Price Details Settings

Price Details is to provide travelers with a more detailed explanation of what kind of fees are included or excluded in the price.

Price Details

Step 1: Click the +/x to add or remove fees.

You can use the filter, or enter keywords to search for the fee you would like to add. Click Confirm after selecting all your included and Excluded fees.

Step 2: Add Custom fees.

 If there’s no option you want, you can enter a name in Custom column, and click Add to add other options.

Required Price Details for Specific Product Categories

To reduce customer complaints and help customers better understand your product content for specific product categories, please ensure that the price details indicate whether certain fees are included.

1. Tour Products: The price detail must indicate whether driver and guide tips / meals / insurance are included.

2. Experience Products (Indoor and Outdoor): The price detail must indicate whether meals / insurance are included.

3. High-Risk and Water-Related Products: The price detail must indicate whether insurance are included.