Week 5

Finishing the Picture


Last week we cut out pictures of people from magazines and drew their hair. This week we will also be adding to pictures from magazines but they do not have to be people. We will take part of a page from a magazine and we will draw the rest of the page. Let's learn how to do this...

First you should cut out part of a picture from a page of a magazine. Then glue it to a piece of paper.

Now you are going to continue the picture by drawing what you would like the rest of the picture to look like. Do not just try to draw what you didn't cut out from the magazine. Imagine on your own what different things could possibly be in the rest of the page. Use whatever materials you want to color your picture with - crayons, colored pencils or markers.

Jean Van't Hul

Here is another example. The magazine piece is in the middle and the artist drew the top and bottom.

Jean Van't Hul

Have younger brothers or sisters? Have them try this project as well! Here are some examples done by younger artists.


Make sure you check out the section "Fun Activities for Everyone"

for extra art activities