2012-10-09 Sage Bundles

Post date: Oct 09, 2012 6:8:2 PM

Today we met to gather the sage leaves from the gardens. What an exciting experience for me! Sage is commonly used in Aboriginal smudging ceremonies, so it is a very important plant in our gardens.

We gathered all the sage from both of the gardens, careful to leave some of the stalks that have seeds on them so that it will return next year. There was actually a lot that has grown over the summer!

We tidied the ends of the sage, and began tying them for drying. Elder Isabelle said that this not only makes it nice and tidy, easy for hanging, but it keeps the aromas of the sage locked within the bunch so it will remain after it is dried. And trust me, you want to keep those aromas in there.

After tying a few for ourselves, this is what we had!

These will be hung in various places to dry and to fill the room with the lovely smell of sage.