Humans of LaSalle 

Mr. Giesing's Irish Traditions

Mr. Giesings Ancestors

The sport in the picture above is called Irish Hurling! It is a sport similar to lacrosse but with sticks like hockey.  Four of the men in this picture are named  Ryan. They are all somehow related to Mr. Giesing.  Ed Ryan, top left, was the first relative to come to America in 1920.

Irish Hurling Ball

This ball was used during the Irish hurling games. On one of the sides, it says, ¨Championship.¨ This ball is similar to baseball and lacrosse ball. This ball is called a sliotar. It is hit with a stick called camán. The ball can be caught by hand or hit in the air by camán. It can even be hit on the ground!

Here is the wiki for this amazing Irish Sport!

Thank you so much Mr. Giesing for this great information!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!