Week 10

Turning Everyday Objects and Food into Art

Brooke Dowd Sacco

This week we are going to think outside the box. Look at all the things you see around your home - books, pencils, scizzors, tools, toys and of course food! You should take something you have and put it on a piece of paper. Then using a pencil draw a picture that includes the object. However, the object should look like it's something different. An example of this are the grapes in the picture above. They have now turned into balloons! Let's look at some more examples:

Javier Perez Estrella
Javier Perez Estrella
Javier Perez Estrella
Diego Cusano
Brooke Dowd Sacco
Brooke Dowd Sacco
Jahangir Agha
Jahangir Agha
Victor Nunez
Javier Perez Estrella
Jesuso Ortiz
Javier Perez Estrella

Very cool right? That's what I thought! After you draw your picture, take a photo of it. Then you can return the object back where you found it. Don't forget to e-mail me your photo. Please feel free to record a video of your picture on my Flipgrid from week 6 so all your friends can see what you created!

Make sure you check out the section "Fun Activities for Everyone"

for extra art activities