Humans of LaSalle 

LaSalle Springs Middle School PTO

You probably don't notice them very often or see them in the halls unless they are handing out treats to teachers because they are excellent at hiding their good deeds, but the LaSalle Springs Middle School PTO is making a positive difference for all of the Wildcats at LSMS. 

Adopt a Family & Spring Clean Out 

Copy Room Help for Teachers


School Store

Providing Staff Meals

Spirit Wear

Staff Appreciation Days

Teacher Wishlist

Wildcat Club Fundraising

Scholastic Book Fair

Stocking the Staff Lounge

Staff Lounge Make-over

Thank you to all of our PTO members who work so hard to support LSMS and make it the best school around!

And an extra special thank you to the PTO Board Members who put in extra time and effort to share their talents with us - 

Erin Mazzola

Betsy Estrada-Grass

Sarah Lynch

Caroline Fox

Tiffany Moton

Nichole Moreno

Vice President of Events
Lisa Heisel

Vice President of Hospitality
Reese Benlien