Student Showcase 

Sharing Stories with Sick Kids

 In Mrs. Seitz's classroom, her 7th graders each chose a children's book to read and record to send to sick kids in the hospital.  Our students loved making videos for the children at area hospitals. They thought it was fun, and they loved that they got to pick the book they got to read.  Every student picked a different book to read, so the children at the hospital get to hear a lot of different stories while they are sitting through long treatments during hospital visits or during long hospital stays where the days are long and boring.  A Google Folder with all of the videos was shared with nursing staff at Cardinal-Glennon Children's Hospital and Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital to bring a little happiness to these special kids and their families. 

Open the videos below in a new window to see what these 7th graders created. 

Dewey - There's a Cat in the Library!.mp4
Pirate Bob.mp4
May I Please Have A Cookie.mp4
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.mp4