Week 3

All About Me Collage

Courtney Constable

Collage is the gluing of materials to a flat surface. The word collage comes from the French word "coller" which means "to glue." It can be done with lots of different materials such as construction paper, fabrics and magazines. Many times collages tell a story. Here are some amazing collages - what story do you think the artist is trying to tell?

Courtney Cooney
Rita Shehan

Now it's time for you to make a collage about yourself. Tell a story through your artwork. This is a continuation of the "All About Me" unit we did at school earlier in the year. You can use magazines, drawings - whatever materials you would like. Include a photo of yourself if you would like (but you don't have to). Here is the collage I made. What am I trying to say through my artwork?

To make my collage, I started by cutting out pictures and words from magazines. If I wanted a word that was not in the magazines, I cut out letters from different words to make them. Then I started laying out the pictures and words onto a piece of paper. I put the larger pictures on the paper first. I overlapped my pictures and words (which means I put them on top of each other). I moved things around until I was happy with how it looked. Then I glued each piece on the paper. I could not fit everything I cut out but that is okay. Remember, you can draw pictures or write words on pieces of paper if you would like to add that to your collage. If you do not have magazines then your collage can be all hand drawn.

Look at this amazing collage that Paula Simon created. What does it say?

Make sure you check out the section "Fun Activities for Everyone"

for extra art activities