
Our gardens have been touched by the time and effort of many people over the past few years. The following people have had an incredible influence on the project and its foundations.

Science Minors (EDSE 353/366) - Winter 2012

The science minors helped with the garden by working on the sheet mulching, planting seeds for the gardens, and offering constructive feedback throughout their time with the project. This course of Winter 2012 was chosen for the project because unlike the IPT or APT courses, the science minors course runs all term. In addition they had a great instructor, Tracy Onuczko, who is willing to work with us on the project.

Susan Barker

Susan is the past Chair of Secondary Education and the person who got the project going by finding the funding to make the balconies usable again.

Dwayne Donald

Dwayne is an Associate Professor in Secondary Education. Part of his role in the department is supporting the other instructors in figuring out how First Nations, MĂ©tis and Inuit perspectives might be integrated into undergraduate courses.

Kelsey Edwards

Kelsey is an undergraduate from the University of Alberta, having completed her 5th year of a combined BSc Mathematics/BEd Secondary. She was a part of the Science Minors course, and helped out with the gardens in the spring and summer of 2013.

Add: Summayah Arid, Roger Smith Undergraduate Award, summer 2014

Add: Jennifer Kamal, Roger Smith Undergraduate Award, summer 2013

Florence Glanfield

Florence is Professor in Secondary Education. She is also the Department Chair.

Alvine Mountain Horse

Alvine is in a PhD program in the Department of Secondary Education. She is an Elder and Teacher from the Blood reserve in southern Alberta. She is serving as an Elder for our garden project.

Tracy Onuczko

Tracy is a PhD candidate. She taught the science minors course.

Dawn Wiseman

Dawn is a PhD candidate. She is coordinating the garden project.