Rules and Regulations
Rules / Expectations
Come properly prepared for PE everyday (refer to Proper Attire/Preparation).
Follow all directions and school rules.
Give your best effort everyday - you may like some activities better than others, but always try to give your best effort.
No food, candy, or gum allowed in any of the teaching areas.
Respect others and respect all equipment.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Sportsmanship - be a good sport.
Teasing and name calling will not be tolerated.
Be attentive while others are speaking.
Remain quiet during all drills (fire, etc...)
Bathroom - try to use the bathrooms either before or at the end of class.
Leaving the gym - NO ONE leaves the teaching areas without teacher approval.
Report all injuries to the PE teacher immediately when they happen.
Follow all school rules during PE class.
HAVE FUN !!! - If you had FUN, you WON !!!
Structure of a PE lesson
You will meet your teacher at a location your teacher discusses with you as soon as possible after the bell
The start of a lesson you will get an introduction to your lesson- The lesson will start when you are waiting quietly.
At the end of your lesson you will finish 2-3 minutes before the bell for you to come in and have a debrief.
Proper Attire / Preparation
Socks must be worn at all times.
Athletic sneakers that are acceptable for PE must be worn for all activities (with laces tied or Velcro). Athletic sneaker is a generic term for the footwear primarily designed for sports or other forms of physical activity. No visible part of the foot should be exposed. Unacceptable types of footwear include slip-ons, Heelies, platform or clog sneakers, flip-flops, Uggs or any other types of boots. *On inclement days when boots must be worn to school, put sneakers in your child's backpack.
Appropriate EMS PE dress code, grey shirt (long or short sleeves), shorts or pants (Black).
Long hair should be tied back and secured.
Jewellery, other than stud earrings, is not permitted (see below)
Jewelry Policy
For health/safety reasons, the school policy states that no jewelry may be worn during PE class. There are only two exceptions: medical identification type bracelets/anklets, which must be covered with soft, elastic cloth or tape, and stud earrings (ONLY studs and ONLY in the ears), although it is still recommended that they be removed. Hoops, dangling earrings, necklaces, watches, bracelets, rings, and all other body piercings are not acceptable for PE class.
Students who do not remove jewelry cannot participate and are considered unprepared for PE class.
If you find it necessary for your child to be excused from PE on a particular day for medical reasons, you must send in a signed note stating the problem – the note is good for one day and will also exclude your child from physical activity during their recess.
Any extended illness or medical condition requires a doctor’s note stating the specific ailment or diagnosis and when the student can return to PE activity. This note must be given to the nurse and PE teacher.
Any daily complaints of illness will be handled the PE teacher, who will send the student to the nurse to determine the proper action to be taken.