Wildcat Reviews

Interview with Michele  Forrest By: Troy Morgan

I interviewed Mrs. Forrest on January 30th, 2024, about her favorite movie and TV show, and why she loved them. For her movie, she decided on Overboard, which is about friendship, kindness, and about supporting one another. Then her TV show was Sweet Magnolias, and it was about a kidnapper who takes a girl and forces her to raise his children and clean his house, which the house was awful. I had appreciated her interview, and I hope she loved the interview.  

Interview With Taryn Fennessey

By: Troy Morgan

On January 30th, I interviewed Mrs. Fennessey, a 6th grade LA teacher about her favorite book series and why she loved it. She chose Harry Potter because she loved how the author developed the characters and the plot throughout the entire series.  Other book series she loved were Twilight, Hunger Games, and Berenstain Bears.

Interview with Kyle Weber

By: Troy Morgan

I interviewed Mr. Weber, an 8th grade math teacher about chess. He rates it 10/10 stars because it's a logic game. He started playing when he was in Kindergarten and actually played when he reached college, and still plays to this day. He teaches his children about it, and his son is very interested in the hobby. He loves to be outdoors with nature, watch movies, play video games, and read if he wasn't busy with his own job. He loves The Hobbit, Harry Potter, and Stephen King books. In his opinion, he loves the books more than the movies. 

Interview with Robert Hicks

By: Troy Morgan

I interviewed Mr. Hicks, an 8th grade science teacher about his Funk Pop collection he has in his room. He told me that he was a collector, mainly with movies. His favorite movie is a Marvel movie called Thor: Ragnarok. He isn't a fan of DC, but his favorite characters are Batman and Superman.

Interview with Nicole Regan

By: Troy Morgan

I interviewed Mrs. Regan, a 7th grade science and world geography teacher about why she chose science as her job. She told me that she chose it because of the fun experiments, and to engage with the students. She used to teach elementary kids, but then preferred to talk with teenagers in middle school instead, so she chose this job. I had asked her if she had not been able to get this job, what was her back up? She answered by telling me that she would have been a dog groomer or work with animals. When she retires, she plans to be a cat rescuer as her next job. 

Interview with Lisa Tapella

By: Troy Morgan

I interviewed Mrs. Tapella, an Encore teacher that teaches tech stuff. She grew up with a family that was interested in tech, her brother is in politics, and her sister is a speech therapist in schools. She believes that teaching is a great job.