2012-07-05 Please Feed the Worms

Post date: Jul 05, 2012 3:13:56 PM

Yesterday we introduced the vermicompost bin, donated on behalf of Susan Barker, to the East balcony! Here’s a little bit of info to help you see what will be happening:

First, we shredded old copies of The Gateway in order to provide some space for the worms. The Gateway is the best option for newspaper, as it is printed with vegetable based dyes. We then wet it down a bit, and got ready to add the worms!

The worms have already been thriving in 2 bins in the Secondary Education Lounge, munching away on whatever people have been putting in there. There is a lot of them (big and small), so it was ok to take a few to start multiple new bins! About 1/6 of one bin was added to the bins we started yesterday, as well as some untouched plant material to give the worms something to eat until someone feeds them!

The bin is now located on the East balcony (through EdTech Services), on the outside by the door. Since there are no garbage cans on the balcony, I’m hoping that people will add some of their fruit and vegetable garbage to the bin to feed the worms! If you’re curious to see what it looks like, please go up and visit them whenever you can. We are hoping to use the castings they produce to help fertilize the gardens!