Office of IT Communications Descriptions

These descriptions are suitable for web pages and other publications. Send yours to the ITComm mailing list and the content managers will add it here. The most recently submitted descriptions are on top.

ITS Strategic Planning and Technology Communications provides and supports internal and external strategic communication initiatives. The team is responsible for the copywriting, editing, and graphic design of printed and electronic documentation and website content to help ITS connect to its audience and create awareness of its value. This department is also responsible for ITS Conference and Events. The team is available to program and project areas for communications support and consultation as well. Submitted by Annette Ogletree-McDougal.


  • Branding

    • Communication plans

    • Conference and event planning

    • Design and layout

    • Editing

    • Fact checking

    • ITS external and internal communications

    • ITS News

    • ITS special communications projects

    • Proofreading

    • Social media

    • Templates

    • USO special projects

    • Website content

    • Writing

Communications and Marketing

IT Communications

IT Marketing & Communications Mandate

The communications and marketing department oversees campus communications and marketing for the office of the CIO and related units. The team develops mechanisms for print and electronic media that help to advance the goals of the Office of the CIO. The communications and marketing department assists with the information technology strategic planning initiative, promotes the services of the offices of the CIO, elevates understanding of the role of the Chief Information Officer, and facilitates awareness among a large and diverse campus audience. TheDirector for Communications and Marketing is part of the CIO's Senior Leadership Team. Submitted by Lisa K Stage.

IT Communications rolls up under a group called Enterprise Account Management and Communications within the Office of Information Technology at Brigham Young University. The mission of this team is to “foster and maintain relationships of trust by providing a professional, knowledgeable and approachable service centered interface to the customers of OIT products and services."

Note: this content does NOT appear on any web site; it is only used internally within Central IT. Submitted by Carlyn Foshee Chatfield.

The IT Marketing & Communications is a small team with 1.5 FTEs: the Manager for IT Technical Communications and the Senior Technical Writer. The IT Marketing & Communications team mandate from the IT Executive Committee (the Vice Provost for IT and the IT Directors) is:

    1. Market IT to the campus

    2. Create and enforce the IT brand (guide anything that leaves IT)

    3. Communicate to the campus for IT