IT Crisis Communication Notebooks

Part of Crisis Communications

See also: Steps to Take, Notify IT First, and What to Say

IT Crisis Comms Book- Recipient List

June 17, 2009

Who has copies of this notebook?

    • 2 = one in office, one at home

    • 1= one in office only

CIO/VP level:

    • Vice Provost for IT - 2

Director level :

    • Enterprise Applications - 2

    • Academic and Research Computing - 2

    • Network, Operations, and Data Centers - 2

    • Systems, Infrastructure, and Architecture- 2

    • Administration, Finance, and Planning - 2

    • IT Security Officer - 2

IT Marketing & Communications Team:

    • Manager - 2

    • Sr. Technical Writer - 2

Data Centers (ride-out crews stationed here through crisis):

    • Campus Data Center - 1

    • Off-site Data Center - 1

TOTAL: 20 copies