Welcome to TED 23/24!

Teachers:  Mr. DJ, Mr. Gerry, Ms. Marie, Ms. Hasna, Ms. Mayar, Ms. Mireille, Ms. Ritu, Ms. Sandra, Ms. Nerike, Ms. Hala, Ms. Jassmin, Ms. Irma, Ms. Evelyn  


Welcome to our dynamic, ever-growing, and evolving department. We are looking forward to a year where our students will

use critical thinking to collaborate and communicate creatively.



My name is DJ,  I am from South Africa, currently in my 7th year at EMS Doha. I have a degree in financial management and I also obtained my PGCE at the University of Stellenbosch. I am teaching IG and AS Business Studies and I am so excited to share this journey with our wonderful students. Business Studies excites me because of the dynamic nature of the business world. To analyze and evaluate these activities with my students makes for exciting and hopefully useful lessons. 



My name is Mr. Gerhard Swart. I am from South Africa. I studied Business Marketing and Financial Management at the University of Pretoria. Teaching business is one of my passions and I am already seeing a big impact I have made with the business students. 

Ms. Mayar

My name is Ms. Mayar,  I am from Egypt,  and I hold International Business and Mangement studies Bachelor's degree at Stenden University Qatar.  I also have PGCE at  Buffalo State University of NewYork.  Teaching Business is my passion and I want to transfer this passion to my student and guide them to become succesful in their future life.

Ms. Hasna

My name is  Hasna and I am from France. I am a UK Secondary & Sixth Form French qualified teacher specializing in MFL (Modern Foreign Language) French. I hold a PGCE from the University of Portsmouth, England. I am committed to my students` well-being as well as catering to diverse learning styles, abilities, and backgrounds.


Where teachers and students work together, to reach the unreachable and do the impossible!