Qatar History ( English Year 8)
Dear Parents and Students,
My Expectations for Every Student:
The best way to learn is to participate. My class is interactive learning, and I expect for each student to be engaged and participate to increase their knowledge of the content that is delivered.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for obtaining assignments and notes when you return. Check for assignments on the assignment board. Worksheets and any additional handouts can be obtained from the make-up folder. (You have five school days after an excused absence to make up any missed work.)
I expect every student to on their very best behavior during the lesson. I will not have the learning on other students hindered because one or two students fail to comply with the class rules.
Dear parents, we kindly ask you to read the weekly letter, as it contains important details about what your children will be learning in the week. This will help you stay updated on their progress and support them in their educational journey.

Term 1
Unit One: History
Qatari Flag
Qatar's National Vision
Qatar and the Arabian Gulf region in the Modern Age
Importance of the Arabian Gulf Region
Political, Economic and Strategic Motives
Colonial Motives in the Arabian Gulf Region
Colonial Motives in the Arabian Gulf region
Stages of European Competition for the Arabian Gulf Region
Term 2
Unity Two: History
Conditions of the Arabian Gulf region in 18th and 19th Centuries
The Arabian Gulf region before the Ottoman Rule
The Ottoman Gulf region before the Ottoman rule
Reasons behind Ottoman interest in the Arabian Gulf
Qatar under the Ottoman Rule
Agreement between Sheikh Jassim and the Ottomans
Battle of Al-Wajba (1893)
Results of the Battle of Al-Wajba
Term 3
Unit Three: Citizenship
National Human Rights Committee (NHRC)
Role of Qatar in the Field of International Peace
Role of Qatar in the Field of Voluntary Work