Account Admin invite and role settings

This guide is intended to help you through the account settings in rezio Admin, including inviting new accounts, changing access roles, and removing accounts from your store.

Inviting New Accounts

Settings > Account

1. Click + Invite on the account info page.

*Note: only the administrator has the authority to invite new accounts.

2. Input the email address of the person you want to invite and write a message (optional).

3. Select the access role of the account.

4. Click Save to send out an invitation.

If the person you are inviting has not signed up to your store, they will receive an email inviting them to sign up and join your store. If the person you are inviting already has an account created, they can log in and have immediate access to your store.

Changing Roles

To change roles:

1. Go to Settings > Account and click on the account with the role you wish to change.

2. Go to Store Permission Info, then select the role

3. Click Save when done changing.

*Note: Only Administrators have authorization to change access roles.

Removing Accounts

To remove an account from your store:

Go to Settings > Account and click on the account you wish to remove.

After entering edit mode, click Remove to remove the account.