Weird National Holidays

Weird National  Holidays of May

( In Order )

May 1: Global Love Day, Tell a neighbor you appreciate them!

May 2: Brothers and Sisters Day, Time to tolerate your siblings for a day!

May 3: National Paranormal Day, Do you believe in ghosts?

May 4: National Star Wars Day, ( MAY the FOURTH  be with you ;)  )

May 6: National Nurses Day, Be sure to thank them for all they do!

May 6 - 10: National Teachers Week, Be extra thankful to your teachers this month!

May 8: National Have a Coke Day, Do you like soda?

May 11: National Eat Whatever You Want Day, Time to break those diets!

May 13: National Brunch For Lunch Day, What's you're favorite lunch?

May 14: National Decency Day,  Be a good person for a day!

May 15: National Family Day,  Time to spend time with the fam!

May 20:  National Be a Millionaire Day, What would you do with a million dollars?

May 23: National Turtle Day, Would you like to be a turtle?

May 24: National Tiara Day: Become the princess of your dreams!

May 27: National Jazz Day, What's you're favorite type of music?

May 28: National Hamburgers Day, Do you like burgers?