
Year 9 

Ms. Shanika / Ms.  Sara / Ms. Julia 



A warm welcome to all students and their parents! 

We are looking forward to the 2023 /2024 academic year where we would like to build a strong and trusting learning community. Please check this site regularly as it will be updated weekly with content to be covered as well as all important dates and events. 

We believe in open communication with students and parents, so please feel free to email us or set up an appointment should you wish to discuss anything. We are excited for the year ahead and we look forward to working with our lovely students!

Contact Details: 

Ms Shanika shanika.thomas@emsdoha.net

Ms Sara  sara.shakra@emsdoha.net

Ms Julia  julia.moody@emsdoha.net                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ms Daniela: HOD English

Curriculum Links / Guide

We would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the curriculum to be studied by your child in Year 9 English Language. 

The Lower Secondary course follows the requirements of the Cambridge Lower Secondary English syllabus.

Students and parents have access to the syllabus and other information via the CIE's website.  www.cie.org.uk

Cambridge Secondary English enables learners to communicate confidently and effectively and to develop the skills to respond to a range of information, media and texts with understanding and enjoyment. Learners who follow this framework will develop a first language competency in English based on a curriculum designed to be successful in any culture and to promote cross-cultural understanding. 

The Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework is presented in four main content areas. 

1) Reading 

2) Writing

3) Speaking 

4) Listening 

Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests

Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests provide a valuable and valid internal assessment of knowledge, skills and understanding. They enable learning to be assessed each year and provide detailed information about the performance of each learner for stages 7, 8 and 9.

The results enable teachers to give structured feedback to learners and compare the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups, which then allows more prescribed planning for each teaching group to ensure knowledge gaps are filled. 

The tests are marked internally, but the mark-scheme is directly from Cambridge, and allowed standardisation with cohorts from all Cambridge schools. 

0861 Lower Secondary English Stage 9 Scheme of Work_tcm143-592827.docx
FINAL copy Yr 9 LOWER SEC English Curriculum Guides 2023-2024

Online Platforms 


Reading comprehension

Google Classroom


Literacy Planet



Weekly overview: 

Term 1

Term 1 Overview 

Learners will discuss the impact of visual elements in The Giver, and adapt it to their own writing. When reading, learners will analyse and respond to a range of ideas, viewpoint and purposes, and establish a clear viewpoint in their own writing. Learners will write to express multiple viewpoints, adapt their communication for impact, plan and deliver a presentation, and analyse the meaning and impact of variations in communication. Learners will read a range of non-fiction texts, analysing the different viewpoints, exploring the points of agreement and disagreement and explaining how social, cultural and historical contextual factors inform viewpoints.


Term 2

Term 2 Overview 

Learners will analyse the use of linguistic and literary techniques in a poem, explore points of agreement and disagreement in their own and other’s analysis, and use linguistic and literary techniques for effect in their own writing. earners will use rhetorical punctuation in their own writing and analyse its use in the writing of others. They will also analyse the effect of structural features in a text and experiment with them in their own writing. Learners will give a reasoned response that synthesises information from a range of sources. Learners will analyse how structural, literary and linguistic features can be combined to enhance meaning in a text and use combinations of features in their own writing.

Term 3

Term 3 Overview 

Learners will study J.B.Priestley’s play An Inspector Calls to analyse the critical and social context of when texts are produced, personally responding to this. Building from this, learners will study character viewpoint and biases in comparison to those of the playwright. In addition to this, learners will explore the use of dialogue, gesture, setting and stage direction in the creation of tone and mood of a play, applying all of this to their own dramatic performances. 

Learners will analyse and respond to the themes, range of ideas and viewpoints in information texts, and will manipulate language in their own writing to express complex ideas and opinions. Learners will analyse how a reader’s preferences and opinions can shape the meaning of a text and write their own prose text. Learners will show evidence of reading ahead, analyse the purpose of using formal and informal language in a text, and vary the degree of formality in their own writing to enhance meaning.

Term 1 

Week 1: Welcome & Introduction 

Week 2: Introduction to the novel 

Week 3:  Novel study

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Week 8:

Week 9:

Week 10:

Week 11:

Week 12:

Week 13:

Term 2  

Week 1: Novel Study

Week 2: Speech Writing 

Week 3: Movie

Week 4: Poetry

Week 5: Poetry

Week 6: Poetry

Week 7: Poetry

Week 8: Poetry

Week 9: Poetry

Week 10: Project

Week 11: Poetry

Week 12: Literature Week

Week 13: Literacy Week

Week 14: Advertisement 

Week 15: Advertisement