Drama:The Self & Society - 1


Drama: The Self & Society - 1                                

Semester / 0.5 Credit / Grade 9 - 12


None - The drama courses are not sequential and may be taken in any order.

This practical, mixed-level (9-12) semester elective course will help students improve a range of personal, social and expressive skills, through the daily preparation and presentation of group improvisations and scenes. 

Students will improve their confidence, teamwork and ability to communicate their ideas effectively. They will cultivate their awareness of self and others and will engage in a process of constructing their personal and social identities. They will engage with matters of social and civic significance and develop Conscious Citizenship. Finally, they will be exposed to stage practice, which will activate their imagination, original & creative thinking, problem solving and concentration of attention. 

Drama 1 and 2 can be taken in any order for either one semester or a full year.