October 2009

Posted by Lisa Trubitt on February 8, 2010

Web Site Redesign

October 9

Kevin Reeve, from Utah State University, was the presenter. Al Gonzales from Cornell University also contributed. What a great discussion!

Chat archives below; Audio notes coming by October 13.

Chat Archive

    • CG Leader:Hello

    • Sylvia Sylvia Maxwell - U of West FL:Good Morning! TGIF!

    • CG Leader:This is Kevin in Logan Utah - Utah State University

    • CG Leader 2:hi this is al

    • CG Leader 2:Al Gonzalez

    • Debbie - Moody:Good morning.

    • Cathy McVey - Miami U :Good morning - from SW Ohio

    • Iris - UMass Amherst:Hello from UMass Amherst

    • Carlyn - Rice:love the graphics in this PowerPoint, great examples of how to avoid death by powerpoint in my future presentations!

    • Carlyn - Rice:please type author name in chat notes

    • CG Leader - Kevin Reeve - Utah State:http://www.cit.cornell.edu

    • Ben--Rochester Institute of Technology:One other book to recommend: Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (Interactive Technologies) (Paperback)by Janice (Ginny) Redish

    • Cathy McVey - Miami U :This has been great - wish I could stay for the end. Must run to a focus group!

    • Ben--Rochester Institute of Technology:We used card sorting. Using personas is a good idea. I used them in an HCI class that I took.

    • Carlyn - Rice:Recommended books (added to slides already, included here for archive notes): Made to Stick by Dan Heath and Chip Heath, http://www.madetostick.com/ , Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug http://www.sensible.com/ ,

    • Mary - Penn State:Could Al share the "layman's terms" style guide with us?

    • Peter - Academic Impressions:Kevin, you mentioned institution-wide web design templates that should be considered up front in the process. Couple questions: (1) To what extent, if at all, do you share those constraints with users in focus groups and surveys? (2) If the results of user needs assessment point to new design/architecture or functionality features that would violate/chafe against the templates, how do you deal with that?

    • Debbie - Moody:If we are able to go to the Educause session, will you be covering these topics plus more?

    • Ben--Rochester Institute of Technology:We had to conform to a divisional template. However, we were able to provide some flash based content and are also using Facebook to communicate to students. (My responsibility is limited to Information Security.)

    • Carlyn - Rice:The chat notes will be exported and sent to the attendees, just add the McGowan book to the chat notes

    • Carlyn - Rice:IT communicators wiki: http://itcommunicate.wetpaint.com/

    • CG Leader 2 - Al Gonzalez - Cornell:thanks everyone!

    • Ben--Rochester Institute of Technology:Thanks. Great content!