Humans of LaSalle

Glory of Missouri Recognition Ceremony

Fourteen of our own LSMS students were chosen for the Glory of Missouri Recognition Ceremony. The Glory of Missouri Recognition Award is one of the highest honors a student can get. Here are some quotes from these amazing students:

Charles Simons


Q: How did you feel after the ceremony?

A: I felt great after the ceremony, as I got to celebrate with my family. It was a cool trip and it was great to receive the award, and to spend some time with my friends at the Capitol. 

Q: What does your word mean to you?

A: To me, my word liberty means to express the understanding of true freedom.

Q: What was the best part of the ceremony?

A: I don't really have a favorite part of my the ceremony, they all kind of added up evenly. Each event, even the bus ride there, was fun. But, I especially liked actually receiving the reward and getting to stand in front of the crowd. 

Metta Grossi


Q: How did you feel after the ceremony?

A: I feel good about the ceremony, and I thought that it was fun. 

Q: What does your word mean to you?

A: I got the word equality, and I think that it means that you include others no matter the circumstances. 

Q: What was the best part of the ceremony?

A:  I think that the best part of the ceremony was the bus ride! It was really fun. 

Brooke Schneider


Q: How did you feel after the ceremony?

A: It felt great to be recognized and in the capital. It felt like a museum. I was very proud of myself and my peers for being acknowledged at the ceremony. 

Q: What does your word mean to you?

A: The word I was awarded was law. This word, to me, means that I am a rule follower and I have good morals. 

Q: What was the best part of the ceremony?

A:  The best part of the ceremony was being in such a regal place. The chamber was so breathtaking. I also enjoyed being with my friends, family, and staff members there to support us.

Ella Dziadus


Q: How did you feel after the ceremony?

A: After the ceremony I felt relieved it was over but it also felt good to know that I had a good impact and was a good leader. 

Q: What does your word mean to you?

A: My word was progress and to me that means that you learn and make progress on your life.

Q: What was the best part of the ceremony?

A:  I personally think the best part of the ceremony was when they called you up and you got a certificate and got to meet our representative.

Tyler Lucartz


Q: How did you feel after the ceremony?

A: Pretty honored. 

Q: What does your word mean to you?

A: It [charity] means that I´m a pretty nice guy.

Q: What was the best part of the ceremony?

A:  EIther having my name called in front of everybody, the charter bus, or the lunch we had

                  Lunch Lady Recognition Week 

Ours are the BEST!!!

National School Lunch Week is a week to recognize our school's great lunch ladies who make our delicious meals. They work so hard to provide us with great lunches every day. The ladies even make breakfast. The lunch ladies at LSMS are so kind and considerate of the students they serve. Our lunch ladies prepare great lunches including burgers, orange chicken, and spaghetti! It's always a day brightener to come up with your lunch with a smiling lunch lady greeting you. 

Thank you so much Ladies for the great meals and smiles brightening everyone's days!