„Und auf der kurzen Fahrt mit dem Spätzug nach Haus hatte der Himmel die stürzend grelle Abendfarbe, die mit sonst nichts zu vergleichen ist. Der Mond hing wie ein Hufeisen oder eine Aprikose, auf den Dächern fuhren Wetterhähne in die Gegenrichtung des Zugs und wie lauter Schachfiguren.“

Herta Müller (2009). Der König verneigt sich und tötet. In: Müller, Herta: In jeder Sprache sitzen andere Augen, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, p. 48.

Timișoara from different perspectives

In 2023, Timișoara will be European Capital of Culture. For this special occasion, we have decided to present the city in a slightly different way. In pictures, mostly because, as Kurt Tucholsky once said, "a picture is worth more than a thousand words".

The photos will be taken on the same routes (on foot, by tram and by bus) between December 2022 and May 2023, and will be posted as a photo carousel once a month, accompanied by a short caption and a quote from the Banat German literature. In addition, on the website there are sections such as "Personality of the month" and "Event of the month", where you can find interesting facts and figures.

The aim of our project is, first, to present Timișoara from different perspectives, and second, the way the city changes during these six months. Sometimes the seasons provide the change, sometimes the many different events that will take place here. But mainly it is the people who make a city more beautiful, more alive and more interesting.

A unique feature of this project is that our photos show an unvarnished reality, because they are not edited. It is important to mention that the website is offered in several languages, in the "languages of the Banat region", i.e. Romanian, German, Hungarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, on the one hand, and in English, on the other hand. We hope to reach a wide international audience.

Hoping to have caught your interest, we wish you: 

Have fun browsing and enjoy Timișoara!  

Author: Florentina Constantinescu

Translator: Nicole Olariu

