2012-06-05 Planting Party

Post date: Jun 05, 2012 8:40:8 PM

Yesterday, we held the planting party on the balconies as we transplanted all of the plants to the large outdoor planters. The turnout was great, and so was the weather.

As everyone gathered for the planting, elders Isabelle Kootenay and Alvine Mountain Horse said prayers to bless the gardens. Tobacco was passed around to everyone on the balcony as we prepared to offer it to the earth in return for the plants it will sustain for us. Once everyone had said their blessings and packed their tobacco into the soil, it was time to plant.

Everyone had the chance to plant at least one plant, wherever they chose in the gardens. This will allow the plants to grow similar to the way they would in nature, interacting with multiple other species around it. Some of the very small plants were left in the newspaper planters, but the larger plants were removed for fear of the roots growing faster than the newspaper could begin to decompose.

In a very short time, all the plants had been transplanted in the garden. Everyone had the chance to sit back, enjoy the nice weather and some lemonade on the balconies. The gardens are now ready to embark on their journey of growth.

Special thanks to everyone who came out to participate in the planting! To see the pictures from the event, click here.