
Book Trailer Winners

Every year the Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) holds a contest of the new incoming Mark Twain and the Truman books. They look for the best trailer of each book and put it in as the trailer for everyone to see. This year for the 2023-2024 Mark Twain and Truman we had some winners from our school. 

Congratulations to the Book trailer winners David McAdams and Hailey Davenport! David did a Truman book trailer, while Hailey did a Mark Twain book trailer. If you would like to check them out here, open the websites previewed below. 

Amari and the Night Brothers made my David McAdams.

If you are interested in making a book trailer yourself and want to win, all you have to do is sign up for library AC Lab. How you are able to do that is to go to the library webpage, then go to the bottom that says What's Happening Now? Click the link that has all the trailers for the potential 2024-2025 Mark Twains and Trumans.

Students are able to decide which book they are interested in. You then can complete a Google Form to let Mrs. Thompson which book you selected. Finally, she will draft you for AC lab for you to start working on your own book trailer. Good Luck!!