2012-08-30 First Season of Growth

Post date: Aug 30, 2012 9:39:42 PM

Finally... a video has been posted under our ‘Photos & Videos’ section!

Take a look at the video, and come to appreciate the growth that has happened with our plants since May. Consider how they are interacting with each other, consider all the water and energy they have used to grow within the past few months. Think about what these plants might look like in a few weeks, a few months, a few years. Impressed? Me too.

As you watch this video, note that it was made using still photographs of the plants. These photographs are not controlled (no tripod, no light control, some time control but not exact). All photos were taking between about 8 and 9 AM. It is meant to show the growth that has happened over the summer, without lasting the length of the entire summer. It is meant to show how the plants have grown into their home, and how they are coexisting while successfully establishing themselves.
