How and when do I get paid?

Payment Process & Standard Payment Schedule

For all KKday Marketplace merchants, the payment cycle is monthly basis and according to your Order Departure Date.

If your have order(s) completed, please read the following instructions to request your payment. The payment is scheduled to be released on the 1st of the next month once you have finished the steps before the 10th of the month.

Example: If you receive an order on Feb-25-2024 and the Departure Date is Mar-24-2024, then:

Guidelines for Confirming Monthly Payment Report

Confirm Monthly Payment Report

Every 3rd of the month, you will receive an email notification for monthly (last month's) payment report. Please click on the link in the email, and then confirm that your payment amount is correct before the 10th

Step 1: Check your inbox and there is an email titled Account Statement from KKday. Please click on the link.

Step 2: Go to your Payment Report in rezio 

> Click Check Account Statement 

> Scroll down to view your Statement Details 

> Click Accept to confirm if the report is all good 

> Account Status turns to Confirmed

Guidelines for Issuing Payment Invoice 

Issue Payment Invoice

Please issue a payment invoice in PDF format and send it to before the 10th of the month

You can have your own invoice layout but must include the following required information:

Inovice Sample