Year 9
Mr.Junior / Ms. Sara / Ms. Reem /Ms.Rokaya
Welcome to year 9 Google site
We are thrilled to welcome you and your child to our EMS family! As we embark on this new school year together, we want to express how excited we are to partner with you in your child’s educational journey.At EMS, we believe that a strong school community is built on collaboration, trust, and shared goals. Our dedicated team of educators is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment where each child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Google site is a school platform to check for resources and updates on the curriculum, important dates, and upcoming events. Regular check-ins will keep you in the loop on all things related to your child's education.Throughout the year, we will work closely with you to ensure that your child’s experience is both positive and enriching. We encourage open communication and invite you to actively participate in our school events, parent-teacher meetings, and various programs.Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to connect, feel free to email us or schedule a meeting.
Contact Details:
Mr.Junior farouk.gaidi@emsd.sch.qa
Ms.Reem reem.kasem@emsdoha.net
Ms Sara sara.shakra@emsdoha.net
Ms Rokaya rokiya.ibrahim@emsd.sch.net Ms Kawthar: HOD English
Curriculum Links / Guide
Dear Parents ,
We would like to take the opportunity to inform you of the curriculum to be studied by your child in Year 9 English Language.
The Lower Secondary course follows the requirements of the Cambridge Lower Secondary English syllabus.
Students and parents have access to the syllabus and other information via the CIE's website. www.cie.org.uk
Cambridge Secondary English enables learners to communicate confidently and effectively and to develop the skills to respond to a range of information, media and texts with understanding and enjoyment. Learners who follow this framework will develop a first language competency in English based on a curriculum designed to be successful in any culture and to promote cross-cultural understanding.
The Cambridge Secondary 1 English Curriculum Framework is presented in four main content areas.
1) Reading
2) Writing
3) Speaking
4) Listening

Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests
Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests provide a valuable and valid internal assessment of knowledge, skills and understanding. They enable learning to be assessed each year and provide detailed information about the performance of each learner for stages 7, 8 and 9.
The results enable teachers to give structured feedback to learners and compare the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups, which then allows more prescribed planning for each teaching group to ensure knowledge gaps are filled.
The tests are marked internally, but the mark-scheme is directly from Cambridge, and allows standardization with cohorts from all Cambridge schools.
Online Platforms
Reading comprehension
Google Classroom is designed to help students collaborate, communicate with teachers, submit assignments, and access learning materials seamlessly.
Kami is a student-friendly tool for annotating and collaborating on digital documents, promoting interactive and efficient learning experiences.
Creates presentations, posters, videos, logos
Term 1 overview:
In Term 1 of Year 9 English, students embark on an engaging exploration of literature and language skills designed to deepen their understanding and appreciation of both. The term typically begins with a focus on analyzing a range of texts, including classic and contemporary novels, short stories, and poems. Learners will discuss the impact of visual elements in The Giver, and adapt it to their own writing. When reading, learners will analyse and respond to a range of ideas, viewpoint and purposes, and establish a clear viewpoint in their own writingStudents will develop their critical thinking and interpretative skills through close reading and discussion, examining themes, character development, and narrative techniques. Additionally, the term emphasizes enhancing writing proficiency, with exercises in crafting coherent and persuasive essays, as well as creative writing projects. Grammar and vocabulary enrichment also play a crucial role, reinforcing students' ability to articulate their ideas clearly and effectively. Overall, Term 1 sets a solid foundation for advanced language studies by fostering analytical skills and creative expression.
Weekly Overview
Week 1: Welcome & Introduction
Ice breakers
Introduction to year 9 curriculum
Expectations and vision
Week 2: Introduction to the novel
Annotation reminder
Introduction to "The giver"
Societal discussions
Week 3:
Introduction to "The Giver"
Analyze the key features of the novel
Analyse figurative language of the novel
Exploring examples of dystopian text
Week 4:
Chapter 2 - family structure
Narrative perspectives
Point of views
Reading Test
Week 5:
Annotating an extract
Storytelling modes
The roles and responsibilities introduced in the novel
Persuasive writing
Week 6:
Voice in writing
Library Lesson
Assessment feedback
Assessment revision
Week 7:
Writing assessment
Chapter 6 analysis
Locate, retrieve and compare information
Complex sentence
Week 8 :
Facts and opinion
Figurative language
Locate, retrieve and compare information
Cancer awareness
Week 9 :
Figurative languages
Euphemism and Litotes
Week 10
Alliteration and Hyperbole
Vocabulary and comprehension skills
Reading assessment
Listening assessment
Week 11
Speaking assessment (Internal Project)
Writing assessment feedback
Vocabulary and comprehension skills
Week 12
Understanding oxymoron
Theme analysis ( The Giver)
Library lesson
Term 2
Week 1 :
Understand the key events in Chapters 20 of The Giver
Understand the developments in Chapters 21 of The Giver
Analyze Jonas’s emotional and physical journey in Chapter 22
Key events in Chapters 23 of The Giver.
Week 2:
Analyze and compare the descriptive technique
Analyze how Anita Desai uses descriptive language to create a suspenseful and vivid setting
Listening assessment
Week 3 :
Movie day
Week 4 :
Key elements of poetry
Rhyme and rhythm in poetry
Library lesson
Week 5:
Figures of speech in Poetry
Analyze the tone and theme of a poem
Poem analysis
International day
Week 6:
Poem analysis
Analyze a poem from multiple perspectives
Critical thinking and self-reflection through peer assessment.
Analyze the theme, tone, and rhyme scheme of a poem
Reading comprehension assessment
Week 7 :
Introduction to Poetry Elements ( assessment preparation)
Exploring Figure of Speech ( assessment preparation)
Creating Imagery ( assessment preparation)
Mastering Rhyme and Rhythm ( Assessment preparation)
Week 8:
Tone in Poetry
Using Graphic Organizers to Plan a Poem.
Writing and Revising Poetry
Review the five key elements of poetry.
Presentation (Speaking assessment)
Week 9
Library lesson
Sports Day
Week 10
Assessment constructive feedback
Explore the role of detectives in crime fiction.
Analyze detective story excerpts
Assessment practice
Week 11
Reading assessment
Library lesson
Structure of poetry review
Analyzing a poem