Qatar History (English) Year 7


Brought to you by Ms.Mireille

Course Overview

Dear Parents and Students,

our Expectations for Every Student:

I expect every student to on their very best behavior during the lesson. we will not have the learning on other students hindered because one or two students fail to comply with the class rules.

Unit One:  Contemporary History of Qatar

In this unit, the student learns about the period of British Protection for Qatar, shedding the light on the rulers of the family of Al-Thani and their important achievements in Qatar.

o   The Qatari-British Relations (Treaty of 1918-1935)

o   Rulers of the State of Qatar and their most important achievements

Unit Two:  Features of Modern Development in Qatar

 In this unit, the student learns about the features of development in the era of His Excellency, the Father, Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani.  Additionally, the student learns the manifestations of political, economic and social renaissance in Qatar after the rule of His Excellency, the Father, Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani.

o   Manifestations of Political and Economic Renaissance in Qatar

o   Manifestations of Social Renaissance in Qatar

Unit Three:  Citizenship (Qatar’s Role in Supporting Arab and Islamic Issues) This unit tackles the role of Qatar in supporting the Arab and Islamic causes.  In this unit, the student learns about the role played by Qatar in boosting the Arab and Islamic causes with all means.

o   Qatar’s Role in Supporting Arab and Islamic Issues

o   Qatar’s Role in Supporting the Palestinian Cause