2012-06-29 Vermicomposting!

Post date: Jun 29, 2012 8:40:13 PM

Some exciting and sad news for the gardens today...

The sad news: As of today, Susan Barker will no longer be the Department Chair for Secondary Education. I know that she has contributed many great ideas and opportunities for the gardens, and the gardens will surely miss her!

Exciting news: As Susan is departing from her position, she was kind enough to let me know about her gift to the Faculty. She has prepared numerous large plastic containers with holes in the top, each to be filled with a “worm network”. This “worm network” will be used for vermicomposting, as the Faculty of Education moves towards being even more environmentally friendly with their waste. At least one of these containers will be used to produce extremely fertile soil for the gardens!

This is great in helping our gardens in becoming entirely sustainable, since worms are so beneficial to fertilizing soil and cycling nutrients. I will let you know once ours is set up, so if you are in the Education building you might be able to check it out and maybe even feed the worms!

More to come soon about vermicomposting, as well as how this might be used as a learning tool in the classroom!