2012-05-09 Wild Strawberries

Post date: May 09, 2012 4:35:33 PM

While we are planting plants native to Alberta and important to First Nations and MĂ©tis communities in Alberta ... some of our plants will be familiar to many people and found in many areas of North America. For instance, on a drive from Montreal to New York City this week, my husband and I (Dawn) pulled over into a rest stop where the grass was teeming with early wild flowers. Some kind of violet, and many others which I could not possibly name: But there in the middle of it all, wild strawberries - a plant we will have in our garden in Edmonton.

There were literally thousands of wild strawberry plants, only a few were flowering (it's early for the plants to be flowering in my part of the country), but I imagine 3-4 weeks from now it will be a great place to stop and have a sweet snack.