Halloween Costumes

Mrs. Ehlert

Mrs. Ehlert  wanted to be a  Banana with her entire family for Halloween, so they could be a pack of bananas. Fun right? Well guess what, her family said no! Now she doesn't really want to be a banana anymore. If anyone wants to be a banana with her, that would be amazing! She would love it!

Gilly suit

Evan Parsons, a 7th grader, wants to wear a ghillie suit for Halloween, so that he can lay in the yard, jump out and scare little children passing by! Watch out!!!! Evan is not doing trick or treating. "I have nothing to do, and I'm to old for asking for candy," he stated.


Hadley M, grade 7, is going to wear animal onesies with her friends Isabel, Georgia, and Heidi. People who are also doing animal costumes are Alaina P (hippo), Sami B (giraffe), and Annabelle M (monkey).

Brody a 7th grader wants to dress up as monkeys with his friends for Halloween!


This Halloween, we have some impressive costumes! Gabby Ely a 7th grader, and several of her friends are all dressing up as characters from Tinkerbell! And Ms. Sheehy is going to do the same thing with her girlfriend. She is dressing up as this because she loves fantasy, and has elf ears that she can now use.


Caelyn Borgsmiller, another 7th grader, wants to be Harry Potter for Halloween. She is going to be with her friend because her friend doesn't want to be Harry Potter by herself. Isn't that very considerate of her?

Mrs. Tapella

Mrs. Tapella wants to be a pirate because she is currently in a band. They are all going to dress up as pirates for a fun group project to do with each other. How fun!

Happy Halloween!