Product Listing Guidelines

To ensure that travelers can better understand product information and feel confident in ordering travel products, please follow the KKday's listing guidelines when creating products.

Basic Info


Please choose a language that matches the product content. It is prohibited to use bilingual text when writing product content, such as mixing Chinese and English or Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Basic Info

1. Please capitalize the first letter of each word and write the Product Name according to the format:  Spot/Experience + Type + Location  

2. Please do NOT use special symbols or #hashtag in the Product Name. Only brackets  ()〔〕【】《》「」『』&+/、・一 , : and |are allowed.

3. The shorter, the better. If you wanted to add your store name, can put it behind the Location.

4. KKday marketplace is PROHIBITED from selling SIM cards/WiFi.

5. Please ensure to provide legal and compliant transfer services. The use of illegal vehicles for picking up customers is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the store will be suspended.

⚠️ Reminder: A structured and precise product title tells customers clearly what the itinerary is about, improves its discoverability, and increases product exposure.


1. Please select the time zone of the product experience destination.

2. If the product spans multiple time zones, please select the time zone of the departure location.

Main Locations / Landmarks

1. For the Main Location / Landmark, please select the "City/County" level; do not choose townships, towns, or districts.

2. If your product includes multiple experience locations, you can add more locations.

3. For "airport transfer products," you must select the city or county where the airport is located. For example, Tokyo International Airport should be listed as Tokyo City.



Brief is for SEO search engine optimization purposes. Please briefly describe the itinerary in 2-3 sentences within 80 words and avoid line breaks.


Highlight is required and it is the key summary field at the top of the product page. Please use write 3-5 product selling points within 500 words.

⚠️ Reminder: To protect consumer rights and the safety of online transactions, please avoid attempting to transact outside KKday platform as it may lead to the suspension of your store.


1. It is FORBIDDEN to add phone number, social media information(such as  Line、WeChat、Facebook、Instagram), external website, or any other advertisement in the content.

2. Do not repeat the same content in different field. Please remove the duplicate content.

3. For different product types, the following necessary information is required:

Purchase Notice

1. Information travelers need to know before booking, which may affect their decision to book.

2. For airport transfer products, please indicate in the "Purchase Notice" whether the following services are provided: infant seat, child seat, pet-friendly options, and signboard service.

Special Terms and Conditions

1. Information travelers need to know after booking, including any pre-departure information or reminders and will appear on the voucher.

2. For products pending formation, please specify the formation rules. For example: We will notify you _ days in advance whether the group will be formed. If the required number of participants is not met, the trip will be cancelled. (According to Taiwanese regulations, at least 7 days’ notice is required.)

Participant Restrictions

Please leave this field blank. If you need to restrict purchases from specific countries, please go to the channel settings and select “Market Restrictions”.

Product image / Video

1. Logos, text, watermarks, and collages are NOT allowed on the first image of the product (other images are not limited). If there are multiple products, do NOT use the same main image for different products.

2. Brand name, phone number, official website, and other advertising words such as fan page for more discounts are PROHIBITED in product images and texts.

3. Product images must match the product itself. Uploaded images must be legal, and using infringing photos is PROHIBITED.

4. Product image dimensions should be 1920px * 1080px and 4:3 aspect ratio, with margins on both sides. Each image file size must be less than 5 MB. Vertical photos are not accepted (must be horizontal).

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

According to Taiwanese regulations, the cancellation policy must be a flexible refund rule. If the cancellation policy is non-refundable, please set “Taiwan” as a Restricted Market in channel settings.

Sales Options

Sales Option Description

1. If there are two or more sales options, please clearly specify the differences in the “Description”.

2. If add-on options are mentioned in the product description, they must be added as new sales options in the "Sales Options" to avoid customer complaints and disputes (e.g., infant seats, meal costs, guide language selection, etc.).

3. Car rental products: Selling individually on the KKday Marketplace is prohibited (unless a bundled product like Flight + Accommodation + Car).

Add Pricing

Add Pricing

1. The price must not be lower than USD 3 (except for infants).

2. When selecting pricing rule as By Item, please ensure the pricing unit is correct (person/ticket/vehicle/room/set/day).

3. If the description includes the experience time slots and sessions, it must match the options.

4. Check if the product has a valid sale date. It is recommended that the purchase date be extended by at least 3-6 months to attract travelers to place orders.


If you need to limit the quantity of each booking for a sales option, please set the Limitation per Booking the “Advanced” under “Add Pricing”.



1. Please use bullet points correctly to avoid displaying "00:00" text.
2. It is important that the time slots are in correct sequential order.
3. For half-day, one-day, multi-day tours, and experience-type products: It is mandatory to add images and textual descriptions in the "Itinerary" section to ensure travelers are informed about the tour details.



1. For day tour products (half-day, one-day, multi-day tours): The pickup location must be set as the "Meeting Point".
*If the product includes hotel pickup, please specify the service range in detail. For example: Meeting Point Name - Taipei City Hotels, Address - Taipei City.

2. For ticket, accommodation, and experience-type products: The "Destination" must be set (at least one main location).

3. For airport transfer products: The "Meeting Point" name must include the airport IATA code only, with no other text. For example, for Taoyuan Airport, write "TPE".


If the itinerary mentions "pickup service" (such as airport transfers or day tour products), please set the pick-up or drop-off route in the "Pickup".

Guide Services

Guide Services

1. KKday Marketplace only supports the “Guide Language.”

2. Products requiring interactive explanations, such as half-day/full-day tours, multi-day tours, workshops, and outdoor activities, must specify the service languages provided.

Price Details

Price Details

1. Tour Products: The price detail must indicate whether "driver and guide tips / meals / insurance" are included.

2. Experience Products (Indoor and Outdoor): The price detail must indicate whether "meals / insurance" are included.

3. High-Risk and Water-Related Products: The price detail must indicate whether "insurance" are included.

Supply Products

Supply Products

1. Market Restrictions: If the cancellation policy is non-cancellable, please prohibit sales in the Taiwan market.

2. Listed Product Category: Please select the correct category (focus on one main category).