2012-07-27 More Lesson Plan Decisions...

Post date: Jul 27, 2012 4:25:57 PM

In the past few days, I have been working on yet another lesson plan to hopefully be going up on the website. This time, in my area of most interest: Foods!

As we have been having some decisions about explicit vs implicit knowledge of Aboriginal perspectives in the classroom, I really tried considering this when planning the lesson sequence. The course I have chosen is FOD 1060, which works with Canadian heritage foods. I have tried to use the gardens and some Aboriginal perspectives on food and cooking, but again it can’t necessarily be a heavy focus in the course. I haven’t explicitly outlined any Aboriginal perspectives and how they might be at work in the classroom, but I personally feel that by allowing students to research and discover Aboriginal cooking traditions and perspectives on health and food sources will have a greater meaning for them. The lesson sequence also allows for comparison between other groups living in early Canada, as well as food traditions and preparations that are used commonly today.

I had a lot of fun making this lesson plan, and I think it would be a very interesting course to cover in a Foods 10 classroom while incorporating the gardens. It has a bit of focus on the edible portions of the gardens, which can really show students that many plants and many parts of these plants can be used in cooking.

The lesson plan has been sent to others for review and to receive their opinions, but I am very excited to have produced my first lesson sequence for a Foods course! It is not a course that I did in my high school Foods classes, nor did I cover it while doing my IPT last Fall. I have no reference as to how other educators might approach this course, but this seems logical and practical in my opinion. I would personally love to try this in practice in a classroom of my own!