
Office of Student Affairs

General Information, Philosophy & Objectives

The Office of Student Affairs provides counseling, psychological support, College Guidance, Optimal Learning Services, activity/interest group/community service guidance for students and Learning Support programs. The Student Affairs umbrella includes the following:

Advisory 9th -12th: Student profiles are created via a digital portfolio to include student academic and co-curricular highlights. Students are engaged in self awareness activities to help them define their personal and academic strengths and areas of improvement in order to make optimal choices regarding academic and co-curricular programs. Ultimately, Advisory processes assist students in making the best fit decisions regarding higher education institutions and study options.

College Guidance: Counselors work with students and invite parents to participate in the College advising process. This includes career guidance, educational testing, best fit college search, essay writing and all aspects involved in helping students achieve their higher education goals.

Counseling: Academic and Career guidance is provided by Counselors who work with students individually, in groups, as well as in specific programs, such as, the Advisory 9-12. In addition, the Counselors follow up on progress reports, quarter and semester reports, and students who are ineligible for co-curricular activities due to academic or social probation.

Clinical Psychologist: Available through the Wellness Center, the Clinical Psychologist is prepared to assist students with social-emotional issues (more extensive counseling) as they arise and to help students develop optimal coping strategies. 

Optimal Learning Services: Specialists provide the necessary support to students with learning differences to ensure success within our school.

Student Life: Co-Curricular Activities, Interest groups and community service events take place via the Student Life center. Students are provided with choices to join in or lead activities of their interest.

Educational and Diagnostic Testing Center: The testing center provides, for a fee, psycho-educational testing services to ACS Athens students on-site. Testing will determine eligibility for OLP accommodations and other special learning services.