Research by David Clay       Email:

Clay of Hertfordshire

St Mary's Church at Cheshunt. Sir John Clay lived in this parish in the 1400s.

Clay's are documented in the county of Herts from the 1300s.

1301 - 1304. The Seal of  John de Clay of Hertfordshire. (TNA Ref. - PRO 23/4973). See  it in section Clay Artefacts.

1327. February. 23rd. Manor of Gorthambury. Inquisition  taken at St Albans by the oath of John atte Clay and 12 others who say that Alphonsus de Veer held the Manor of Westwicke near St Albans of the Abbot and Convent of St Albans. ( Ref.- History of Hertfordshire vol. 3).

1332. Grant by Robert Shepperde of Berkamstode to Richard Clay and Henry Clay of Berkamstode of a messuage in Berkamstode and land in Halymote in Berkamstode county Hertford also lands in Whytchurch county Buckingham. (Ref.- Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the TNA).

1349. Will of John de Clay of Hertford. Herts. Mentions Elizabeth his daughter also mentions John de Clay is left 2s.6d also mentions Robert de Clay and either Richard or Ralph ? (Ref.- Will is at York).

1351. Nov. 8th. Sir John Clay receives a grant at Berkhamsted Castle of 26s.8d from the Prince. (Ref. - Register of the Black Prince vol. 4 Folio 19 see the register near end of this section 1351- 1364).

1355. Feb. 10th. Richard Clay of Berkhamstede  and 6 others witness to a land grant at Berkhamstede. (TNA. Calendar of Close Rolls).

1356. Nov. 24th. From London. Order to Sir John Clay the Prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted Castle. Hertfordshire  regarding the pardon of his servant John de Pallynton and service in Gascony ---- (Ref.- Book - England 1351 - 1365. HM Stationary Office 1933).

1358. Robert Shepherde  of Berkhamsted granted 3 messuages in Berkhamsted one opposite the market place  and one by the church of St Peter to Richard Clay and Henry Clay. (Ref.- TNA Close Roll).

1358. Richard Clay had a tenement in Shopperowe  and was a witness to a land recovery in the same. (Ref.- Register of the Black Prince vol. 4 folio 156).

1360. John Clay the Prince's receiver of Berkhamsted Castle handed over the buildings and responsibility where the captured King of France was kept to his jailors. (Ref.- PC2024).

1361. Richard Clay and Henry Clay of Berkhamsted. Hertfordshire were granted a messuage in Berkhamsted. (Ref.- Catologue of Ancient Deeds.- TNA - C146/4492.). 

1364. July 1st  Document gives that Sir John Clay had recently died and his son and heir was of minority age. (Register of the Black Prince vol. 4 folio 274d)

The Remains of Berkhamsted Castle in Hertfordshire. Sir John Clay was documented at this castle from 1351 to 1364 it was also the residence of Edward the Black Prince at that time and there are some 40 references to Sir John Clay there during these years receiving orders from the Prince. Sir John Clay was in charge of the castles finances and is listed as the castles receiver of moneys,dealing with rents and the payment of servants wages etc.

1377. The manor of Gasselynpark and Holewell in Hertfordshire  which Edmund del Clay and 2 others had by gift or lease from Simon de Lek knight of Cotom. Nottingham. (TNA Ref.- Cal.Close Rolls. 14d) 

1378. Geoffrey Clay and his wife Margaret - Quitclaim 1 messuage in St Albans. Hertfordshire. (Feet of Fines. TNA Ref.- CP25/1/90/96 no 10).

1389. Inquisition. Robert Shepherde of Berkhamstede in the year 33 Edw. 111 granted without licence of the King  3 messuages worth 36s 8d. yearly in Berkhamstede, one opposite le Heyechurch, one opposite le Marketplace and one by the Church of St Peter and 10 shillings rent in Northchurche to Richard Clay and Henry Clay. (TNA. Calendar of Close Rolls. 1389 - 1391 page 131).

1390. May 14th. Three messuages  and houses in Berkhamstede  that Robert Shepherde of the same gave to Richard Clay and Henry Clay without obtaining a licence from the King. (TNA. Cal. Close Roll).

1420. Hundred of Edwinest. Hertfordshire. Monument to Sir Walter at Lea alias Sir Walter at Clay his wife lieth besides him. The monument is ancient but much defaced. (Historical Antiquities of Herts.)

1421. John Clay served in France from 1421 and was Treasurer of York's household in France by 1443. (Book.- The Reign of King Henry V1. The Excercise of Royal Authority).

1430. April 26th. Rouen. France. - Receipt of Jean de Cley (Jean or Jehan is French for John) captain of Fort Sainte - Catherine for 1 month of his wages and those of 6 men at arms and 18 archers of his retainer deployed at the siege of Chateau - Gallard. - "Know that I Jehan de Clay captain of the abbey and fortress of Saint Katherine near Rouen  having had and received from Pierres Surrean receiver general of Normandy the sum of eight wines, eighteen pounds, fifteen solz payment of wages and salaries of 6 men at arms and 18 archers on horseback for the protection of the said fortress who are ordered to be at the siege. (Ref.- Book. - Histoire de la ville de Soissons vol. 2 page 304).

1441. Sir John Clay bought "Darcies" or Cressbbroke in Cheshunt from the co heirs of Philip, Lord Darcy. (Ref.- History of Parliament 1439 - 1509 vol. 1).

1441. Sir John Clay who was seised of the manors of Thebaulds or Tongs and Crossbrook left a daughter and sole heir Cecilia who married Sir Robert Grene. (Book.- The Environs of London part 2).

c1444. Sir John Clay married Joan Astley daughter of Sir Thomas Astley knight and Elizabeth (Harcourt).- (Ref.- See Astley Pedigree from 1623 Visitation of Shropshire).

1445. John son of Sir John Clay and Joan is born. (Age is given as 18 years old in 1463. (Ref.- Paston Letters Vol 1V Page 83).

1447. Aug. 26th. John Clay of Cheshunt  witness to a Deed of the Say family dated at Broxbourne. (History of Hoddesdon in County of Hertfordshire).

1450. Sept. 2nd. John Cleye in Med.  (Taxed ?) North Erpingham Hundred. (Ref.- History of the Hundreds part 3).

1453. Joan Clay. Sepulchral Brass with Inscription in the church at Cheshunt.- "Icy gist damoiselle Jehanne Clay". (Ref.- British Library. ADD32490.Q2). - She was the daughter of Sir John Clay and his wife -- Joan.

1455. Johes Clay. Latin translates - Is a soldier of the sword of the forest. (Ref.- Book. Brevia Parliamentaria Rediviva).

1455-56. Election held at Hertford. Sir John Clay is listed for that year. (Ref.- History of Parliament 1439 - 1509 vol. 2 page 648).

1457. April 28th. Charter. Warranty of Lands in Cheshunt. Witness John Clay esq of Cheshunt. (Ref.- British History Online).

1458. April 28th. Concerning Holy Cross in Hertfordshire . Witness John Clay esquire. (Ref.- Calendar of Close Roll 36 Hen. V1 membrane 18d page 287).

1459. Thomas Clay is amongst 24 others listed in the Duke of Yorks Party. (Ref.- Paston Letters Vol.111 page 199).

1459. The Assembly of the Duke of York with Earls, Lords, Knights and Gentry including John Clay of Cheshunt esq who with sundry others pitched their field at Ludlow. (PC2023).

1459. Dec. 23rd. Grant to Elizabeth Say for good service to the King of all the lands, rents, services, goods and chattels late of John Cley esquire in the parish of Cheshunt co Hertford in the Kings hands by his rebellion whereof he is attainted by authority of Parliament. (War of the Roses). - (TNA Ref.-  Calandar of Patent Rolls  page 537 membrane 14).

1459. John Clay was at the Battle of Ludford Bridge in Shropshire under the command of the Duke of York and were defeated by the Royalists. (Ref.- Book. Soldiers,Nobles and Gentlemen).

1460 . John Clay esq of Stifford. List of Gentry. (Ref.- The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex).

1460. John Cley late of Cheshunt county of Hertford squire and others concernining  being rebels, traitors and treason against the King. (Ref.- Calendar of Close Roll membrane 5 page 416).

1460. Feb. 10th. Appointment of John Jockyn esq as receiver of the Lordships in Hertford late of Richard Duke of York and of all the possessions late of John Clay in Hertfordshire forfeit by their rebellion with power to collect all revenues thereof. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Patent Roll page 547).

1460. March 16th. Westminster. Appointment  by advice of the council  6 men as receivers of all the possessions of Richard Duke of York and 12 of his knights and other men including John Cley for high treason in the last parliament. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 24).

1460. March 17th. It was ordered by the King that all persons lending money to the King should have repayments from the issue of the possessions of the Duke of York and his followers including John Clay. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls page 597 membrane 5).

1460. Oct.12th. Letter.- Christopher Hannson to John Paston at Norwich. - "The Monday after Our Lady Day there came hither to my masters place Sir Harry Ratford, John Clay and the Harbyger of my Lord March desiring that my Lady of York might lye here with her 2 sons and her daughter  until the coming of my Lord of York". (Ref.- Paston Letters Vol. 111 page 233).

1460. Dec. 2nd. Appointment of John Clay as Purveyor to Calais.  (Ref.- Calendar of French Rolls membrane 8).

1460. Particulars of the account of John Clay keeper of the victuals and stores at Calais. 28pp. (Lists and Indexes issue 35).

1461 - 1464. John Clay is a JP.  (Justice of Peace).

1461. John Clay of Cheshunt is knighted by the new King Edward 1V.

1461. Sir John Clay had premises in Northall. (TNA Ref.- Feet of Fines. Edw.1V anno 2).

1461. Oct. 4th. Letter - Henry Wyndsore to John Paston at Norwich "My Lord Wenlok, John Clay and the Dean of St Severyens have abiden these 3 weeks at Calais going on an ambasste to the French King". (Ref.- Paston Letters. Vol. 111 page 312).

1461. Part transcript of a document written in French.  - John Clay an English knight with Thomas Vagant a squire and Lord Wenlock were sent by King Edward 1V as ambassaders to France and were greeted and honorably received  by the French Duke Phillipe  of Bourgoigne. The document gives the French spelling of John Clay as Jehan Claix. (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland).

1461. The Manor of Cheshunt was granted to Sir John Clay, Joan his wife and John his son by Elizabeth Lady Say. (Ref.- History of the County of Hertford Vol.3). Also - TNA Ref.- Cal.Pat.1461-7 page 92.

1461. Dec.11th. Release to Richard Earl of Warwick, John Clay and 3 others  of all the rights the King has in various places in Lincolnshire. (Calendar of Patent Rolls 1461 - 67 membrane 19).

1461. Dec. 22nd. Grant for life to John Clay. Kings knight, Joan his wife and John his son of the reversion of the Manor of Cheshunt county Hertford and the advowson of the church there with knights fees, lands, rents, liberties, waifs, strays, court leet, wards, marriages, escheats and other appurtances on the death of Elizabeth Say widow who held the same. Also grant to the said John Clay for his good service to the King of all the lands and possessions of Thomas Ormond in the counties of Essex and Cambridge to the value of 200 marks yearly. (Calander of Patent Rolls 1461 membrane 5).

1462. Manor of Flethall or Clays. Flethall is the Hall on the Flete as the Mardyke River used to be called. Sir Maurice Bruyn had it in 1462, from him it passed to Sir John Clay whose name it still bears. The farm called Flethall or Clays is 1 mile from Stifford Church. (Book.- Stifford and its Neighbourhood).

1462. The King plans to send ambassadors the Bishop of Salisbury and Sir John Clay at Easter to the Supreme Pontiff. (Ref.- Calendar of State Papers 1462).

1463. April 10th. John Clay. Knight had lands in High Roding. Essex. (Ref.- Berkeley Castle Miniments. BCM/H/1/6/1).

1463. Nov. 5th. Appointment of John Clay knight as Sheriff. (Ref.- List of Sheriffs for England and Wales).

1463. John Clay. Knight. Sheriff of Hertfordshire and Essex. (Ref.- Calendar of Fine Rolls).

Sir John Clay of Cheshunt. Coat of Arms.  See website.

1463. Inhabitants to be charged with sums of money in various counties. Commission to  John Clay knight  to certify and assess. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Close Rolls 3. Edw. 1V membrane 20 page 99).

1463. Richard Dyer of St Albans in county of Hertford and a number of others concerning £961. 6s. 6d to be assessed by John Clay knight and 9 others. (Ref.- Calendar Close Roll membrane 19 p 103).

1463. John Clay. Knight was at a feast in London given by the Sergeants at Law in their Hall on the 7th of October. (Ref.- Letterbook of the City of London. Folio 4b-5).

1463. Commitment to John Clay. Knight of keeping lands called Mounhermes lying in Gosfield, Bokking, Fynchyngfield and Wedresfield in County Essex for 12 years for 12d to the King also to be Assessor of Tax in County Hertford. (Ref.- Calendar of Fine Rolls).

1463. Sept. 2nd. John Clay knight, Robert Grene and  a number of others. Charter with warranty of the whole tenement called Styles and other lands in the town and parish of Northehalle county Middlesex. (Calendar of Close Rolls in the TNA memb. 24d).

1463. Nov.13th. Letter.- Margaret Paston to her husband John Paston. "I was at Norwich this week at my mothers and while I was there came a kinsman of Elizabeth Clers and saw your daughter and said that she was a goodly woman and my mother prayed him for to get her a good marriage if he knew any and he said he knew one should be of 300 mark by year the which is Sir John Cley's son that is Chamberlain with my Lady of York and he is of age 18 years old". (Ref.- Paston Letters Vol. 1V page 83).

1464. John Clay knight, Sheriff of the County of Essex certified that William Denton mercer of London is delayed going on the King's service. (Calendar of Patent Rolls in the TNA memb. 9).

1464. April 19th. To Sir John Clay knight attendiung the Kings person by his command on his expedition against the rebels in the north from 1462 for his costs £40. (Cal. Documents.Scotland. vol 4. p273).

1464. April 20th. Warrant of £40 to Sir John Clay for his attendance upon the King's person on the King's voyage in the north parts made there against the King's traitors. (TNA Ref - E404/72/4/21).

1464. Sept. 8th. WIll of John Clay of Cheshunt. Knight. To be buried in the chancel in the parish church of Cheshunt by the burial of his daughter Joan, mentions his wife joan, son John and daughter Cecile, mentions land in Cambridge, Bassingtone and Shawsey. (Ref.- PROB11/5/96). - Cheshunt is 2 miles from Watham Abbey in Essex and 12 miles north of London. Cheshunt is on the Hertfordshire - Essex border.

1464. Property known as the Bell Inn with houses and shops in Cheapside. St Mary le Bow. London  to Robert Grene esq and Cecilla daughter of John Clay. Knight (Formely wife of John Acton). Ref.- London Before the Great Fire).

1465. April 2nd. Grant to Joan late wife of John Clay knight , John Clay his son and heir, Robert Green esq executors of the Will of the said John Clay knight of all issues and revenues from all manors, lands, rents, services, farms and possessions in the counties of Essex and Cambridge. (Ref.- TNA. Calendar of Patent Rolls membrane 14).

1467. Thomas Clay, Sir John Clay's chaplain holds 4 acres in Cross Mead. (History of Hoddesdon in the county of Hertfordshire).

1467. Thomas Clay secretary and cashier conveying money from Baas to London. (History of Hoddesdon in county of Hertfordshire).

1467. Bass Manor Court Roll.  Rents of moveables collected by William Tigh the collector. 8d the price of gilded spurs of the rent of the heirs of John Clay knight . 6d the price of russet boots of the rent of the same John. 27 shillings the price of 9 quarters of fine wheat of the rent of Sir John Clay issuing from his water mill of Cheshunt. (Ref.- History of Hoddesdon in  the County of Hertfordshire).

1470.  Nov. 23rd. Westminster. Henry Silver citizen and vintner of London touching debt and that he renders 40 shillings to Joan Clay widow late the wife of John Clay knight.- John Clay son of the said knight is executor of the Will of the said knight. (TNA Ref.- Calendar of Patent Rolls page 227 membrane 19).

1471. John Clay (jnr) of Cheshunt was knighted by King Edward 1V after the Battle of Tewkesbury and became Sir John Clay. (Its said he did not marry ?). His Coat of Arms being Argent with 3 wolves sable. 2 combatant and 1 passant.

1477. Will of Joan Clay widow of Sir John Clay - daughter Cecili wife of John Acton. (TNA  Ref.- PROB11/6/437).

1488. March 30th. Feoffment from Hugh Cleye and 6 others of lands in Milton to the Cheyne family. (Cambridge University. Kings College Archive Centre Ref.- MIL/22).

1562. July 12th. Thomas Clay married Agnes Hitchcock at Hertford All Saints. (Parish Register).

1570. July 3rd. John Clay of Hexton for not receiving Holy Communion - St Albans Archdeacons Court Records. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- ASA7/8 f42).

1573. Will of Katherine Howe widow of Ware mentions Joan Claye. (Ref.- The Hertfordshire Genealogist and Antiquities vol. 2).

1575. April 16th. Robert Claye (grandson of Simon Burton) Lands and tenements at Whempstead Green to Simon Shakerlye. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DE/AS/3896).

1578. July 23rd. William Claye of St Albans mentioned in the Archdeacon's Records. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- ASA7/10 f165).

1578. Oct. 18th. Frances Cley married William Walker at Abbots Bromley. (Parish Register).

1581. July 9th. Thomas Clay married Joan North at Hertford All Saints. (Parish Register).

1592. Edmund Claye of Great Wymondley sworn in with 23 others on the Special Jury Panel. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.- HAT/SR/5/59).

1593.  Edward Claye of Great Wymondley sworn in on the Special Jury Panel with 21 others. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.-  HAT/SR/5/113).

1593. Dec. 22nd. Inquiry held at Baldock. Goods were distrained from the lands of George Needham  gent whereby with Edward Clay of Little Wymondley labourer and 3 others knowing that the distraint had taken place made an illegal and riotous assembly at Little Wymondley where they assaulted 2 men so severely that they were in fear of their lives and they rescued the goods illegally and carried them off.  (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.- HAT/SR/6/44).

1594. April. 8th. John Claye  of Walden. Discharge from guardianship of a minor. - St Albans Archdeacon's Records. ( Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- ASA7/16 f15).

1594. Inventory of Richard Claye of St Pauls Walden. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- A25/1458).

1595. The Hundred Jury Panel. Edmund Clay of Titmore Green in Great Wymondley and 12 others are sworn in. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.- HAT/SR/7/71).

1595. March. Will of Randall Claye of Wormley. Herts. (LMA Ref.- DL/C/0359/001/0971/001).

1595. Will and Inventory of John Claye of St Pauls Walden Whitwell. (Hertfordshire  Archives Ref. Will - 7AR167.  Inventory - A25/1511).

1598. January. Sir George Devereux. A note of all the debts I owe, amongst others are to William Cley a tailor in Birchin Lane £6. (Calendar of Manuscripts of the Marquess of Salisbury page 52).

1606. Inventory of John Claye of Hexton. Blacksmith. (Herfordshire Archives Ref.- A25/1984).

1618. John Clay of Hoddesdon County Hertford in Court for buying calves and driving them to London and selling them to butchers with an intent to be killed at the time of Lent. (Ref.- Session of the Peace and Gaol Delivery - County of Middlesex Session Roll Vol.4). - BHO.

1624. Will of Edmund Clay husbandman of Redcoats Green. Great Wymondley. (Hertfordshire Archives. Ref.- 21HW91).

1629.. March 21st. Elizabeth daughter of Robert Clay baptised at Cheshunt. (Parish Register).

1635. Jan. 8th. Will of Edward Hoult of Royston. Herts proved by John Clay. (Abstracts of Probate in the PCC vol. 2).

1637. Jan. 8th. Anne Cley married Henry Beech at St Albans Abbey. (Parish Register).

1642. May 10th. Marriage Licence at Hartford All Saints. Thomas Hills of Hartford and Mary Claye of the same daughter of Joane Claye widow of the same. (Ref.- The Hertfordshire Genealogist vol. 2).

1650. John Clay defendant - Turner v Clay concerning property in Royston. Herts. (TNA Ref.- C5/10/63).

1659. Jan.1st. Mathew son of Edward Clay  baptised at Cheshunt. (Parish Register).

1662. Oct. 19th. Lawrence son of Edwared Clay baptised at Cheshunt. (Parish Register).

1670. Oct. 25th. George Clay married Elizabeth Calvard. (Pedigree of Felix Calvert).

1678. July 31st. Laurence  Clay of Cheshunt apprentice to Mr Nanson of St Mary Hill. (Hertfordshire Archives. Ref.- DE/Ds/8/1).

1685. Jan. 19th. Property at Westmill in Trust by George Clay of Cambridge gent and 2 others. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- W/202).

1685. Oct. 29th. Martha Clay married Thomas Peirce at Cheshunt. (Parish Register).

1692. Nov. 3rd. John Clay witness at Hertford Quakers Meeting. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- NQ2/5B/2).

1693. Feb. 17th. Strayed or stolen out of the grounds of John Clay of Waterford in Stapleford a black gelding who ever gives notice of him to John Clay shall have £20 reward. (The Gazette).

1699. Oct. 12th. Mary Clay buried at Bendeo Quaker Burial Ground. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DP/17/1/15 page 21).

1709, May 8th. Copy of the Will of Ralph Long of Cambridge, Lands in Standon, Trumpington Fields. Witness John Clay and 2 others. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies DE/A/527).

1711. March 27th. Court Session. Recognizance of Charles Clay of Bishop Stortford. Hertfordshire gentleman to prosecute Richard Tison of Harlow. Officer of Excise. (Essex Archives. Q/SR547/42).

1711. March 30th. Nathaniel Clay. Settlement from Hatfield to St Albans St Peter. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- D/P93/13/1/148).

1716.  Aug. 15th. Susan Mascall apprenticed to Charles Clee of Rickmansworth. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- D/P15/18/2 page 14).

1719. Dec. 12th. Nathaniel Clay. Settlement from  Hatfield to Essendon. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- D/P37/13/3).

1720. Cecil Clay esq of Middle Temple. London buys land in Flamstead. Herts. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DE/FL/17957+58).

1724. Nov. 21st. Mary Clay buried at Bengeo Quaker Burial Ground. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DP/17/1/15 page 39).

1725. William Clay witness to the Will of William Smith of Buntingford. Westmill. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/W/239).

1725. Jan. 20th. John Clay buried at Bengeo  Quaker Burial Ground. (Hertfordshire Archives Office Ref.- DP/17/1/15 page 39).

1726. Cecil Clay esq of Cheverells End. Flamstead transfers a property in Flamstead to Elizabeth Fossey widow. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/FL/17988).

1728. Cecil Clay esq transfers property in Flamstead. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/FL/18146).

1728. Hoares Farm. Flanstead was of late in possession of Cecil Clay. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/FL/17995).

1728. Cecil Clay esq of Chesterfield. Derbyshire concerning property in Flamstead. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/FL/17996).

1729. Cecil Clay esq surrenders land - Crofty Crouch, Hill Closes and Holmefield in Flamstead. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/FL/18005).

1738. Lease and Release by William Clay to Thomas Greg of Coles parish of Westmill esq. The Coles Estate, the sum of £1,737 paid to William Clay. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies. W/220).

1741. Will of Samuel Clay of Caddington. Yeoman. Mother Elizabeth Clay widow. His sister Ann Shephard. Neice Ann Clay daughter of his brother John Clay of Mansfield cordwainer. Witness Ann Clay spinster. (The National Archives Ref.- PROB11/707/135).

1754. April 9th. Deed. William Clay witness concerning property Cherry Green in Westmill. (Herts Archives Ref.- DE/W/165).

1665. Aug. 8th. Elizabeth Clay married Richard Benthall at Kings Langley. (Parish Register).

1773. Oct. 24th. James Clay of Edmonton married  Jane Stiles at Cheshunt. (Parish Registerr).

1780. Feb.13th. James Clay married Ann Kibey at Cheshunt. (Parish Register).

1781. Feb. 14th. Conveyance by William Clay to Thomas Greg of Coles property in the manor of Westmill. Hertfordshire with the sum of £1,737 paid to William Clay. (Herts Local Studies DE/W/220 - 21).

1781. Will of William Clay of Buntingford. Westmill. Bequests to William Clay of Mile End and to Mary his sister and to the son and daughter of my brother Peter Clay.  (The National Archives Ref.- PROB11/1077/370).

1783. Oct.14th. Admission to the Manor of Westmill with Berkesdon to William Clay. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.- W/216 and 217).

1784. May 6th. Surrender of the Manor of Hamell otherwise Hamels with Masters by William Clay to Thomas Greg. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.- W/232).

1786. John Clay. Three Horseshoes Public House. St Albans. St Peters. (Licensee Register).

1787. Recognizance of John Clay of St Peter's. Victualler. (Herts Archives Ref.- LS/VAR/6/80).

1790. April 14th. Ann Clay. Removal Order from Cheshunt to Edmonton. Middlesex. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- D/P29/18/25B).

1790. Three men broke into the house of Elizabeth Clay of St Peters in St Albans and stole items,the door had been wrenched off. The men were found hiding under Mrs Clay's bed. (TNA Ref.- H047/11/83).

1790. Sept. 18th. Recognizance of John Clay of the parish of St Peter. Victualler relating to the Three Horse Shoes in St Albans. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies. Ref.- LS/Var/6/294).

1799. Felix Clay esq. Game Licences 1799 - 1805. (Ref.- Hertford County Records page 646).

1809. April 8th. Examination of Mary Clay of Cheshunt. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- D/P29/13/9).

1813. The appeal of Great Amwell against the removal of Charlotte Clay spinster from Hoddesdon. (Ref.- Hertford County Records page 147).

1813. Will of William Clay of Abbots Langley. Highwoodhall husbandman. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- 14AR64).

1815. Sept.12th. Recognizance of John Clay of Chipping Barnet. Victualler. (Herts Archives Ref.- LS/VAR/6/408).

1821. Feb. 9th. George Clay occupied  a meessuage at Chilvers Coton. (Ref.- CRO764/24/3a-b).

1825. Sept.15th. Recognizance of John Clay of Chipping Barnet. Victualler. (Herts Archives Ref.- LS/VAR/6/359).

1828. July 26th. George Clay and 2 others have certified that Robert Taylor's house in Bishops Hatfield is a place for Protestant Dissenters. (Ref.- Non Conformity in Hertfordshire).

1828. Aug. 21st. Court. George Clay plaintiff in a case of trespass. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- SH14/2/6/36).

1833. Dec. 2nd. Court. William Clay plaintiff concerning Promises.  (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- SH14/2/11/56).

1835. April 4th. Overseers of the Poor. Hoddesdon. Payment of 2s. 6d for shoes for Widow Clay. (Herts Archives Ref.- DP/24A/18/3/3).

1836. Died April 17th Esther Clay age 40 years. - Church of Gaddesden Parva. Epitaph. - Farewell farewell alas she's gone, oh had she only slept I'd stayed her from the graves cold bond and blessed her as I wept, Did nature open her ample doors to strew her flowers away that death should pluck the fairest flower and rob her humble Clay. ( History of Hertfordshire vol. 3).

1838. Thomas Clay. Tithe Details. Rickmansworth. Occupier of plots 1432 and 1433. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DSA4/80/1 page 17).

1838. Mary Clay. Tithe Details. Kings Langley. Occupier of plot 647. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DSA4/64/1 page 25).

1838. Nov. 23rd. George Clay born 1811. Admission to St Albans Union Workhouse. (Workhouse Register 1835 - 39  page 169).

1839. Jan.3rd. George Clay. Hemel Hempstead. Discharge from St Albans Workhouse, readmitted May 9th 1839.  (Workhouse Register 1835 - 39  page 200).

1839. Captain Clay. Tithe Details. Stanstead Abbots. Owner of plots 516, 530, 537, 543. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- DSA4/97/1).

1840. Jeremiah Clay. Tithe Details. East Barnet. Occupier of plot 184. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref.- PC681 page 25).

1844. Will of Mary Clay widow of Kings Langley. No Clay's mentioned in Will. Herts.(TNA Ref.- PROB11/2007).

1854. July 22nd. Rev. Castel Pelham Clay married Eva Emily Berkeley in Hertford. (PC2024).

1862. April 7th. John Clay admitted to Hatfield Union Workhouse. Discharged May 12th 1862. (Ref.- BG/HAT/45).

1869. Jan. 21st. Will of Thomas Dickason of Twickenham. Executor is Arthur Temple Felix Clay of Bush Hall. Hatfield. Hertfordshire. (Ref.- Visitation of England and Wales vol. 14).

1895. Henry Clay. Private Resident. Windermere. Bournehall Road. Bushey. (Kellys Directory).

1895. William Clay. Bulls Head Public House. Turnford. (Kellys Directory).

1895. Mrs E. E. Clay. Pivate Resident. Manor House. Leavesden Green. Letchworth. (Kellys Dirctory).

1895. Miss Clay. Private Resident. Elm Lodge. Tile house Street. Hitchen. (Kellys Directory).

1914. Kenneth Clay of Aldenham Occupier of Tithe plot number 1452. (Hertfordshire Archives Ref. - IR3/3/3).

1700-1800. Drawing of a brass in yellow inscription in Cheshunt Church - Joan Clay of Cheshunt. Obit 1453. (Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies Ref.- D/EOf/2/320). - Daughter of Sir John Clay.

The Register of Edward the Black Prince. Volume 4.

1351. Nov. 8th. The Chantry in the Castle of Berkhamsted is only endowed with 50 shillings out of theissues of the  manor and 26s.8d yearly and the said sums are not sufficient th enable the chaplain and clerk to live decently, the prince has granted to Sir John de Clay chaplain of the said chantry a further 26s.8d yearly out of the said manor. (Vol. 4 folio 19).

1352. Dec. 21st. Notification to Sir John Clay of Berkhamsted as receiver of all moneys arising from the farms, rents and other issues of the lordship and honor of Berhamsted and the arrears thereof shew his receipts at frequent intervals to Robert de Eleford constable of the castle there and make no deliveries of moneys without his council and advice. (Folio 47).

1353. Feb.6th. Order to Robert de Eleford the prince's constable of the castle of Berkhamsted and Sir John de Clay the princes receiver there that the prince would have his park now largely unenclosed, enclosed with a pailing for the preservation of the game there. (Folio 49).

1353. March 14th. Order to Roger le Graunt the prince's yeoman to pay Sir John de Clay the princes chaplain and receiver of Berkhamsted the £40 which are due from him. (Folio 50d).

1353. March 25th. Order to Sir John de Clay the prince's receiver of Berkhamsted to pay the following sums to Henry de Berkham 2d a day for his wages as porter of the castle of Berkhamsted and to William de Everwik and Gullymote late the princes launderer 100s each yearly. (Folio 51).

1353. Oct.1st. Order to Sir John de Clay receiver of Berkhamsred to pay Richard Ravene for keeping of the park of Berkhamsted and the prince's game there wages of 2d a day. (folio 60d).

1354. Jan. 8th. Order to Robert de Eleford the prince's yeoman and constable his Grace has given to Sir John de Clay chaplain of the castle of Berkhamsted a beech for fuel in the Foreign Wood. (Folio 64).

1354. May 17th. Order to Sir John de Clay receiver of Berkhamsted inasmuch as the prince has retained Thomas de Forde to be clerk of his courts at Berkhamsted to pay him 26s.8d yearly also to pay him 13s.4d which the prince has granted him as a reward for his labours and expense in London. (Folio 69).

1354. Sept. 26th. Order to Sir John de Clay the prince's receiver of Berkhamsted to buy hay to the value of 26s. 8d for the sustenance of the game in the park of Berkhamsted during the coming winter. (Folio 71d).

1355. July 4th. Grant to the prince's servant John Priour for good service while he was able to work 2d a day. Order to Sir John de Clay receiver of Berkhamsted to pay him the said 2d daily. (Folio 85d).

1356. Jan. 28th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted to cause Robert de Claydon to take 50 coneys in the prince's warren of Berkhamsted and sell them for the prince's use making an indenture with him as to the number. (Folio 103d).

1356. Nov. 24th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted inasmuch as the prince has pardoned his servant John de Pailyng in consideration of his good service in Gascony the rents of 30s of the lands in Berkhamsted to discharge him of the said rent. (Folio 112).

1356. Nov. 29th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted to pay the said wages. (Folio 112d).

1356. Dec. 4th. Order to Sir John Clay receiver of Berkhamsted to provide by indenture with the prince's clerk Sir William de Spridlyngton the costs of Sir William and his fellow commissioners whom the prince is sending to those parts to make an extent of all the appurtenances of the lordship. (Folio 113). 

1356. Dec. 10th. Pardon and release to the prince's yeoman Henry de Berkhamsted in consideration of his good service in Gascony. Order to Sir John Clay receiver of Berkhamsted to discharge the said Henry of the rent of 13s.4d for certain lands he holds in Berkhamsted. (Folio 113).

1357. July 24th. Appointment of John Clay the prince's receiver of Berkhamsted as the prince's attorney to deliver seisin of the premises in the prince's name to John de Pailyngton. (Folio 122).

1358. Jan. 20th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted that the rabbit warren and delles of the prince's park of Berkhamsted shall be cut this season and enclosed with a hedge. (Folio 136).

1358. Order to Robert Eleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir John Clay the prince's receiver there on information that the hospital of St John. Berkhamsted which is of the prince's patronage  is on the point of being ruined and destroyed for ever by the ill governance of brother John Fraunceys warden thereof to survey the houses, possessions and all other goods of the hospital and their present condition and certify the prince as soon as possible the said matters. (Folioi 138).

1358. March 3rd. Order to Robert  de Eleford the prince's steward of Berkhamsted, Sir John de Clay the prince's receiver there and Richard Raven the prince's parker of Berkhamsted to cause 60 beeches in the said park to be sold as profitably as possible and order to receive out of the proceeds of the sale to repair the pailing of the park. (Folio 139d).

1358. March 5th. Order to the auditors of the accounts of the prince's ministers on information that they have disallowed on the account of Sir John Clay the prince's receiver of Berkhamsted certain items amounting to 15s. 11d that he has paid the moneys without the prince's warrant. (Folio 139d).

1358. Petition to the prince for an order to the auditors to make allowance to John Clay chaplain the prince's receiver of Berkhamsted of the following items , 6d spent on the repair of a tun of wine, spent on cleaning the hall and chambers against the prince's arrival 5 shillings. (Folio 139d).

1358. Order to Robert de Eleford steward, Sir John Clay receiver and Richard Raven parker of Berkhamsted to sell 100 beeches in the Foreign Wood there as profitably as possible in places where the least damage to the prince and destruction of the wood will be done and pay the money arising for the repair of the buldings in the castle there. (Folio 146d).

1358. Fordewyn which the prince lately recovered by writ which lies in le Shopperowe between a tenament somtime of Robert Barbour and a tenement of Richard Clay. Witness Richard Clay and 6 others. (Folio 156).

1358. Dec. 28th. Order to Robert de Eleford steward, Sir John Clay receiver and Richard Raven keeper of the park of Berkhamsted. The prince as an act of charity has given the prior of Dunstable four beeches for fuel in the Foreign Wood of Berkhamsted to deliver the same accordingly. (Folio 156).

1359. Feb. 17th. Order to Robert Eleford steward, Sir John Clay receiver and Richard Raven parker of Berkhamsted to sell 100 beeches in the prince's Foreign Wood of Berkhamsted as profitably as possible in addition to the number already sold for the works in the castle of Berkhamsted. (Folio 159d).

1359. Feb. 26th. Order to Robert de Eleford steward, Sir John Clay receiver and Richard Raven parker of Berkhamsted to deliver to Thomas Botiller six beeches in the Foreign Wood of Berkhamsted which the prince has given him in recompense for a boat which he lent to the prince and which was broken in the prince's service. (Folio 160).

1359. July 5th. Order to Sir John Clay receiver of Berkhamsted  by the prince to pay an annuity of 100 shillings to the prince's servant John Haliday in consideration of good service. (Folio 160).

1359.July 26th. Order to Robert de Eleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir Joh Clay the prince's receiver there that the prince's order to them to grant livery to his yeoman Henry Berkhamsted of the prince's lands, meadows and pasture of Berkhamsted which he has taken at a farm for a certain yearly rent, they have not delivered to him the place called La Boverie with garden annexed and to deliver the said place and garden to Henry as parcel of his farm. (Folio 171d).

1359. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver  of Berkhamsted inasmuch as the prince has made good to Robert de Eleford his yeoman and steward of Berkhamsted has granted he shall have 10 marks a year for his fee out of the profits of the castle of Berkhamsted and to pay the said Robert 10 marks yearly. (Folio 171d).

1359. Letter to Robert de Eleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir John Clay receiver there ordering them to pay Sir William de Stratton 5 marks yearly for his bailiwick of Berkhamsted. (Folio 174).

1359. Oct. 20th. Be it remembered that on 21st October the prince granted to Henry de Berkhamsted five beeches for fuel in the Foreign Wood of Berkhamsted and thereupon a letter was written to Robert de Eleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir John Clay receiver there ordering them to deliver the same to him. (Folio 181d).

1360. Feb.12th. Order by advice of the prince's council to Robert de Eleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir John Clay receiver there that the chamber of the porter of the castle there and stable within the said castle are very ruinous the same to be properly repaired at the prince's cost. (Folio 191d).

1360. Feb. 12th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted to pay 13s.4d yearly to Thomas atte Ford until the prince's return to England. (Folio 191d).

1360. Feb.12th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted to pay Henry Playtour 20 shillings a year for his trouble collecting rents. (Folio 191d).

1360. Feb. 15th. Order to Robert de Elleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir John Clay the prince's receiver there to allow Henry de Brusele to have respite until the morrow of Midsummer next of a fixed rent which is in dispute between the prince and him. (Folio 192d).

1360. March 20th. Order to Sir John Clay the prince's clerk and receiver of Berkhamsted in pursuance of an ordinance by the King's Council in England that the French King shall stay a while in the prince's castle of Berkhamsted for the safeguarding of his person. (Folio 193).

1360. July 10th. Grant to the prince's cook Thomas Beneshef for good service 10 marks yearly. Order to Sir John Clay receiver of Berkhamsted to pay the said  annuity. (Folio 191d).

1360. July 12th. Order to Robert de Elleford steward, Sir John Clay receiver and Richard Raven parker of Berkhamsted to deliver to Little John of Berkhamsted servant of Sir Peter de Lacy 3 beeches for timber in the Foreign Wood of Berkhamsted as a gift from the prince. (Folio 196).

1360. Nov. 9th. Collation to William de Haddon chaplain of the chantry whiich Sir John Clay chaplain lately held in the chapel within the castle of Berkhamsted to hold during the prince's pleasure receiving 6 marks a year. (Folio 202).

1360. Dec. 12th. Order to Robert de Elleford steward of Berkhamsted and Sir John Clay receiver there to deliver to Henry de Berkhamsted the prince's yeoman and pantler as a gift from the prince three beeches for fuel in the Foreign Wood of Berkhamsted. (Folio 191d).

1364. July 1st. Order to Nicholas Westerdale  the prince's yeoman and keeper of the fees in the county of York in pusuance of an Inquisition  taken by him at the prince's order shewing  that  John de Clay while he was of sound mind gave and granted by charter certain lands in Fadmore and Gillemore to Peter de Clay his brother and delivered seisin thereof to him, - to remove the prince's hand utterly from the said lands which he lately seized by reason of the minority of John's heir on the supposition that John held them of the prince in chief and was seized of them when he died and deliver them to Peter. (Folio. 274d).


John Clay baptised 1560 at Hertford. No parent given.

John son of Thomas Clay baptised 1561 at Great Wymondley

Anne Clay married Thomas Knight Oct.16th 1586. Watton at Stone.

John son of Thomas Clay baptised 1593 at Hertford.

John son of Christopher Clay baptised 1594 at Hertford.

Jane Claye married Richard Weedon April 27th.1600. Rickmansworth.

Judith daughter of Nicholas Clay baptised 1603. Cheshunt.

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Clay baptised 1629. Cheshunt.

Mathew son of Edward Clay baptised 1659. Cheshunt.

Lawrence son of Edward Clay baptised 1662. Cheshunt.

1851 Census. St Albans. Hertfordshire.

Adelaide Street.

Sarah Clay age 52 Widow  Schoolmistress  Born  St Albans. Hertfordshire.

Martha Clay age  22  Daughter  Bonnet Sewer  Born St Albans.

Joseph Clay age 18  Son   Servant                             Born St Albans.   

1851 Census.St John. Hertford.

Christ's Hospital.

William Clay age 8 Scholar  Born Bath. Somerset.

1851 Census. Rickmansworth. Hertfordshire.

Jane Clay age 28 House Servant  Born  Abbots Langley. Hertfordshire.

Living with other servants at the house of Deborah Cole. Lands Proprietress.

1851 Census. Barley. Hertfordshire.

High Street.

George Clay age 38  Carpenter Lodger  Born  Coveney.  Isle of Ely.  Cambridgeshire.

Fanny Clay age  32  Lodger                            Born Toft.  Cambridgeshire.

Staying with Samuel Rauson. Auctioneer.

1851 Census. St Albans. Hertfordshire.

George Clay age 45  Unmarried  Labourer  Born St Michaels.  Hertfordshire.

1851 Census. Barrington. Hertfordshire.

Richard Clay   age 17  Student Pupil  Born  Little Laver. Essex.

Albert N. Clay  age 15   Studen Pupii.  Born  Little Lever.

Living with the Vicar and his family.

1851 Census. Harpenden. Hertfordshire.


Josiah Clay age 10 Scholar  Nephew  Born Harpenden. Hertfordshire.

Living with Holland Family.

1851 Census. Hitchin. Hertfordshire.

Tyler Street.

John William Clay age 13  Scholar  Born  Rastrick. Yorkshire.

Living with Lucas Family.

1871 Census. Hatfield. Hertfordshire.

Arthur Clay age 28 Barrister Born London.

Margaret Clay age 22 Wife Born Dorking. Surrey.

William Clay age 0  Son Born Hatfield. Hertfordshire.

2 Visitors.  1 Lady's Maid, 1 Nurse, 1 Parlour Maid, 1 House Maid. 1 Kitchen Maid, 1 Cook.

1871 Census. Hertford. Hertfordshire.

John Clay age 40 Publican Born Baidley. Staffordshire.

Mary A. Clay age 28 Wife. Born Yardley. Hertfordshire.

1 Visitor, 3 Lodgers.

1871 Census. Berkhamstead District. Hertfordshire.

Francis Clay age 28 Tea Dealer and Grocer Born Houghton Regis. Bedfordshire.

Jane Clay age 29. Wife  Born Boxmoor. Hertfordshire.

Walter Francis Clay age 3 Grocers Son Born Houghton Regis. Bedfordshire.

John Parkin age 13 Grocers Apprentice Born Houghton Regis. Bedfordshire.

1911 Census. Watford. Hertfordshire.

Albert Victor Clay age 33 Railway Clerk Born St Pancras. London.

Minnie Louisa Clay age 32 Wife Born Ellesborogh. Bedfordfordshire.

Kathleen Irene Amanda Clay age 8 Daughter Born Watford. Herts.

Georgina Madge Clay age 5 Daughter Born Watford. Herts.

Douglas George Clay age 2 Son Born Watford. Herts.

Reginald John Clay age 0 Son Born Watford. Herts.

1 Boarder.

1911 Census. Watford. Hertfordshire.

Herbert Clay age 30 House Painter. RLY Company. Born Willesdon. London.

Julia Clay age 27 Wife Born  Castlethorpe. Buckinghamshire.

Herbert Clay age 4 Son Born Watford. Herts.

Walter Clay age 1 Son Born Watford. Herts.

1911 Census. St Peter's. Hertfordshire.

Corbett Hemingway Clay age 38 Railway Clerk Born Matlock. Derbyshire.

Rose Clay age 40 Wife Born Stamford. Lincolnshire.

William Hemingway Clay age 18 Son Compositor / Printer Born St Pancras. London.

Dorothy Rose Clay age 16 Daughter Straw Hat Machinist Born St Pancras. London.

Ellen Ida Clay age 15 Daughter Staw Hat Machinist Born St Pancras. London.

Harold Corbett Clay age 13 Son School Born St Pancras. London.

Leslie John Clay age 6 Son School Born St Peter's. Herts.

This site is copyrighted  by the  Clay of England Society. All rights reserved. 2018.