
Who are we?

We are 14 students of the Master's program "Germana în context european - Studii interculturale și multidisciplinare" ("German in European context - interdisciplinary and multicultural studies") offered by the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, West University of Timișoara.

Why PerspecTim?

Our volunteer project was started and carried out as part of the seminar "European Studies" taught by Dr Karla Lupșan. The assignment was to use the creative method "Design Thinking" to create an innovative Product for the visitors of the European Capital of Culture - Timișoara 2023. The result is right in front of your eyes and is called PerspecTim.

About us

Our specialty is diversity. In terms of origin and ethnicity, and implicitly in terms of native languages. In our group there are students who have Romanian, German, Hungarian, Serbian or Ukrainian as their native language. This multicultural background allows us, firstly, to better understand such a colorful city as Timișoara, and secondly, to create a multilingual website. 

What makes a perfect team?


Our photographer takes photos and videos of the three routes described on the website, providing visual impressions of Timisoara. 

The photographer of our team is Sylvia Burger

Blog writers:

The task of the blog writers is to write the texts of the website. The creative texts are written by Florentina Constantinescu and Mălina Buzescu, while Olga B. and Nicolae Șerban are responsible for the "Personality of the Month" and "Event of the Month" sections.


They ensure the linguistic diversity of our site by translating all texts - with the exception of literary texts - into the languages offered on the website.

The team of translators consists of:

Friderika Balaj (German - Hungarian)

Kristina Martinovic (German - Serbian)

Loredana Tismănaru (German - Romanian)

Nicole Olariu (German - English)

Olesia Tsybuliak (German - Ukrainian)


They select excerpts from the Banat German literature that fit the theme of the given month.

Our documentarists are:

Friderika Balaj

Mălina Buzescu

Speranța Hodișan

Denisa Urs 

Claudia Kolestik

Nicolae Șerban

Olga B. .


Geanina-Mădălina Popescu is our technician. She created our website and is constantly updating it. We also owe the good website structure to her.


She checks the content and the design of the website for accuracy.

This task is performed by Sylvia Burger.

