Counselor Corner 

Mrs. Patton's puppy, Harley

Get To Know Mrs. Patton!

What do you like about being a counselor? 

I love having a job where I know every day that I am helping someone.  I also love working with teenagers. 

Why did you decide to become a counselor?

I used to be a FACS teacher and my students often came to me for advice. This made me realize that I might be a good school counselor.

What are the perks of being a counselor? 

I never know what student might need my help or know exactly what kind of help they will need. That keeps me on my toes!

Where are you from?

 I grew up on a pig farm near Vandalia, Missouri. I went to a small high school named Van-Far. 

Where did you go to collage at?

I got both my undergraduate and graduate degrees from Mizzou. 

Do you have any kids? If so, how many?

I have boy/girl twins who are now sophomores at Mizzou!  And I have a Bernedoodle puppy who is 1 year old. 

Do you have any regrets about being a counselor?

Sometimes I miss teaching FACS, so I will go into the FACS room and help the students sew.  But, I know that I am doing exactly what I was made to do by being a middle school counselor. 

What is your favorite holiday?

 My favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day because my son and I go on a date sometime around Valentine’s Day!  We have been going on a Valentines date since he was 3 years old. He’s 20 now. 

What is your favorite activity/thing to do in your free time? 

I love watching a good movie on my couch with my puppy, Harley. 

What is your favorite vacation you have ever been on?

My family went to Australia for 3 weeks two summers ago. It was amazing to feed a kangaroo, climb the Sydney Bridge and snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.