Student Showcase 

What Do You Get When You Mix Shakespeare and Dr. Seuss?

The Seussification Of Romeo and Juliet,  of course!!

On April 24th, our school held their spring play, The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet. We can thank Mrs. Ehlert and Mrs. Leininger for putting together this special event. We would also like to thank both the cast and crew for putting forth the effort to achieve this great accomplishment over the past few months. "One of my favorite parts of rehearsals was warming up, and bonding with the fellow cast members." -Fia P. Throughout the past few months, our Jr. Wildcats have come together and not only had an outstanding performance, but the fellowship between cast and crew members has evolved since the beginning of the year. We are so proud of our Jr. Wildcats for all their greatly appreciated work. We would like to give a shout-out to our 8th graders who took part in the play: Adilynne Galvan, Gwynn Johnson, Leo Cuadra, Peyton Hicks, Emma Tuttle, Claire Mckinnon, and Grayson Mikinka. Congratulations Jr. Wildcats!

LaSalle students went to all different places during Spring Break! 

Here are some of the highlights of their break!

Paige Glantz participated in a week long sports camp in Kentucky. She said she "enjoyed exploring the land between the lakes" and "would definitely go back"

Emory Andrade went to Lima, Peru to visit her family over spring break. She enjoyed swimming in the ocean and riding bikes. She also talked about the amazing food!

Sahana Santhanam headed for India and spent three weeks with family there, returning just before the end of spring break. She said the food was "very spicy", but she was used to it.