2012-07-18 Open Call for Ideas

Post date: Jul 18, 2012 3:45:47 PM

I would like to put an open call out to anyone reading this: what learning outcomes from the Alberta curriculum would you like to see covered in a lesson plan with the garden?

As I am working on a few different lesson plans (science AND cross-curricular, to be posted soon), I am wondering what would be most valuable to the people who want to use the ideas presented in their classrooms. They don’t have to be for science classes, they can be anything!

If you don’t have any specific learning outcomes that you want ideas for, but you have a certain activity or project in mind, please let us know! We can try to find a learning outcome that can be covered, while still relating it to the garden and Indigenous perspectives.

If any of the above applies to you, please visit our guest book and fill out the comments/suggestions section. Thank you!!