ENGAGE: Google Collaboration 101

#cmcssengage #cmcsstech

Collaboration is the key to success in the modern classroom. Sharing and collaborating using Google tools for documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and forms can change the way we work together, the way we work with students, and the way students work together. Participants will create documents as an individual and in groups to experience the collaborative nature of Google. Learners will utilize the sharing features and have time to share files and folders with others. In addition to sharing, participants will gain a better understanding of permissions and how best to share within the organization and share with others outside our organization.

Participants will:

-create folders and move existing documents to Google Drive.

-understand share settings, to include view only and edit.

-share Google Drive items using links, email, and embedding.

-navigate Google Drive organization features, including My Drive, Recent, Starred and Shared Folder.

-use share settings to collaborate in real-time.

Jot Thought

What word(s) best describes Google Docs? How can you best describe collaboration and sharing with Google?

Help us learn more about you...

Google Drive and Cloud Storage

Google Drive is a cloud storage service, and like any cloud storage service its main purpose is to expand your ability to store files beyond the limits of your hard drive.

Google Drive can store any kind of file: photos, videos, .pdfs, Microsoft Office files — anything. Spreadsheets created in or converted to Google Sheets, which is Google’s spreadsheet application, need to be two million cells or smaller. Presentations created in or converted to Google Slides, a presentation builder.

The “my drive” tab is the central hub of Google Drive. It contains the main repository for files you upload to the Google cloud. It works like a folder, capable of containing both files and subfolders.

Organization of The Drive:

  • My Drive: My Drive is where you have your own personal stash of documents and folders. By default, any files that you create or upload get stored under My Drive. You can also choose to share folders and files from within this area.

  • Shared with Me: Shared with me is the place where all of the shared folders and documents are stored in. Note that only those Google Drive folders and files that other people have explicitly shared with you are stored under the Shared with me section.

  • Recent: These are the items from your "My Drive" that you have created or viewing recently.

  • Starred: This is where you can find the folders or items from your DRIVE that you have "starred" or marked as important.

Upload existing document

  • How to upload into Google Drive

Question: When would you want uploaded files to remain in original formatting and not convert to Google formatting?

Upload through Google

Drag and Drop

How to create a GOOGLE DOC:

From Google Drive, locate and select the New button, then choose the type of file you want to create. In our example, we'll select Google Docs to create a new document. Your new file will appear in a new tab on your browser. Locate and select Untitled document in the upper-left corner

  • Naming

  • Formatting

  • Add Hyperlink

  • Inserting - Images/Table

Take a POST IT and write down your CMCSS email. Swap with someone!

Collaboration on a Doc

  • Share document with a partner

    • Shareable Link

    • Email

  • Collaborate in real time on the shared document

  • View Revision History

  • Discuss synchronous vs. asynchronous (when and why)

  • Editing Options/Suggesting

  • Comments

    • Resolving a comment

  • Saving/Copying/Renaming (when and why)

  • Download

Different Access Levels for Files

Google Drive gives you fine-tuned control over who can see your files and what they can do with them.

Before sharing files, it’s important to know the different access levels available on Google Drive. When a user is the owner of a file, he can give editing, viewing, or commenting access to other users.

Public vs. Private Link Sharing

There are two ways you can share a Google Drive document, spreadsheet or presentation with other people. (For simplicity’s sake we’ll just say “document” from now on, but the same steps apply to spreadsheets and presentations.)

Publicly ( Public on the web, Anyone with the Link, Anyone at CMCSS, Anyone at CMCSS WITH LINK) : Anyone can access your document by clicking a link to it. No sign-in is required. You can give out this link to anyone, or publish the link on a website or message board.

Privately (Sharing with specific people only): You enter an email address for each collaborator. Google Drive will email each person a link. Only the people who receive the email can click the link to access your document.

Viewing vs. commenting vs. editing

Regardless of whether you publicly or privately share a document, you can choose one of three ways as to how other people can interact with it.

View: Others will only be able to scroll through and read your document.

Comment: Others will be able to add comments but not change the body of the document.

Edit: Others will be able to actually edit the document (change text, add images, etc.) and share the file with others.

Edit Access

When edit access is given to a user, he can:

  • Edit documents

  • Share/unshare with other users

  • Suggest edits

  • Comment on files

  • Save file copies to a personal Google Drive account

  • Download files

Comment Access

When comment access is given to a user, he can:

  • Suggest edits

  • Comment on files

  • Save copies to his own Google Drive account

  • Download files

View Access

When view access is given to a user, he can:

  • Save a copy of files to his own Google Drive account

  • Download files


Don’t let people download, print, or copy your file

Prevent others from sharing your shared folders or files.


Create Folders


Color Code

Participants will...

-create folders and move existing documents to Google Drive.

-understand share settings, to include view only and edit.

-share Google Drive items using links, email, and embedding.

-navigate Google Drive organization features, including My Drive, Recent, Starred and Shared Folder.

-use share settings to collaborate in real-time.