Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS)


Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) are being used in higher education for a number of reasons, including research, teaching, and for business. There are Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations that govern the national airspace, but each educational institution may have their own respective regulations and governance that meet or exceed FAA rules. This group will focus on building community among drone pilots, stakeholders, and managers who authorize flight requests, and sharing ideas and resources. In addition, the group will also discuss topics such as benchmarking, interpretation or understanding of FAA rules and regulations, lobbying for legislation, hands-on testing and training techniques, etc.

RPAS Charter


This group will build community, collaborate and share remotely piloted aerial systems policies, procedures and best practices among interested EDUCAUSE members.


  • Encourage new members (national and international level) to join the group, to broaden perspective and effects;

  • Maintain and develop the group leadership (co-leaders and executive committee members);

  • Facilitate information sharing and discussion using a variety of communications methods, such as the email list, online meetings and participation at EDUCAUSE conferences;

  • Discuss approach, impacts and implementation of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rules;

  • Advocate about regulations and legislation affecting the education RPAS community.


  • Virtual meetings during the academic year.

  • Group meeting at EDUCAUSE annual conference (as funding and budgets permit).

Scope and Major Activities:

  • Exchange information to:

      • Develop or enhance remotely piloted aerial system compliance and safety training programs.

      • Understand how other higher education institutes are interpreting, approaching and implementing regulations.

      • Collaborate with others in the remotely piloted aerial system field, as well as key stakeholders.

  • Discuss remotely piloted aerial system industry and academic trends.

  • Discuss and share information about new remotely piloted aerial system technologies.

  • Determine needs to advocate about legislation.

  • Develop and share safe flying techniques.

  • Invite occasional guest speakers from industry, government and/or academia counterparts.

  • Write articles related to remotely piloted aerial systems.

Out of Scope Activities:

  • Perform work for or on behalf of a specific college or university.


  • Group members are EDUCAUSE members who self-select to participate, but anyone is welcome to join, even if they are not directly in a remotely piloted aerial system role. EDUCAUSE members encompass all types of institutions, and industry influencers from corporations, associations, and organizations serving higher education.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Co-leaders share all of the following activities:

  • Lead meetings, including online meetings and physical meetings at EDUCAUSE conferences, if given the opportunity, and if funding and budgets permit).

  • Maintain focus on meeting topic.

  • Ensure that meetings begin and end on time.

  • Encourage discussions and postings on the CG listserv to keep communications open among CG participants.

RPAS CG members participate in most of the following activities:

  • Attend meetings. Members should, at a minimum, notify a co-leader if they are unable to attend a meeting. Declining the calendar invitation is sufficient notification.

  • Contribute to developing meeting agendas.

  • Contribute to the on-going improvement of the group.

  • Provide time and expertise towards development of the team’s deliverables.

  • Work collaboratively and cooperatively as a team.

  • Understand the implications and outcomes of projects and initiatives being pursued.

  • Contribute to the planning and coordination of CG’s participation at EDUCAUSE events, such as the national conference and regional or topical conferences, if funding and budgets permit.

RPAS CG Leaders

  • Jennifer (Jenn) Stewart, Penn State University, Unmanned Aircraft Operations Manager, RPAS CG Co-lead

  • Matt Scassero, University of Maryland UAS Test Site, Director, RPAS CG Co-lead

RPAS CG Meetings