clay. German. Archer Garrison Vire. Lord Scales. Ellis Longwoth.                1437. July 30th.

John de Clay esq. Man at Arms. Rouen Castle. Duke of York. Earl John Talbot.        1437. Aug. 27th.

Pierre Clay. Man at Arms. Siege of Tancarville. John Lord Darcy. Earl John Talbot. 1437. Sept. 8th.

John Clay. Manat Arms. Rouen Castle. Richard Duke of York. John Talbot.                 1437. Oct. 26th.

John de Clay esq. Man at Arms. Rouen Castle. Richard Duke of York. John Talbot.  1437. Nov.16th..

Nicholas Clay. Archer. Garrison Vire. Lord Thos. Scales. Hugh Carrington.                   1437. Dec.19th..

John Clay. Man at Arms. Garrison Honfleur. Sir Wm. Mountfort.                                        1438. Jan. 3rd.

John Clay. Man at Arms. Garrison Honfleur. Sir Wm. Mountfort.                                        1438. Oct. 22nd.

John Clay. Archer. In the Field. Rernay. Mathew Gough.   Duke John Beaufort.          1440. Feb. 17th.

John Clay. Archer. Siege of Dangu.                                                Lord Wm. Neville.                 1440. March 13th.

William Clay. Archer. Expedition France. Duke J. Beaufort. Sir Robt. Vere. Duke John Beaufort. 1443. July 17th.

Phillip Clay. Archer. Expedition France. Duke J. Beaufort. Sir Robt. Vere. Hugh Parker.  1443. July 17th.

Roger Clay. Archer. Expedition France. Duke John Beaufort. Peter Davy. Duke John Beaufort.1443. July 17th.

William Clay. Archer.  Garrison Ponte de l'Arche. Lord Willoughby.                                       1444. March 3rd.

Johan de Clay. Garrison Normandy.                                                                                                           1446. Oct.1st.

Clay Surname Variations


Robert Claye. Archer. Harflieur Garrison. Sir Hugh Lutterell. Count Thomas Beaufort. 1418.

John Claye. Man at Arms. Rouen Garrison. Sir John Salvyn. 1424. Oct.1st.

John de Claye Esq. Rouen Garrison.  John Clay. 1430. Jan. 30th.

Robert Claye. Man at Arms. Vire Garrison.  Sir Andrew Ogard. 1434. Nov. 5th.

John Claye. Archer. Rouen  Garrison.  Guilloton Andrew. 1436. June 1st.

Robert Claye. Man at Arms. Caudebec Garrison. John Talbot. Earl of Shrewsbury. 1436.June 20th.

Bertran de la Claye.  Archer. Pontoise Garrison. John Talbot. 1439. Oct. 20th.


Robert Cley. Man at Arms. Naval. Earl Hugh Courtney. Hugh Courtney. 1418. April.

John Cley. Man at Arms. Rouen Garrison. Sir John Harpelay. Thomas Beaufort. 1422.

Walter Cley. Archer. Expedition France. Richard Duke of York. Richard Duke of York. 1441.


Henry Clee. Wales. Henry V. King of England. 1407. April 18th.

(The Medeival Soldiers are taken from the website "The Soldier in Later Medieval England" with all credit to the team at the University of Southampton.

1348. June 1st. Letter of Protection for Roger de la Claye who was with Reginald de Cobham. (TNA.- Records of Crecy and Calais).

Undated Index, page 434 gives Rogerus de la Cleie - Latin reads - Pleadings in the House of Westminster. (Ref.- PC2024).

Undated. Thomas Clay vicar of the choir at Lincoln Cathedral. (Ref.- Monastic Anglicanum page 1291). 

Records of  Clay's in Wales.

1635 Aug. 9th. Baptism of Luke Clay son of Richard and Katherin Clay at Hanmer. Flintshire. Wales. (Ref.- Bishops Transcript).

1636. Jan. 30th. Baptism and Burial of John son of Richard Clay in the parish of Hanmer. Flintshire. Wales. (Ref.- Bishops Transcript).

1639. June 30th. Baptism of Anne daughter of Richard and Katherin Clay at Hanmer. Flintshire. Wales. (Ref.- Bishops Transcript).

1671. July 1st. Burial of Richard Clay and Katherine his wife at Hanmer. Flintshire. Wales. (Ref.- Bishops Transcript).

1682.July 21st. Baptised Richard son of Luke Clay at Banger on Dee. Flintshire. Wales. (Ref.- Bishops Transcript).

1725. April 10th. Assignment of a lease at Overton in Wales. Witness John Clay of Whitchurch in Wales. (National Library of Wales. Ref.- Pulston Family Citation Number 1,036).

1740. May 23rd. Francis Clay cutler of Swansea and three others concerning Tithes. (National Library of Wales. Ref.- SD/CCB/C (G)/1584).

1756. Will / Inventory of Roger Havard Clay. Blower / Yeoman of Glasbury parish. Diocese of Brecon. Radnorshire. Wales. (National Library of Wales. Ref.- BR/1756/36).

1785. Oct.1st. Copy of the Will of Roger Hanmer of Mawsgwaylod. Fintshire. Wales. Witness Richard Clay and 2 others. (Shropshire Archives Ref.- 484/443).

1864. Feb. 12th. Milford Haven. Hannah Clay begs to return her humble but very grateful thanks to her many kind friends who so generously subscribed to her relief and that of her fatherless child during the late severe affliction that had suddenly befallen her. (The Pembrokeshire Herald page 3).

1864. March 26th. Chepstow. Henry Clay esq has thrown open the Wyndcliff free of charge  for the enjoyment of the public until the 1st November provided visitors will confine themselves to the walks and will abstain from cutting or injuring any of the trees or saplings. On the same condition admission will also be given to Piercefield Walks entering at the Lion Lodge only. (The Illustrated Usk Observer).

1865. Jan. 7th. On Dec. 30th last at Brecon, Sarah widow of the late Mr John Clay of Castle Madoc Farm. Breconshire died aged 88. (The Brecon Reporter page 8).

1870. Magistrate. Henry Clay Esq of Princefields. Monmouthshire. (County Directory).

1875. July 6th. The waterworks at Chepstow were formely opened  by Miss Clay of Piercefield in the presence of Mr H. Clay and others. A good supply of pure spring water is now brought almost to the doors of the cottages and houses. There are 4 public taps in excellent working order. (South Wales Daily Newspaper page 3).

1878. Jan.16th. The studio of Mr Arthur Clay the artist at Shere near Guilford has been burned down and pictures valued at £3,000 destroyed. (The Western Mail. page 2).

1883. Oct. 1st. Chepstowe Board of Guardians . The weekly meeting of this board was held on Saturday last under the Presidency of Mr Henry Clay. (The Western Mail Newspaper).

1888. March 20th. Mr Charles Clay (Swansea)  was unanimously appointed Head Constable for the Borough at a meeting of the Brecon Watch Committee. (The Western Mail page 7).

1890. Oct. 21st. The wedding on Monday morning of Mr Charles Victor Clay second son of Mr Edward Clay. Traffic Inspector with Miss Lizzie Leonard was solomised at the old church at Merthyr. The bridesmaids were Miss Lizzie Clay and Miss Polly Leonard. (South Wales Daily News page 7).

1897. July 19th. William Clay the well known  Cardiff cyclist  succeeded in covering 26 miles 21 yards thus smashing the previous record. A n official timekeeper was present. (Evening Express page 3).

1899. April 29th. Mr Henry Clay was on Saturday elected chairman of the Chepstow Board of Guardians. (Weekly Mail page 3).

1899. Dec. 30th. On Friday morning Miss E. L. Clay daughter of Mr Henry Clay of Piercefield Park met with an accident whilst out hunting with Mr Curre's hounds at Hayes Gate . It seems that the horse she was riding was a young 3 year old shied and threw Miss Clay who received such injuries as to necessitate medical attention. Happily the injuries were not very serious and she was able to drive home. (The Western Mail page 6).

1890. Jan. 11th. Young Clay son of Jevington Clay the trainer is a promising apprentice in Joe Cannon's stables and rides well. (South Wales Echo page 3).

1893. Sept. 3rd. A builder named David James was summoned for assaulting Charles Clay of number1 Radnor Road. Canton over a dispute of furniture, James  struck Clay in the face. The Bench considered the assault proved and fined Evans 5 shillings and costs. (South Wales Daily News).

1901. June 29th. On Saturday evening  an inquest was held at the Vanguard Hotel. Merthyr touching the death which occured the previous day of Mrs Clay wife of Mr Edward Clay for many years station master of the Taff Vale Railway at Merthyr. Mrs Clay had partially swallowed her set of false teeth and died from suffocation. A  verdict to this effect was returned. (The Cardiff Times page 3).

1904. April 2nd. Chepstow Agricultural Society. Mr Henry Clay presided and was re - elected president of the Society. A large committee was appointed with Mr Hastings Clay Hon. Secretary. It was decided to hold this years show on the following August Bank Holiday, Mr Clay kindly granted Piercefield Park for the purpose. (County Observer page 5).

1904. March 11th. A presentation was made to Mis E. Mona Clay on her leaving Barry to take up position as inspector under the Manchester Education Committee she was presented with a valuable gold brooch and a travelling clock. Her departure is very much regretted by her co teachers in Barry. (Barry Herald Newspaper page 3).

1908. Aug. 27th. An old lady of 94 Mrs Jessie Clay widow of the Rev. John Clay died at Ambleside on Sunday. (The Welsh Coast Pioneer page 9).

1909. Jan. 2nd. Colliers Wild Conduct. - Disturbance and Assault at the pit. Charles Clay age 34 was summoned for creating a distubance at the Vivian Colliery on Dec.14th with being drunk and assaulting Alfred Evans a master haulier, owing to their neglect trucks had been derailed and Clay who had only one arm kicked Evans  and threw a brick at him. Clay was fined £6. (The Cardiff Times page 8).

1909. April 26th. Mr Curre's hounds met at Piercefield Park today when there was a good attendance including Miss Clay, Miss Molly Clay and Mr Hastings Clay. Mr Henry Clay presented Joe Winter the whip and kennel huntsman with a purse of 100 guineas and wished him every success with the Heredfordshire Hunt. (Evening Express Newspaper page 2).

1909. July 2nd. New Magistrate. Dr Clay of Holyhead qualified as a County Justice. (The North Wales Express page 5).

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