Week 12

Being Kind

This year we have embraced a school theme of "Being Kind." We have shared our kindness quotes and practiced being kind to others. This week's art assignment will focus on that theme. You should chose a kindness quote from below or make up one of your own. With that quote you should make a piece of artwork to go along with it. Please look at the quotes below for inspiration:

Here are some art projects with the theme "Being Kind:"

Ready to get started? Wonderful! Remember to either choose a kindness quote from above or create one of your own. I can't wait to see what you come up with! Please share your artwork on the Flipgrid below. Please e-mail me with any questions. (MBrustman@obenschools.org)

Now it's time to practice being kind at home. Try these and make a difference!

Make sure you check out the section "Fun Activities for Everyone"

for extra art activities