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Brooke Schneider - Finalist for STL Writers Guild Contest

Recently, Brooke Schneider was a finalist for the STL Writers Guild Contest. In celebration of this, I interviewed her and asked some questions.


Metta: Between the two contests you had an option to enter, why did you choose this contest? 

Brooke: "I originally chose to enter the Patriot's Pen writing contest but I couldn't get ideas or inspiration for it. So, I moved on to the lights went out one."

Metta: How long did it take to write your essay?

Brooke: "It took me 2-3 days to write because we wrote it mainly at school. If it wasn't all at school I could probably do it in like 2-3 hours." 

Metta: How did you come up with this story idea?

Brooke: "I came up with it because I was trying to do something original and authentic. Everyone was going to do a scary story so I wanted to do something different. I struggle with anxiety sometimes so I came up with the idea from personal experience. I made a few changes to make it more emotional. I also added other random things. The part about the ducks and geese is totally on the spot."


I loved Brooke's essay. If you have some extra time I would read it. Be sure to congratulate her if you see her in the hallway!

Congratulations to the following Wildcats who had their bookmarks selected to be printed and shared in the LSMS Library - Stop by to pick up your favorite one at the library check-out desk. 

Lillian Moghadam

8th grade

Hannah Hobelmann

6th grade

Olivia Nies

7th grade

Gwendolyn DiPrimo

7th grade

Addy Burkeen

7th grade

Delaney Gielow

8th grade

Mara Lund